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Herm Edwards (2 Viewers)

Night Hawks

I'm not saying I've seen anybody bash him, but I was listening to the Dan Patrick show on the way home the other day and this guy is awesome. He never dodges a question like just about anybody else out there. He seems to be knowledgeable about just about everything that is thrown at him. He respects the history of the game and the game itself. I got home with the interview on. 20 minutes later I got out of my car because I just wanted to hear the rest of the interview.Herm Edwards fan :thumbup: And I don't even like the Jets!

he's a great guy but his game managing skills are probably the worst in the league.he almost never has timeouts in the second half. and he always seem to make the wrong decision with the game on the line.maybe its the coordinators around him though.

he's a great guy but his game managing skills are probably the worst in the league.he almost never has timeouts in the second half. and he always seem to make the wrong decision with the game on the line.maybe its the coordinators around him though.
Yeah, I'm not commenting on the guy's game managing skills. But I'd have to go with Martz if we're talking about the worst coach as far as game management skills. He's usually out of timeouts within 7 minutes or so!
Yeah, I'd say Herm is a better assistant head coach instead of being the one in charge. That being said, I love his attitude towards his players and the media. "YOU PLAY THE GAME TO WIN!!!"

Let me chime in as a Jets fan.I love Herm. I hope he's there for many years. As for game management, I wouldn't put all the blame on him. I'm not going to rant, but I think there needs to be a house cleaning starting with hackett. Get some fresh bodies in there with Herm.One thing is for sure, the team will play hard for Herm, they love him too. Management really screwed him on the Coles deal by not putting a good contract on the table to match the Skins.Further, Herm is a work-a-holic. The guy eats, sleeps and breathes football. He stands by his players, but will stand up to them when they are out of line. Needless to say I've got tons of respect for him.Lastly, should T.O. become a Jet in the off-season, I think He'll be a more complete player under Herm. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out though. I'd be surprised if T.O. would test Herm the way he tested Erickson this pre-season. I don't see Herm putting up with that kind of thing.

The players love Herm. Plus he's at the facilities for about 15 hours a day. I agree about the supporting cast around him. Some of the coaches need to go but who would you replace them with? A couple of years ago when Herm was just starting with the Jets, I saw him at a local driving range early one morning. When he was leaving I said to him "good luck caoch we are glad to have you here..." He stopped and we shook hands and talked for about 10 minutes - 5 on football and 5 on the neighborhoods, restaurants, golf in the area. Seems like a real good guy. I live 5 minutes from Hofstra where the Jets train so it's not uncommon to see some of these guys around during the season.He really does need better game management skills though :P

Live in New Jersey and not a big Jets fan, but he has a weekly radio show on Thursday's at 5:00 and I have a great appreciation for him. He never dodges questions and is just honest about everything in a non-pretentious way.The BlueOnion

Another Jets fan opinion:He came in here with very little experience coaching and managing games... Dealing with people and players he had down from the start...What I don't like about him is that he was never a Coordinatior or a "Genius" at one thing.. I don't think he can really game plan and adjust on the fly like a Bellichik, Parcells, Gruden etc etc... He has to rely on delagating, and trying to lead his assistants the way he wants them to go which allows for critical time lapses in getting what you want accomplished.... as well as competing philosophy's - for example Edwards is a Tampa Cover 2, 4/3 guy and DC Cotrell is a Buffalo 3-4 guy... They have a great DL and meanwhile the worst run D in the NFL.....I'd never hire a HC with no experience at least being a VERY successful coordinator, there's too many guys with experience to wait for the learning curve....So, what Bradway did was hire a HC with a built in learning curve, drastically changed systems which gives you a learning curve BUT, then he signed older players and let young talent leave so a built a team to win "Now" with learning curves all over the place..... UGHHHHH! ! ! ! I think Herm could have and still could be very successful given enough talent and the right Coordinators to do the dirty work.. So far he hasn't had that with the Jets... Hopefully he will - And the learning curve excuses are now running out going into year 4 next year...GREAT PERSON, Great Heart, great values.... He better be a Great COACH next year.The Jets have lost games this year that Belichik wins on game management alone and that Cannot happen.

Herm is one of the best coaches in the gamethe elite class:ParcellsFisherBellicek(sp?)Edwards
Settle down big fella. You have him in with three other coaches who have been to the super bowl and that's not mentioning Gruden. I like Herm as much as the next guy but I would be leery of putting him in that crowd until he does something.
Another Jet fan hereLove Herm as a motivator - in game however he has that Kotite look of being baffled by what is going on. Too many coaching mistakes this year for my liking - time outs, play calls (can he overrule that Hackett 3 yd pattern when we need 5 yds please!), coaching penalties (12 men in the huddle after a TO!!!!).If there was a big time coach out there I would be tempted to make a change - however, I don't see one that would warrant upsetting the cart. I think Herm and HAckett will stay (Herm must get more involved with the play calling) with Big Teddy being the fall guy and a total nuke job on D. We may be looking for 3 new starting LBs and 3 DBs! Bring in a tall WR to compliment Chad; grab a stud OL early in the draft, maybe another TE to replace Becht if Baker isn't the real deal - then the rest of the offseason can be spent on the D and I mean all of it!!!!Let Herm reload with a healthy Chad and I would expect nothing less than playoffs - if not, he will be Dungy's DC in Indy in 2005. Give him one more year, sick of coaching carousel in NY.

Herm is one of the best coaches in the gamethe elite class:ParcellsFisherBellicek(sp?)Edwards
Settle down big fella. You have him in with three other coaches who have been to the super bowl and that's not mentioning Gruden. I like Herm as much as the next guy but I would be leery of putting him in that crowd until he does something.
Exactly. Edwards has done NOTHING to warrant being called a top coach. His game management skills are horrible, worse than Mike Martz's used to be. In the game they lost to Dallas earlier this year, it was 17-6 and he could have kicked a chip shot FG to get within 8 late in the game, but he went for it on 4th and 2 and didn't get it. If that would have been Martz, he would have got reemed beyond belief, but because the guys at ESPN absolutely love Edwards because of his big talk in front of the cameras, he received almost no criticism.
Yeah, I'm not commenting on the guy's game managing skills. But I'd have to go with Martz if we're talking about the worst coach as far as game management skills. He's usually out of timeouts within 7 minutes or so!
Martz gets a lot of crap, but I think he is without a doubt one of the best coaches in the league. He maybe be an egomaniac, but his offensive system is unbelievable and one of the main reasons for their recent success. That being said, he's still the reason my Pats won a Super Bowl (well, and Belichick's defensive plan). How can you not use the best back in the game (at the time)? Oh well, thanks!Interesting enough, Martz has by far the highest numbers of challenges in the NFL....and also the highest percentage of successful challenges. Bring aggressive like that all the time WILL cost you timeouts. It's not necessarily bad clock management.As for Herm...we'll see. With Chad back, he had better win some games or I think his job in in jeopardy. He has no excuses now.edited for missing words
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Big Jet Fan:IMO Herm is one of the most overated coaches in the game. Sure the players love him, But if he was such a great motivator why have they started every season so poorly under him. If I hear one more time about the masterful job he did leading the Jets to the playoffs last year after a 2-5 start I am going to barf. Wasn't he coaching the team during that start.As stated numerous times his game management and general X's and O's skills are horrible. Not only does he consistently make the wrong in game decisions, he burns a timeout first before he does it. He also has quite a bit of culpability in the defensive fiasco that is the Jets. Bradway got him the kind of players he wanted for his Tampa 2 def scheme, and despite having one of the premier def lines in the league, they would have trouble stopping the 9 year old pop-warner teams that play at halftime of their games. They went from 2 pro-bowl caliber corners who could play man-to-man to guys who are more suited to Herm's almost exclusive zone D scheme. So now we never blitz, cause we can't cover anybody. Also, You can just see that it just kills Cottrell (also no genius btw) to play this style of defense, which he has never bought into. So you see a bastardized mixture of two schemes that leads to absolutely no success.I will give herm credit for getting them to the playoffs for 2 years in a row, But he essentially took over a playoff team from Al Groh (9-7 in 2000) and essentially got a long successful FG from John Hall in 2001 and a complete meltdown from the Dolphins in 2002 (Herm is better than Wanny) to make the playoffs. I think there are plenty of people who could do the same if not a better job than Edwards, and that list is far longer than Parcells, Fisher and Bellicheck.

How can you not like him? How 'bout for preaching team chemistry and character and then signing a puke druggie like Josh Evans.

another jets fan checking in who loves herm (exc for his clock management!). i grew up an eagles fan (still am) and started followng the jets when i moved to nyc area --so herm covers all of my bases! no love for hackett, though. can we blame the clock management on him? :D

Tedd Cotrell has to go, He and herm have never seen eye to eye on the defense side of the ball, Cotrell wants a head coaching job, let him go. The Jets/Herm need to get some Fast bodies in the LB corps and secondary. Had we drafted Barnett. Trufant, Newman, we might have another win or 2 under our belt, we need guys who can play the cover 2 and fill the gaps. That being said Herm has done the best he could have done with the talent available, yes he could have prob won the Giants/Dallas and Colts game with better Play calling, but thats the way the cookie crumbles....YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME.

Long time Jets fan here, and I hate the guy as a head coach. I could care less how many hours he spends at the facility or how much the players like him. A head coach is there to Wins games, not be friends with everyone. Herm is a great motivational speaker, and thats all he is, a talker. Sure he's great for the media and fans that want to hear the truth, but in the big picture he is not a good head coach. Herm brought in Hackett and should have fired him 2 years ago when even Vinny came out and said the play calling is horrible. But Herm sticks by his guys, and thats one of his problems.Cotrell was sensational in Buffalo, then he comes to NY and the Jets get rid of their entire secondary and try to build a Tampa Bay defense starting with the DLine. They have 4 first round picks on the DLine and they can't stop the run? Are you kidding me and you like this guy as a coach? The best lineman they have is Ellis and Abraham who were there before Herm got there. Granted lets give Robertson some time to prgoress.Overall I have no faith in Herm that he can ever take the Jets to the playoffs again. I tuly think he did the first 2 times becasue of the talent the Jets already had as he inherited a team that was in the AFC championship game 1 year before and 9-7 the next year.Pennington starts again and the Jets are in close games again week after week. Without him in the game they weren't even in games after halftime. That shows me talent is the factor and not the coaching at all. Keep Pennington and dump Herm and get a coach, not someone that make you feel good about yourself.NFL coaches are there to make the tough decisions and to win games. Two things I have yet to see from Herm.

For all you Jet fans who want to replace Herm - I understand - but who would you bring in to replace him? Give me a list and convince me that we would be better off.

For all you Jet fans who want to replace Herm - I understand - but who would you bring in to replace him? Give me a list and convince me that we would be better off.
Bingo. Unless one of the top college coaches throws his hat into the ring. I don't see anybody else better than Herm. Unless another round of firings come around freeing up some talent. Maybe the Bucs will fire Gruden :P
For all you Jet fans who want to replace Herm - I understand - but who would you bring in to replace him? Give me a list and convince me that we would be better off.
Herm isn't going anywhere yet... He'll get next year, at the least, to go on with out the Chad "excuse"....But, if this team comes out next year and can't stop the run and starts off slow while digging another hole and missing the playoffs, I'd prefer to see Bradway gone #1...When it comes to hiring another HC, I'd look for someone with Coordinator experience - Not a DB coach with no experience....Start with the top coordinators in the league _ I wish the Jets had John Fox or Marvin Lewis - Coaches that at least grasp one side of the ball better than most....One guy I've always liked is Greg Robinson who is now the DC for KC..... But, I'd also look for people with HC experience... Let Nice guys like Herm learn on the job on sombody else's time.... I want a guy who can scheme and put players in the right position to succeed.. not coaches that say "Why is the defense struggling, well, ask Teddy, that's his thing" Thats a bunch of Bull... No, we ask YOU the HC that wanted Teddy to teach your defense and not his 3-4... YOU, with all your coaching errors every week. Why don't YOU Coach to WIN THE GAME and stop being a slow deciding "committee" coach.The fact is, if the Jets were going to hire a guy with ZERO experience, then they should have eaten contracts like Vinny's, Mo Lewis, Marvin Jones and maybe even Martin so, NOw, that they have their QB and HC hopefully up to speed, they would have cut losses and been deep in the process of building a good Young Nucleus of talent.
I'd like to see T.Cotrell be a head coach, but since the D isn't so good he wont be accepted as a candidate in NY. How about R.Cronell from the Pats. Look wahts he's done with injuries and starting rookies on his D. Not to mention it hurts a division rival.I hear Fassell will be available. Pesonally I think he is a lot better than Herm even with all the problem the Giants have had with fumbles and turnovers.Thats my short list to replace Herm.

I'd like to see T.Cotrell be a head coach, but since the D isn't so good he wont be accepted as a candidate in NY. How about R.Cronell from the Pats. Look wahts he's done with injuries and starting rookies on his D. Not to mention it hurts a division rival.I hear Fassell will be available. Pesonally I think he is a lot better than Herm even with all the problem the Giants have had with fumbles and turnovers.Thats my short list to replace Herm.
Funny you should mention Crenell over in NE. I was actually thinking of Charlie Weis from the pats. He has a Jet pedigree (to some extent). His imaginative offense would thrive with Pennington at the helm. I also like your Fassell comment. I would add Jimmy Johnson (your choice either Philly D co-odinator or former Dallas Coach). And if we're compileing a wish list, how about Stoops from Oklahoma or even Coker from Miami. I'm sure there are more, but they don't come to my off the top of my head.
Martz gets a lot of crap, but I think he is without a doubt one of the best coaches in the league. He maybe be an egomaniac, but his offensive system is unbelievable and one of the main reasons for their recent success. That being said, he's still the reason my Pats won a Super Bowl (well, and Belichick's defensive plan). How can you not use the best back in the game (at the time)? Oh well, thanks!Interesting enough, Martz has by far the highest numbers of challenges in the NFL....and also the highest percentage of successful challenges. Bring aggressive like that all the time WILL cost you timeouts. It's not necessarily bad clock management.As for Herm...we'll see. With Chad back, he had better win some games or I think his job in in jeopardy. He has no excuses now.edited for missing words
Martz has gotten better.His 1st 2 yrs doing head coaching, he sucked.He's shown great improvement this year.
Herm is one of the best coaches in the gamethe elite class:ParcellsFisherBellicek(sp?)Edwards
Settle down big fella. You have him in with three other coaches who have been to the super bowl and that's not mentioning Gruden. I like Herm as much as the next guy but I would be leery of putting him in that crowd until he does something.
Barry Switzer has WON a Super Bowl, but he's still an idiot.It's what you do with the talent and how you overcome adversity.The Jets have been raped in free agency and expansion for the last two years, and each time Herm finds a way to put a competetive product out there -- long after the team has been declared dead.
It's what you do with the talent and how you overcome adversity.The Jets have been raped in free agency and expansion for the last two years, and each time Herm finds a way to put a competetive product out there -- long after the team has been declared dead.
The Jets haven't been raped.. They lost a Kicker, a Kick returner a G and a WR.... All have been replaced...Problem is, it's 3 years later - Draft picks on the DL and they still have the worst Run defense in the league...Without stopping the run, they're not going anywhere...The offence looks good and gets by - The Defense is a sad sad joke.... Especially after watching what a coach like Bellichik does after REALLY getting raped or losing players to injury or what have you.Problem is Herm is NOT a coach.. He's a Cheer Leader.But, a great guy.
Two points:1) Firing assistant coach Hackett: I don't see how he is a problem. Maybe it's because I'm an outsider and see only a handful of Jets games each year, but when they lose it's not the offense's fault. Take last week's game: Offense puts up 31 (including a special teams TD), despite running just 34 plays. Indy runs 77 plays. That might be some kind of record for disparity. Anyway, Pennington seems to excel under Hackett. Why change that chemistry?2) Those tired of Jets' slow starts under Herm: Last year, Herm went into the season with Vinny as his starter, and after a slow start, made a change. Give him credit for benching the starting QB and turning to his backup. This year, Pennington gets hurt in the preseason and misses 9(?) games. So he's stuck with Vinny AGAIN and gets off to a slow start. Let's blame Vinny for the slow starts.

Herm is one of the best coaches in the gamethe elite class:ParcellsFisherBellicek(sp?)Edwards
Settle down big fella. You have him in with three other coaches who have been to the super bowl and that's not mentioning Gruden. I like Herm as much as the next guy but I would be leery of putting him in that crowd until he does something.
Barry Switzer has WON a Super Bowl, but he's still an idiot.It's what you do with the talent and how you overcome adversity.The Jets have been raped in free agency and expansion for the last two years, and each time Herm finds a way to put a competetive product out there -- long after the team has been declared dead.
what competitive product have I been watching each week? There is promise for next year but we are certainly not competitive this year. So I fail to see how Herm has handled the adversity this year.That said, I would like to be a fly on the wall as far as teh organization is concerned. How is the defense near last in the NFL with all of these changes:Abraham(1rd pick)FergusonRobertson (1rd pick)Ellis(1 rd pick)Cowart(free agent signing)Jones (aging first round pick. some say never lived up to potential but good enough to get the job done)Lewis/Hobson( Lewis is past prime and Hobson is a second rounder)D Abraham (free agent signing)A Beasley (free agent signing)Damien Robinson (free agent signing that blew up)John McGraw (third round pick)Jamie Henderson( third round pick)And the defense has not been a lick better in the past 5 years.edited to add I know Robinson is gone but was supposed to be a leader on this team.
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Two points:1) Firing assistant coach Hackett: I don't see how he is a problem. Maybe it's because I'm an outsider and see only a handful of Jets games each year, but when they lose it's not the offense's fault. Take last week's game: Offense puts up 31 (including a special teams TD), despite running just 34 plays. Indy runs 77 plays. That might be some kind of record for disparity. Anyway, Pennington seems to excel under Hackett. Why change that chemistry?2) Those tired of Jets' slow starts under Herm: Last year, Herm went into the season with Vinny as his starter, and after a slow start, made a change. Give him credit for benching the starting QB and turning to his backup. This year, Pennington gets hurt in the preseason and misses 9(?) games. So he's stuck with Vinny AGAIN and gets off to a slow start. Let's blame Vinny for the slow starts.
2.Unless I am mistaken, no one held a gun to Herm's head and said start Vinny at QB. Talent evaluation is a fairly significant skill for a head coach or at least it should be. Nothing you can do about Pennington's injury this year (except maybe take less than 3 weeks to open up the offense to al;low Vinny the best chance to succeed). However Chad does not play defense. Apparently he would be too quick to the ball and athletic for that side of the ball on the Jets. Edwards is supposed to be a Def coach. The reason Indy Ran 77 plays to the Jets 34 is that the D never gets off the field. They never make a key stop when they have to, and they let up far too many key 3rd down conversions.
If I hear one more time about the masterful job he did leading the Jets to the playoffs last year after a 2-5 start I am going to barf. Wasn't he coaching the team during that start.
I totally agree. Somehow, he avoided blame for the 2-5 start, but gets all of the credit for winning a division that featured 2 teams, the Dolphins and Patriots, that fell apart down the stretch. Winning a division with a 9-7 record is hardly something that makes someone a head coach.
If I hear one more time about the masterful job he did leading the Jets to the playoffs last year after a 2-5 start I am going to barf. Wasn't he coaching the team during that start.
I totally agree. Somehow, he avoided blame for the 2-5 start, but gets all of the credit for winning a division that featured 2 teams, the Dolphins and Patriots, that fell apart down the stretch. Winning a division with a 9-7 record is hardly something that makes someone a head coach.
Last 2 years everybody, I mean everybody said "Jets are gonna suck." Last year's playoff run was a miracle. He does well with the very limited talent they have on that team.
If I hear one more time about the masterful job he did leading the Jets to the playoffs last year after a 2-5 start I am going to barf. Wasn't he coaching the team during that start.
I totally agree. Somehow, he avoided blame for the 2-5 start, but gets all of the credit for winning a division that featured 2 teams, the Dolphins and Patriots, that fell apart down the stretch. Winning a division with a 9-7 record is hardly something that makes someone a head coach.
Last 2 years everybody, I mean everybody said "Jets are gonna suck." Last year's playoff run was a miracle. He does well with the very limited talent they have on that team.
I think the last few years have shown that no one really knows going into a season which teams are going to be good and which teams aren't. Just because some in the media or some analysts say that the Jets were going to suck doesn't mean that Edwards should get too much credit because they didn't. And I wouldn't say they have limited talent.
Kansas City's loss is the Jets' gain....yes, I am referring to the fourth round pick.

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