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Kurt Warner (1 Viewer)

Johnny Utah #9

After last Sunday's debacle, how much longer before Warner gets the pine? 6 TOs, 4 in the 2nd quarter that lead to scores putting the Cards down 34-0 at the half. Picks and the infamous Warner fumblitis returned. It was nothing short of horrific. Warner wasn't the only reason the Cards lost that game, but he was a big factor.

So the question now is how long do you guys see Warner starting this season? The Cards gave Leinart every opportunity possible to win the job in the preseason and he crapped the bed. That being said, they have a lot invested in the kid, and if things continue to go south Leinart should work his way back in there. The Cards (2-2) draw the Bills next week and then the Boys. They'll be 2-4 two weeks from now. Will that be the start of the co-ed in hot tubs and beer bong era in Arizona? Or will the crappy division keep the Cards in it and Warner behind center until the very end of the season?

So what's Warner's current value right now in fantasy leagues? He's a top scoring QB, but with a perceived shelf life. He seems like he may be a long shot to be playing come fantasy playoff time. What do you guys think?

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After last Sunday's debacle, how much longer before Warner gets the pine? 6 TOs, 4 in the 2nd quarter that lead to scores putting the Cards down 34-0 at the half. Picks and the infamous Warner fumblitis returned. It was nothing short of horrific. Warner wasn't the only reason the Cards lost that game, but he was a big factor.So the question now is how long do you guys see Warner starting this season? The Cards gave Leinart every opportunity possible to win the job in the preseason and he crapped the bed. That being said, they have a lot invested in the kid, and if things continue to go south Leinart should work his way back in there. The Cards (2-2) draw the Bills next week and then the Boys. They'll be 2-4 two weeks from now. Will the start of the co-ed in hot tubs and beer bong era in Arizona? Or will the crappy division keep the Cards in it and Warner behind center until the very end of the season?So what's Warner's current value right now in fantasy leagues? He's a top scoring QB, but with a perceived shelf life. He seems like he may be a long shot to be playing come fantasy playoff time. What do you guys think?
After seeing Leinert in th preseason and the last part of 2007 I think the Cards stay with Warner no matter what he does. He still puts up the points while Leinert was a great college QB he does not play at the same speed as he did in college. His reads are slower and his arm strength is in question as well.
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As long as nobody else steps up in the NFC West they will stick with Warner. Still if I were a betting man, I'd bet Warner won't be starting the full year.


Warner made some mistakes no doubt, but the Cards would have never overcame that deficit without Warner in as QB. There is a nite/day difference with Leinart in. I could live with Warner's INT's. The fumbles I cant. Im sure he will have time to think about it. I wouldn't change Warner as he has played well in the 1st 3 games.

Even the mighty power of the PAC10 can't save Leinart from sucking. Warner is the starter as long as he's healthy.

After last Sunday's debacle, how much longer before Warner gets the pine? 6 TOs, 4 in the 2nd quarter that lead to scores putting the Cards down 34-0 at the half. Picks and the infamous Warner fumblitis returned. It was nothing short of horrific. Warner wasn't the only reason the Cards lost that game, but he was a big factor.So the question now is how long do you guys see Warner starting this season? The Cards gave Leinart every opportunity possible to win the job in the preseason and he crapped the bed. That being said, they have a lot invested in the kid, and if things continue to go south Leinart should work his way back in there. The Cards (2-2) draw the Bills next week and then the Boys. They'll be 2-4 two weeks from now. Will that be the start of the co-ed in hot tubs and beer bong era in Arizona? Or will the crappy division keep the Cards in it and Warner behind center until the very end of the season?So what's Warner's current value right now in fantasy leagues? He's a top scoring QB, but with a perceived shelf life. He seems like he may be a long shot to be playing come fantasy playoff time. What do you guys think?
I was a hot start for Warner and Sunday was the reality dose. But, that coach hates Leinart. Maybe if i knew Leinart, so would I. But basically, unless Warner is dragging his detached leg 2 feet behind him, I bet he is in there.
matt leinart's hollywood fame and partyboy personality is the only reason anybody even still has this conversation. he sucks at football. nothing has changed between now and when the season started 4 weeks ago.

the cardinals are sitting at the top of their putrid division right now, and will be no more than a game back when they come out of their bye 3 weeks from now. they didn't expect to go 16-0. winning the division at 8-8 or 9-7, led by warner's crazy tecmo bowl-style quarterbacking, is this team's best prayer (no pun intended) and strategy of seeing the postseason.

literally the only aspect of quarterbacking that leinart is better than warner at is not being prone as #### to fumbling. period. there will never be a game that kurt warner will lose this season, that would have been won if matt leinart was playing qb.

they'll have to be 2-6 minimum, and losing games BECAUSE of warner before they even consider making a switch. this conversation is crazy at 2-2.

He's a top 5 QB...what does he have to do?
Top 5 for fantasy and top 5 for real life are entirely different animals. He turned the ball over a half dozen times in one game.
Yes, he did. And they were down 34-0...and they were STILL in that game, making the Jets nervous. How many QBs can put up that many points that quickly? The bottom line is that you need talented receivers, and Arizona has them. But you also needs a QB who knows how to utilize that kind of talent, and that's the kind of experience Warner has. Even with six turnovers I say he's the best guy for that team.
I was a hot start for Warner and Sunday was the reality dose. But, that coach hates Leinart. Maybe if i knew Leinart, so would I. But basically, unless Warner is dragging his detached leg 2 feet behind him, I bet he is in there.
How do you know this, exactly? You sound 100% certain Leinart has no chance of seeing the field.
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.

I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Wow, an unbiased, educated, dare I say, objective viewpoint of the situation. Crazy.
He's a top 5 QB...what does he have to do?
Yeah, so he had one bad game hanging onto the football in a tough venue in the rain....big freakin' deal. Even so, and with a defense that might as well have stayed home, he was still in it. He's averaging over 300 yds, 2 TD's and just 1 INT per game and he's completed almost 67% of his passes for a 100.8 QB rating. Look at the rest of the leagues QB's Einstein.
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Wow, an unbiased, educated, dare I say, objective viewpoint of the situation. Crazy.
not really. you're overlooking the most important piece of the pie: they are currently in first place and are desperately trying to win the division.let's look at the schedule...2-5 would mean they lost at home to buff and dallas, and on the road in carolina. all entirely possible. but how far out of first do you think that would put them? 2 games max, and more likely 1 (max). sf plays the pats, iggs, and at giants, and seattle plays at tampa and giants, and home vs. the pack. neither of those teams are coming out of those better than 1-2. for arguments sake though, let's give them both 1-2, and the cards 0-3 (even though this week's home game vs the bills is the most winnable game out of all 9 of those). now you have the cards at 2-5, the hawks at 2-4, and the division-leading 9ers at 3-4.so the cards are a game back of the 9ers, who they currently hold the tie-breaker over, heading into their week 8 bye. following the bye, their division schedule resumes with games in st. louis, HOME vs. the division-leading 9ers, and in seattle. is this really the time you want to be "seeing what you have" in matt leinart? like i said, warner would have to be playing putrid football and causing them to lose to necessitate a change at this point.you have to look at this from the perspective that every team in the division is crap, and as long as there is an opportunity to reach 7 wins, the season is still alive.also, if the cards are to win this sunday vs. the bills, you can completely close the book on leinart's chances to see the field without an injury to warner. the cards will be in the driver's seat at 3-2, as f'd up as that is.
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He's a top 5 QB...what does he have to do?
Yeah, so he had one bad game hanging onto the football in a tough venue in the rain....big freakin' deal. Even so, and with a defense that might as well have stayed home, he was still in it. He's averaging over 300 yds, 2 TD's and just 1 INT per game and he's completed almost 67% of his passes for a 100.8 QB rating. Look at the rest of the leagues QB's Einstein.
He's a top 5 QB...what does he have to do?
Yeah, so he had one bad game hanging onto the football in a tough venue in the rain....big freakin' deal. Even so, and with a defense that might as well have stayed home, he was still in it. He's averaging over 300 yds, 2 TD's and just 1 INT per game and he's completed almost 67% of his passes for a 100.8 QB rating. Look at the rest of the leagues QB's Einstein.
I think he was laughing at calling Warner a top-5 QB. Top 5 for fantasy is already pushing it, but top 5 for real life? That's crazy talk.The stats certainly back up the top 5 assertion, but if you had to pick five quarterbacks to lead your team this season Warner wouldn't be among them. He's putting up numbers, sure. But last week is a great example of how he put up numbers simply because he helped bury the team. Nearly all QBs will put up big stats in games where they're trailing by 30 points in the first half, simply because the opposition will relax the defense and there's a lot of time to play catch-up. Should we reward Warner by saying he put up big numbers when his shoddy play is the sole reason for having that opportunity?For the record, I'd take both Mannings, Brees, Hass, McNabb, Romo, Rodgers, Roethlisberger, Palmer, Rivers, Cutler, Favre, hell maybe even guys like Edwards, Garrard, Delhomme who haven't put up eye-popping stats...they'd ALL be better options than Warner, all other things being equal.Personally, I think the NFC West is too wide open to sit Warner because Leinart has shown enough to make you think he's not doing it this year. But I also think Warner's injury history is such that Leinart will get a shot once the injury bug bites. I just don't see him being benched unless the team is 3-9 or something.
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Wow, an unbiased, educated, dare I say, objective viewpoint of the situation. Crazy.
not really. you're overlooking the most important piece of the pie: they are currently in first place and are desperately trying to win the division.let's look at the schedule...2-5 would mean they lost at home to buff and dallas, and on the road in carolina. all entirely possible. but how far out of first do you think that would put them? 2 games max, and more likely 1 (max). sf plays the pats, iggs, and at giants, and seattle plays at tampa and giants, and home vs. the pack. neither of those teams are coming out of those better than 1-2. for arguments sake though, let's give them both 1-2, and the cards 0-3 (even though this week's home game vs the bills is the most winnable game out of all 9 of those). now you have the cards at 2-5, the hawks at 2-4, and the division-leading 9ers at 3-4.so the cards are a game back of the 9ers, who they currently hold the tie-breaker over, heading into their week 8 bye. following the bye, their division schedule resumes with games in st. louis, HOME vs. the division-leading 9ers, and in seattle. is this really the time you want to be "seeing what you have" in matt leinart? like i said, warner would have to be playing putrid football and causing them to lose to necessitate a change at this point.you have to look at this from the perspective that every team in the division is crap, and as long as there is an opportunity to reach 7 wins, the season is still alive.also, if the cards are to win this sunday vs. the bills, you can completely close the book on leinart's chances to see the field without an injury to warner. the cards will be in the driver's seat at 3-2, as f'd up as that is.
I'm not overlooking anything. And I'm well aware of their situation. All I was saying is that Mr. Black was one of the few in this thread to not be blinded by their FF roster.
you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.

I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Wow, an unbiased, educated, dare I say, objective viewpoint of the situation. Crazy.
not really. you're overlooking the most important piece of the pie: they are currently in first place and are desperately trying to win the division.let's look at the schedule...2-5 would mean they lost at home to buff and dallas, and on the road in carolina. all entirely possible. but how far out of first do you think that would put them? 2 games max, and more likely 1 (max). sf plays the pats, iggs, and at giants, and seattle plays at tampa and giants, and home vs. the pack. neither of those teams are coming out of those better than 1-2. for arguments sake though, let's give them both 1-2, and the cards 0-3 (even though this week's home game vs the bills is the most winnable game out of all 9 of those). now you have the cards at 2-5, the hawks at 2-4, and the division-leading 9ers at 3-4.so the cards are a game back of the 9ers, who they currently hold the tie-breaker over, heading into their week 8 bye. following the bye, their division schedule resumes with games in st. louis, HOME vs. the division-leading 9ers, and in seattle. is this really the time you want to be "seeing what you have" in matt leinart? like i said, warner would have to be playing putrid football and causing them to lose to necessitate a change at this point.you have to look at this from the perspective that every team in the division is crap, and as long as there is an opportunity to reach 7 wins, the season is still alive.also, if the cards are to win this sunday vs. the bills, you can completely close the book on leinart's chances to see the field without an injury to warner. the cards will be in the driver's seat at 3-2, as f'd up as that is.
I'm not overlooking anything. And I'm well aware of their situation. All I was saying is that Mr. Black was one of the few in this thread to not be blinded by their FF roster.
Leinart won't be playing unless the Cardinals are eliminated from the playoffs. The reason, he sucks. Warner is at least a top ten ff QB, what he winds up as time will tell.
you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.
He's just more educated about the situation than the rest of the replies. Or at the very least, objective. But whatever with the semantics, guy...Yeah, Mr. Black threw "every other factor out" besides, um, the most important part. -- as if the high draft pick and seeing what they've got isn't that big of a deal. :banned: But wait, he's a top 5 QB everybody!!So go on hoping that the best case scenario plays out. That Arizona doesn't suck, for the millionth time. That Warner doesn't fumble. That he stays healthy. That he doesn't get hit. That he stops turning the ball over. That he keeps playing at a high level. That teams don't start blitzing the crap out of him. That Edge gets 10 years younger. That they make a playoff run. And on and on.So yeah, good luck with your boy Warner this year. He's the best!
Leinart won't be playing unless the Cardinals are eliminated from the playoffs. The reason, he sucks. Warner is at least a top ten ff QB, what he winds up as time will tell.
At no time have I said, or even implied for that matter, that Leinart had NFL skills. Of course he sucks, but that's not really the issue here. Given the parameters, which I'm not going through again, I find the odds of everything going right for Arizona (yes, the CARDINALS), and their old QB, much more of a stretch than seeing them, at some point, give their top pick another go.
Leinart won't be playing unless the Cardinals are eliminated from the playoffs. The reason, he sucks. Warner is at least a top ten ff QB, what he winds up as time will tell.
At no time have I said, or even implied for that matter, that Leinart had NFL skills. Of course he sucks, but that's not really the issue here. Given the parameters, which I'm not going through again, I find the odds of everything going right for Arizona (yes, the CARDINALS), and their old QB, much more of a stretch than seeing them, at some point, give their top pick another go.
Got your point. Always a good ideas to bet against the Cards and Lions. Still think Warner finishes the season. Leinart's pre-season sealed the deal.
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Since November of 2007 Warner has started every game for the Cardinals.

His passer rating in each month:

November 2007: 87.4

December 2007: 88.5

September 2008: 100.8

This is not a fluke. Those are good passer rating numbers. Warner is a good QB. He can really wing it. Yes, he's prone to having a bad turnover game. Six TOs is awful. But before last week he'd turned it over exactly once in his previous three games.

This franchise has been in Arizona since 1988. They have made the playoffs exactly once, 1998. They will ride Warner as long as they possibly can this year.

you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.
He's just more educated about the situation than the rest of the replies. Or at the very least, objective. But whatever with the semantics, guy...Yeah, Mr. Black threw "every other factor out" besides, um, the most important part. -- as if the high draft pick and seeing what they've got isn't that big of a deal. :banned: But wait, he's a top 5 QB everybody!!So go on hoping that the best case scenario plays out. That Arizona doesn't suck, for the millionth time. That Warner doesn't fumble. That he stays healthy. That he doesn't get hit. That he stops turning the ball over. That he keeps playing at a high level. That teams don't start blitzing the crap out of him. That Edge gets 10 years younger. That they make a playoff run. And on and on.So yeah, good luck with your boy Warner this year. He's the best!
don't have to hope that they don't suck. you still seem to be having a rough time grasping the fact that the other 3 teams in the division suck too. and who said anything about him staying healthy? did i claim that if warner broke his leg, matt leinart wouldn't play?and, no, further evaluating a bust of a qb midway through the season in the heat of a tight division race isn't exactly important.your arguments are getting stranger and stranger. just because you add condescension and smilies to them doesn't make them correct or coherent. have fun whackin it to your boy's rose bowl tapes and heisman acceptance speech. he's a cutie pie!
Since November of 2007 Warner has started every game for the Cardinals.His passer rating in each month:November 2007: 87.4December 2007: 88.5September 2008: 100.8This is not a fluke. Those are good passer rating numbers. Warner is a good QB. He can really wing it. Yes, he's prone to having a bad turnover game. Six TOs is awful. But before last week he'd turned it over exactly once in his previous three games. This franchise has been in Arizona since 1988. They have made the playoffs exactly once, 1998. They will ride Warner as long as they possibly can this year.
I actually agree with pretty much all of this. All I was saying is that he's not top-5. No shame in being middle of the pack as far as QB skills go, especially for someone his age and with the hits he's taken throughout his career.
you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.
He's just more educated about the situation than the rest of the replies. Or at the very least, objective. But whatever with the semantics, guy...Yeah, Mr. Black threw "every other factor out" besides, um, the most important part. -- as if the high draft pick and seeing what they've got isn't that big of a deal. :lmao: But wait, he's a top 5 QB everybody!!So go on hoping that the best case scenario plays out. That Arizona doesn't suck, for the millionth time. That Warner doesn't fumble. That he stays healthy. That he doesn't get hit. That he stops turning the ball over. That he keeps playing at a high level. That teams don't start blitzing the crap out of him. That Edge gets 10 years younger. That they make a playoff run. And on and on.So yeah, good luck with your boy Warner this year. He's the best!
don't have to hope that they don't suck. you still seem to be having a rough time grasping the fact that the other 3 teams in the division suck too. and who said anything about him staying healthy? did i claim that if warner broke his leg, matt leinart wouldn't play?and, no, further evaluating a bust of a qb midway through the season in the heat of a tight division race isn't exactly important.your arguments are getting stranger and stranger. just because you add condescension and smilies to them doesn't make them correct or coherent. have fun whackin it to your boy's rose bowl tapes and heisman acceptance speech. he's a cutie pie!
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Problem is, they have seen the goods they purchased. The guy isn't so new anymore that they will keep kicking the tires only to let that shiny new Hummer run them over anew. Warner would have to put up a few more disastrous games to get the hook, and then it would be just blame shifting as in St. Louis. The coach would do it for political reasons, not b/c he thought they'd win more games. IMHO
you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.
He's just more educated about the situation than the rest of the replies. Or at the very least, objective. But whatever with the semantics, guy...Yeah, Mr. Black threw "every other factor out" besides, um, the most important part. -- as if the high draft pick and seeing what they've got isn't that big of a deal. :banned: But wait, he's a top 5 QB everybody!!

So go on hoping that the best case scenario plays out. That Arizona doesn't suck, for the millionth time. That Warner doesn't fumble. That he stays healthy. That he doesn't get hit. That he stops turning the ball over. That he keeps playing at a high level. That teams don't start blitzing the crap out of him. That Edge gets 10 years younger. That they make a playoff run. And on and on.

So yeah, good luck with your boy Warner this year. He's the best!
Haven't they seen what Matt can do?? Perhaps the best thing for Lineart right now is to hold the clipboard for a year
you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.
He's just more educated about the situation than the rest of the replies. Or at the very least, objective. But whatever with the semantics, guy...Yeah, Mr. Black threw "every other factor out" besides, um, the most important part. -- as if the high draft pick and seeing what they've got isn't that big of a deal. :banned: But wait, he's a top 5 QB everybody!!

So go on hoping that the best case scenario plays out. That Arizona doesn't suck, for the millionth time. That Warner doesn't fumble. That he stays healthy. That he doesn't get hit. That he stops turning the ball over. That he keeps playing at a high level. That teams don't start blitzing the crap out of him. That Edge gets 10 years younger. That they make a playoff run. And on and on.

So yeah, good luck with your boy Warner this year. He's the best!
Haven't they seen what Matt can do?? Perhaps the best thing for Lineart right now is to hold the clipboard for a year
Perhaps it is, but that's not the way the NFL works, now is it? They thought this was gonna be their franchise; not Warner, who's on his last legs. Do you think they're ready to admit such a huge mistake? I don't.
Since November of 2007 Warner has started every game for the Cardinals.

His passer rating in each month:

November 2007: 87.4

December 2007: 88.5

September 2008: 100.8

This is not a fluke. Those are good passer rating numbers. Warner is a good QB. He can really wing it. Yes, he's prone to having a bad turnover game. Six TOs is awful. But before last week he'd turned it over exactly once in his previous three games.

This franchise has been in Arizona since 1988. They have made the playoffs exactly once, 1998. They will ride Warner as long as they possibly can this year.
I actually agree with pretty much all of this. All I was saying is that he's not top-5. No shame in being middle of the pack as far as QB skills go, especially for someone his age and with the hits he's taken throughout his career.
I wouldn't get that excited about ratings. Here's who he played last year in those games:@Tampa Bay



San Francisco


@ Seattle

@New Orleans


St. Louis

And this year's ratings come from:

SF, Mia, Wash, NYJ

Not to mention who he's throwing to...

We'll see how ol' Kurt does against Buffalo, Dallas, and Carolina coming up.

Actually, this week's game is huge when you think about it. If they lose to Buffalo this week, Warner-backers are in trouble, because Dallas is next...then they're AT Carolina. At 2 - 6, you can bet Leinart's on deck. That said, I actually think they win this week, but if they don't, I would be picking up Leinart in deep, or start 2QB, leagues.

As an aside, I don't know why teams don't blitz the crap out of him. Edge can't scare them.

Anyway, probably got a little too technical here (bored), but bottom line is, will Warner remain the starter? I say no -- something will go wrong in AZ, as it always does, to give Lamert the ball.

I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Problem is, they have seen the goods they purchased. The guy isn't so new anymore that they will keep kicking the tires only to let that shiny new Hummer run them over anew. Warner would have to put up a few more disastrous games to get the hook, and then it would be just blame shifting as in St. Louis. The coach would do it for political reasons, not b/c he thought they'd win more games. IMHO
How exactly would that be blame shifting? It would be warranted, & not even analagous to Bulger's situation. I agree with you on Leinart. That cat's out of the bag. Overhyped front man from an overhyped college offense...not one of those guys has lived up to the hype. Bush is the only one you can present a reasonable case for & even then, it's not like it isn't debatable.

Since November of 2007 Warner has started every game for the Cardinals.His passer rating in each month:November 2007: 87.4December 2007: 88.5September 2008: 100.8This is not a fluke. Those are good passer rating numbers. Warner is a good QB. He can really wing it. Yes, he's prone to having a bad turnover game. Six TOs is awful. But before last week he'd turned it over exactly once in his previous three games. This franchise has been in Arizona since 1988. They have made the playoffs exactly once, 1998. They will ride Warner as long as they possibly can this year.
:blackdot: I don't think anyone in Arizona thinks they are a favorite to make the super bowl. But in that division? Playoffs are a good possibility. Especially with Warner. With Leinert? Not so much.Now if the season starts to tank then I can see Leinert. But not as long as they have an opportunity to go the post-season.
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Do you think that they'd win a Superbowl with any other QB? Anyone in the league? Because that statement seems kind of unfair. The Cardinals aren't winning a Superbowl behind any QB most likely. But Warner has been to the SB twice and won one. So it's not like he doesn't have it in him.
A bunch of people here think a loss to the Bills is a foregone conclusion, but I'm not so sure.
Agreed. I'm not at all confident about this game as a Bills fan. If Boldin ends up being out, I definitely like Buffalo's chances a lot more, but even then I wouldn't be all that confident.
I could see this thing going either way, but I will say this:

The folks that are acting like Warner's 6 TO performance was a crazy abberation haven't been paying attention. The guy has not been able to hold on to the football for years. He has more fumbles per snap than anyone I've ever seen. Seems like every time he gets hit, he drops the ball. Culpepper is the only guy I can think of that might be as bad.

As for the stats, as was already mentioned, he got nearly all of those stats in the 2nd half because the game was over in the first half due to HIS performance. He definitely has some positive skills, but from an NFL perspective, I'd say he's well into the bottom half of NFL starting QBs no matter what his passer rating is (which is far from perfect and doesn't factor in fumbles). When you are going against a prevent D for three quarters while throwing to Fitzgerald and Boldin, you are going to put up good fantasy numbers.

Here's how it will go:

Warner will remain the starter until and unless the Cardinals are "out of it". Odds are, because their division blows, that they will remain in contention for their division win until at least Week 14. I see Leinhart starting 0-3 games depending on division happenings.

Couple other notes:

1. The head coach said this week the problems were primarily with protection.

2. Warner has a documented history of one (and not more than one) klunker per season (4+ turnovers).

3. Leinhart is Leinhart.

First, so people know where I am coming from, I am a Jets fan, then a Warner owner. That being said, Warner did not look good in the first half. This, in my opinion, was due to two reasons. First, as you mentioned, Warner was not that sharp (he actually looked good on his first few throws, however). This was augmented by the second reason, the Jets pass rush and ineptitude of the Cardinals line to pass block. Kris Jenkins likely caused two interceptions, one for sure. He is so disruptive and strong it's such an advantage to the Jets pass rush.

Warner needs to play better to give the Cardinals a chance to win, there is little doubt about that. However, he is much farther along than Leinart. I think he has a signifcant amount of rope to hang himself. As long as he has games better than that second quarter, I do not foresee Leinart replacing him. Injuries aside, I would be surprised (not shocked) to see Warner holding a clipboard. Just my two cents.

I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Wow, an unbiased, educated, dare I say, objective viewpoint of the situation. Crazy.
Yeah the Cards are really concerned about Cutler. Wow someone from the same draft class is playing well, lets get Linart back in there!Uh, yeah.
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Problem is, they have seen the goods they purchased. The guy isn't so new anymore that they will keep kicking the tires only to let that shiny new Hummer run them over anew. Warner would have to put up a few more disastrous games to get the hook, and then it would be just blame shifting as in St. Louis. The coach would do it for political reasons, not b/c he thought they'd win more games. IMHO
How exactly would that be blame shifting? It would be warranted, & not even analagous to Bulger's situation. I agree with you on Leinart. That cat's out of the bag. Overhyped front man from an overhyped college offense...not one of those guys has lived up to the hype. Bush is the only one you can present a reasonable case for & even then, it's not like it isn't debatable.
It's blame shifting if you plug in Leinart when you believe Warner still gives you the best chance to win. Like when Bulger was benched, we can't reasonably surmise that the Rams actually thought Green would give them a better chance of winning. The coach just found the most likely scape goat in the QB. Don't get me wrong, the number of fumbles Warner coughs up would bench many a QB. Just not in favor of folks like Leinart. Admittedly, the scape goat theory would not be nearly as obvious if your QB routinely hands the ball to the other team.
I think once the cards hit 2-4 or 2-5 we will see Matty get his chance. Is he better than Warner? No but the fact of the matter is they have money invested in a young QB and they need to find out what they have in him especially with Cutler perfroming at a high level. We know what Warner is and the cards aren't winning a superbowl with Warner so I'm pretty sure we will see Leinart by mid November at the latest.
Wow, an unbiased, educated, dare I say, objective viewpoint of the situation. Crazy.
Yeah the Cards are really concerned about Cutler. Wow someone from the same draft class is playing well, lets get Linart back in there!Uh, yeah.
yeah.. :kicksrock: what does Cutler doing well have anything to if Leinart will get in there..
A tangent to this question which people should be aware of it that Warner is often a fumbling/turnover machine. Warner has trouble holding onto the ball. When I heard that it might be raining in New Jersey for the game last week, I picked up the Jets in a couple leagues. We all saw how that turned out.

Free Fantasy Lesson of the day - Pick up defenses which rush the passer well which are playing Warner, especially when Arizona is on the road.

To answer the OP's original question..............HC Wisenhunt said in his presser after the game, when asked about a coaching QB change being a possibility: "I have no intentions of making a change at QB. I see no reason for a change." I might be paraphrasing here a little bit, but you get the jist of it.

Edit: Had mis-typed this response. Wisenhunt was asked about a QB change, not a coaching change.

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you said his response was "educated". what exactly is educated about it? he threw every other factor out the window other than the fact that leinart was a high draft pick and they need to see what they have in him.
He's just more educated about the situation than the rest of the replies. Or at the very least, objective. But whatever with the semantics, guy...Yeah, Mr. Black threw "every other factor out" besides, um, the most important part. -- as if the high draft pick and seeing what they've got isn't that big of a deal. :lmao: But wait, he's a top 5 QB everybody!!

So go on hoping that the best case scenario plays out. That Arizona doesn't suck, for the millionth time. That Warner doesn't fumble. That he stays healthy. That he doesn't get hit. That he stops turning the ball over. That he keeps playing at a high level. That teams don't start blitzing the crap out of him. That Edge gets 10 years younger. That they make a playoff run. And on and on.

So yeah, good luck with your boy Warner this year. He's the best!
Umm, you seem to think they DON'T ALREADY KNOW WHAT THEY'VE GOT. Where have you been the past 2 years? Do you think that 'Zona suddenly forgot that Leinert has had his opportunities and sucked in each of them? And don't bring up this year because Warner beat him out for the starting gig that Leinert had the chance to win.Man...opinions are one thing, but when you bring up "educated" while talking about the 'Zona QB situation while forgetting that Leinert was the intended starter until he sucked YET AGAIN, you need to get your fingers in check before you type.


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