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Justin Blackmon Suspended Indefinitely (1 Viewer)

Surprisingly scored a 22 on the wonderlic... I was expecting in like the 8-12 range
Alcoholism =/= stupidity
Surprisingly scored a 22 on the wonderlic... I was expecting in like the 8-12 range
So you're saying you've never personally known an addict or alcoholic.
Having a problem and being a moron are separate issues. Getting a taxi/driver down?
Denial is the deep seam route of every addict or alcoholic. It's in every playbook in the league.
He can be both a moron and an addict.

Surprisingly scored a 22 on the wonderlic... I was expecting in like the 8-12 range
Alcoholism =/= stupidity
Surprisingly scored a 22 on the wonderlic... I was expecting in like the 8-12 range
So you're saying you've never personally known an addict or alcoholic.
Having a problem and being a moron are separate issues. Getting a taxi/driver down?
Denial is the deep seam route of every addict or alcoholic. It's in every playbook in the league.
He can be both a moron and an addict.
Or he could be, ya know, just an addict. In your weltanschauung, he is so lacking in common sense he must have the IQ of a moron - or incapable of coherent judgement. In my life experiences with alkies, addicts and gamblers, lying and disappointing people who are depending on you to be better is like breathing.

I'm talking about people in my life who went to Ivy League schools, or hold advanced degrees, or have started multiple successful ventures, or are in positions of leadership in the corporate world and the community. It has nothing to do with intelligence or judgement. It's just a core function of being addicted to something. Lying and bad decisions are like walking. There is no thought process, it's what comes naturally. And nobody has been told more lies and believed those lies more than the ones the addict tell (and believe) to themselves.

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Guy has a problem. Kicking him when that is clear because he's not on your fantasy team, is dumb. It's going to be sad if he gets clean and regrets all this when its too late. I also think it's sad because he flashed the talent to be a transcendent WR. This, I would assume, is the end for football if it wasn't already.
I agree with this. When he played I enjoyed watching him play.

Can you imagine defending him and A Rob every play?

Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.

Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
His last arrest before this one was for ####### weed, spare me the bull####.

Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
His last arrest before this one was for ####### weed, spare me the bull####.
You have a lot of rage. Good luck with that.
Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
Being an 'addict' is not a free pass for every dumb decision you make for the rest of your life. The guy was drunk and got behind the wheel. That makes him an idiot, just as you or I would be an idiot for endangering lives like that.

Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
His last arrest before this one was for ####### weed, spare me the bull####.
You have a lot of rage. Good luck with that.
Worked out well for me for the last 32 years :shrug:

You guys see Justin's Q3 P&L report?

Yea, it was littered with errors, everything is incorrect. This guy is a moron, fire him!!

Excuse me sir, he isn't a moron, he is an addict, this is why he makes stupid errors.

Oh, okay, good work Justin!

I was caught cheating on my wife, I explained to her that I wasn't a scumbag, but a sex addict... All was forgiven.

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Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
Being an 'addict' is not a free pass for every dumb decision you make for the rest of your life. The guy was drunk and got behind the wheel. That makes him an idiot, just as you or I would be an idiot for endangering lives like that.
Agree that it isn't a free pass. We'll keep disagreeing on the rest, and that's cool.Blackmon is a sad story. No shot at getting back at the NFL, if he really had one before this news....

Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
Being an 'addict' is not a free pass for every dumb decision you make for the rest of your life. The guy was drunk and got behind the wheel. That makes him an idiot, just as you or I would be an idiot for endangering lives like that.
Agree that it isn't a free pass. We'll keep disagreeing on the rest, and that's cool.Blackmon is a sad story. No shot at getting back at the NFL, if he really had one before this news....
on my list of people I feel sorry for in this world, a gifted athlete who can't stay off the booze and drugs ranks really, really low.
Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
Being an 'addict' is not a free pass for every dumb decision you make for the rest of your life. The guy was drunk and got behind the wheel. That makes him an idiot, just as you or I would be an idiot for endangering lives like that.
Agree that it isn't a free pass. We'll keep disagreeing on the rest, and that's cool.Blackmon is a sad story. No shot at getting back at the NFL, if he really had one before this news....
on my list of people I feel sorry for in this world, a gifted athlete who can't stay off the booze and drugs ranks really, really low.
I must have missed the part where I feel sorry for him.
FTR I'm not advocating leniency, enabling, coddling, et al.

Addicts are #######s. They'll lie & do dumb #### 8 days a week. But it's not because they're morons. They're just a ####### - at home, work, wherever. Cut them out of your life, fire them, turn your back. It never ends with addicts. Endless. Cycle.

99% of the time. The one exception I've known are my buddies Paul & Ritchie. 16 years we hired Paul to be our VP of Ops. He's a recovering alcoholic. AFAIK been sober 20 years. Anyway, first move he made was to hire his old boss, Ritchie, to be our VP of Provisioning. Our CEO had to sign off on it, so he called Paul in his office.

"Isn't Ritchie the guy that fired you at Verizon 8, 10 years ago?"

Yep. I was an ####### alcoholic back then. Hell, I would have fired me.

So we tell that story a lot these days, but 99% of the time, just get as far away as quickly as you can.

#### JB. He's an #######. He blew it. He's an addict, but a condition or disease is simply a fact, not an excuse. He made his own bed. Sad, he's a major talent, but FF, the Jags & the NFL rolls on without him.

Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
His last arrest before this one was for ####### weed, spare me the bull####.
Booze, weed. He loves it. He just likes to feel good. 'Man, I am sooooo high that I could down some maddog right about now.'

FTR I'm not advocating leniency, enabling, coddling, et al.

Addicts are #######s. They'll lie & do dumb #### 8 days a week. But it's not because they're morons. They're just a ####### - at home, work, wherever. Cut them out of your life, fire them, turn your back. It never ends with addicts. Endless. Cycle.

99% of the time. The one exception I've known are my buddies Paul & Ritchie. 16 years we hired Paul to be our VP of Ops. He's a recovering alcoholic. AFAIK been sober 20 years. Anyway, first move he made was to hire his old boss, Ritchie, to be our VP of Provisioning. Our CEO had to sign off on it, so he called Paul in his office.

"Isn't Ritchie the guy that fired you at Verizon 8, 10 years ago?"

Yep. I was an ####### alcoholic back then. Hell, I would have fired me.

So we tell that story a lot these days, but 99% of the time, just get as far away as quickly as you can.

#### JB. He's an #######. He blew it. He's an addict, but a condition or disease is simply a fact, not an excuse. He made his own bed. Sad, he's a major talent, but FF, the Jags & the NFL rolls on without him.
I would add, go to Al Anon, if you are being affected by a friend or family member with a drug or alcohol problem. And recommend that the person go to treatment. With treatment many people recover. Few realize how much addicts suffer because of their illness. It robs people of their lives, health, relationships, jobs, etc. Terrible illnesses with a simple cure... Stay sober today.
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Or he could be, ya know, just an addict.
Being an addict doesn't exclude you from being a moron. Being a moron doesn't make you an addict. There is no universal relationship between the two, but in terms of this guy, I'm erring on the side of moron/addict.
You still don't get it.We have tons of evidence that he is an addict. He almost certainly is.

IF he is an addict, we have no additional information that tells us he is a moron.
Being an 'addict' is not a free pass for every dumb decision you make for the rest of your life. The guy was drunk and got behind the wheel. That makes him an idiot, just as you or I would be an idiot for endangering lives like that.
Agree that it isn't a free pass. We'll keep disagreeing on the rest, and that's cool.Blackmon is a sad story. No shot at getting back at the NFL, if he really had one before this news....
on my list of people I feel sorry for in this world, a gifted athlete who can't stay off the booze and drugs ranks really, really low.
I must have missed the part where I feel sorry for him.
Not uncommon for people to lack empathy for addicts. View it like an illness that is out of their control. The inability to cut down on the substance despite awful consequences is hallmark of the disease. Drugs and alcohol impair your judgment and make people do stupid and dangerous things like driving while intoxicated. Drugs and alcohol can turn a brilliant and wise person into a moron when they are drunk.

FTR I'm not advocating leniency, enabling, coddling, et al.

Addicts are #######s. They'll lie & do dumb #### 8 days a week. But it's not because they're morons. They're just a ####### - at home, work, wherever. Cut them out of your life, fire them, turn your back. It never ends with addicts. Endless. Cycle.

99% of the time. The one exception I've known are my buddies Paul & Ritchie. 16 years we hired Paul to be our VP of Ops. He's a recovering alcoholic. AFAIK been sober 20 years. Anyway, first move he made was to hire his old boss, Ritchie, to be our VP of Provisioning. Our CEO had to sign off on it, so he called Paul in his office.

"Isn't Ritchie the guy that fired you at Verizon 8, 10 years ago?"

Yep. I was an ####### alcoholic back then. Hell, I would have fired me.

So we tell that story a lot these days, but 99% of the time, just get as far away as quickly as you can.

#### JB. He's an #######. He blew it. He's an addict, but a condition or disease is simply a fact, not an excuse. He made his own bed. Sad, he's a major talent, but FF, the Jags & the NFL rolls on without him.
I would add, go to Al Anon, if you are being affected by a friend or family member with a drug or alcohol problem. And recommend that the person go to treatment. With treatment many people recover. Few realize how much addicts suffer because of their illness. It robs people of their lives, health, relationships, jobs, etc. Terrible illnesses with a simple cure... Stay sober today.
Not uncommon for people to lack empathy for addicts. View it like an illness that is out of their control. The inability to cut down on the substance despite awful consequences is hallmark of the disease. Drugs and alcohol impair your judgment and make people do stupid and dangerous things like driving while intoxicated. Drugs and alcohol can turn a brilliant and wise person into a moron when they are drunk.
I hear what you are saying.

I grew up with alcoholics and my best friend of 45 years was once a crack head. Licensed engineer, came from a great family. Nearly screwed his life up for good back in the late 80s/early 90s. He got sober for a few years, relapsed. I just hosted him for Thanksgiving, along with his (2nd) wife and three kids. Seems to be OK for the moment. But I'm wary. Anyway, he's down in Tampa, not hard to be a friend for a couple days.

I'm working with a C-level executive who is an alcoholic. We've offered treatment and tried intervention. For the past year we've been building the case file (HR reports to me; it's complicated firing vested equity holders, especially one that has half the VPs/Directors reporting to him.) It's exhausting.

So my advice to get the #### away from addicts is not from a lack of empathy, but just a lifetime of dealing with other people's bull####. I know, clinically and rationally, it's a disease that is beyond their control. But if there is any way you have a choice, don't try to be there for them. They. Are. Not. Worth. It.

Where the rubber meets the road, it's emotionally and physically draining dealing with addicts. OTOH I want to feel sorry for them, OTOH I can't stand their b.s.

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FTR I'm not advocating leniency, enabling, coddling, et al.

Addicts are #######s. They'll lie & do dumb #### 8 days a week. But it's not because they're morons. They're just a ####### - at home, work, wherever. Cut them out of your life, fire them, turn your back. It never ends with addicts. Endless. Cycle.

99% of the time. The one exception I've known are my buddies Paul & Ritchie. 16 years we hired Paul to be our VP of Ops. He's a recovering alcoholic. AFAIK been sober 20 years. Anyway, first move he made was to hire his old boss, Ritchie, to be our VP of Provisioning. Our CEO had to sign off on it, so he called Paul in his office.

"Isn't Ritchie the guy that fired you at Verizon 8, 10 years ago?"

Yep. I was an ####### alcoholic back then. Hell, I would have fired me.

So we tell that story a lot these days, but 99% of the time, just get as far away as quickly as you can.

#### JB. He's an #######. He blew it. He's an addict, but a condition or disease is simply a fact, not an excuse. He made his own bed. Sad, he's a major talent, but FF, the Jags & the NFL rolls on without him.
I would add, go to Al Anon, if you are being affected by a friend or family member with a drug or alcohol problem. And recommend that the person go to treatment. With treatment many people recover. Few realize how much addicts suffer because of their illness. It robs people of their lives, health, relationships, jobs, etc. Terrible illnesses with a simple cure... Stay sober today.
Not uncommon for people to lack empathy for addicts. View it like an illness that is out of their control. The inability to cut down on the substance despite awful consequences is hallmark of the disease. Drugs and alcohol impair your judgment and make people do stupid and dangerous things like driving while intoxicated. Drugs and alcohol can turn a brilliant and wise person into a moron when they are drunk.
I hear what you are saying.

I grew up with alcoholics and my best friend of 45 years was once a crack head. Licensed engineer, came from a great family. Nearly screwed his life up for good back in the late 80s/early 90s. He got sober for a few years, relapsed. I just hosted him for Thanksgiving, along with his (2nd) wife and three kids. Seems to be OK for the moment. But I'm wary. Anyway, he's down in Tampa, not hard to be a friend for a couple days.

I'm working with a C-level executive who is an alcoholic. We've offered treatment and tried intervention. For the past year we've been building the case file (HR reports to me; it's complicated firing vested equity holders, especially one that has half the VPs/Directors reporting to him.) It's exhausting.

So my advice to get the #### away from addicts is not from a lack of empathy, but just a lifetime of dealing with other people's bull####. I know, clinically and rationally, it's a disease that is beyond their control. But if there is any way you have a choice, don't try to be there for them. They. Are. Not. Worth. It.

Where the rubber meets the road, it's emotionally and physically draining dealing with addicts. OTOH I want to feel sorry for them, OTOH I can't stand their b.s.
I have no problem with avoiding an addict who is still drinking and drugging. In fact, it's a good way to ensure you aren't enabling them.

The ghost of Justin Blackmon. The Jags offense is going to be good this year, but think about it with Blackmon. Can't make someone do something they don't want to do though. I just hope he doesn't turn 35 and then wonder what could have been like I'm doing now. The worst trade I ever made was for him. Still trying to find a #1 WR in that league to this day.

Suspended WR Justin Blackmon received a one-year suspended sentence Wednesday after pleading guilty to an April DUI charge.
He's also been put on probation. Blackmon will avoid jail time as long as he complies with the conditions set by an Oklahoma judge. An immense talent coming out of Oklahoma State, the former top-five pick has sabotaged his career with repeated substance abuse and other off-field issues. The odds of him ever playing another NFL snap are slim to none.

Source: Mark Cooper on Twitter

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