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Gronk...late 2nd steal? (1 Viewer)


So the idea is to win the league championship, and for most of us that means being strongest when the playoffs come around. I know its taking a BIG risk with such an important pick, but you do have to finish 1st out of 12 and isn't this the type of pick that can make that happen,especially in te bonus leagues? Coming in 1st or last is better than finishing in 3rd or 6th, correct?

I agree. You do take the risk of missing the playoffs, but the goal is TITLE, not playoffs. To me finishing 12th is the same as finishing 2nd.

Late 2nd, I will gladly take him in a league where the title is determined by late season playoffs. In a total points league, no.

You just have to hope to get a little lucky and sneak into the playoffs, but if you do, that gronk with a late 2nd just became a nice advantage.

League type and scoring system dependent of course.

I can see a pretty significant amount of gronk owners as league champions based on where you can get him this year.

However I also see a slew of gronk owners missing the playoffs without getting that chance to run the playoff table.

I can see a pretty significant amount of gronk owners as league champions based on where you can get him this year.

However I also see a slew of gronk owners missing the playoffs without getting that chance to run the playoff table.
You really wanna gamble? How about drafting Gronk AND Amendola.

That could either win your league going away, or flame out in spectacular fashion.

I'd take a chance on Gronk at the 2-3 turn. Assuming I took Peterson #1, and the other pick on the turn will have some great value too.

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I can see a pretty significant amount of gronk owners as league champions based on where you can get him this year.

However I also see a slew of gronk owners missing the playoffs without getting that chance to run the playoff table.
You really wanna gamble? How about drafting Gronk AND Amendola.

That could either win your league going away, or flame out in spectacular fashion.
Love it

My bigger fear for Gronk is that he will not be the same guy initially upon his return. If that were the case, you couldn't use him for the games he missed and you would still need someone else to cover for him until he got up to speed. Remember, he hasn't done anything football or practice related AT ALL since mid-November (basically 8 months and counting). If he misses 2-3 games to start the season and then puts up another 3-4 with lines like 3-35-0, fantasy owners might only reap the benefit of a half dozen games of the real Gronk before the fantasy playoffs start. I think the shark move is to let Gronk either miss time or start slow and then acquire him.

My bigger fear for Gronk is that he will not be the same guy initially upon his return. If that were the case, you couldn't use him for the games he missed and you would still need someone else to cover for him until he got up to speed. Remember, he hasn't done anything football or practice related AT ALL since mid-November (basically 8 months and counting). If he misses 2-3 games to start the season and then puts up another 3-4 with lines like 3-35-0, fantasy owners might only reap the benefit of a half dozen games of the real Gronk before the fantasy playoffs start. I think the shark move is to let Gronk either miss time or start slow and then acquire him.
Not too many redraft leagues have trades. God I hate redraft leagues that allow trades with a Passion.

The risk is of course missing the playoffs. The reward is an increased chance of a title if you do make the playoffs. Worth it depending on how reasonable that cost is. Late 2nd when a guy like graham goes in the 1st is good value for that IMO.

I just sold Gronk in a PPR dynasty league (along with K. Hunter and Boyce) for Fitz, Jordy Nelson, and D. Allen.

I like Gronk a lot this year (assuming he's 100% healthy and recovered) but felt that was too good of value to pass up.

I agree. You do take the risk of missing the playoffs, but the goal is TITLE, not playoffs. To me finishing 12th is the same as finishing 2nd.

Late 2nd, I will gladly take him in a league where the title is determined by late season playoffs. In a total points league, no.

You just have to hope to get a little lucky and sneak into the playoffs, but if you do, that gronk with a late 2nd just became a nice advantage.

League type and scoring system dependent of course.
If I finish 2nd I make money.

And/or I get some pretty good bragging rights, or at least a lack of being ripped on.

12th...yeah, please no.

Gronk is good for double digit TD's. If you can get him after the 2nd round, your golden. And, as RN said, though a bit sarcastically, if you can get Amendola too, you'll be in great shape.

First round Calvin, 2nd, Amendola, 3rd Gronk.

That would be a great start.

Gronk is good for double digit TD's. If you can get him after the 2nd round, your golden. And, as RN said, though a bit sarcastically, if you can get Amendola too, you'll be in great shape.

First round Calvin, 2nd, Amendola, 3rd Gronk.

That would be a great start.
I wasn't being sarcastic in the least. I'd love to have both of them, but it's a huge risk.

Last year when no one was really worried about Gronk he was going in the late first or early second in leagues that didn't have bonuses for tight ends. So late second is value, but it isn't a steal. Mid to late 3rd would be a steal.

Gronk is good for double digit TD's. If you can get him after the 2nd round, your golden. And, as RN said, though a bit sarcastically, if you can get Amendola too, you'll be in great shape.

First round Calvin, 2nd, Amendola, 3rd Gronk.

That would be a great start.
IF they stay healthy ( Gronk + Amendola) , and play to the level of the hype, that would be a pretty amazing start for you..

if not,your screwed.two of your first three picks are busts, now what do you do?

for my money,the shark move is to let someone else draft Amendola and Gronk..

as far as being a steal, if Gronk is still out there in 4th round,he's a steal,2nd round, you've overpaid for him..

Gronk is good for double digit TD's. If you can get him after the 2nd round, your golden. And, as RN said, though a bit sarcastically, if you can get Amendola too, you'll be in great shape.

First round Calvin, 2nd, Amendola, 3rd Gronk.

That would be a great start.
IF they stay healthy ( Gronk + Amendola) , and play to the level of the hype, that would be a pretty amazing start for you..

if not,your screwed.two of your first three picks are busts, now what do you do?

for my money,the shark move is to let someone else draft Amendola and Gronk..

as far as being a steal, if Gronk is still out there in 4th round,he's a steal,2nd round, you've overpaid for him..
In a redraft, that is a VERY acceptable risk. Your only two choices are win a title, and not win a title. Not like dynasty there your 3rd choice is to make a horrible pick an suffer for years because of ti.

Not sure who is taking Amendola that high though. 4th maybe, not 2nd or early 3rd lik someone mentioned.

Gronk 3rd, Amendola 4th. Sign me up for that in a redraft for sure.

Gronk is good for double digit TD's. If you can get him after the 2nd round, your golden. And, as RN said, though a bit sarcastically, if you can get Amendola too, you'll be in great shape.

First round Calvin, 2nd, Amendola, 3rd Gronk.

That would be a great start.
IF they stay healthy ( Gronk + Amendola) , and play to the level of the hype, that would be a pretty amazing start for you..

if not,your screwed.two of your first three picks are busts, now what do you do?

for my money,the shark move is to let someone else draft Amendola and Gronk..

as far as being a steal, if Gronk is still out there in 4th round,he's a steal,2nd round, you've overpaid for him..
In a redraft, that is a VERY acceptable risk. Your only two choices are win a title, and not win a title. Not like dynasty there your 3rd choice is to make a horrible pick an suffer for years because of ti.

Not sure who is taking Amendola that high though. 4th maybe, not 2nd or early 3rd lik someone mentioned.

Gronk 3rd, Amendola 4th. Sign me up for that in a redraft for sure.
taking a real RB risk there....


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