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Kornheiser particularly annoying last night? (1 Viewer)


I really try not to pay too much attention to the Monday Night crew, particularly Kornheiser, but he was simply unbearable last night.

Couple of points.

Jaworski makes some comment about Childress being in trouble if he listens to Sports Talk Radio to influence his QB decisions. Kornheiser, being in Talk Radio, doesn't shut up about it for the rest of the night, trying to defend Sports Talk Radio as the voice of the NFL, as though the NFL couldn't live without it. I'm pretty sure Jaworski wanted to ram his microphone up Tony's Kornhole after that.

Kornheiser, along with the rest of the crew, talking about the difference between college and the NFL as it relates to Bush's lack of success as an NFL RB. There was one play in particular I recall where Bush is trying to bounce outside to the left but gets stopped for little or no gain by Cedric Griffin. They all comment how that may have worked for Bush in college, but NFL defenders have just as much speed as Bush. Of course, that's been said many times, that's not new. But, then after Bush returns two punts for TDs, they can't get off his jock. All of the sudden, he's the steal of the draft, ahead of Mario Williams, that's why the Saints drafted him, he's a game changer, he's too fast for anyone to catch, etc. Jesus H. If I didn't hear Kornheiser rambling on and on, I would have sworn his mouth was stuffed with Bush's ####.

I tried to mute the TV, but football doesn't sound the same without the crowd and background noise. How can I mute the announcers, but keep the background noise?

I really try not to pay too much attention to the Monday Night crew, particularly Kornheiser, but he was simply unbearable last night.Couple of points.Jaworski makes some comment about Childress being in trouble if he listens to Sports Talk Radio to influence his QB decisions. Kornheiser, being in Talk Radio, doesn't shut up about it for the rest of the night, trying to defend Sports Talk Radio as the voice of the NFL, as though the NFL couldn't live without it. I'm pretty sure Jaworski wanted to ram his microphone up Tony's Kornhole after that.Kornheiser, along with the rest of the crew, talking about the difference between college and the NFL as it relates to Bush's lack of success as an NFL RB. There was one play in particular I recall where Bush is trying to bounce outside to the left but gets stopped for little or no gain by Cedric Griffin. They all comment how that may have worked for Bush in college, but NFL defenders have just as much speed as Bush. Of course, that's been said many times, that's not new. But, then after Bush returns two punts for TDs, they can't get off his jock. All of the sudden, he's the steal of the draft, ahead of Mario Williams, that's why the Saints drafted him, he's a game changer, he's too fast for anyone to catch, etc. Jesus H. If I didn't hear Kornheiser rambling on and on, I would have sworn his mouth was stuffed with Bush's ####.I tried to mute the TV, but football doesn't sound the same without the crowd and background noise. How can I mute the announcers, but keep the background noise?
I don't know about everyone else but I always get the impression that Jaws is constantly annoyed with Kornheiser and wants to throw him through the booth window with every comment he makes. I don't mind Kornheiser as much as everyone else -- he's a fantastic writer and sometimes hits the mark and is funny. I definitely see why people are annoyed with him though, but I'm going on a limb and saying either Jaws or Kornheiser is gone by next year on MNF.
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Kornheiser also made some type of comment about Bush's ability to catch the ball. That it took the Saints off guard how good of a reciever he was. Jaws said something to the effect, Reggie was a great catching the ball in college.

Jaws Sucks, Mike is ok, but Kornhole is the most informative on the program, Jaws is a waste of space, all he does is tell us how when the QB drops back and has good form and hits the wideouts in stride, he is useless!!!!

I used to find Jaws insightful and captivating enough to keep me interested. Now, maybe listening to Kornheiser puts me in a bad mood during MNF, but when I listen to Jaws these days, he just comes off as a know-it-all who should be coaching, but can't get a job for whatever reason.

He really seemed proud of his use of the word "disparate".
No kidding. "Who keeps track of all of these disparate facts?" "That's the most random collection of disparate facts I can imagine." "This game has probably broken all kinds of records with all of these disparate events." Oh #### already.
Jaws Sucks, Mike is ok, but Kornhole is the most informative on the program, Jaws is a waste of space, all he does is tell us how when the QB drops back and has good form and hits the wideouts in stride, he is useless!!!!
Each time you post something your brilliance shines through loud and clear. You haven't a clue!Keep on posting though, I can't get enough of your shtick!!!

Jaws Sucks, Mike is ok, but Kornhole is the most informative on the program, Jaws is a waste of space, all he does is tell us how when the QB drops back and has good form and hits the wideouts in stride, he is useless!!!!
The crew is not there for the hardcore fan. The crew is there for the casual fan as they are trying to draw in a wider audience.

Kornheiser just seems to try way too hard every game to make a witty comment and get into debates instead of just talking about the game and what's going on. I wish they would just go to a two man booth because that's all they need. I know MNF has historically been a 3 person booth (except for when Madden was there) but it takes away from watching the game IMO when the third person is trying to be a comedian instead of adding some value by describing what is going on in the game.

I solved the problem yesterday by TIVO'ing the game and just hitting the fast forward 30 second key between plays. That pretty much kept me from listening to the announcers until I caught up with them in the second half. Made for a much more enjoyable viewing experience.

I say this in 3 out of 20 Kornheiser threads.

LOVE Tony's radio show, love his writing, love him on PTI. He's horrible on MNF. To his credit, he admits to being awful and jokes that somebody is replacing him all the time.

Tony, if you're reading this....

Cut the three strands of hair you use for your comb over.

Work on not being so effeminate on television.

Just come back to radio!

Tony often has a firm grasp of the obvious, which would be more tolerable if he were content to make a point once. He isn't. He often restates the same point over and over in slightly different ways as though we're too thick to "get it". It's like pulling a bandaid off slowly rather than just giving it a quick tug...

I did like it when he called out the stat people. This is the first game in history with 2, 50 plus yard FGs, 2 punt returns for TDs, etc. etc. Who cares and is that really even a stat that means anything? I really hate it when they start quoting MNF stats. Why is MNF treated differently than any other game with stats? I don't care how many sacks so-and-so had on MNF.

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Worse than Kornheiser being uninsightful is that he seems to take great pride in what little prep work he does. He makes idiotic comments AND mocks Jaws for all his film study. To me, that's what makes him so unbearable.

I did like it when he called out the stat people. This is the first game in history with 2, 50 plus yard FGs, 2 punt returns for TDs, etc. etc. Who cares and is that really even a stat that means anything? I really hate it when they start quoting MNF stats. Why is MNF treated differently than any other game with stats? I don't care how many sacks so-and-so had on MNF.
I find it funny that someone on a Fantasy Football site would be against stats of any kind. :lmao:
He's horrible on MNF. To his credit, he admits to being awful and jokes that somebody is replacing him all the time.
My recollection is that he doesn't take criticism very well. When Golic ripped his performance debut on MNF Kornheiser was whining about the criticism and really took it personal. I think his joking around is just masking his insecurities about being criticized for his piss poor performance on MNF. I wish more prominent people would criticize him so it would chase him off. Of course, since it's an ESPN telecast no one from the network is going to say anything. (Golic has been silent since so I am guessing the network may have talked to him about his initial comments).I do agree with you that he is better suited for radio and the newspaper than doing play-by-play.
Kornheiser just seems to try way too hard every game to make a witty comment and get into debates instead of just talking about the game and what's going on. I wish they would just go to a two man booth because that's all they need. I know MNF has historically been a 3 person booth (except for when Madden was there) but it takes away from watching the game IMO when the third person is trying to be a comedian instead of adding some value by describing what is going on in the game. I solved the problem yesterday by TIVO'ing the game and just hitting the fast forward 30 second key between plays. That pretty much kept me from listening to the announcers until I caught up with them in the second half. Made for a much more enjoyable viewing experience.
:lmao: I absolutely will NOT watch MNF if I can't 30s skip around those 3. For the record, I could stomach a 2 man booth of Mike and Jaws simply talking about the game. I like Kornhole when he is NOT on MNF...but he's god-awful, and simply in-the-way while trying to watch football.
The strange thing is that I really like him and Wilbon on PTI. But on MNF I keep finding myself thinking, "Oh just shut up already."

I did like it when he called out the stat people. This is the first game in history with 2, 50 plus yard FGs, 2 punt returns for TDs, etc. etc. Who cares and is that really even a stat that means anything? I really hate it when they start quoting MNF stats. Why is MNF treated differently than any other game with stats? I don't care how many sacks so-and-so had on MNF.
I find it funny that someone on a Fantasy Football site would be against stats of any kind. :lmao:
I wouldn't be, but why not track stats on other game times? For example, I want to see tom Brady's win percentage on 4PM ET games? Or how many record yards LT had on 1PM ET games. Get my point?
Kornheiser sucks. Some blogger wrote that every writer who becomes a commentator sucks, which is terrible because they're great at writing, why would they do something they suck at?

The problem is when writers start talking, they don't talk to you, they write at you. Kornheiser is the worst at this. Everything he says isn't just an observation he's making about the game, it becomes a point he's trying to convince you about. That's how you do it when you're writing, and it makes you a good writer. When you talk to someone like that, it just rubs people the wrong way.


I was going crazy listining to that cornhole last night. He seriously took away from the game watching experience. I honestly found myself steaming for a moment.

Tony often has a firm grasp of the obvious, which would be more tolerable if he were content to make a point once. He isn't. He often restates the same point over and over in slightly different ways as though we're too thick to "get it". It's like pulling a bandaid off slowly rather than just giving it a quick tug...
Yes, that is exactly why I hate him. :thumbdown:

I did like it when he called out the stat people. This is the first game in history with 2, 50 plus yard FGs, 2 punt returns for TDs, etc. etc. Who cares and is that really even a stat that means anything? I really hate it when they start quoting MNF stats. Why is MNF treated differently than any other game with stats? I don't care how many sacks so-and-so had on MNF.
Why do so many fans want to reject the history of the NFL and start football with the SB.
I did like it when he called out the stat people. This is the first game in history with 2, 50 plus yard FGs, 2 punt returns for TDs, etc. etc. Who cares and is that really even a stat that means anything? I really hate it when they start quoting MNF stats. Why is MNF treated differently than any other game with stats? I don't care how many sacks so-and-so had on MNF.
Why do so many fans want to reject the history of the NFL and start football with the SB.
I'm not rejecting history at all. I just think "records" on MNF are stupid. It's just another game. Start keeping "records" on SNF (Sunday) or TNF (Thursday) or SDF1PMET (Sunday Day Football, 1PM ET) or SDF4PMET (Sunday Day Football, 4PM ET). So Favre holds the MNF TD and yards "record". Big deal. It's not a record. He's had the opportunity to play on MNF more than any other QB. I want to know who holds the "record" for the most TDs on SDF4PMET.
Tony often has a firm grasp of the obvious, which would be more tolerable if he were content to make a point once. He isn't. He often restates the same point over and over in slightly different ways as though we're too thick to "get it". It's like pulling a bandaid off slowly rather than just giving it a quick tug...
Yes, that is exactly why I hate him. :bye:

I did like it when he called out the stat people. This is the first game in history with 2, 50 plus yard FGs, 2 punt returns for TDs, etc. etc. Who cares and is that really even a stat that means anything? I really hate it when they start quoting MNF stats. Why is MNF treated differently than any other game with stats? I don't care how many sacks so-and-so had on MNF.
Why do so many fans want to reject the history of the NFL and start football with the SB.
Tim McCarver has been doing that with baseball his whole career.
He's horrible on MNF. To his credit, he admits to being awful and jokes that somebody is replacing him all the time.
My recollection is that he doesn't take criticism very well. When Golic ripped his performance debut on MNF Kornheiser was whining about the criticism and really took it personal. I think his joking around is just masking his insecurities about being criticized for his piss poor performance on MNF. I wish more prominent people would criticize him so it would chase him off. Of course, since it's an ESPN telecast no one from the network is going to say anything. (Golic has been silent since so I am guessing the network may have talked to him about his initial comments).I do agree with you that he is better suited for radio and the newspaper than doing play-by-play.
That IS Kornheiser. He is insecure, narcissistic, egotistical, self-involved, paranoid, and obsessive, and whiny. Those qualities make his radio show a hoot, because he knows he's those things and his team knows he's those things, and it's a all a big joke (it's also a big part of the humor of PTI). But when he's those things in an environment where those things aren't endearing or even acceptable, like national televised football games, it turns off most viewers.Just to be straight, Kornheiser has admitted he sucks, and openly campaigned for ESPN to replace him. As to the question, "Then why accept the job?" he replies that when someone offers you MNF, you HAVE to say yes. Reading between the lines, a big part of that is you HAVE to say yes to the $. At least he's honest about it.

ETA: The one habit he has the drives me nuts is the constant hyperbole. Gus Frerrotte is 87 years old, TK? Really? Statements like that don't emphasize Gus's age and long journey, they actually rob him of some credit he should get for being 37 (or whatever) and finally winning another starting job after so long. It does the players and the game a disservice. PLUS it's not funny.

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I usually don't get too worked up about it. I keep the sound down and barely listen. But man, last night was bad.

How often can Tony pull out the "Gus is 87 years old!", "there's 1,000,000lbs of Williams on the front line!", "they threw for 5 million yards!". Along with 3-4 "zillion" blasts. He's basically your ######ed fan going overboard on every single play, then reversing this opinion 180 on the next play. "man he's awful and stealing money", "wow he's great and worth every penny!" It's just very hard to listen to.

Tony is used to making a mountain out of a mole hile every day, because he's forced to talk sports every day. PTI in the summer, is really pushing it to have 10-12 talking points. He does talk radio. There's not a lot of national interest sports stuff going on every day. So when a team goes 0-1, the season is over. If they go 1-0 they're playoff bound. You'll see on around the horn and PTI they do a lot of "time to panic stuff". And that's just because they need stuff to talk about. And he does that during the game. If someone starts out a little slow, it's "wow he's playing horrbiel, xxx team is in big trouble" and it's the first series. He just has a lot of that "freak out at everything" sports talk guy stuff, and it really gets old. He constantly wants to remark how great something is, or how horrible something is. When it's football, it comes and goes, ups and downs. Sometimes a player isn’t a hero, or a bum, he just is. And Tony pretty much is lost when that happens during the game.

He's horrible on MNF. To his credit, he admits to being awful and jokes that somebody is replacing him all the time.
My recollection is that he doesn't take criticism very well. When Golic ripped his performance debut on MNF Kornheiser was whining about the criticism and really took it personal. I think his joking around is just masking his insecurities about being criticized for his piss poor performance on MNF. I wish more prominent people would criticize him so it would chase him off. Of course, since it's an ESPN telecast no one from the network is going to say anything. (Golic has been silent since so I am guessing the network may have talked to him about his initial comments).I do agree with you that he is better suited for radio and the newspaper than doing play-by-play.
Just to be straight, Kornheiser has admitted he sucks, and openly campaigned for ESPN to replace him.
That's just schtick IMO. If he didn't want the job anymore, then he could easily quit and go do something else he wants to do more. The fact that he remains there is due to the money I'm sure but also to drive his ego that he is part of the MNF booth history.
He also looks like a ##### on PTI when he wears sunglasses. He needs to give the sunglasses and his comb over a rest. I don't know why the guy is so delusional in thinking that either look is "cool" for him.

He's horrible on MNF. To his credit, he admits to being awful and jokes that somebody is replacing him all the time.
My recollection is that he doesn't take criticism very well. When Golic ripped his performance debut on MNF Kornheiser was whining about the criticism and really took it personal. I think his joking around is just masking his insecurities about being criticized for his piss poor performance on MNF. I wish more prominent people would criticize him so it would chase him off. Of course, since it's an ESPN telecast no one from the network is going to say anything. (Golic has been silent since so I am guessing the network may have talked to him about his initial comments).I do agree with you that he is better suited for radio and the newspaper than doing play-by-play.
Just to be straight, Kornheiser has admitted he sucks, and openly campaigned for ESPN to replace him.
That's just schtick IMO. If he didn't want the job anymore, then he could easily quit and go do something else he wants to do more. The fact that he remains there is due to the money I'm sure but also to drive his ego that he is part of the MNF booth history.
Yeah, I agree with that. Just speculating, but I'd think that if he quits, he doesn't get the cash, but if ESPN fires him he does. Maybe a Davis/Kiffin thing without the vitriol?BTW, I'm not defending Kornheiser as a MNF announcer. I too think he needs to go. I'm just pointing out that the general criticisms he receives here aren't new to TK...he knows this stuff about himself and revels in it.

Dare I say I kinda miss the Patrick-McGuire-Theisman days.
I don't miss McGuire at all. I dread watching college games on ABC where he is on the telecast. It's the same schtick with him every week too (i.e. "look at his feet"). He also says the most obvious stuff like he is some kind of genius and none of us watching the game could figure it out. But, that's a whole other thread. I actually never really had a problem with Theismann although I am sure I am in the minority on that one.
I see some version of this thread every week and always wonder that I must be the only guy in America who can just ignore the announcers.

cjack said:
I tried to mute the TV, but football doesn't sound the same without the crowd and background noise. How can I mute the announcers, but keep the background noise?
You can put it on SAP and listen in Spanish.I love Kornheiser because I grew up reading his column in the Post and love PTI, but I know how you feel because baseball's my one true love and Tim McCarver and Joe Morgan make me wanna throw shiite at my TV!
Kornheiser and Jaws spend way too much time making bad jokes about each other. You know the producers tell them to play up their contrived little rivalry. Jaws is completely miscast for that. He knows football for sure, but has very little personality. He fails miserably when trying to crack jokes about Kornheiser. Jaws should just stick to Xs and Os. Kornheiser, on the other hand, has some personality, but knows very little about football. No need for him at all.

JuSt CuZ said:
Jaws Sucks, Mike is ok, but Kornhole is the most informative on the program, Jaws is a waste of space, all he does is tell us how when the QB drops back and has good form and hits the wideouts in stride, he is useless!!!!
:unsure: I love me some Kornhole!
Again..why do they have three guys in the booth?? And what does Kornheiser add? Dennis Miller was at least funny.

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