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Johnson V. Johnson v. Johnson (1 Viewer)


All 3 Johnsons have been starting slow, Andre, Calvin, and Chad.

Who will have a more productive season going forward? They all seem to have pretty tough schedules. (Andre has 3 good home games coming up.)

Which one is gonna turn it around?

Back on topic.....

Andre seems to be the best of the bunch right now.

The consensus ranking is Andre, then Calvin, then Chad. Im not so certain I would choose Calvin over Chad right now. Calvin is alittle dinged up, and now has back up qbs passing to him.

At least Chad still has Carson Palmer. And the Cincy offense seems to be coming around now.

As a matter of fact, I am contemplating offering Calvin for Chad straight up in one of my leagues

Dynasty: Andre, Calvin, Chad......but all three of these players have flaws due to nagging health concerns, poor team play and inconsistent qb performance/health.

Shermanator said:
Back on topic.....Andre seems to be the best of the bunch right now. The consensus ranking is Andre, then Calvin, then Chad. Im not so certain I would choose Calvin over Chad right now. Calvin is alittle dinged up, and now has back up qbs passing to him. At least Chad still has Carson Palmer. And the Cincy offense seems to be coming around now. As a matter of fact, I am contemplating offering Calvin for Chad straight up in one of my leagues
It looks like Chad ( who really is not a johnson anymore :P ) has backups throwing to him, as well. I wouldn't make that offer. Megatron will be a more consistent producer, IMO. Chad may still have a blowup game or 2 left, but he'll have a lot of weeks with 2-3 rec for 20-40 yards.

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