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Libertarian Thread (Was: Gary Johnson Thread) (1 Viewer)

I could have SWORE that I read somewhere that, based on the results of everyone who took the assessment, Johnson would win the election. I can 't find it to link now. Has anyone else seen that?
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Will Beat Obama and Romney: At Least One Survey Says So
Thank you Fennis. IF ONLY he could get an audience (maybe a debate) and get these numbers out there. Most importantly, IF ONLY people voted their convictions/beliefs and not the two party system.
I could have SWORE that I read somewhere that, based on the results of everyone who took the assessment, Johnson would win the election. I can 't find it to link now. Has anyone else seen that?
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Will Beat Obama and Romney: At Least One Survey Says So
Thank you Fennis. IF ONLY he could get an audience (maybe a debate) and get these numbers out there. Most importantly, IF ONLY people voted their convictions/beliefs and not the two party system.
Most of your single party voters, which seems to be over half of the voting population, are not going to fill out surveys like this.
Candidates you side with...


Ron Paul

on immigration, economic, domestic policy, healthcare, foreign policy, and social issues.


Gary Johnson

on science, economic, domestic policy, healthcare, foreign policy, and social issues.


Jimmy McMillan

on immigration, social, foreign policy, economic, healthcare, and domestic policy issues.


Mitt Romney

on immigration, domestic policy, and economic issues.


Barack Obama

on social and foreign policy issues.

I could have SWORE that I read somewhere that, based on the results of everyone who took the assessment, Johnson would win the election. I can 't find it to link now. Has anyone else seen that?
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Will Beat Obama and Romney: At Least One Survey Says So
Thank you Fennis. IF ONLY he could get an audience (maybe a debate) and get these numbers out there. Most importantly, IF ONLY people voted their convictions/beliefs and not the two party system.
problem is, from what i've seen he's not a great debater
I could have SWORE that I read somewhere that, based on the results of everyone who took the assessment, Johnson would win the election. I can 't find it to link now. Has anyone else seen that?
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Will Beat Obama and Romney: At Least One Survey Says So
Thank you Fennis. IF ONLY he could get an audience (maybe a debate) and get these numbers out there. Most importantly, IF ONLY people voted their convictions/beliefs and not the two party system.
problem is, from what i've seen he's not a great debater
I honestly have only seen him for his "cameo" in the one Republican debate. Based off interviews and TV appearances I have seen, he comes across as engaging and intelligent.
I could have SWORE that I read somewhere that, based on the results of everyone who took the assessment, Johnson would win the election. I can 't find it to link now. Has anyone else seen that?
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Will Beat Obama and Romney: At Least One Survey Says So
Thank you Fennis. IF ONLY he could get an audience (maybe a debate) and get these numbers out there. Most importantly, IF ONLY people voted their convictions/beliefs and not the two party system.
problem is, from what i've seen he's not a great debater
I honestly have only seen him for his "cameo" in the one Republican debate. Based off interviews and TV appearances I have seen, he comes across as engaging and intelligent.
He flubs and stammers a bit here:
I think he comes across as smug/flippant sometimes but I care more about policy than poetry.

If no (expected answer), why should I vote for him instead of the one of the major 2 parties that is the next closest match (in this case and if it matters, Obama by a landslide, almost double Romney, in that quiz.)
Enough people Libertarian in 2012 will have two effects, even if Gary loses. In the short term, the eventual winner would recognize a need to break toward the libertarian platform because of the public demand that those stances be represented. In 2016, enough Libertarian votes in this election trigger all sorts of positive consequences--such as immediate ballot access for the next nominee, federal matching funds, presence in the debates, etc.Basically, if you think the Libertarian side should have a voice in the debate, you have to back them at the polls no matter how pointless it may seem in a single election.
Thank you (and Brady Marino and MT) for some very valid points. I am not quite of the opinion that individual votes don't matter, I think (although it may be wrong based on what I'm seeing from the quiz) that most of the votes for a third party would likely come from 1 candidate over the other. Which in turn could influence the election in a close state (say Florida during the Bush-Gore race?)But the argument that getting enough Lib votes in the buckets makes it easier for them to get a stronger foothold next time because of the rules in place is a very strong reason. I have to go learn more about Gary Johnson now.
If no (expected answer), why should I vote for him instead of the one of the major 2 parties that is the next closest match (in this case and if it matters, Obama by a landslide, almost double Romney, in that quiz.)
Enough people Libertarian in 2012 will have two effects, even if Gary loses. In the short term, the eventual winner would recognize a need to break toward the libertarian platform because of the public demand that those stances be represented. In 2016, enough Libertarian votes in this election trigger all sorts of positive consequences--such as immediate ballot access for the next nominee, federal matching funds, presence in the debates, etc.Basically, if you think the Libertarian side should have a voice in the debate, you have to back them at the polls no matter how pointless it may seem in a single election.
Thank you (and Brady Marino and MT) for some very valid points. I am not quite of the opinion that individual votes don't matter, I think (although it may be wrong based on what I'm seeing from the quiz) that most of the votes for a third party would likely come from 1 candidate over the other. Which in turn could influence the election in a close state (say Florida during the Bush-Gore race?)But the argument that getting enough Lib votes in the buckets makes it easier for them to get a stronger foothold next time because of the rules in place is a very strong reason. I have to go learn more about Gary Johnson now.
Another article - http://reason.com/archives/2012/07/24/why-america-needs-gov-gary-johnson-in-th

Why America Needs Gov. Gary Johnson in the Presidential Debates

Two parties with the same bad ideas don't represent the extent of electoral choices in 2012.

Gene Healy | July 24, 2012

Last fall, GQ ran a profile of former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, then a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, under the headline "Is This the Sanest Man Running for President?" The piece noted that in 2003, Johnson scaled Mount Everest with a broken leg, and in 2005, broke his back paragliding off the highest mountain in Maui. "Sanest"? Well, maybe not.

But Johnson, now running on the Libertarian Party ticket, is certainly the most interesting candidate in the 2012 field -- and that's not an attempt to damn with faint praise.

Yesterday morning, I sat down with "Gov. Gary" to talk about what he hopes to achieve in this race.

The American electoral process almost guarantees third-party failure, says "Duverger's Law," coined by the French political scientist who pointed out that "The plurality (1 winner) voting system tends to lead to a two-party system."

But some of the main obstacles that third parties face are artificial, not structural. "The two old parties have gamed the system," Johnson charges. The Presidential Debates Commission, or CPD, the private group that serves as the gatekeeper for the nationally televised debates, imposes an arbitrary barrier of 15 percent support in three national polls before a candidate can be included. That rule, adopted in 2000, would have barred virtually every third-party candidate in American history. The fix is in, it seems.

Still, getting into the debates is one of Johnson's key goals, and he intends to "kick and claw and scrape" until he hits 15 percent or public pressure forces the CPD to lower the bar: "If I'm in the debate, then the world changes," he insists.

What about the "spoiler" charge -- or, as a Twitter follower of mine phrased it, "why does [Johnson] want four more years of Obama?"

He says he gets that a lot: "The implication of the question is that I'm gonna take votes away from all those ... anti-war, pro-gay marriage Republicans that are currently supporting Romney." Johnson admits that his candidacy hurts Romney in North Carolina, but insists, "I take more votes from Obama in New Mexico."

He's right: Last week the Public Policy Polling firm noted: "Interestingly [Johnson] hurts Obama a little bit more than Romney, pulling the President's lead down to 42-38."

Regardless, he adds, "to heck with all that -- you as a voter should vote your conscience," Johnson argued.

"Vote your conscience, not your fears" was a Ralph Nader slogan in 2000, for a Green Party presidential bid that earned Nader the enmity of liberals for allegedly helping deliver the presidency to George W. Bush.

How much you fear "spoiler" scenarios depends on how stark you consider the difference between 2012's major party standard-bearers. On Sunday, I spotted a minivan bumper sticker that read: "Jesus was a 'community organizer.' Pilate was a governor." Pretty stark!

But you could be forgiven if you don't see the difference between the technocrat who pioneered the individual mandate in Massachusetts and the one who took it federal as one of -- ahem -- Biblical proportions.

Meanwhile, Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran. ... the only candidate who wants to repeal the Patriot Act."

And, as he made clear to me, the only candidate who's committed to abolishing specific agencies: the departments of Education and Homeland Security "for starters." As the final, catchall plank in the LP platform puts it, "Our silence about any other particular law, regulation ... [or] agency ... should not be construed to imply approval."

I don't know that "the world changes" if Johnson manages to claw his way into the debates. But the race would start to get interesting. And interesting is one thing that, right now, it's not.

Meanwhile, Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran. ... the only candidate who wants to repeal the Patriot Act."
These 2 issues are very important to me and are actually things the President has some real control of. Cutting spending is another area that I like Gary Johnson on, with the understanding that he only has so much influence on making that happen.
Meanwhile, Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran. ... the only candidate who wants to repeal the Patriot Act."
These 2 issues are very important to me and are actually things the President has some real control of. Cutting spending is another area that I like Gary Johnson on, with the understanding that he only has so much influence on making that happen.
I think a President's ability to cut federal spending is similar to a governor's ability to cut state spending. As governor of New Mexico, Johnson turned a budget deficit into a billion dollar surplus without raising taxes. The veto is a powerful tool to control spending.
Last edited by a moderator:
Meanwhile, Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran. ... the only candidate who wants to repeal the Patriot Act."
These 2 issues are very important to me and are actually things the President has some real control of. Cutting spending is another area that I like Gary Johnson on, with the understanding that he only has so much influence on making that happen.
I think a President's ability to cut federal spending is similar to a governor's ability to cut state spending. As governor of New Mexico, Johnson turned a budget deficit into a billion dollar surplus without raising taxes. The veto is a powerful tool to control spending.
I do think the budget and the debt are the most important issues in this election cycle. (really always but especially now) I also think Gary Johnson is the best candidate to vote for concerning these issues. That is why he will get my vote over Jill Stein. However Gary Johnson will not have a line item veto as President like he did as Governor. Congress still controls the purse strings so he will have to compromise at times to get legislation passed. I am optimistic that this would lead to some real progress and savings should Gary Johnson be elected. The more support he gets the more his ideas will gain influence even if not elected. Several of Ross Perot's ideas gained traction on both sides of the aisle following the 1992 election before being swept under the rug. We need more of that happening in our politics.
Meanwhile, Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran. ... the only candidate who wants to repeal the Patriot Act."
These 2 issues are very important to me and are actually things the President has some real control of. Cutting spending is another area that I like Gary Johnson on, with the understanding that he only has so much influence on making that happen.
I think a President's ability to cut federal spending is similar to a governor's ability to cut state spending. As governor of New Mexico, Johnson turned a budget deficit into a billion dollar surplus without raising taxes. The veto is a powerful tool to control spending.
Cutting the New Mexico budget doesn't have the same effect on the world economy.
I could have SWORE that I read somewhere that, based on the results of everyone who took the assessment, Johnson would win the election. I can 't find it to link now. Has anyone else seen that?
Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Will Beat Obama and Romney: At Least One Survey Says So
Thank you Fennis. IF ONLY he could get an audience (maybe a debate) and get these numbers out there. Most importantly, IF ONLY people voted their convictions/beliefs and not the two party system.
Most of your single party voters, which seems to be over half of the voting population, are not going to fill out surveys like this.
Most of them can't read. They just ask some other cromagnon who is running in the party they were told to join.
He sure is buying email lists and spamming. I've now gotten 4 different emails from his campaign in the past 2 weeks. I've unsubscribed every time, yet I still get the emails.


'urbanhack said:
He sure is buying email lists and spamming. I've now gotten 4 different emails from his campaign in the past 2 weeks. I've unsubscribed every time, yet I still get the emails. :thumbdown:
I get spammed all kinds of stuff from Newsmax too. Hows ur prostate doing? I wish I could get an email from Gary Johnson. :kicksrock:
'urbanhack said:
He sure is buying email lists and spamming. I've now gotten 4 different emails from his campaign in the past 2 weeks. I've unsubscribed every time, yet I still get the emails.

Stop unsubscribing. You're just proving your email is live. Live email addys get sold for a lot more money for the spammers. Never unsub from spam mail.
He sure is buying email lists and spamming. I've now gotten 4 different emails from his campaign in the past 2 weeks. I've unsubscribed every time, yet I still get the emails. :thumbdown:
Come on over to our side
After weeks of angry protests on Reddit, Facebook and Twitter to get Libertarian party nominee Gary Johnson in the presidential debates, Janet Brown from the Commission on Presidential Debates tells Whispers he might appear there.Supporters of Johnson, a former New Mexico governor, have repeatedly said their candidate has been unfairly excluded from presidential election coverage by the mainstream media, hurting his chances to appear in the debates.[see: Latest political cartoons]That anger only heightened last week when a electoral map generated by data from ISideWith.com, an online app that connects voters with candidates based on their platform stances, showed that Johnson would be the next president if voters cast ballots based solely on the issues.But Brown told Whispers no decisions on candidate selection have been made yet. Those lobbying to get Johnson in the debates, she said, are "making assumptions about something that has not [happened]."According to the commission site, a candidate must fulfill three criteria, and Johnson seems to meet them.Johnson, of course, fulfills an age and nationality requirement, and he has recently met the second criterion as well: That a candidate's name must "appear on enough state ballots to have at least a mathematical chance of securing an Electoral College majority in the 2012 general election."But the third requirement could lead to Johnson's exclusion. The commission requires a candidate to secure at least 15 percent in selected polls, which Johnson has not yet done. (Gary Johnson polled at 5.3 percent in a poll earlier this month by JZ Analytics; an April Public Policy Polling poll showed him at 6 percent.)Johnson campaign spokesman Joe Hunter told Whispers of the 15 center benchmark: "We're certainly working towards that and hoping to achieve it."Johnson's supporters have centered much of their polling frustrations on CNN, which has not included the candidate in their polling since last September. A Twitter hashtag #BlackoutCNN has been used hundreds of times over the last several weeks. Earlier this month, 100 protesters stood outside CNN headquarters in Atlanta with signs and T-shirts asking the network to "Include Gary!" according to the Independent Voter Network.A request for comment from CNN was not immediately returned, but Hunter told Whispers that whether CNN includes Johnson or not, the campaign is "optimistic" Johnson could appear at the first debate, which will take place Oct. 3 at the University of Denver in Colorado.
http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2012/07/23/gary-johnson-could-appear-in-presidential-debatesThis would at least be more interesting than Moneybot vs Obama.
He sure is buying email lists and spamming. I've now gotten 4 different emails from his campaign in the past 2 weeks. I've unsubscribed every time, yet I still get the emails.

Stop unsubscribing. You're just proving your email is live. Live email addys get sold for a lot more money for the spammers. Never unsub from spam mail.
Did you hear this in 1991?
And yet the guy says he keeps unsubbing and getting more :shrug: Thanks for the reply though.

He sure is buying email lists and spamming. I've now gotten 4 different emails from his campaign in the past 2 weeks. I've unsubscribed every time, yet I still get the emails.

Stop unsubscribing. You're just proving your email is live. Live email addys get sold for a lot more money for the spammers. Never unsub from spam mail.
Did you hear this in 1991?
And yet the guy says he keeps unsubbing and getting more :shrug: Thanks for the reply though.
If it is truly spam, then that may be true. Any legitimate newsletter you subscribe to will be following the LAW (Can-Spam ACT), and removing your email from their list appropriately. Considering the amount of publicity around political campaigns, I find it hard to believe that they would not do everything they can to abide by the law. That being said, unsubscribe forms are notoriously poorly maintained, and frequently don't work for technical reasons.
There is no chance they include Johnson.
:goodposting: He won't meet the 15% threshold. If he somehow meets the 15% criteria they'll merely change the requirements.
I noticed there is a petition going around that is being sent to both parties requesting that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein be included in the debates. I signed it and shared with friends. The article I linked was referring to this and I am hopeful that the weight of signatures will get them to change their mind.
There is no chance they include Johnson.
:goodposting: He won't meet the 15% threshold. If he somehow meets the 15% criteria they'll merely change the requirements.
I noticed there is a petition going around that is being sent to both parties requesting that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein be included in the debates. I signed it and shared with friends. The article I linked was referring to this and I am hopeful that the weight of signatures will get them to change their mind.
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
There is no chance they include Johnson.
:goodposting: He won't meet the 15% threshold. If he somehow meets the 15% criteria they'll merely change the requirements.
I noticed there is a petition going around that is being sent to both parties requesting that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein be included in the debates. I signed it and shared with friends. The article I linked was referring to this and I am hopeful that the weight of signatures will get them to change their mind.
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
As far as the petition goes there has only been mention of the October debates in Nevada IIRC, so the 1st one. Not sure it would apply to following debates or not. I would much rather listen to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein than the other 2 candidates who will bring little substance to the conversation.
'Maurile Tremblay said:
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
Maybe C-Span or some real niche station. I don't see it getting big ratings. Couldn't be as good as this debate
'Maurile Tremblay said:
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
Maybe C-Span or some real niche station. I don't see it getting big ratings. Couldn't be as good as this debate
Yes debating about semantics is going to be really interesting. Why don't you go piss up a rope and stop trying to belittle the democratic process?
'Maurile Tremblay said:
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
Maybe C-Span or some real niche station. I don't see it getting big ratings. Couldn't be as good as this debate
Yes debating about semantics is going to be really interesting. Why don't you go piss up a rope and stop trying to belittle the democratic process?
:shrug: I was just answering the question. A Johnson/Stein debate would not get any kind of sizable audience or get shown on a major network. I guess throwing in the link to the debate with the Obama impersonator was a bit snarky, but whatever.
'Maurile Tremblay said:
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
Maybe C-Span or some real niche station. I don't see it getting big ratings. Couldn't be as good as this debate
Yes debating about semantics is going to be really interesting. Why don't you go piss up a rope and stop trying to belittle the democratic process?
:shrug: I was just answering the question. A Johnson/Stein debate would not get any kind of sizable audience or get shown on a major network. I guess throwing in the link to the debate with the Obama impersonator was a bit snarky, but whatever.
I think a lot of people should be interested in a debate on the issues instead of choosing between coke and pepsi that a debate of Moneybot vs Obama amounts to.Why do you want to stifle to democratic process? That makes me pretty angry that you would dismiss viable candidates who are on the ballot in every state and have every right to be part of the debates.

I think a lot of people should be interested in a debate on the issues instead of choosing between coke and pepsi that a debate of Moneybot vs Obama amounts to.

Why do you want to stifle to democratic process? That makes me pretty angry that you would dismiss viable candidates who are on the ballot in every state and have every right to be part of the debates.
:lmao: I'm stifling the democratic process by saying that nobody would watch an imaginary debate? I guess I'm more powerful than I thought.
I think a lot of people should be interested in a debate on the issues instead of choosing between coke and pepsi that a debate of Moneybot vs Obama amounts to.

Why do you want to stifle to democratic process? That makes me pretty angry that you would dismiss viable candidates who are on the ballot in every state and have every right to be part of the debates.
:lmao: I'm stifling the democratic process by saying that nobody would watch an imaginary debate? I guess I'm more powerful than I thought.
You are trying to influence others to agree that a debate including Gary Johnson and Jill Stein would not be interesting. I am not saying you will effective in doing this but it makes me angry that you would try.
You are trying to influence others to agree that a debate including Gary Johnson and Jill Stein would not be interesting. I am not saying you will effective in doing this but it makes me angry that you would try.
You seem to have a lot of misplaced anger. I never said it would be uninteresting.
After weeks of angry protests on Reddit, Facebook and Twitter to get Libertarian party nominee Gary Johnson in the presidential debates, Janet Brown from the Commission on Presidential Debates tells Whispers he might appear there.
She only put this out there to get us to stop hassling her. I say we should bug them more.
They really should be included in at least one debate. If Romney and Obama won't participate in a debate that includes Johnson and Stein, maybe Johnson and Stein should hold their own debate immediately after a Romney-Obama debate and answer the same questions. Would any station be interested in airing that, do you think?
I would like to see this happen. I'm an Independent, and I was leaning towards voting for Romney (although I agree with Obama on social issues), but now I'm strongly considering voting for Gary Johnson. I'd love to see him debate, but my guess is the people who run the networks view Johnson and Stein as interferences for Romney and Obama.
After weeks of angry protests on Reddit, Facebook and Twitter to get Libertarian party nominee Gary Johnson in the presidential debates, Janet Brown from the Commission on Presidential Debates tells Whispers he might appear there.
She only put this out there to get us to stop hassling her. I say we should bug them more.
:thumbup: - that was my thought as well when I read the quote. I think a "Million Independents March" on CNN or NBC are needed instead though.
'Jobber said:
Thanks Jobber. I wonder what totals are looking like now? Seems like a pretty steady stream of signatures each time I look.
Signed350 signatures with a goal of 250,000 it looks like...


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