The Seahawks and The Bronco's are the first teams in my memory who had Outstanding seasons and yet both are looked upon as 2nd tier.
I can kinda understand the reasoning behind the Seahawks because of the Division they were in, but The Lack of respect given to the Bronoc's the last month is
They played in one of the toughest Divisions in football, where 3 of the 4 were all Playoff Caliper teams and they ended the season with a 13-3 record and yet 90% of the "experts" picked the Pats to win.
Steelers were never disrespected in my mind. Sure not many gave them a chance to win in indy. But that wasn't as much disrespect for The Steelers as it was respect for the season the Colts had.
Panthers have had respect when they deserved it, but some of their Losses at home left everyone feeling
Should be some GREAT matchs ups this week.
But I have to believe The Seahawks won't be setting up their CB's to be one on one with Steve Smith. He will be Double and tripled covered at all times of the game and The Panthers will have to find some other way to win.
Down to Goings at RB leaves them a season away from the Big Game.
Steelers will present a Lot of problems for the Bronco's. But then again Facing The bengals Defense and the Colts Defense isn't as tough as what The Bronco's Defense will bring.
Seahawks vs. The Bronoc's for a West Divisional Super Bowl.