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harvin (1 Viewer)

To be fair, we do not know which Harvin this post is about.

For Percy Harvin, no official word either way but Hawks want to take it slow and have said, strangely, that they don't know what his role will be when he does come back. My gut says probably not active yet this week out of caution. Lots of great discussion in other threads, incliding the one with Vereen and Brown in it.

Still looks like Wilson needs a playmaker at WR, and now Rice is done for the game with a knee injury. Can't wait to see how he does - hopefully next week.

Gopher State said:
looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.

I doubt that we'll know anything till at least Thursday, but Seattle's pathetic offensive performance last night bodes well in Harvin's favor.

Seems like he is itching to come back, but the decision will ultimately be made by Carroll/Seattle staff. One thing can certainly be said- Once he does come back he will have plenty of opportunities for big plays. You see the way St Louis was stacking the box last night. Not sure if teams will play Seattle this way in the future but if they do there will a ton of 1 on 1 coverage for harvin to exploit.

Seattle Seahawks WR Percy Harvin (hip) was on track to play in Week 8, but his hip flared up Thursday, Oct. 24.

Footballguys view: Fantasy owners are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for Harvin to return. The team won't rush him back before he's ready, but Harvin is really close to getting back out there. They'll monitor him this week in practice to see if he can play in Week 9 against the Buccaneers.
Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.

Gopher State said:
looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.
have you let him know? i am sure he will play this week once he understands your situation.
Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.
I highly doubt he'd practice this week if the flare up was going to sideline him for another 4 weeks. 4 weeks would be a major setback and I feel like it would have been more news about it if it was that major. They need him back now, it doesn't matter how "easy" the next few games are. They almost lost to the Rams last night. That is a definite cause for concern.

Gopher State said:
looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.
have you let him know? i am sure he will play this week once he understands your situation.
Thanks for the quality input.

Irritation is a normal part of the process, If there were a concern about Harvin's health they wont allow him to practice this week. Is he practicing? and if so in what capacity?

Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.
The hip flare up is a major concern, I still think he is three weeks out

can't say i like that line about having him 'bleed into the lineup'. WTF does that even mean and is this claim even credible?

The three easier games before the bye would be the perfect time for them to work Harvin in and let him get his timing down with Wilson. Last night made it painfully obvious that they need more offensive punch if they're going to go all the way. These three pre-bye games can be Harvin's preseason that he missed. Then a week to rest, and be up to speed after the bye. As long as he's healthy, I can't imagine them holding him out. Their window is closing. They need to win the Super Bowl now, rather than later.

Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.
I highly doubt he'd practice this week if the flare up was going to sideline him for another 4 weeks. 4 weeks would be a major setback and I feel like it would have been more news about it if it was that major. They need him back now, it doesn't matter how "easy" the next few games are. They almost lost to the Rams last night. That is a definite cause for concern.

Gopher State said:
looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.
have you let him know? i am sure he will play this week once he understands your situation.
Thanks for the quality input.
my point exactly.
Interesting...makes sense to "bleed" him back into the lineup. Makes sense that these next three games are his "preseason" type games in getting him back up to speed to go full foce after Seattle's bye; perhaps peaking for a playoff run. Seems like Seattle can use a little "new juice" injected into their game plans. II see some rankings have Percy quite low WR's 30-35 overall - 3 catches 35 yards and .2 TD or so. I'm wondering in a TD heavy league if Percy just might find paydirt to get a smile from Carroll and his teammates? I mean they have a lot invested. I also wonder how they will work him into to getting the ball. The playbook has already been created. Could be fun watching or is it hype? Fantasy wise I have to pick between Gordon, Decker, A Brown,, and now Harvin in strarting two.

Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.
I highly doubt he'd practice this week if the flare up was going to sideline him for another 4 weeks. 4 weeks would be a major setback and I feel like it would have been more news about it if it was that major. They need him back now, it doesn't matter how "easy" the next few games are. They almost lost to the Rams last night. That is a definite cause for concern.

looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.
have you let him know? i am sure he will play this week once he understands your situation.
Thanks for the quality input.
my point exactly.
This is what is sad about FBG. People who think we care about their teams and provide bias info that they hope happens because it helps their team.

Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.
I highly doubt he'd practice this week if the flare up was going to sideline him for another 4 weeks. 4 weeks would be a major setback and I feel like it would have been more news about it if it was that major. They need him back now, it doesn't matter how "easy" the next few games are. They almost lost to the Rams last night. That is a definite cause for concern.

looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.
have you let him know? i am sure he will play this week once he understands your situation.
Thanks for the quality input.
my point exactly.
This is what is sad about FBG. People who think we care about their teams and provide bias info that they hope happens because it helps their team.
I don't understand. A lot of users here (me included) play in many leagues, therefore I own a majority of fantasy relevant players somewhere in some league. Should I not be allowed to talk about any of them?

I asked the guy who said "looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps" where he got his info from because it sounds like he got it from a source. It didn't say, "I think he'll be out 3 more weeks". Besides that, I only stated why I thought being out another 4 weeks seemed unlikely to me given the fact that he may even play this week. I never provided any bias info, I said what I thought and made it clear it was a thought, unlike the original guy who said "he's out 3 weeks" with no source or way of backing it up. How is me stating my opinion and making it clear that it was my opinion worse than someone posting one incomplete sentence with info that is masked as being from a reputable source?

Please explain to me what I did wrong here. Maybe the problem with this forum is that people are too busy complaining about what's wrong with this forum instead of discussing the topic at hand. I'm not asking for fantasy advice, so you can't say I'm in the wrong forum. I didn't mention who I would have to drop to fill in for him. I'm so sorry for mentioning that I own him in a fantasy league. I didn't know you weren't allowed to discuss players you own.

Edit: All signs are pointing towards him playing this week on a reduced snap count unless he has another setback. That being said, again, what did I say wrong? Shouldn't everybody be blasting Gopher State for saying "looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps" with no info to back that up? Everything I said was my opinion about his injury and it's looking like I was right.

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Week 9 TB

Week 10 ATL

Week 11 MN

Week 12 BYE

If his hip flared up, and he had a setback, you may not see him until week 13.

Sure, they could activate him per PUP rules, but he may not play- none of those are against tough teams, and they still have the edge on home field.
I highly doubt he'd practice this week if the flare up was going to sideline him for another 4 weeks. 4 weeks would be a major setback and I feel like it would have been more news about it if it was that major. They need him back now, it doesn't matter how "easy" the next few games are. They almost lost to the Rams last night. That is a definite cause for concern.

looks like harvin is about three weeks out, I hope this helps
What makes you say that? Just curious. Due to bye weeks, I was banking on him playing this week or else I'd have to drop someone I wouldn't want to.
have you let him know? i am sure he will play this week once he understands your situation.
Thanks for the quality input.
my point exactly.
This is what is sad about FBG. People who think we care about their teams and provide bias info that they hope happens because it helps their team.
Trolls like you are what's sad about FBG. A few years back, you would have been banned in week one of the season for your constant trolling. Not sure why the mods have changed their approach about allowing troublemakers to ruin this forum, but they did and you're the beneficiary.

Still up in the air - sounds like we'll have to wait for practice today / tomorrow? Article leans toward doubtful this week?

Same article has been updated to say he is officially out for Sunday

Doesn't really sound close either. Apparently he didn't do much of anything at practice last week

"Percy won't play this week," [Carroll] said during his weekly spot on SiriusXM NFL Radio. "He's getting close but not close enough."Fox Sports 1 reported that Harvin was on track to return against the St. Louis Rams on Monday night until his surgically repaired hip "flared up" in practice last Thursday. The team slowed Harvin down after that.

"We want to make sure we don't go too far too fast," Carroll said Wednesday. "We're looking for the long haul in his recovery. We want to make sure we manage our way through that. We're being very careful. He didn't do a whole lot last week. He did very little. It seems like it's best to keep him in that mode a little longer."
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