doctor Gunks
I would take this bet with you. I'll go as high as $5000. You name the price. Yes, I'm serious. We'd have to have a respected person here(preferably a mod) take down our personal info and maybe fax a copy of driver's liscense or something like that to make sure that the loser doesn't back out.True.We'll see... but I'll bet my money he doesn't win an NBA championship. If there was aplace to bet on it I would.could just be coincidence. Or it could just be that he is unselfish to a fault. He needs to learn to stick the dagger in people, no question about it. However, teaching a team player to take the big shot is alot easier than teaching a gunner to appreciate his teammates. *cough*kobe*cough*Good points... but you don't think AFTER 3 NBA SEASONS of having the ball in your hands at all times... being the teams leading scorer he didn't make ONE! I'm not even asking for a couple.... just for 1 game winning shot in 3 years.MJ shot his within his 1st month.VERYLebron needs time to develop that killer instinct. Its hard for anyone to comprehend just how easy basketball has been for him his entire life. Until he made the NBA, he never faced anyone who could even hold his jock. He was a 6'9 freak of nature destroying 5'10 HS players. Even the best HS players he faced couldnt hold a candle to him. he never had to develop that "ice water in your veins" mentality because he just murdered everyone who stepped on the court for the first 18 years of his life. guys like wade, Melo and even MJ had at least 1 year of college to play against talented competition. Lebron never did. He has to learn everything on the job.
The guy can obviously play, and he has the drive to get better. He'll be in the playoffs this year. I think we need to see him in that environment before we go writing him off as champion material.![]()
LBJ took 3 seasons... do you remember Sportscenter reporting that stat for any other super star? You know why... b/c they all made game winning shots in their 1st season more than likely, if not by the end of their 2nd for sure.
But I'll bet my money that MJ, Isiah, Magic, Bird and all made game winners in their 1st years in the league.