How do you manage Fitzpatrick and Winston the rest of the year? Easy target for some snarky comments, I know - but you’ve got an offense where either of these guys can put up weekly top 3 numbers dependent upon which is starting, but simultaneously could also get pulled for the other in the first quarter of any game.
Any ideas moving forward?
I think its important to realize (after any B.S. that may come out) that the TB QB is a key to fantasy points.
As you may know, I was a big proponent of Jameis Winston, and I correctly predicted that he would get the job back over Fitz. (In the Jameis threads AND the Fitz thread)
Well he did, but that didn't mean he would be successful.
Those "W eatings" (google that one, I saw it firsthand on Hard Knocks LOL) didn't equate to long term team support and wins. Truth be known, I'm still a believer in him being a good fantasy QB, but at this point it would be silly to think he is anything but a real-life "mediocre QB" which at times looks horrendous....but at times can be just epic for fantasy. That doesn't cut it in the real world NFL arena.
Now we come to the Fitzmagic .
Exactly how strong will he be? I'm actually forecasting more of the same. Some
HUGE performances, with some picks and "turn your head away and cringe" moments chucked in.
Regardless of how any of us view it, now is
NOT THE TIME to put Winston back in. Playing QB shuffle just doesn't work, and alienates the owner, the fan base, the locker room and all around. Like a friend of mine said in a poker game this week..... "The way they are doing it, just won't work, stick with one"...............
Stick with Fitz. Take your lumps, and move on, which seems what the organization is going to do.
In fantasy, give me Fitz , (and I have him in 3 spots/and Wilson in 2 of those) and lets see what happens.
The defense is a joke, and everything should be a bunch of offensive points all around.
This will be interesting.