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HB1557: Ron DeSantis Reveals His TRUTH About Falsely Labeled "Don't Say Gay" Bill (4/25/22 14:12 PST) (1 Viewer)


VIDEO: Ron DeSantis Reveals The TRUTH About The Falsely Labeled "Don't Say Gay" Bill Apr 22, 2022 Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro and Ron DeSantis sit down to discuss the truth about the falsely-labeled "Don't Say Gay" bill, Disney's recent fallout, and the future of Florida.


CS/CS/HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education

Parental Rights in Education; Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.

Effective Date: 7/1/2022 Last Action: 3/29/2022



**VIDEO**: “How Gender Ideology Almost Destroyed My Family” - January Littlejohn Nov 18, 2021

Listen to January Littlejohn's testimony about her family's encounter with gender ideology. Presented at the "Empowering Parents to Protect Children: Responding to Critical Race Theory & Transgender Ideology" lecture hosted by the Heritage Foundation and Florida Family Policy Council on Nov. 3rd, 2021.


FULL LENGTH VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33KeLh8aOk


I believe it's very important to consider Florida's HB1557: Parental Rights In Education in full context. Also to hear Ron De Santis and his views on the situation and to hear out January Littlejohn, a Florida parent whose case and experiences with her own daughter became the initial breaking point that created this new law. It's becoming more than clear Littlejohn's story is being suppressed by the activist complicit left leaning MSM because it deals with a parent who was not reasonably notified of her daughters gender issues/concerns/situation. Also Littlejohn's daughter was given a "guide" by her school which implied that to tell your parents about gender issues/concerns would trigger them to throw you out of your home and that you would instantly become homeless and/or that it would trigger some type of physical/emotional/mental child abuse.

There is no instance of the world "gay" in HB1557. There is no instance of the phrase "Don't Say Gay" in HB1557.

Two Contextual Material sections are below. The first to cover HB1557 in more depth. The second is to cover the "opposition" viewpoint from the perspective of the radical left and the activist complicit left leaning MSM.

I'll leave this here for others to discuss. This is a very complex wide ranging topic.


In accordance with the rights of parents enumerated in ss. 1002.20 and 1014.04, adopt procedures for notifying a student's parent if there is a change in the student's services or monitoring related to the student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being....

The procedures must reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children by requiring school district personnel to encourage a student to discuss issues relating to his or her well-being with his or her parent or to seek permission to discuss or facilitate discussion of the issue with the parent. The procedures must comply with s. 1002.22(2) and may not prohibit a parent from accessing any of his or her minor child's education records created, maintained, or used by the school district....

A school district may not adopt procedures or student support forms that require school district personnel to withhold from a parent information about his or her student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, or a change in related services or monitoring, or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such information, unless a reasonably prudent person would believe that such disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. 39.01.....

A school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age -appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students....

SUBJECT: Parental Rights in Education
DATE: February 25, 2022


Constitutional Rights of Parents

It is well settled that the interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children is perhaps the oldest of the recognized fundamental liberty interests protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 1 This fundamental liberty interest is rooted in the fundamental right of privacy in making important decisions relating to marriage, family relationships, and child rearing and education. 2 The United States Supreme Court has explained the fundamental nature of this right is rooted in history and tradition: The history and culture of Western civilization reflect a strong tradition of parental concern for the nurture and upbringing of their children. This primary role of the parents in the upbringing of their children is now established beyond debate as an enduring American tradition.

According to the Florida Supreme Court, when analyzing a statute that infringes on the fundamental right of privacy, the applicable standard of review requires that the statute survive the highest level of scrutiny: The right of privacy is a fundamental right which we believe demands the compelling state interest standard. This test shifts the burden of proof to the state to justify an intrusion on privacy. The burden can be met by demonstrating that the challenged regulation serves a compelling state interest and accomplishes its goal through the use of the least intrusive means. The United States Supreme Court has held that students in schools are ‘persons’ under the Constitution and that they are possessed of fundamental rights which the state must respect.

Parents’ Rights Related to Education of their Child

The Parents’ Bill of Rights enumerates several rights of a parent, such as:

The right to direct the education and care of his or her minor child.
 The right to direct the upbringing and the moral or religious training of the minor child.
 The right, pursuant to s. 1002.20(13), F.S., to access and review all school records relating to
the minor child.
The right to make health care decisions for his or her minor child, unless otherwise
prohibited by law.

 The right to access and review all medical records of the minor child, unless prohibited by
law or if the parent is the subject of an investigation of a crime committed against the minor
child and a law enforcement agency or official requests that the information not be

In addition to the above enumerated rights, the Parents’ Bill of Rights requires Florida’s school
districts to adopt policies designed to promote parental involvement in the public school system.
Such policies must provide for:
 A plan, pursuant to s. 1002.23, F.S., for parental participation in schools to improve parent
and teacher cooperation in such areas as homework, school attendance, and discipline.
A procedure, pursuant to s. 1002.20(19)(b), F.S., for a parent to learn about his or her child's
course of study, including the source of any supplemental education materials.

 Procedures for a parent to object to instructional materials, pursuant to s. 1006.28(2)(a)2.,
F.S. Such objections may be based on beliefs regarding morality, sex, and religion or the
belief that such materials are harmful.
 Procedures, pursuant to s. 1002.20(3)(d), F.S., for a parent to withdraw his or her student
from any portion of the school district's comprehensive health education required under s.
1003.42(2)(n), F.S., that relates to sex education or instruction in acquired immune
deficiency syndrome education or any instruction regarding sexuality if the parent provides a
written objection to his or her child's participation. Such procedures must provide for a parent
to be notified in advance of such course content so that he or she may withdraw his or her
student from those portions of the course.
 Procedures, pursuant to s. 1006.195(1)(a), F.S., for a parent to learn about the nature and
purpose of clubs and activities offered at his or her child's school, including those that are
extracurricular or part of the school curriculum.

Parental Consent for Medical Treatment

Parents generally have the right to be informed about, and give consent for, proposed medical procedures on their children. However, the state also has an obligation to ensure that children receive reasonable medical treatment that is necessary for the preservation of life.... A parent may reject medical treatment for a child and the state may not interfere with such decision if the evidence is not sufficiently compelling to establish the primacy of the state's interest, or that the child's own welfare would be best served by such treatment

The bill expressly prohibits a school district from adopting any procedures or student support
forms that:
 Require district personnel to withhold from a parent information about his or her student’s
mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being; or
Encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such

The bill bars school personnel from discouraging or prohibiting the notification of parents or
parental involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical
health or well-being.

Additionally, the bill prohibits classroom instruction by school personnel and third parties about sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. The bill requires school districts, at the beginning of each school year, to notify parents of each health care service available to their student through the school district and permit parents to consent to, or decline, each service individually. However, the bill specifies that consent to a service does not waive the parent’s right to access his or her student’s educational or health records or to be notified about changes in services or monitoring. The bill also requires school districts to obtain parental consent before administering a student well-being questionnaire or health screening form to a student in kindergarten through grade 3. A copy of the questionnaire or health screening form must be provided to the parent in advance....

1 Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 748 and 753 (1982) (holding the fundamental liberty interest of natural parents in the
care custody, and management of their child is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, and termination of any parental
rights requires due process proceedings); Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, 66 (2000) (holding there is a fundamental right
under the Fourteenth Amendment for parents to oversee the care, custody, and control of their children).
2 Carey v. Population Svcs. Int’l, 431 US 678, 684-685 (1977) (recognizing the right of privacy in personal decisions relating
to marriage, family relationships, child rearing, and education); See Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406, U.S. 205, 232-33 (1972)
(holding a state law requiring that children attend school past eight grade violates the parents’ constitutional right to direct the religious upbringing of their children); See Parham v. J.R., 442 U.S. 584, 602 (1979) (recognizing the presumption that
parents act in their children’s best interest); Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 400-01 (1923) (affirming that the Constitution
protects the preferences of the parent in education over those of the state); Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, 534-35
(1925) (recognizing the right of parents to direct the upbringing of and education of their children).
3 Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406, U.S. 205, 232 (1972).


Direct Headline: Florida's anti-gay bill is wrong. It's also unconstitutional.

The extraordinary vagueness of what critics call the "Don't Say Gay" bill could have a chilling effect on the free speech rights of LGBTQ teachers and students...Nowhere does HB 1557 define its operative terms: “instruction,” “on sexual orientation,” “on … gender identity,” “appropriate” or “third parties.”...Unsure of what is and isn’t prohibited, teachers and “third parties” alike will “steer far wider of the unlawful zone . . . than if the boundaries of the forbidden areas were clearly marked.”...The chilling effect HB 1557 could underscore the core harm it poses: the burden on the free speech rights of LGBTQ teachers and students.

By Daniel Putnam, NBCNews March 28, 2022, 2:09 PM PDT


Direct Headline: How a lawsuit over a teen spurred Florida Republicans to pass the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law

Florida GOP lawmakers frequently cited the Littlejohns’ lawsuit as they debated the bill during the recent legislative session...The teen, according to a federal lawsuit, said they “might be non-binary” and wanted to change their name ahead of the upcoming school year to one that fit a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth. The mother, January Littlejohn, and her husband said “no,”...the Littlejohns, who sued Leon County Schools in 2021 claiming that school officials helped their child transition to a different gender without informing them. ...“I didn’t see it coming, which is why I try to warn parents,” January Littlejohn said in an interview...The Leon guide that the Littlejohns objected to, in one example, specifies that school employees should not “out” a student to their parents if they believe the student may be LGBTQ, warning that it “can literally make them homeless,” meaning their parents will kick them out of the house. Another support guide that caught the attention of lawmakers in Martin County says that “it is never appropriate to divulge the sexual orientation of a student to a parent” barring the “the very limited exception involving the imminent fear of physical harm,” which could include physical abuse.....says the school LGBTQ guides at the center of their lawsuit are being “surreptitiously” introduced at schools in Florida and elsewhere without parents being in the know.....“It should be obvious to anyone that schools are not competent, qualified or authorized to make that kind of decision...The parents have to be notified.”...

By Andrew Atterbury and Gary Fineout 03/29/2022 04:31 AM EDT


Direct Headline: Florida's governor signs controversial law opponents dubbed 'Don't Say Gay'

The Trevor Project condemned the signing of the bill saying the bill erases "LGBTQ identity, history, and culture — as well as LGBTQ students themselves."...The group also critiqued the policy's parental notification requirements. The law requires parents to be the first to be notified of any health or support services offered to their kids in school and allows them the chance to deny those services on behalf of their children.....The Trevor Project says these provisions, "appear to undermine LGBTQ support in schools and include vague parental notification requirements, which could effectively require teachers to 'out' LGBTQ students to their legal guardians without their consent, regardless of whether they are supportive."...

Jaclyn Diaz March 28, 2022 2:33 PM ET


Direct Headline: Florida’s law limiting LGBTQ discussion in schools, explained

1. It bans instruction or classroom discussion about LGBTQ issues for kindergarten through third grade.

2. It empowers parents to sue the school district over teachings they don’t like. And the district will have to pay for it.

3. It requires schools to tell parents when their child receives mental health services.

By Amber Phillips April 22, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. EDT


Direct Headline: Critics of Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law say it will damage LGBTQ students, parents and teachers

"And I know that bill doesn't say that but we all know, we can't be that ignorant to that ... it's going to scare educators to try and hide their identity, or do the best they can to hide their identity and it's going to be most damaging to those students," she added. "I know it firsthand, because I saw it in the community I lived in."...."I just think that it's an attack not only on teachers, especially teachers who are LGBTQ+, but it is attack on our kids," she said. "And you know, when you deny one kid, you're denying all kids."..."This bill is condemning the LGBTQ+ community to death," Walden said. "If you're telling a child that is gay or whatever sexuality, that they're going to hell, or that they need to be quiet and not share with the class, that's just going to cause so much inner trauma and conflict and if they don't have a support system to turn to ... what do you think is going to happen with this child?"...

By Alisha Ebrahimji, Leyla Santiago and Sara Weisfeldt, CNN Updated 12:09 PM ET, Fri April 1, 2022


 VIDEO: Joy Reid: Baby MAGA DeSantis Is Mad Disney Opposes His 'Don't Say Gay' LawApr 20, 2022 MSNBC

As Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis moves to strip Disney of its self-governing status, because it opposes his "Don’t Say Gay" law, the widespread GOP playbook of unethically attacking opponents is slammed by Democrats and others nationwide.


Also Littlejohn's daughter was given a "guide" by her school which implied that to tell your parents about gender issues/concerns would trigger them to throw you out of your home and that you would instantly become homeless and/or that it would trigger some type of physical/emotional/mental child abuse.
I listened to the video you posted.    this point in your original post, which was repeated in the video of this girls mother is, not even sure i know what to say on that.   disturbing.

I listened to the video you posted.    this point in your original post, which was repeated in the video of this girls mother is, not even sure i know what to say on that.   disturbing.

kodycutter, what I find interesting, and this is something you might have observed as well in the PSF but also within the range of Big Social Media, MSM, etc, is that there is this enduring narrative by the hard radical woke left that there is some kind of lying game/spin control game/manipulation game by all Conservatives and/or Republicans to distort the truth.

There's even a top level thread that lists right leaning sources like Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, etc, etc that should instantly be denounced as all lies and should be immediately attacked. Hilariously I barely use those sources. Even with just the sources on the activist left, if you look closely enough, and I'm well versed in doing so, it's not hard to find where the cooked MSM will eventually incriminate themselves.

Why does anyone need to lie? Why does anyone need spin control? Why does anyone need some kind of nefarious media optics campaign?

This current Biden Administration is a disaster zone. The relentless push for identity politics and intersectionality at all costs, even above the economy, America's children, America's brave soldiers and service members, America's dutiful law enforcement community, even above fighting inflation, the Border Crisis, the repugnant retreat from Afghanistan, the cooked public policy that turns Big Blue Cities into criminal havens and the pure lawlessness, casually dismissing the looting and rioting of 2020/21 and on and on and on.

No one needs "spin" here. All Conservatives like you and I need to do is to point out the facts. There is no usage of "gay" nor "Don't Say Gay" in HB1557. The bill is actually, to my viewpoint, not as incendiary as the radical left and the cooked activist MSM wants all Americans to believe. They are relying on their belief that most leftists will only observe the shock marketing click bait outrage culture type headlines without a deep dive into the context nor the complexity. It's relied on because sadly it works. I'm willing to routinely dig into the context and the complexity, thus I am routinely attacked and there is a non stop push by the radical leftists to have me banned/permanently banned.

A complete and total disaster zone needs no lies/no nefarious means to expose it as a complete and total disaster zone. The carnage is plain as day.

"When Debate Is Lost, Slander Becomes The Tool Of The Loser"  - Unknown

kodycutter, what I find interesting, and this is something you might have observed as well in the PSF but also within the range of Big Social Media, MSM, etc, is that there is this enduring narrative by the hard radical woke left that there is some kind of lying game/spin control game/manipulation game by all Conservatives and/or Republicans to distort the truth.

There's even a top level thread that lists right leaning sources like Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, etc, etc that should instantly be denounced as all lies and should be immediately attacked. Hilariously I barely use those sources. Even with just the sources on the activist left, if you look closely enough, and I'm well versed in doing so, it's not hard to find where the cooked MSM will eventually incriminate themselves.

Why does anyone need to lie? Why does anyone need spin control? Why does anyone need some kind of nefarious media optics campaign?

This current Biden Administration is a disaster zone. The relentless push for identity politics and intersectionality at all costs, even above the economy, America's children, America's brave soldiers and service members, America's dutiful law enforcement community, even above fighting inflation, the Border Crisis, the repugnant retreat from Afghanistan, the cooked public policy that turns Big Blue Cities into criminal havens and the pure lawlessness, casually dismissing the looting and rioting of 2020/21 and on and on and on.

No one needs "spin" here. All Conservatives like you and I need to do is to point out the facts. There is no usage of "gay" nor "Don't Say Gay" in HB1557. The bill is actually, to my viewpoint, not as incendiary as the radical left and the cooked activist MSM wants all Americans to believe. They are relying on their belief that most leftists will only observe the shock marketing click bait outrage culture type headlines without a deep dive into the context nor the complexity. It's relied on because sadly it works. I'm willing to routinely dig into the context and the complexity, thus I am routinely attacked and there is a non stop push by the radical leftists to have me banned/permanently banned.

A complete and total disaster zone needs no lies/no nefarious means to expose it as a complete and total disaster zone. The carnage is plain as day.

"When Debate Is Lost, Slander Becomes The Tool Of The Loser"  - Unknown
I find your choice of language (highlighted in red above) interesting, especially when contrasted with your final sentence in blue.

I don't think the word "slander" means what you think it means.
It all depends on what key hole one’s looking down.  Perspective and intent are important.  Lib, for example, could be a descriptor or an insult depending on the intent of how it’s used.  

It all depends on what key hole one’s looking down.  Perspective and intent are important.  Lib, for example, could be a descriptor or an insult depending on the intent of how it’s used.  

I'm thinking of the legal version of having to prove "slander".  

Sex-ed textbook rejected by Miami school board after parents invoke ‘Don’t say gay’ bill 

Slippery slope? The vote was 5-4. 

This caught my attention, I'm not sure if it's in the middle school or high school version (there are 2 books).

>>In the chapter related to birth control, the group objected to the lesson on withdrawal, highlighting this sentence: “Withdrawal, or pulling out, is one of the least effective birth control methods when used alone.”<<

This too:

>>The lesson on emergency contraception and how it may help prevent pregnancy also drew their ire, specifically highlighting this sentence in the book: “Several types of emergency contraception pills are also available over-the-counter and do not require prescriptions, including ella and Plan B One-Step.”<<

So, there is currently no approved book in Miami Dade Public Schools for teaching about reproductive health and disease in middle and high school.

A further summary of the objections:

>>They didn’t like the terms cisgender or gender fluid when describing how three different people described their gender identity. They objected to a lesson on emergency contraception pills. They didn’t like the chapter guiding students to communicate with a trusted adult in difficult situations.<<

>>They didn’t like the terms cisgender or gender fluid when describing how three different people described their gender identity. They objected to a lesson on emergency contraception pills. They didn’t like the chapter guiding students to communicate with a trusted adult in difficult situations.<<
This is a perfectly valid reason for rejecting a textbook.  For the same reason that textbooks shouldn't be quoting Bible verses.  

This is a perfectly valid reason for rejecting a textbook.  For the same reason that textbooks shouldn't be quoting Bible verses.  
I agree that some objections were reasonable. I disagree with the objections raised about poor results with the pullout method of birth control and emergency contraception. More so now that abortion may be restricted in the near future.

This is a perfectly valid reason for rejecting a textbook.  For the same reason that textbooks shouldn't be quoting Bible verses.  
I'd need to read the exact passage in question, but this doesn't sound right.  Would you think the following would be a valid reason to object?

"They didn’t like the terms Christian or atheist when describing how three different people described their religious identity."


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