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How To Get To Heaven When You Die. Read The First Post. Then Q&A Discussion. Ask Questions Here! (2 Viewers)

He literally posts this on dozens if not 100's of forums. Doesn't make for good conversation.
Yea I guess that's true. But I don't know a lot of real Christians just a bunch of the Sunday morning types. So my questions were something I was interested in. Especially the one about the gay folks. I mean how could a child molester go to heaven ? But two loving God fearing people who had led extremely good lives not just because they are gay.

Also a little interested in the hypocritical aspect of someone who is really sick suddenly getting religion.
He literally posts this on dozens if not 100's of forums. Doesn't make for good conversation.
Yea I guess that's true. But I don't know a lot of real Christians just a bunch of the Sunday morning types. So my questions were something I was interested in. Especially the one about the gay folks. I mean how could a child molester go to heaven ? But two loving God fearing people who had led extremely good lives not just because they are gay.

Also a little interested in the hypocritical aspect of someone who is really sick suddenly getting religion.
The bible is very ambiguous about this. In one passage it says 'man will not lie with man', but it another passage Jesus says to Lucifer 'get thee behind me'.

So who knows?
Why do you speak blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ? You need to repent of this evil and turn to Jesus for Salvation, believe that He died and rose again for your sins.
He literally posts this on dozens if not 100's of forums. Doesn't make for good conversation.
Yea I guess that's true. But I don't know a lot of real Christians just a bunch of the Sunday morning types. So my questions were something I was interested in. Especially the one about the gay folks. I mean how could a child molester go to heaven ? But two loving God fearing people who had led extremely good lives not just because they are gay.

Also a little interested in the hypocritical aspect of someone who is really sick suddenly getting religion.
The bible is very ambiguous about this. In one passage it says 'man will not lie with man', but it another passage Jesus says to Lucifer 'get thee behind me'.

So who knows?
Why do you speak blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ? You need to repent of this evil and turn to Jesus for Salvation, believe that He died and rose again for your sins.

There's a lot more to life than making sure you have adequate fire insurance.

I'm not trying to be mean here. I'm a believer. It's not a once a week duty thing for me; Jesus permeates every aspect of my life from the moment I wake up (usually too early), influences how I live my life, and changes me - changed me, is changing me - irrevocably. A faith that doesn't change you doesn't save you.

But let's be real clear here: you are way out of line telling people they need to repent.

I need a savior. You need Jesus. We all do. Yes and amen that true repentance means turning away from that which harms us and harms those around us. But the whole point of walking with Jesus is NOT so you can turn around and start pointing out other people's shortcomings. Because guess what genius, we have the Holy Spirit.

We know from Ecclesiastes 3 and Romans 1 that God already put within every person the longing for meaning, and that our own conscience convicts us of our shortcomings. They already know, that's universal, no one needs your lame attempts. When you become a believer, the Spirit convicts you of sin. The same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within each believer. One aspect of the indwelling Holy Spirit is He brings us into alignment with His will (through reading the Word, through hearing preaching, through worship.)

But before that life changing repentance happens, you are dead in sin. Like seriously, have you ever read Romans? Would you walk up to a dead pigeon and ask it to move? When you're dead you don't hear anything. Are you sure you're a Christian....I mean, because that's pretty foundational, if you don't get that, I'm not sure you understand the gospel.

You won't find a single instance of Jesus condemning sinners who came to him. But you know what really made his blood boil? You remember what filled him with righteous indignation, got him so fired up he flipped over tables, drove them out of the temple with a whip (which he took the time to fasten himself whilst getting that anger worked up)? Religious hypocrites - the Pharisees. The people who thought they were better than everyone else. The people who knew every aspect of the law and lived holier than thou and wagged their fingers at lesser men. The religious people of his day - that is who Jesus spoke "woe unto you" toward. Not people who were just trying to live their life.

Jesus did often say at the conclusion of healing someone...or after interacting with them (the woman at the well, the woman caught in the very act of adultery)...to "go and sin no more." But that's after finding out where they were at....after determining what they needed...after healing them, after delivering something tangible. He never starts out with "oh, you're a drunkard? you're a prostitute? well you need to repent, so jot that down." He took the time to get to know people. He accepted where they were at in their journey. Can you imagine, instead, a Jesus who walks through the crowds shouting "REPENT!"

Pretty absurd imagery, right? So why do you do that? Why are you so afraid of being vulnerable and getting to know people? Why are you hiding behind your proclamations without admitting you're just as screwed up as the rest of us? You feel me?

My brother in Christ (not an internet euphemism), folks don't need an end of life contingency. They need help right here right now. They need something that is real. They need truth that makes sense of this crazy mixed up thing called life. They're not interested in shoe horning their dysfunction into outdated man-made religious models that have failed society for centuries.

Drive-by postings are nothing more than a clanging cymbal. The sound will fade soon enough but the memory of the annoyance will linger. That's your legacy with this little piece of performance art, bro. If you don't know how to connect with people in a way that is genuine and on their level, have a seat. You're even less effective that white shirt skinny black tie street preachers on a college campus with an electronic bullhorn. Nothing more than annoying sound that will fade as soon as the students walk away (or board members close this awful thread.)

There is real, life changing power in the gospel of Jesus Christ. You treat it like it's some cheap wonder product from a 3am 1990s style infomercial.

The gospel never asks us to clean up ourselves so we can then be considered worthy of going before the Lord. Goodness, do you read your bible? Christianity is the one religion which offers forgiveness and salvation without being dependent on ourselves. No sacrifices, no amount of discipline or self-righteous deeds will achieve anything. That's hot garbage - it's what the Bible calls filthy rags. On your best day all the good you think is within you is equivalent to used toilet paper.

The gospel is where God says "I know you. I get it. There's nothing you can do to make yourself good enough for me. That's why I made a way for you. That's why I sent my Son. You don't have to do all that striving." On the cross, Christ Jesus took upon himself all sin - past, present and future - and paid the price that should have been ours. Then in the resurrection, he conquered death (because sin leads to death); he broke the power of sin and death. He did that. It is finished. In exchange for taking our sins, He gave us the righteousness of Christ. That's the most lopsided trade in history, way worse than Ricky Williams, Herschel Walker or Denny McLain. We give up (repent) our sin. and in exchange can stand before the Father spotless. Makes no sense, but that's the deal.

It's free, you don't have to do anything except believe. It's not even your own faith - he provides that as well. It's more than just mumbling a few words, this ain't Harry Potter.

But it does start with a simple "I'm sorry. I believe you came here, and you made a way for me to have a relationship with the God who created this universe. I want to follow you and live my life for you." If it's real, that little spark can grow into a roaring fire. Religion - which never helped anyone - tells people they have to live their life a certain way, live a restricted life of sacrifice and doing good. Then maybe (but we're never sure), they'll be counted worthy. Christianity starts with acceptance, forgiveness, and assurance. As a believer you cannot help but want to live your life for the God who did all that for you when you were still his enemy.

My advice: engage. Or stay away. But stop annoying us with this b.s. you're slinging. If you are truly interested in pointing people to jesus, start with something that is relatable and genuine and actually makes sense. This entire thread is a nonsensical word salad. Do better.

If you learn nothing else from this diatribe, know this: people don't remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.

People don't follow advice. Like, from their dad, maybe, their best friend or mentor, possibly....but even then, usually not. They often don't remember exactly you said. You know what sticks? The emotion they experienced after being around you. They don't remember what you said or why you said it, but they will always ,100% of the time, recall how they felt after they encountered you. If you have any interest whatsoever at being an effective communicator, focus on how your message is or is not being received. If it's the latter, the listener/reader is not the one who needs to make an adjustment.
Christianity is the one religion which offers forgiveness and salvation without being dependent on ourselves. No sacrifices, no amount of discipline or self-righteous deeds will achieve anything.
BobbyLayne, yours is the most wonderful post i have read on this forum.

and it's funny, Paddington's clanging cymbal provided the opportunity and impetus for your beautiful response. so thank you both.

but, (gotta be one) re: the part i quoted, i suspect you are under informed. here are a few quotes.

Lin-chi, Japanese Buddhist 867 A.D. : "there is no place in Buddhism for using effort" "You talk about being perfectly disciplined in you six senses, and in the ten thousand ways of conduct, but as i see it, all this is creating karma. To seek the Buddha and to seek the Dharma is precisely making karma for the hells." (and similar to your used toilet paper reference) "The Arhans and Pratyekaa-buddhas are like a dirty privy."

Abu Sa'id ibn Abi'l-Khyr, Persian Sufi mystic 967-1049 A.D.:(a few excerpts from comments on spiritual process) "You are freed from your own desires when God frees you. This is not effected by your own exertion, but by the grace of God."
"Then he opens to you the gate of repentance."
"you continue to strive and, for a while, to pride yourself upon your efforts, thinking you are advancing or achieving something;" "and perceive that they were done by God's grace"
"what was formerly hearsay now becomes known to you intuitively" "that you do not have the right to say "I" or "mine". "At this stage you behold your helplessness; desires fall away and you become free and calm."
"It is a thing that cannot be rightly learned by instruction, nor sewed on with needle nor tied on with thread. It is the gift of God."

Ramana Maharishi, Indian Hindu 1879-1950 A.D. "God's grace is the beginning, the middle, and the end. When you pray for God's grace, you are like someone standing neck-deep in water and yet crying for water."

so, those guys views may not be typically representative of their traditions, but the sun shines on all.

BTW, i saw Bobby Layne play when he was a Steeler and pretty much washed, but it was exciting and is a fond memory
He literally posts this on dozens if not 100's of forums. Doesn't make for good conversation.
Yea I guess that's true. But I don't know a lot of real Christians just a bunch of the Sunday morning types. So my questions were something I was interested in. Especially the one about the gay folks. I mean how could a child molester go to heaven ? But two loving God fearing people who had led extremely good lives not just because they are gay.

Also a little interested in the hypocritical aspect of someone who is really sick suddenly getting religion.
The bible is very ambiguous about this. In one passage it says 'man will not lie with man', but it another passage Jesus says to Lucifer 'get thee behind me'.

So who knows?
Why do you speak blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ? You need to repent of this evil and turn to Jesus for Salvation, believe that He died and rose again for your sins.
As Hitchens so eloquently noted, the doctrine of vicarious redemption is, at its core, immoral.
IMHO, All these religions are just great flood/Cataclysm stories with different character names
I’ve glanced through a book that describes the various creation stories from many different cultures …some of them (many? all?) are rather wild. I’ve heard it said that the Bible’s creation story is “an island in the sea of creation.” :shrug:
What's the name of the book?
Sorry …just saw it briefly and didn’t note the name of it.
Time is short. Christ is coming very soon. I urge you to read this first post and vote in the poll. Place your FAITH in Jesus Christ as your LORD and believe that He died and rose again to pay for your sins.
Faith is key. True Faith surrenders your will to God's will. Those men demonstrated faith through obedience, but it was Faith that saved them. Faith is believing God, submitting to His will. Faith is trust in God.
Ugh I can't stand this new trend - which I attribute to a former notable person in his stupid tweets - of capitalizing non-proper nouns simply to overstress them.
Ugh I can't stand this new trend - which I attribute to a former notable person in his stupid tweets - of capitalizing non-proper nouns simply to overstress them.
I'm not sure what you're Talking about, but I have Faith that you will explain.
Ugh I can't stand this new trend - which I attribute to a former notable person in his stupid tweets - of capitalizing non-proper nouns simply to overstress them.
Is he German, as that is the rule in that language?
Dear friends, Take this moment, If you want to accept Jesus Christ free gift of salvation, pray this from your heart, humbly to God:


If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and meant it with all of your heart, you are now a child of God and will go to heaven when you die.
Dear friends, Take this moment, If you want to accept Jesus Christ free gift of salvation, pray this from your heart, humbly to God:


If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and meant it with all of your heart, you are now a child of God and will go to heaven when you die.

Love this scene in Talladega Nights.
Dear friends, Take this moment, If you want to accept Jesus Christ free gift of salvation, pray this from your heart, humbly to God:


If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and meant it with all of your heart, you are now a child of God and will go to heaven when you die.
Do I get free shipping if I act now?
He literally posts this on dozens if not 100's of forums. Doesn't make for good conversation.
Yea I guess that's true. But I don't know a lot of real Christians just a bunch of the Sunday morning types. So my questions were something I was interested in. Especially the one about the gay folks. I mean how could a child molester go to heaven ? But two loving God fearing people who had led extremely good lives not just because they are gay.

Also a little interested in the hypocritical aspect of someone who is really sick suddenly getting religion.
The bible is very ambiguous about this. In one passage it says 'man will not lie with man', but it another passage Jesus says to Lucifer 'get thee behind me'.

So who knows?
Why do you speak blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ? You need to repent of this evil and turn to Jesus for Salvation, believe that He died and rose again for your sins.

There's a lot more to life than making sure you have adequate fire insurance.

I'm not trying to be mean here. I'm a believer. It's not a once a week duty thing for me; Jesus permeates every aspect of my life from the moment I wake up (usually too early), influences how I live my life, and changes me - changed me, is changing me - irrevocably. A faith that doesn't change you doesn't save you.

But let's be real clear here: you are way out of line telling people they need to repent.

I need a savior. You need Jesus. We all do. Yes and amen that true repentance means turning away from that which harms us and harms those around us. But the whole point of walking with Jesus is NOT so you can turn around and start pointing out other people's shortcomings. Because guess what genius, we have the Holy Spirit.

We know from Ecclesiastes 3 and Romans 1 that God already put within every person the longing for meaning, and that our own conscience convicts us of our shortcomings. They already know, that's universal, no one needs your lame attempts. When you become a believer, the Spirit convicts you of sin. The same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within each believer. One aspect of the indwelling Holy Spirit is He brings us into alignment with His will (through reading the Word, through hearing preaching, through worship.)

But before that life changing repentance happens, you are dead in sin. Like seriously, have you ever read Romans? Would you walk up to a dead pigeon and ask it to move? When you're dead you don't hear anything. Are you sure you're a Christian....I mean, because that's pretty foundational, if you don't get that, I'm not sure you understand the gospel.

You won't find a single instance of Jesus condemning sinners who came to him. But you know what really made his blood boil? You remember what filled him with righteous indignation, got him so fired up he flipped over tables, drove them out of the temple with a whip (which he took the time to fasten himself whilst getting that anger worked up)? Religious hypocrites - the Pharisees. The people who thought they were better than everyone else. The people who knew every aspect of the law and lived holier than thou and wagged their fingers at lesser men. The religious people of his day - that is who Jesus spoke "woe unto you" toward. Not people who were just trying to live their life.

Jesus did often say at the conclusion of healing someone...or after interacting with them (the woman at the well, the woman caught in the very act of adultery)...to "go and sin no more." But that's after finding out where they were at....after determining what they needed...after healing them, after delivering something tangible. He never starts out with "oh, you're a drunkard? you're a prostitute? well you need to repent, so jot that down." He took the time to get to know people. He accepted where they were at in their journey. Can you imagine, instead, a Jesus who walks through the crowds shouting "REPENT!"

Pretty absurd imagery, right? So why do you do that? Why are you so afraid of being vulnerable and getting to know people? Why are you hiding behind your proclamations without admitting you're just as screwed up as the rest of us? You feel me?

My brother in Christ (not an internet euphemism), folks don't need an end of life contingency. They need help right here right now. They need something that is real. They need truth that makes sense of this crazy mixed up thing called life. They're not interested in shoe horning their dysfunction into outdated man-made religious models that have failed society for centuries.

Drive-by postings are nothing more than a clanging cymbal. The sound will fade soon enough but the memory of the annoyance will linger. That's your legacy with this little piece of performance art, bro. If you don't know how to connect with people in a way that is genuine and on their level, have a seat. You're even less effective that white shirt skinny black tie street preachers on a college campus with an electronic bullhorn. Nothing more than annoying sound that will fade as soon as the students walk away (or board members close this awful thread.)

There is real, life changing power in the gospel of Jesus Christ. You treat it like it's some cheap wonder product from a 3am 1990s style infomercial.

The gospel never asks us to clean up ourselves so we can then be considered worthy of going before the Lord. Goodness, do you read your bible? Christianity is the one religion which offers forgiveness and salvation without being dependent on ourselves. No sacrifices, no amount of discipline or self-righteous deeds will achieve anything. That's hot garbage - it's what the Bible calls filthy rags. On your best day all the good you think is within you is equivalent to used toilet paper.

The gospel is where God says "I know you. I get it. There's nothing you can do to make yourself good enough for me. That's why I made a way for you. That's why I sent my Son. You don't have to do all that striving." On the cross, Christ Jesus took upon himself all sin - past, present and future - and paid the price that should have been ours. Then in the resurrection, he conquered death (because sin leads to death); he broke the power of sin and death. He did that. It is finished. In exchange for taking our sins, He gave us the righteousness of Christ. That's the most lopsided trade in history, way worse than Ricky Williams, Herschel Walker or Denny McLain. We give up (repent) our sin. and in exchange can stand before the Father spotless. Makes no sense, but that's the deal.

It's free, you don't have to do anything except believe. It's not even your own faith - he provides that as well. It's more than just mumbling a few words, this ain't Harry Potter.

But it does start with a simple "I'm sorry. I believe you came here, and you made a way for me to have a relationship with the God who created this universe. I want to follow you and live my life for you." If it's real, that little spark can grow into a roaring fire. Religion - which never helped anyone - tells people they have to live their life a certain way, live a restricted life of sacrifice and doing good. Then maybe (but we're never sure), they'll be counted worthy. Christianity starts with acceptance, forgiveness, and assurance. As a believer you cannot help but want to live your life for the God who did all that for you when you were still his enemy.

My advice: engage. Or stay away. But stop annoying us with this b.s. you're slinging. If you are truly interested in pointing people to jesus, start with something that is relatable and genuine and actually makes sense. This entire thread is a nonsensical word salad. Do better.

If you learn nothing else from this diatribe, know this: people don't remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.

People don't follow advice. Like, from their dad, maybe, their best friend or mentor, possibly....but even then, usually not. They often don't remember exactly you said. You know what sticks? The emotion they experienced after being around you. They don't remember what you said or why you said it, but they will always ,100% of the time, recall how they felt after they encountered you. If you have any interest whatsoever at being an effective communicator, focus on how your message is or is not being received. If it's the latter, the listener/reader is not the one who needs to make an adjustment.
I'm really late to the party, but this is a wonderful post Bobby. The thing that turns so many off to Christianity is the feeling of the "holier than thou" speaking down to people. When I speak to people about it, I do it from a point of realizing I'm a hopeless sinner in need of salvation, and that salvation was a free gift that I did nothing to earn. When Paul called himself the "chief among sinners" I used to think it was a bit of false humility but I know now of what he speaks. I may see the dozen or hundreds or thousands of sins of others, but I'm with myself 24/7. I know my every deed and thought, every action and every inaction. We like to think of ourselves as "born neutral" and then we decide if we'll go with Christ (or with Buddha, or with nothing at all). We are all born with a sinful nature and need Christ to reconcile. There's no "You did your part God and I did mine", it's only Him. I'm thankful for a loving and merciful God.
Furthermore...I believe religion was created by humans for 2 reasons.
1) To help push a stronger moral life. The threat of a bad afterlife can be motivating
2) Because we as humans can't accept that this life is all we get. There has to be something more. We can't just die right? So an afterlife was created to alleviate those fears in many.

I don't believe it...at all...I believe when we die--we die. Poof. All over in an instant. As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure we don't actually know when we die. We know we are dying sure, but when we actually die? Yeah..We're dead. So we won't have a moment where we go "gee, I'm dead." It's a scary thought at times, and also not scary at all. but humans needed something....and poof!! Religion came to be.
I think this is what the report button is for, folks.
Like that matters. This is at least the 10th iteration of this thread. The powers that be know all about it, they’re just obviously OK with it.
What forum rule does this violate?

It's spam. He's made dozens of the same thread.
Oh, yeah, I can see that. There should only be one of these threads. But, I don't see a problem (from a forums-rule POV) with him continuing to post in this thread.
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I think this is what the report button is for, folks.
Like that matters. This is at least the 10th iteration of this thread. The powers that be know all about it, they’re just obviously OK with it.
What forum rule does this violate?

It's spam. He's made dozens of the same thread.
Oh, yeah, I can see that. There should only be one of these threads. But, I don't see a problem (from a forums-rule POV) with him continuing to post in this thread.

I would also argue that there' also never any real attempt at discussion. Just constant bumps with the same advertisement.

If I made similar threads but was promoting a business, it would get shut down immediately.
I think this is what the report button is for, folks.
Like that matters. This is at least the 10th iteration of this thread. The powers that be know all about it, they’re just obviously OK with it.
What forum rule does this violate?

It's spam. He's made dozens of the same thread.
Oh, yeah, I can see that. There should only be one of these threads. But, I don't see a problem (from a forums-rule POV) with him continuing to post in this thread.

I would also argue that there' also never any real attempt at discussion. Just constant bumps with the same advertisement.

If I made similar threads but was promoting a business, it would get shut down immediately.

To be clear I’m not advocating for any action to be taken, philosophically I’m not a ban hammer guy. But there is no question this type of spamming posts would not be (and have not been) tolerated if it were another topic.
I don’t have a problem with people preaching to me, and am frankly a little offended/hurt when people who I think care for me make no effort to proselytize.

But the whole idea of an omnipotent, omniscient being caring one iota about our sinful ways, and sacrificing his son to atone for them makes zero sense.

Clearly (s)he could do something far more direct to get us in line, like maybe part the skies and explain the problem, or Old Testament style punishment.

But with such power, he’d probably care about as much for individual humans as I care about an ant.
We've always had spiritual and religious threads here in the forum. This can stay as long it stays civil and respectful and sincere. Please be cool to each other as folks usually are in these things and respect the folks who are saying what they truly believe in a civil way.
I think this is what the report button is for, folks.
Like that matters. This is at least the 10th iteration of this thread. The powers that be know all about it, they’re just obviously OK with it.
What forum rule does this violate?

It's spam. He's made dozens of the same thread.
Oh, yeah, I can see that. There should only be one of these threads. But, I don't see a problem (from a forums-rule POV) with him continuing to post in this thread.

I would also argue that there' also never any real attempt at discussion. Just constant bumps with the same advertisement.

If I made similar threads but was promoting a business, it would get shut down immediately.

To be clear I’m not advocating for any action to be taken, philosophically I’m not a ban hammer guy. But there is no question this type of spamming posts would not be (and have not been) tolerated if it were another topic.
As long as the "spamming" stays in one place it's all good with me. If it were to start to show up in other threads then it becomes an issue/would justify the ban hammer.
We've always had spiritual and religious threads here in the forum. This can stay as long it stays civil and respectful and sincere. Please be cool to each other as folks usually are in these things and respect the folks who are saying what they truly believe in a civil way.
Ok. but I have no control over what other people do. Please punish those who are rude and insulting.
The Greatest Bible Teacher, Les Feldick will walk you through the Scriptures.

Check out his link here. 25 minute lessons starting in Genesis

What do you like about his teaching?
He goes through the Bible verse by verse and shows how the Bible fits together perfectly like a jig saw puzzle, proving that it is, in fact, the very Word of God. It's Amazing. Trying listening to him.
I think this is what the report button is for, folks.
Like that matters. This is at least the 10th iteration of this thread. The powers that be know all about it, they’re just obviously OK with it.
What forum rule does this violate?

It's spam. He's made dozens of the same thread.
Oh, yeah, I can see that. There should only be one of these threads. But, I don't see a problem (from a forums-rule POV) with him continuing to post in this thread.

I would also argue that there' also never any real attempt at discussion. Just constant bumps with the same advertisement.

If I made similar threads but was promoting a business, it would get shut down immediately.

To be clear I’m not advocating for any action to be taken, philosophically I’m not a ban hammer guy. But there is no question this type of spamming posts would not be (and have not been) tolerated if it were another topic.
As long as the "spamming" stays in one place it's all good with me. If it were to start to show up in other threads then it becomes an issue/would justify the ban hammer.
It's not spam. It's a discussion about how to get to heaven when you die. I made others because, when I came back here, I couldn't find the thread. Sorry about that.

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