VIDEO: Ron DeSantis Reveals The TRUTH About The Falsely Labeled "Don't Say Gay" Bill Apr 22, 2022 Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro and Ron DeSantis sit down to discuss the truth about the falsely-labeled "Don't Say Gay" bill, Disney's recent fallout, and the future of Florida.
CS/CS/HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education
Parental Rights in Education; Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.
Effective Date: 7/1/2022 Last Action: 3/29/2022
**VIDEO**: “How Gender Ideology Almost Destroyed My Family” - January Littlejohn Nov 18, 2021
Listen to January Littlejohn's testimony about her family's encounter with gender ideology. Presented at the "Empowering Parents to Protect Children: Responding to Critical Race Theory & Transgender Ideology" lecture hosted by the Heritage Foundation and Florida Family Policy Council on Nov. 3rd, 2021.
FULL LENGTH VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33KeLh8aOk
I believe it's very important to consider Florida's HB1557: Parental Rights In Education in full context. Also to hear Ron De Santis and his views on the situation and to hear out January Littlejohn, a Florida parent whose case and experiences with her own daughter became the initial breaking point that created this new law. It's becoming more than clear Littlejohn's story is being suppressed by the activist complicit left leaning MSM because it deals with a parent who was not reasonably notified of her daughters gender issues/concerns/situation. Also Littlejohn's daughter was given a "guide" by her school which implied that to tell your parents about gender issues/concerns would trigger them to throw you out of your home and that you would instantly become homeless and/or that it would trigger some type of physical/emotional/mental child abuse.
There is no instance of the world "gay" in HB1557. There is no instance of the phrase "Don't Say Gay" in HB1557.
Two Contextual Material sections are below. The first to cover HB1557 in more depth. The second is to cover the "opposition" viewpoint from the perspective of the radical left and the activist complicit left leaning MSM.
I'll leave this here for others to discuss. This is a very complex wide ranging topic.
Ben Shapiro and Ron DeSantis sit down to discuss the truth about the falsely-labeled "Don't Say Gay" bill, Disney's recent fallout, and the future of Florida.
CS/CS/HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education
Parental Rights in Education; Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.
Effective Date: 7/1/2022 Last Action: 3/29/2022
**VIDEO**: “How Gender Ideology Almost Destroyed My Family” - January Littlejohn Nov 18, 2021
Listen to January Littlejohn's testimony about her family's encounter with gender ideology. Presented at the "Empowering Parents to Protect Children: Responding to Critical Race Theory & Transgender Ideology" lecture hosted by the Heritage Foundation and Florida Family Policy Council on Nov. 3rd, 2021.
FULL LENGTH VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33KeLh8aOk
I believe it's very important to consider Florida's HB1557: Parental Rights In Education in full context. Also to hear Ron De Santis and his views on the situation and to hear out January Littlejohn, a Florida parent whose case and experiences with her own daughter became the initial breaking point that created this new law. It's becoming more than clear Littlejohn's story is being suppressed by the activist complicit left leaning MSM because it deals with a parent who was not reasonably notified of her daughters gender issues/concerns/situation. Also Littlejohn's daughter was given a "guide" by her school which implied that to tell your parents about gender issues/concerns would trigger them to throw you out of your home and that you would instantly become homeless and/or that it would trigger some type of physical/emotional/mental child abuse.
There is no instance of the world "gay" in HB1557. There is no instance of the phrase "Don't Say Gay" in HB1557.
Two Contextual Material sections are below. The first to cover HB1557 in more depth. The second is to cover the "opposition" viewpoint from the perspective of the radical left and the activist complicit left leaning MSM.
I'll leave this here for others to discuss. This is a very complex wide ranging topic.