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Lyricist Nancy Pelosi Begs Pro-Choice Voters For $15 To Attain A Team Blue Majority That Already Exists (6/30/22 18:29 PST) (1 Viewer)


VIDEO: Pelosi Reads CRINGE Poem, Fundraises MINUTES After Roe | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar Jun 27, 2022

Krystal and Saagar tear into House speaker Nancy Pelosi for responding to Roe being overturned with a poem reading and a fundraising email to Democratic voters

“Can you chip in $15 so we can WIN these midterms and finally codify reproductive rights into law?”


“Can you chip in $15 so we can WIN these midterms and finally codify reproductive rights into law?”

IMAGE Of Nancy Pelosi Email Demanding $15 To Save Roe V Wade

Social Media Responses:

“What the #### does $15 do for overturning a Supreme Court decision?”  XX@XX machiavelliskr tweeted. “How does $15 win a midterm? What the ####.”

“I cannot believe people are going to die… Give me 10.000 dollars,”  XX@XX hontonikyominai tweeted, parodying Pelosi.

“‘I know we didn’t do anything to codify Roe V Wade for 50 years but can we pleaaaaase have some more money and we’ll do something about it next time I swear!’” XX@XX dead1337 tweeted, also making fun of Pelosi.

“Democrats have promised to codify Roe for years and failed to do so in order to use it as a carrot for fundraising and votes,” XX@XX coll3eng tweeted.

“F*** the Senate for not abolishing the filibuster to codify Roe,” former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner ( XX@XX ninaturner) tweeted.

“The Democrats had nearly 50 years to codify roe, Obama in fact ran on codifying it,” XX@XX nick_mellott tweeted. “They knew something like this could happen and just watched it [happen].”

Writer and performer Matt Gehring took to Twitter on Friday and shared screenshots of one email from the DNC. He wrote: "and with that, I'm unsubscribing from the XX@XX DNC . if they had any decency, they'd direct folks to donate to abortion funds."

"I've gotten six fundraising emails from Democrat candidates today. It's tacky and highlights a real disconnect between many politicians and their constituents that is only growing," author Roxane Gay tweeted.

Comedy Central's The Daily Show appeared to mock the fundraising efforts in a tweet from its official account on Friday, posting: "EVERYONE: [apoplectically angry]" and adding "DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS: We hear you. Please donate $3 so we can fight back against the Supreme Court with a Pro-Choice Karaoke Night in 12 weeks."

VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Opens On Demand Liquor Store For Congress Amid Nationwide Baby Formula Shortage May 15, 2022 Black Conservative Perspective

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi belatedly jumped into America's baby formula crisis on Friday, calling nationwide shortages "unconscionable" and setting an emergency vote next week. House members were alerted to two new perks this week compliments of the chamber's Democrat leadership: fully paid memberships to Peloton gyms as well as a brand new liquor and drinks outlet.


VIDEO: Pelosi interview gets heated: You don’t know what you’re talking about Oct 13, 2020 CNN

CNN's Wolf Blitzer speaks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about why she has not accepted President Donald Trump's roughly $1.8 trillion stimulus offer.


Direct Headlines: Nancy Pelosi and fellow Democrats are immediately using Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade overturning as an election fundraising opportunity

Critics have reacted with anger and mockery after the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and prominent national Democrats sent fundraising emails following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in a landmark abortion case...Nina Turner, a progressive Democrat and former Ohio state senator...."No legislation, just emails...."

The DNC appealed for $7 donations in emails attributed to Team DNC and DNC HQ, respectively, and made the same request in an email ostensibly from President Biden "to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot this November."...Other Democrats who may be considered household names also sent fundraising emails. They included Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke.

Senator Amy Klobuchar's mailing list also received an email attributed to Pelosi asking for a donation split between the two Democrats' campaigns....Klobuchar also sent a separate email to her mailing list asking for a split donation between her own campaign and Emily's List, an organization that works to elect women who support abortion rights.

Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke sent an email seeking a donation of $3...."The only way to overcome today's Supreme Court decision is to win this race for governor," his email said....

...."Can you chip in $15 so we can WIN these midterms and finally codify reproductive rights into law?" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote supporters minutes after the high court's 6-3 ruling. "Our ONLY option is to marshal a response so historic — 100,000 gifts before midnight — that we DEFEAT every anti-choice Republican that made this happen, EXPAND our Majorities, and FINALLY codify our reproductive rights into law. So, can I expect to see your name on my "Pro-Choice Champion" list tomorrow morning?"

Money raised through Pelosi's solicitation goes to the California Democrat's reelection committee, per the email's fine print.

Other Democrats quickly joined in...."Can you rush in a donation of any amount to stop the far-right and elect a pro-abortion rights Congress this year?" Rep. David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, wrote supporters 30 minutes after the high court's 6-3 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson....

"Please, chip in a few dollars or more now to help us show that support for the right to choose has never been higher and that we will mobilize powerfully in the face of this unjust and outrageous ruling," Rep. Jennifer Wexton of Virginia wrote....

"We're asking you to join our fight for abortion rights and make a contribution today," the Florida Democratic Party wrote in an email that suggested a $25 contribution....

"I'm so damn angry I can hardly type this message to you ... I'm asking you to join me and rush $5 in this make-or-break moment," Democratic political operative James Carville wrote on behalf of the re-election campaign of Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada. Carville also sent a similar message on behalf of AB PAC, a Democrat-backing political action committee....

In an email titled "The end of Roe v. Wade," Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood, asked supporters of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke in Texas to "donate anything you can to help us defeat Greg Abbott," the state's Republican governor.....

Democratic Sens. Tina Smith of Minnesota, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, were among the many other candidates and political committees to blast out fundraising appeals within one hour of the Supreme Court's ruling.....

....Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia — asked supporters to "rush a donation to help me defend my seat in Georgia, keep the Senate blue, and protect the right to choose nationwide...."

In a separate statement from her congressional office, Pelosi made clear that Democrats will make the Supreme Court's abortion decision a centerpiece of their efforts to retain control of both the US House and US Senate, where they today have tenuous majorities....

Dave Levinthal Jun 24, 2022, 8:29 AM


By Darragh Roche 6/25/22 at 8:36 AM EDT



So let's see if we can unpack this correctly tonight.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi goes into a geriatric rapping routine then begs for 15 dollars to attain the majority needed to codify Roe V Wade or similar legislation into federal law. When Team Blue already has the sitting POTUS and a majority in Congress. ( Is it the fault of Pro Choice voters that Biden and Susan Rice can't cut a deal with Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema? Or can't push legislation less extreme than the Women's Health Protection Act that might actually get bi-partisan support? Or suggest policies that actually line up with what most polled American citizens say they want regarding abortion? )

"Small Dollar Donations" were a huge boost for fundraising for the Democratic Party during the 2020 general cycle. But the pandemic plus the current economic crunch of out of control inflation has crushed that revenue generating type of grift. And as the Mother Jones article below points out, many of these donations come from the every day working class who often are the least able to afford the money and are being hit the hardest by idiotic economic policies.

So the question arises. Why didn't Obama codify Roe into federal law when he had a super majority in Congress during his administration? Because Pelosi was there. Why didn't the Democratic Party do anything for 50 years when it was clear that the GOP as inching closer and closer and building the resource base and political leverage it needed to overturn Roe? What exactly was Pelosi doing all this time?

Here are some answers

- Pelosi was blocking the COVID19 stimulus checks from American citizens because she didn't want a check with Donald Trump's name on it to show up to voters. She literally said the quiet part out loud to Wolf Blitzer of CNN as she argues with him. Now people can argue on if stimulus as such was a good idea in the first place, but that working class people had immediate survival needs and Pelosi was still doing her typical partisan hatchet work is disgusting.

- Pelosi was running strategy and logistics to make sure Congress had, with our tax dollars, an On Demand Liquor Store. I kid you not. This while a worldwide pandemic was going on, the economy was in shambles, the Southern Border was breached, the lingering ugly results of the Afghanistan disaster and mothers couldn't find baby formula for their infants.

- Pelosi was making sure Team Blue Pro Life politicians were being reelected like Henry Cuellar. And she's supported others who were Pro Life. While still sending out emails begging for money saying she needs it to help push Pro Life elected officials out of office. Well just the Republican ones apparently. When asked about Cuellar, the aging lush Pelosi speaks the quiet part out loud - His vote alone wasn't enough to stop what I wanted to do.

- Pelosi might have been covering up her husband's DUI. You know the guy who makes a killing off the stock market because of Pelosi using our tax dollars as quid pro quo to the corporate donor overlords. Or maybe covering up for her son, who is neck deep in financial scandal after scandal.

- Pelosi could have waiting at home for the repairman for her 24 thousand dollar ice cream freezer, stocked full with 13 dollar a pint ice cream. Paid for with your tax dollars and her DUI laden husband's stock grift. All while many every day working class Americans struggle to fill gas tanks, find baby formula, pay rent and put food on the table for their children while living in fear in their communities as the Democrats have enabled lawlessness and career criminals to hunt innocent hard working people down.

Pelosi and the establishment Democrats and Team Blue make it clear - Pay us so we can do literally nothing for you worthless insignificant serfs that are no better than cattle. Watch us ride Pelotons you paid for, be guarded by highly trained armed personal security while we take your guns, enjoy our On Demand liquor in Congress and have us lecture to you about your lack of Identity Politics purity while your children starve.

Someone here. Anyone here. Especially the woke radical leftists here. Go on and tell me that I'm wrong.

I'll leave this here for others to discuss.

CONTEXTUAL MATERIAL (Pelosi Is Waiting For You To Clean Her Bathroom) :

VIDEO: Krystal Ball: Liberals TORCH Kamala, Biden Over ROE Jun 27, 2022 Breaking Points

Krystal brings her perspective to the liberal backlash towards Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democratic leadership for their inept response to Roe being overturned


Direct Headline: Small-Dollar Donors Powered the 2020 Race. Then the Pandemic Happened.

Campaigns are grappling with how to fundraise during a national crisis....The 2020 race was shaping up to be a banner election for small donors. The major presidential candidates have reported record hauls from contributors kicking in $200 or less, harvested by campaigns custom-built to draw as many of those donations as possible. That was before the coronavirus pandemic sparked a national crisis, abruptly halting the US economy and throwing millions out of work. The outbreak—along with its many uncertainties—has posed a dilemma for political fundraisers: Can they still count on small donors? And how do they appeal to such contributors in the midst of a public health and economic cataclysm? 

Small donors have always been part of the scene, but with the rise of digital technologies—and populist candidates—they have become increasingly important in recent elections, not only as a source of funding but as a sign of voter enthusiasm. During the 2020 cycle, Bernie Sanders has raised nearly $100 million from small donors, more than half of his total. His Democratic rival, Joe Biden, has been slammed for relying on high-dollar fundraising events, but he too has received a historic level of small-donor support. Nearly 39 percent of his campaign war chest has come from people giving $200 or less. (Donald Trump, who crushed previous online fundraising records during his 2016 run, has so far raised more than $115 million from such contributors during the 2020 race.)....

...But those who do make small-dollar donations often do so because they feel an emotional connection to the campaign. “If you give $2,800, it’s typically in exchange for close-up exposure to a candidate,” says Teddy Goff who ran digital fundraising for President Obama’s 2012 reelection. “That’s not happening for $5 or $25—those donors are doing it because they believe in the candidate.” ....The Federal Election Commission doesn’t require campaigns to turn over detailed information on donors who give less than $200—only the lump sum raised from them. However, in recent years both Democratic and Republican campaigns have begun outsourcing their small-dollar fundraising to groups like ActBlue and WinRed, which do provide more details on who these donors are. Sheila Krumholz, executive director of Open Secrets, says this data indicates what you might expect: Small donors are among those who are likely to be hardest hit by the economic collapse.

“We do know that based on their occupation and employers, that small donors are more representative of the middle- and working-class occupations, and the reports are those people are more affected by the economic fallout now and unemployment,” she says..... Campaigns are already seeing a drop off in small-donor giving, says Shelby Cole, who led digital fundraising for Beto O’Rourke’s 2018 senatorial campaign, which raised 45 percent of its $79 million from small-dollar contributions. “Folks I’ve spoken with who are working for digital firms who are raising money for senate races and gubernatorial races have seen the money drop since the news of coronavirus really started taking off...”

Political firebrands seem to have a natural advantage when it comes to small-dollar fundraising. In 2018, the candidate who had the largest percentage of money coming from small donors? Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez....Candidates who message well, especially off voter angst, might still be able to maintain small-donor support. Open Secrets’ Krumholz says that if people are troubled or economically suffering, it may encourage them to give if a candidate can convince them it will help....

Russ Choma Kara Voght April 3, 2020


VIDEOKrystal and Saagar: Ro Khanna SLAPS BACK At Nancy Pelosi’s Ridicule. ‘People Are Hurting’ Oct 15, 2020

Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti explain the latest efforts to pass a Congressional stimulus package and the differing positions concerning government spending among GOP Senators.


VIDEO: Pelosi scolds CNN reporter after stimulus question Dec 4, 2020

House speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed back at CNN's Manu Raju after he asked about her handling of the Covid-19 relief package.

Q:  So, does that mean you have about a week to negotiate? 

Speaker Pelosi.  No, it just – it doesn't matter.  We will take the time that we need....

Q:  What has shifted now, when they're on board with this piece that's come out of the Senate? 

Speaker Pelosi.  ..... that is a total game‑changer: a new President and a vaccine..... but that's okay now, because we have a new President – a President who recognizes that we need to depend on science to stop the virus, a President who understands that America's working families need to have money in their pockets in a way that takes them into the future.....

Q:  Speaker Pelosi, was it a mistake though not to accept half of a loaf months ago?  When you said, I'm not going to accept half a loaf –

Speaker Pelosi.  Look, I'm going to tell you something.  Don't characterize what we did before as a mistake as a preface to your question, if you want an answer.  That was not a mistake, it was a decision.  And it has taken us to a place where we can do the right thing without other, shall we say, considerations in the legislation that we don't want.  No.  That was it....Now, the fact is, I'm very proud of where we are.  .....So, we're very pleased at where it is.  And as I said, with a Democratic President committed to a scientific solution for this, with the idea that we will have a vaccine, it's a complete game‑changer from them. "



Direct Headline: In Case You’re Wondering, Nancy Pelosi Is Still Supporting the Only Antiabortion House Democrat

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked why she is still supporting Representative Henry Cuellar, the conservative Texas Democrat whose house and campaign office were recently raided by the FBI, for reelection, and she said she is. Then, in a mind-boggling moment during Thursday’s press conference, Pelosi took the time to also remind everyone that in addition to the whole FBI thing that’s cast a shadow over Cuellar’s ethical standards, he’s also the lone antiabortion Democrat left in the House—a position one would think would leave a disqualifying black mark on a Democrat’s political résumé given the Supreme Court looks poised to overturn Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks.

But no, Pelosi, whose party and caucus sought to use abortion rights to motivate Americans to go to the polls this past week, said she’s backing him even though he’s anti-choice....“I’m supporting Henry Cuellar, he’s a valued member of our caucus. The FBI has said he’s not under investigation,” Pelosi said first, before quipping, “I thought that you were going to take it to choice or something....He is not pro-choice but we didn’t need him; we passed the bill with what we had,” Pelosi said. Cuellar was the lone Democrat to vote against the Women’s Health Protection Act when it passed the House last year. It failed this past week in the Senate in a vote of 49 to 51... And this is also not the first time that Pelosi and company backed an anti-choice Democratic incumbent either. The Democratic establishment backed an anti-choice congressman Daniel Lipinski in the primary for Illinois’s 3rd congressional district against a pro-choice woman challenger, Marie Newman, in the 2020 election cycle. (Newman won the race.)....

By Abigail Tracy May 12, 2022


Why do you ignore the idiots on the right and only focus on the idiots on the left.

Both sides suck.

Why do you ignore the idiots on the right and only focus on the idiots on the left.

Both sides suck.

This is a mostly fair question.

I carry a personal policy here in the PSF that if I am asked a fair question in good faith, I will do my best, most times, to give a fair answer.

For example, @foxco has asked me about right wing extremists and @bigbottom has asked me about Jared Kushner/Paul Manafort and I've given those potential topics some thought. @Joe Bryant has asked a few things over time that are interesting, mostly media related, and are probably worth further exploration into their own dedicated thread topics.  Those are areas I'd like to cover with more depth at some point. I do consider what people say when I'm asked questions.

When I say, "good faith", I exclude those looking to get me permanently banned, those who gas light me, those who sealion me, those who use ad hominem against me, those who use logical fallacy bombing against me and on and on and on regarding clear bad faith actors. I operate under almost constant attack. I even get ugly partisan attacks in my PMs now. Something to note is bad faith actors are typically lazy. They are cheap and dirty. People can say whatever they want about my personal politics, but I'm not lazy. My posts aren't cheap. I hold to the belief that high value posting always wins. Raising the level of discussion always wins. Creating high information voters around you always wins. All of this have ancillary benefit of uplifting the community around it. Some of you don't see it that way. But I have had a clear demonstrable impact on the PSF in the year and a half that I've been back from a long long long voluntary departure. 

What I tell people, and I've said this before, if leftists here want to start a top level thread of their own, act in good faith, actually invest in provoking thought, high level discussion and diversity of opinion and then ping me to participate, I'd be happy to invest in that thread as well under those conditions.

I have yet to find a leftist here to take me up on that offer. Show me effort to create diversity of thought for the greater good of this community and I'll reward that.

I extend that same offer to you now.

This is a mostly fair question.

I carry a personal policy here in the PSF that if I am asked a fair question in good faith, I will do my best, most times, to give a fair answer.

For example, @foxco has asked me about right wing extremists and @bigbottom has asked me about Jared Kushner/Paul Manafort and I've given those potential topics some thought. @Joe Bryant has asked a few things over time that are interesting, mostly media related, and are probably worth further exploration into their own dedicated thread topics.  Those are areas I'd like to cover with more depth at some point. I do consider what people say when I'm asked questions.

When I say, "good faith", I exclude those looking to get me permanently banned, those who gas light me, those who sealion me, those who use ad hominem against me, those who use logical fallacy bombing against me and on and on and on regarding clear bad faith actors. I operate under almost constant attack. I even get ugly partisan attacks in my PMs now. Something to note is bad faith actors are typically lazy. They are cheap and dirty. People can say whatever they want about my personal politics, but I'm not lazy. My posts aren't cheap. I hold to the belief that high value posting always wins. Raising the level of discussion always wins. Creating high information voters around you always wins. All of this have ancillary benefit of uplifting the community around it. Some of you don't see it that way. But I have had a clear demonstrable impact on the PSF in the year and a half that I've been back from a long long long voluntary departure. 

What I tell people, and I've said this before, if leftists here want to start a top level thread of their own, act in good faith, actually invest in provoking thought, high level discussion and diversity of opinion and then ping me to participate, I'd be happy to invest in that thread as well under those conditions.

I have yet to find a leftist here to take me up on that offer. Show me effort to create diversity of thought for the greater good of this community and I'll reward that.

I extend that same offer to you now.
I simply believe both sides are terrible. They are only concerned with enriching their donors and themselves at societies expense. 

I am constantly amazed that anyone believes either party is out to help the common man.

Nothing will change until people hold their own party to the same criteria as the “enemy.” It’s fascinating watching the race to the bottom.

@gordon gekko you forgot to mention that the DNC is funneling these $15 anti-abortion donations to support Trump backed far right Senate candidates.  You would think the DNC and Nancy would have learn after backing Trump that if you mess with the bull, you get the horns.  Nancy was e-mailing me so often and even scolding me for not donating that I had to unsubscribe from her mailing list.  Bernie at least asked nicely and even said please.  

That said, Damn you Bernie for selling Nancy my e-mail address.  Nancy is a wretched human being that needs to be gone for the political scene.

Why do you ignore the idiots on the right and only focus on the idiots on the left.

I simply believe both sides are terrible. They are only concerned with enriching their donors and themselves at societies expense. I am constantly amazed that anyone believes either party is out to help the common man. Nothing will change until people hold their own party to the same criteria as the “enemy.” It’s fascinating watching the race to the bottom.

Then you are more than welcome to start top level threads that say both sides are terrible. Or that the right wing is terrible. Or that the GOP is terrible. Or that Trump is terrible. Or whatever else you want to talk about.

When @foxco asks me about right wing extremists, that's actually very specific. It has at least some pathway towards possible substantive discussion. 

When you say "why do you ignore the idiots on the right", it's just a purity test I've seen many times before.

One of the radical leftists here counted the number of top level threads I had on the "first page" and he said there were 13 of them. OK, what's stopping him from starting 13 threads in 13 days on left wing topics he prefers better?

Some people, clearly some very specific people consistently, demand that I "purify" the GOP and Trump and Conservatives and Republicans in the manner they feel I hammer down on the radical left. I don't owe them anything. I don't owe them discussion they approve of or topics they think are worthy or posts and replies that fulfill their ideological vision of the entire world. It's that kind of cheap gross entitlement that creates the problems that explain why there are two posts pinned at the top of this subforum talking about people's lousy behavior and whether this subforum should get nuked or not. And guess what, all those problems happened when I was long gone from the forums. So it's not on me.

Purity tests don't work on me. Personal attacks don't work on me. Gaslighting me doesn't work on me. Logical fallacy bombing really really really doesn't work on me.

There are only two Staff members who post in the PSF on a regular basis. One is someone who tries to keep his personal politics to himself and tries to facilitate mostly moderate discussion. I appreciate that. The other leans hard biased left and doesn't disguise it. The 2nd one several weeks back mocked me about using "Direct Headline" in my threads as formatting. All my formatting, I've discussed this before, is to preempt what will be the likely avenues of attack when people try to game the Report Button to get me banned or permanently banned because they just want me silenced. I headline everything, I source everything, I attribute everything, I make it very clear that I'm not leaving room to be attacked that way. I even restrict myself from starting more than one top level thread in any 24 hour period because I know someone will eventually try to hit the Report Button to say I'm flooding the PSF with topics. Which is why I time stamp.

What did mocking me about "Direct Headline" achieve? Well it's a message to the radical left that it's really OK to keep attacking me because he can't openly do it himself. Is that good leadership? No. Is it good business? No. Is it civil? No. But I don't tell people the virtue signal of "Be Better". I don't bemoan why can't tribalism end. I post high information, raise the level of discussion and let people decide for themselves. I find it offensive that someone I don't talk to, don't interact with, don't engage with and don't want anything to do with uses their position to authority to lean on me. And there's the rub. A lot of the radical leftists here believe they are the only ones with the right to be offended. And that being offended justifies their behavior. When I'm attacked, I raise my level of participation. When Conservatives and Republicans are smeared with sweeping generalizations, I raise my level of participation.

There's a lot of discussion of how I post, that I post, how frequently I post, how I format, what sources I use and plenty of purity tests. Not so much discussion on the actual topics.

I'm doing exactly what I said in 2006 when I started posting on the forums, when I said to, then much younger guys here - Always present high value, be an asset, find a way to make yourself indispensable, be outcome independent, defend your boundaries and never let anyone out work you.

And I do it. I don't just say it, I behave that way. I don't need to virtue signal.  A man leads with how he lives his life, and not by his desire for external validation.

So if anyone here has a problem with my topics, my posting frequency, that I lean my politics one way versus another, then I suggest you reach out to the Staff member who decided to shade me in public. His action caused a reaction of my increased participation. I could care less if he retaliates now because I log onto FBG every single day and expect to be retaliated against for exercising diversity of thought and opinion. And what evidence exists that I should believe different? What I'm doing now is how Conservatives win - Provoke thought instead of just provoking people for sport.

Give me something more than a purity test and maybe you'll get something back more in line to what you prefer.

I still extend that same previous offer to you now. Consider that single act is ten thousand times more regard and civility than under which I'm normally treated in here by others. But I'm OK with that, because that kind of response is, yet again, how Conservatives win.

@gordon gekko you forgot to mention that the DNC is funneling these $15 anti-abortion donations to support Trump backed far right Senate candidates.  You would think the DNC and Nancy would have learn after backing Trump that if you mess with the bull, you get the horns.  Nancy was e-mailing me so often and even scolding me for not donating that I had to unsubscribe from her mailing list.  Bernie at least asked nicely and even said please.  

That said, Damn you Bernie for selling Nancy my e-mail address.  Nancy is a wretched human being that needs to be gone for the political scene.

Direct Headline: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals

The 52-year-old joined the board of a biofuel company after it defrauded investors according to an SEC ruling, and whose CEO was convicted after bribing Georgia officials...Pelosi Jr. was president of an environmental investment firm that turned out to be a front for two convicted fraudsters ...He joined a lithium mining company and received millions of shares, allegedly issued as part of a massive $164 million fraud ...He was vice president of a company previously embroiled in an investigation of scam calls that targeted senior citizens ...He has close business ties with a man accused by the Department of Justice of running a fake UN charity that stole investors' money ...A medical company Pelosi Jr. worked for tested drugs on people without FDA authorization, according to an FDA investigation

By Josh Boswell  13:09 EST, 16 January 2022


Direct Headline: Nancy Pelosi’s son linked to five shady companies probed by feds: report

February 2007, Pelosi Jr. was hired as senior vice president by Omaha-based InfoUSA, a database marketing company that was investigated by the Iowa Attorney General’s Office several years earlier for allegedly selling consumer data to fraudsters...The data was then used to scam sick and gullible elderly people out of money, it was alleged. The investigation was closed and no arrests were made. Pelosi Jr., who was paid a salary of $180,000 per year, joined the firm after the probe ended....In October 2013, Pelosi Jr. joined FOGFuels, a biofuel company. Just prior to his being named vice president, the company founder, Paul Marshall, was charged by the SEC for allegedly stealing $3 million from elderly investors....In July 2016, Pelosi Jr. became a senior adviser at Oroplata Resources, a lithium mining company. A month before coming on board, Oroplata executives allegedly issued $26 million worth of fraudulent shares and then awarded some of them to themselves and others without board approval....Pelosi Jr. is reported to have received 2.8 million of the allegedly fraudulent shares in July 2016....

By Ariel Zilber January 14, 2022 12:13pm



Well Nancy Pelosi currently begging voters for money, targeting those who can probably least afford it, after spending 50 years not delivering for them, creates a "Follow The Money" pathway for the entire Pelosi Clan.

Pelosi is still getting hammered in all directions over her influence in driving money towards her husband and son.

This is media optics poison for Team Blue. It looks like elitist thoughtless greed because it clearly is elitist thoughtless greed.

My favorite is when people announce how they just donated x bucks to a political campaign. 

Instead of an "I voted" pin you should get an I am a sucker pin. 

Direct Headline: Pelosi: ‘We’re Not Going to Negotiate’ on Abortion

At her weekly press conference today, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said, “We’re not going to negotiate a woman’s right to choose."....On Thursday, a reporter asked Speaker Pelosi, “Congresswoman Chu’s bill has passed the House before, but it continues to fail in the Senate. Are there any discussions between House leadership and Senate leadership for some sort of negotiations?”....Pelosi replied, “What do you mean negotiations? What do you want to negotiate?”....The reporter followed-up, “Some senators have said that this bill, Senators Murkowski and Collins, for instance, have said that Congresswoman Chu’s bill goes too far.”....“We’re not going to negotiate a woman’s right to choose,” said Pelosi.

In Sen. Murkowski’s press release in May 2022, she said, “The Women’s Health Protection Act goes well beyond the precedent established in Roe and Casey. It does not include the Hyde amendment, which prohibits taxpayer dollars from being spent on abortions -- and has been the law almost as long as Roe.....It does not include conscience protections for healthcare providers that refuse to perform abortions based on religious beliefs...It explicitly overrides the Religious Freedom Restoration Act for the first time. It also allows late-term abortions without any notable restrictions....”

The 2021 version of the bill passed the House in September 2021, but failed in February 2022 to reach the 60 votes needed in the Senate to overcome the Republicans’ filibuster, in a Yea-Nay Vote of 46 - 48.

By Lucy Collins July 14, 2022 3:32pm EDT


Direct Headline: House passes bills to codify abortion rights and ensure access

The House on Friday passed legislation..... the Women’s Health Protection Act, would enshrine the protections of Roe v. Wade into law. The House already passed the bill last year, but it did not advance in a Senate vote in May. The House passed the bill, 219-210, prompting applause from Democrats in the chamber. All Republicans and Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Tex.) voted against the measure.....Another bill, the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act, would reaffirm the right for someone seeking an abortion to travel freely across state lines. The House passed that measure, 223-205, with three Republicans — Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), Fred Upton (Mich.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) — joining all Democrats in backing the bill....

...Despite passage in the Democratic-led House, the bills are almost certain to fail in the Senate, where they would require 60 votes or the suspension of filibuster rules and a simple majority. Both are unlikely in the face of Republican opposition....Despite the bills’ doomed futures, Democrats have been under pressure from their base to show that they are doing everything possible to preserve abortion rights in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision. Abortion rights activists have already accused the White House of not taking enough action — particularly since a draft of the Supreme Court decision was leaked in early May....

By Amy B Wang and  Eugene Scott July 15, 2022 at 8:17 a.m. EDT



So Pelosi's brilliant decision here today, was to put the Women's Health Protection Act up again for vote, FOR A THIRD TIME. WITHOUT ANY CHANGES AT ALL.

The same arguments from the GOP echo many across the country - They don't support tax dollars to be spent on funding abortions and they don't want abortions up to the moment of birth.

At this point, the only thing that seems clear is Pelosi simply doesn't want the WHPA to pass. She keeps trying to shovel down a bill that even a majority of polled Americans across time have said they don't support. Even if you take the entire GOP out of this equation, the WHPA, just like FOCA, is too extreme for the American public.

Pelosi doesn't care, she wants to say she "did something" so all the blame can rest on Biden.

So she can keep begging for 15 dollars as small dollar donations to Team Blue are dramatically evaporating.

By exposing that a politician used a major issue to fund raise?

And then called people radical leftists?  Are there any actual radical left here?

VIDEO: Pelosi flees podium after answering question about husband's stock transactions Jul 22, 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi swiftly leaves the podium after responding to a reporter's question about her husband's stock transactions.


Direct Headline: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC ignore Pelosi's husband buying over $1 million of computer chip stock ahead of vote

Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, made a stock purchase of over $1 million in a computer chip company just weeks before a potential vote in Congress which would give a massive subsidy to the industry but anyone who relied on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC for information would have no idea. ...Mr. Pelosi made a purchase of between $1 million and $5 million shares of Nvidia, a semiconductor company, according to a disclosure filing made by Speaker Pelosi's office. He exercised 200 call options, or 20,000 shares, the disclosure states. The disclosure raised eyebrows, as Reuters reported that the Senate could vote on a bill that contains billions of dollars in subsidies within the semiconductor industry as early as Tuesday. ..

However, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC failed to mention Paul Pelosi on the air from when it broke on July 15 through primetime on Monday, according to a search of transcripts conducted by Fox News Digital. ...Curtis Houck....said it was "no accident that the liberal media have made the decision to ignore" the story that could damage Pelosi. ..."For those that are aware of it, they have zero comprehension and/or shame to realize how it's a quintessential story of how the elites work for their own financial benefit, not that of the American people....If this were Kevin McCarthy's wife, there'd be zero question as to whether ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC would be having full reports about it with snarky chyrons and commentaries from the Rachel Maddows and Don Lemons of the world....Same goes for the major newspapers. A-1 stories would be guaranteed. But because it involves Paul Pelosi, they'd rather play ball with their friends and avoid drawing the ire of the Speaker's office....." 

In 2020, Republican Sen. Richard Burr, N.C., and other high-profile lawmakers came under fire for stock sales in the run-up to the COVID-19 pandemic that were suspected to have been made based on confidential information about the pending outbreak. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC all covered the story. "The Rachel Maddow Show" even featured a lengthy commentary about it. 

...Paul Pelosi, 82, has been married to Nancy Pelosi since 1963. Last month, he was charged with DUI with injury by the Napa County District Attorney's Office after he was involved in a crash on May 28....

By Brian Flood July 19, 2022 11:08am EDT



Pelosi is doing more than "fund raising"

How can she, with a straight face, ask working class people for small dollar donations in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and with record inflation, while she openly facilitates insider trading to the tune of countless millions and intentionally railroads any legislation that would stop it.

And where was she in 1993 when Clinton could have made a hard push to codify Roe into federal law?

And where was she when Clinton signed the Defense Of Marriage Act that formally refused to recognize same sex marriages? ( 118 House Democrats voted for it)

And where was she when Obama had a super majority in 2009 and promised he'd codify Roe into federal law as his first act as POTUS?

You can't spit in the faces of the every day working class, beg them for money, don't even make a cursory attempt to deliver on actual promises made then shamelessly grift right in front of them while many are struggling to buy groceries for their children.


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