I’m a parent and I’d have zero fear about sending my daughter to this camp. Please don’t assume all parents share your ignorant and bigoted views of transgender children.
Direct Headline:
Florida dad speaks out after school board cut his mic for reading ‘pornography’ books he found in district
The Florida chapter president of No Left Turn in Education, Bruce Friedman, discussed having his microphone cut off at a school board meeting while pressing the district on inappropriate books..... A Florida school board cut off a dad's microphone, saying that the content he was reading was "pornography" as he tried to expose the materials he said were in schools. ....The Clay County School District dad, Bruce Friedman, ...."These books are so vile that reading any excerpt that I captured will end this interview.....Somebody failed drastically in their mission to protect children....As soon as I announced that I was going to read from some books that parents… found in the public school libraries that are clearly pornographic, [they] had the mic cut off....."
.....One of the books the dad raised at the school board meeting was "Lucky" by Alice Sebold, which entails a story of a college girl who was raped and included details of the attack. The Destiny Discover online library software in Fleming Island High School and Orange Park High School in Clay County included the title "Lucky."
"I'm going to stop you right there, sir," Friedman was told. "Turn off his microphone, please."
"Why?" Friedman asked.
"The problem is, sir, that these meetings are broadcast, there are people at home that are watching it on YouTube. There are people that are watching it on community television. Are you going to listen? Or are you going to run your mouth?"
The dad was told by the school board that he would not be allowed to read "pornography" on the broadcast, as it violated the law.
"There are federal and state laws that prohibit you from saying the things that you're getting out to say on television. There are state laws that prohibit and federal communications laws that prohibit you from publishing these things to a child. You don't have the ability at this point to determine who's watching the television show. And for you to say, ‘everybody cover your ears’ just doesn't cut it," the dad was told.
Fox News Digital reached out to the school board but did not immediately receive a response.
Friedman also weighed into the current debate on Drag Queen Story Hour performers. ...."People are arguing about things like Drag Queen Story Hour, whether or not is it appropriate for children to learn that other kinds of persons and lifestyles exist," he said...."I saw this recently, so I'm going to repeat it. We shouldn't be asking whether or not it's okay for our children to sit in on a Drag Queen Story Hour, we should be asking why the drag queens want an audience of children....."
By Hannah Grossman July 12, 2022 2:28am EDT
Direct Headline: Bus Boycott took planning, smarts
....“The Boycott didn’t happen by accident,” legendary civil rights attorney Fred Gray said during a recent interview. “It took meticulous planning and thought. It wasn’t something that came together overnight. It took discipline and smart people.”....Gray was one of the primary figures in that planning, and he served as Parks’ attorney after her arrest. The reality, Gray said, was that civil rights leaders, led by the local chapter of the NAACP, were looking for a place to make the most noise with a peaceful protest.....The atmosphere surrounding Montgomery’s bus line was perfect for producing such. Black residents had complained for years about mistreatment aboard the buses — of drivers abusing them, cops intimidating them, surly passengers pushing them around.....Numerous times, black passengers who had paid to ride were forced off the buses to allow whites on, and then were never repaid. Drivers often sped away instead of waiting on black passengers to board, a practice that led to the death of one black passenger.....
....Colvin’s arrest — a 15-year-old tossed in the city jail like an adult after being handled roughly by police — could certainly be used as a flash point to spark protests and a boycott of the bus lines. Legal action would come later.....But that plan was killed when Nixon discovered that Colvin was several months pregnant — the result, she says, of a statutory rape. Nixon and other leaders were concerned that Colvin’s pregnancy, no matter how it came about, would make it more difficult to get conservative church-goers behind the movement. And without the churches, there would be no boycott and no movement. So, they let the idea simmer and waited on another opportunity.....
....While it’s true enough that Parks earned a living as a seamstress, she was far from simple. At the time of her arrest in 1955, Parks was serving as the secretary of the NAACP’s state and Montgomery chapters and had been a civil rights activist for years. Her husband had been a protestor at the Scottsboro Boys’ trial in the 1930s....In addition to serving as secretary of the local NAACP chapter, Parks also was a member of the Montgomery Improvement Association, a collection of some of Montgomery’s most influential black leaders, and she headed up the NAACP’s youth leadership organization, working out of the Trinity Lutheran church....In those roles, Parks had become a central figure in civil rights activities around Montgomery, and she was within the inner circle of a group that included Gray, Nixon and other prominent black leaders....
....After leaving Parks’ home the night of her arrest, Nixon called Jo Ann Robinson, who was a professor at Alabama State College (now Alabama State University) and president of the Women’s Political Council. Robinson began printing fliers to alert the community of Parks’ arrest and to announce the idea of a one-day boycott.....That’s all civil rights leaders wanted at the time –— just one day of every black man and woman in the city not riding the buses. Just that one day would demonstrate the impact a long-term boycott might have, and it would aid in the pending legal action....
....Had Montgomery leaders merely given in to the relatively modest demands of black citizens — to not force blacks to stand for whites, to hire black bus drivers and not allow blacks to be forced out of the black seats on buses — the entire boycott would have folded.....But stupidity led to defiance and a determination among white leaders to stamp out any demands by black people who they saw as inferior humans. And instead of modest changes, the city was dealing with a federal lawsuit, Browder v. Gayle, filed by Gray on behalf of four female Montgomery residents and challenging the desegregation of the city’s bus system.....The case would make it all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled on Nov. 13, 1956 — the same day Montgomery received an injunction from Alabama courts to stop blacks from car pooling to work — that “separate but equal” was just as illegal for busing as it was for public education....
Josh Moon Nov 29, 2015
If your opinion of Old Man Gekko is that he's a "bigot", then that's your opinion.
I don't agree with it.
Above, you'll ask why I'm posting an article about Rosa Parks. It's because Parks was not an accident. The Civil Rights movement at the time knew they had limited opportunities to make a public stand, and they needed to pick their battles and resources carefully. They had to harness the goodwill and compliance of the working class blacks around them, and it would require sacrifice. The leaders knew they couldn't try, fail and keep asking those every day black Americans to keep staying vigilant with more trying and failing on a large scale.
What does this have to do with the LGBT movement and voting block?
If you want more laws that are more friendly and offer more choices for LGBT's, then you need to have elected officials who support that in office. They need to win elections to be in a position to push forward that policy. They can't win those elections without votes.
Do you know what's a good way to lose votes?
Push extremism. Incite the majority of working class parents. Lend the perception of taking advantage of innocent children.
Look at the other example above, where the father gets his mic cut off by a Florida school board, who acknowledges that they don't want him to read from a book they themselves approved for children to read, because it would offend, having details of a graphic rape, and because there are "people who are watching it on YouTube" Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
When parents are upset about things like this, where they have the viewpoint that their children are being intentionally sexualized, and if they are called bigots, like you called me a bigot, then that's a good way to lose elections. Lots of elections. And that's a good way to have elected officials you don't want in office. The kind that pass laws that are more restrictive than you want regarding LGBT issues.
Want a test case? The recent Virginia elections. Glenn Youngkin won mostly because he said he would simply listen to parents and line up his policy to match what most of them said they wanted. Terry McAuliffe simply said parents didn't have a right to know what their kids were being taught. How'd that work out for him?
Calling parents who disagree with you as bigots is a good way to entrench them as voters for elected officials you don't ever want to see holding power. I post example after example after example after example. I don't require anyone agree. I state the information, I state my case, and I let people decide for themselves.
This response is far better than what you deserve. Your response is a blueprint on what not to do to engage other parents who disagree. They just disagree. We live in a society where people can disagree. That doesn't make them automatically as bigots.
Let's just parse this down to the core of this situation. You just don't like me. I post a lot. I'm a Conservative. I hand people their lunches on a regular basis. I've handed you your lunch before plenty of times. But when I do it, I raise the level of discussion. I don't do it cheap. Attack me if you choose to do that. You've done it before. It will not silence me. Just like cutting off the mic of the Florida dad above didn't silence him.
The Rosa Parks lesson is very clear.
Those in a minority group have to pick their battles wisely. If you want change that benefits LGBT and their community, then supporting extremist positions that angers lots of parents isn't going to help your cause. You'll say you don't think it's extremist. OK, if they do and they represent more votes than you, then how does that help your cause?
You might have "zero fear" about sending your own children somewhere, but you don't represent all parents. And clearly lots of parents all around America are angry about these issues.
What makes your anger more righteous and more valuable than their anger?
And what is a bigot again?
A person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
Does that sound more like me? Or more like you?
Be enraged if you want. It's your choice. Call people bigots if they disagree with you. It's your choice. Watch those behaviors push voters in a way that doesn't help your cause. It's still your choice.
You chose poorly. Attacking me doesn't change that.