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John Cena Apologizes In Mandarin? (1 Viewer)

Can you elaborate? Big how? And to who? I think I understand but wondering what you thought.
The issue of Taiwanese independence.

To a lot of people in China who believe or hope for Chinese reunification. Its long been a mess that no, I don't totally understand.

I do know that China takes it quite seriously.  I probably can't do it justice at all with my limited knowledge to be able to fully speak on it.

This is a good start...


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I thought Taiwan was a country. Or at least as long as I can remember, I am pretty sure that the US has recognized it as such.

Cena seems like a really good dude so it was a little disappointing to see this. But I'm sure he was getting a TON of #### from the studio.

That's how entertainment be.  Capitalism at its finest.  That's why Mr. McMahon and the WWE will do special shows for the Saudi Royals.  

Everyone grovels to the power of the almighty dollar. Everyone.  
First, no that's not true.  

Second, this is a bit different.  I really couldn't care less if a wrestler guy from a car-smashy movie series has to grovel to a strong-arm government in order to ensure the next movie isn't banned there, but it's noteworthy.  

The NBA players that suddenly didn't have interest in social justice when it was Hong Kong is another example. (see: LeBron+China)

First, no that's not true.  

Second, this is a bit different.  I really couldn't care less if a wrestler guy from a car-smashy movie series has to grovel to a strong-arm government in order to ensure the next movie isn't banned there, but it's noteworthy.  

The NBA players that suddenly didn't have interest in social justice when it was Hong Kong is another example. (see: LeBron+China)
Your last paragraph seems to be making my argument for me. They are doing that for the money.  Again groveling to the almighty dollar.  

By itself, this is the kind of celebrity news that I don't care about.  Maybe this is me being an anti-intellectual, but I don't look to John Cena for pointers on US foreign policy.  (Full disclosure: I know nothing about John Cena other than he's a large gentleman who could take me in a fight.  For all I know, he spends his spare time reading Clausewitz.)

But of course this isn't an isolated example.  China is an authoritarian government that is deeply hostile to western values.  Again, no big deal by itself -- we all grew up with the USSR, after all.  But we have a large number of "American" companies who are happy to act as arms of the CCP, and that really is a legitimate problem.  It would be as if most of our pop media companies were explicitly or at least tacitly pro-Soviet.  It turns my stomach to see Americans openly side with Chinese communists against the US, and I also strongly dislike the "Republicans vs. woke capital" dynamic that is already well underway.

On a secondary level, I have a deep visceral dislike for being forced to say things out loud that I know are untrue.  If I were Cena in this little episode, I'd like to think that I would tell my PR people and the studio's corporate lawyers to get bent.  In fact, I would schedule a press conference for the express purpose of amplifying my support for Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Tibetan independence for the sole purpose of pissing off China even more.  I have more money than I really need and it's not worth debasing myself by filming a hostage video.  Obviously Cena feels differently.  

Edit: It's a real video BTW.  My TL absolutely exploded over this starting around 6:00 this morning.

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His Make a Wish work earns a pass from me
I'm not asking an actor to stand up to China. 

I think no less of Cena at all. This is his career. I'm not potentially tanking MY career to speak out against China, why should he? 

People are real cavalier with other people's money/long term career risk. 

I'm not asking an actor to stand up to China. 

I think no less of Cena at all. This is his career. I'm not potentially tanking MY career to speak out against China, why should he? 

People are real cavalier with other people's money/long term career risk. 
what would you tank your career to speak out against?    

Honestly apologizing is ok, we do business with China.  The only problem I have with it is that he’s apologizing for being right.  But I have no interest in singling out Cena in this case.

I’m personally more concerned with overall US citizens (particularly younger gens) ignorance and acceptance of China and the blurring of China the country and US citizens of Chinese descent to provide China the country with a political shield.

Can you elaborate? Big how? And to who? I think I understand but wondering what you thought.
This isn't something I care about much. However the US and most of the other nations of the world have a "1 China" policy. That means they recognize that Taiwan is part of China. Obviously this is at odds with reality but ever since Mao won the Chinese Civil War the US has only recognized 1 China. Until 1979 it was the ROC but then we switched to the PRC. It's both parties too, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Trump all had the chance to change the policy as well as the Democratic Presidents and AFAIK none of them ever tried to.

 John Cena supports the official, long time, US position that Taiwan is not a separate country from China but he's the  person you criticize when I doubt there's any big corporate CEO doing business in China that would dare sayTaiwan is a separate country. 

If he was licking Trump's boot instead of Winnie the Pooh's, I'll bet you wouldn't consider it faux outrage.
Yeah, I probably would. I am not as partisan as you seem to think. 

I am not at all outraged by all the people now groveling for Trumps attention and approval. 

More specifically, if you consider yourself a liberal of any flavor, China is the antithesis of everything you stand for.  You'd be sent to reeducation upon arrival if you moved there.  But it's faux outrage that they leaned on an American actor to apologize for acknowledging reality?  That's really weird.

More specifically, if you consider yourself a liberal of any flavor, China is the antithesis of everything you stand for.  You'd be sent to reeducation upon arrival if you moved there.  But it's faux outrage that they leaned on an American actor to apologize for acknowledging reality?  That's really weird.
It’s faux outrage. Sorry. 

NBA went through this not too long ago. It’s the price of doing business in China. Don’t want to play by their rules? Don’t do business in China. 

Not necessarily a knock on Cena, guy seems to be about getting paid and is hardly a social justice warrior.

That said, I hate the inconsistency of those that get involved in lots of social issues but won't rock the boat if it might cost them personally at all. 

Whether or not I agree with Chinas stance has nothing to do with whether I am “outraged” that they demand people play by their rules. 

In America we make people play by our rules. :shrug:

The overuse of the word faux reminds me of the other discussion about denier.  Its a word used to try to belittle or de-legitimize someone's input.

Sinn Fein, you are a faux American sir.

Not necessarily a knock on Cena, guy seems to be about getting paid and is hardly a social justice warrior.

That said, I hate the inconsistency of those that get involved in lots of social issues but won't rock the boat if it might cost them personally at all. 
I get that...but think people realize that making change here vs China is much easier.

The overuse of the word faux reminds me of the other discussion about denier.  Its a word used to try to belittle or de-legitimize someone's input.

Sinn Fein, you are a faux American sir.
Technically I was born in the only place in this county to successfully secede from the country. 

I suppose that makes me a faux American.   :thumbup:

More specifically, if you consider yourself a liberal of any flavor, China is the antithesis of everything you stand for.  You'd be sent to reeducation upon arrival if you moved there.  But it's faux outrage that they leaned on an American actor to apologize for acknowledging reality?  That's really weird.
Do you have an example of any US exec that does business in China who ever made a similar comment that didn't apologize?  I'm not sure any of them have for the last 40 years and if they did they probably got fired.

I get that...but think people realize that making change here vs China is much easier.
I'd say that people realize that support for change here (faux support and real support) is certainly less costly and likely profitable.  Any change is profitable change today.

I think I might get used to using faux more often.

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Honestly apologizing is ok, we do business with China.  The only problem I have with it is that he’s apologizing for being right.  But I have no interest in singling out Cena in this case.

I’m personally more concerned with overall US citizens (particularly younger gens) ignorance and acceptance of China and the blurring of China the country and US citizens of Chinese descent to provide China the country with a political shield.
Lets be fair though...when our past Presidents own daughter (and important member of his governing inner circle) deals with China on a personal basis....the average American is going to question as to whether or not our leaders are serious or are they just trying to score political talking points while lining their own pockets.  

Lets be fair though...when our past Presidents own daughter (and important member of his governing inner circle) deals with China on a personal basis....the average American is going to question as to whether or not our leaders are serious or are they just trying to score political talking points while lining their own pockets.  
How about when our current presidents own son.   And personal bag man.  Holding money for the "big guy".

The average American is going to question as to whether or not our leaders are serious or are they just trying to score political talking points while lining their own pockets.  


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