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Manager Shenanigans (1 Viewer)

I have no problem with the guy texting the owner.

As a commissioner our league has fines for starting guys on bye or IR. Not for guys that are declared out as life happens and owners can't always keep up to date on a Sunday morning. Towards the end of the season I will send out e-mails to the league reminding them of starting lineups and to stay involved regardless of their standings as it does make a difference in the playoff hunt. Thankfully I've got a bunch of good owners and it has never been a problem. NEVER would I step in and change a guys lineup for him. I will send a reminder and have no problem with another owner sending a reminder.
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
You wanted to win that way?
Who cares? A win is a win.

Part of my strategy every year is banking on other owners making foolish moves during the draft. Is it now my responsibility to consult other owner's pre-draft to make sure they have winning strategies just so I can avoid the "Do you really want to win that way" question?
Part of my strategy every year is banking on other owners making foolish moves during the draft. Is it now my responsibility to consult other owner's pre-draft to make sure they have winning strategies just so I can avoid the "Do you really want to win that way" question?
Yeah, that's exactly the same thing.
Reminding someone to set their lineups is a good league mate in my book.

Crazy talk. It's a weekly event for 14 weeks. This was only done in an owners self interest. To be clear, I don't care that it was done - but it's not the actions of a good league mate to only do it when in his self interest
Along the lines of my point above. I'm guessing most owners would not have reached out earlier in the season when the playoffs were still TBD.
Are you suggesting that a commissioner should check all lineups prior to kick off, every week? I play in too many leagues to entertain such an idea. I would give up my commissioner role if that were the case.
I do this every week, but I'm in only one league so it's not really a hassle. Plus we're in a total points league with no playoffs, so every point matters and no one is helping anyone else out.
What a world we live in. An obvious good and smart decision is also viewed by some as being a d##k move
It was a d##k move because he only said something when it directly affected him. He didn't give two beans about previous games with other teams where the lineup wasn't set.
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I'll be honest. I do this whenever necessary. If I need a team to lose, I'm happy to reach out to their opponent and encourage them to set a valid lineup. It's not cheating, and they don't have to do it (sometimes they ignore the message because they're checked out). But I consider that to be totally above-board play.

If someone did it to me, I'd be annoyed, but only because I didn't get away with a free victory. Not because they did anything wrong.
One of the honest reactions in here.
Part of my strategy every year is banking on other owners making foolish moves during the draft. Is it now my responsibility to consult other owner's pre-draft to make sure they have winning strategies just so I can avoid the "Do you really want to win that way" question?
Yeah, that's exactly the same thing.
At what point do you stop policing other owners? That's the point.
I can't follow your logic - and what you're asking me isn't something that I suggested at all.
Is there an official term for dumping a roster after not making the playoffs? Got a guy in the league (not dynasty) who flips his good players for scrubs once he's in the loser bracket. Has a full roster but obviously one that won't compete.
I dont know what the term is but the guy would definitely NOT be invited back to the league the next year.
It's almost as bad as rat'n on your tennis buddies for smuggling beer in the bottom of their coolers when they are on the courts
He won't be invited into our group any more, different scenarios but same results or outcomes.
You don't invite them back

-I don't think it's terrible when a Commish sends an infrequent message like maybe once a season reminding owners to double check their rosters due to bye weeks. That's different though than calling or texting someone solely based on the game or immediate impact to your own team, that's not thinking about the league as a whole.

We had a team eliminated facing another team that was eliminated. One of them had Hill on a Bye week and Darren Waller as their TEs, Waller was not active and we didn't force them to make a waiver wire move which cost a couple bucks per transaction. It had no impact on anything but we did let it be known under normal circumstances it wouldn't fly.
Again, much different situation vs what @Magnum83 went thru. He's going to have a good time reading thru the rest of his thread.
I like how it exposes the true nature of some individuals in here, agree or disagree it's fun to see the different shades of morality that get pushed to forefront of gambling
Part of my strategy every year is banking on other owners making foolish moves during the draft. Is it now my responsibility to consult other owner's pre-draft to make sure they have winning strategies just so I can avoid the "Do you really want to win that way" question?
Yeah, that's exactly the same thing.
At what point do you stop policing other owners? That's the point.
I can't follow your logic - and what you're asking me isn't something that I suggested at all.
I don't know how to break it down any easier for you. :shrug:

I feel like this is a more "won't" follow the logic more so than it is a "can't". It's pretty simple what I'm getting at and I've already expounded upon it even further in other posts.
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
You wanted to win that way?
I thought this was a great question and should not have been the basis of a back n forth with you and Blade but...
-What if the 1 word answer had been "Yes!"?

You don't have to answer it, again i thought it was a straight to the point question.

I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
You wanted to win that way?
I thought this was a great question and should not have been the basis of a back n forth with you and Blade but...
-What if the 1 word answer had been "Yes!"?

You don't have to answer it, again i thought it was a straight to the point question.

Yes, his response to me didn't really make much sense when he started talking about helping people with draft strategy (as if that's anywhere close to what I said) and then it kept evolving into something I never said or even implied.
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
You wanted to win that way?
I thought this was a great question and should not have been the basis of a back n forth with you and Blade but...
-What if the 1 word answer had been "Yes!"?

You don't have to answer it, again i thought it was a straight to the point question.

Yes, his response to me didn't really make much sense when he started talking about helping people with draft strategy (as if that's anywhere close to what I said) and then it kept evolving into something I never said or even implied.

With all due respect, I think you're clearly having an issue with the point I was making. No need to strawman me.
I thought this was a great question and should not have been the basis of a back n forth with you and Blade but...
-What if the 1 word answer had been "Yes!"?
I would have accepted that answer and I'm in no way saying I wouldn't have accepted a win in that way - but at the same time its more fun to me (and important to the league) for everyone to be on a level playing field. I'd rather beat some one straight up then a line-up missing 2 players. If the OP would rather just take the win, that's his choice and I wouldn't have pushed back on him.
We had a guy go apeshit one time and drop his whole team to the wire over this. He was fighting for a playoff spot and was facing the league doormat who hadn't swapped out two bye week guys. 15 minutes before kickoff the commish manually set the guy's lineup with two highest bench projections. Commish claimed that he'd tried to contact doormat for several hours about it and got no response, so he used executive power. Dude fighting for playoff spot lost the match, lost out on the playoffs, went ballistic in chat about how the league conspired to keep him out, cited three other instances where someone started a bye or injuried player without commish interference, dropped all his players and peaced out.

And this is why in the league that I commish, I don't set anyone else's lineup unless they ask me to specifically. If youre the perfect on-time commish who dutifully checks every lineup on Thursday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday for compliance, then sure go for it but all it takes is one miss and then it looks like you're playing favorites.
FFPC has this rule, and I've seen them enforce it several times after the games have started.

The FFPC Dynasty League Commissioner may (but is not required to) alter a lineup for any team where a starting lineup is submitted with players who are inactive as a result of being on a Bye Week, on suspension, or on their NFL team’s I.R. list. Lineups may also be changed if a very low-ranked player is started over a consensus top player, or for whatever reason if the commissioner sees that the original lineup lessens the competitiveness of the team in question. Tanking in the form of not doing waivers, not moving Injured Reserve players to FFPC IR, and picking up low-quality players to minimize one’s score is also prohibited. FFPC Dynasty League Commissioner has the final discretion on all lineup changes.
The FFPC Dynasty League Commissioner may (but is not required to) alter a lineup for any team where a starting lineup is submitted with players who are inactive as a result of being on a Bye Week, on suspension, or on their NFL team’s I.R. list. Lineups may also be changed if a very low-ranked player is started over a consensus top player, or for whatever reason if the commissioner sees that the original lineup lessens the competitiveness of the team in question. Tanking in the form of not doing waivers, not moving Injured Reserve players to FFPC IR, and picking up low-quality players to minimize one’s score is also prohibited. FFPC Dynasty League Commissioner has the final discretion on all lineup changes.
That’s exactly how we roll with starting inactive/bye week/IR players. Although we stop short of doing anything about starting weakish players or not engaging in waivers - just seems too much of a grey area and a slippery slope. We resort to public shaming for these latter instances.
We fine a team if they start a guy on IR/Bye/Inactive if this designation was placed on Wednesday (for Thursday players), Friday (for Sunday Players) or Saturday (for Monday Players). But if guy is questionable and ruled out Sunday morning and it is missed then no fine. We want people to be responsible for obviously out players not last minute inactives.
We had a guy go apeshit one time and drop his whole team to the wire over this. He was fighting for a playoff spot and was facing the league doormat who hadn't swapped out two bye week guys. 15 minutes before kickoff the commish manually set the guy's lineup with two highest bench projections. Commish claimed that he'd tried to contact doormat for several hours about it and got no response, so he used executive power. Dude fighting for playoff spot lost the match, lost out on the playoffs, went ballistic in chat about how the league conspired to keep him out, cited three other instances where someone started a bye or injuried player without commish interference, dropped all his players and peaced out.

And this is why in the league that I commish, I don't set anyone else's lineup unless they ask me to specifically. If youre the perfect on-time commish who dutifully checks every lineup on Thursday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday for compliance, then sure go for it but all it takes is one miss and then it looks like you're playing favorites.
That, IMO, is it touch over the line. Unless the league constitution, explicitly states that the commissioner will be doing this, then that is the commissioner putting his thumb on the scale.

In the league that I commission, I have had several occasions where league mates I’ve been at work, or on a trip, or had a death in the family where they needed me to make a substitution for them. They sent me the player who was questionable, or doubtful, and the player they want to replace him with by email. That way if anyone ever questions the commissioner move I have the documentation to back it up.

But as a commissioner, I would never, ever touch anyone’s lineup without their explicit instruction.
What a world we live in. An obvious good and smart decision is also viewed by some as being a d##k move
It was a d##k move because he only said something when it directly affected him. He didn't give two beans about previous games with other teams where the lineup wasn't set.
You seem to have missed spelled “Shrewd”.

That Owner is under no obligation to notify anyone ever, but in the instance, where it was to his or her advantage, they did so. That’s just smart fantasy football.

They might be a d###, but it’s mutually exclusive from this move. Again, unless they paid that owner 50 bucks or gave them a case of beer to set their lineup, there’s nothing unethical about it. Just a couple of Fantasy Football geeks talking shop. More power to them.
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We fine a team if they start a guy on IR/Bye/Inactive if this designation was placed on Wednesday (for Thursday players), Friday (for Sunday Players) or Saturday (for Monday Players). But if guy is questionable and ruled out Sunday morning and it is missed then no fine. We want people to be responsible for obviously out players not last minute inactives.
We've thought about fining people for starting inactive/bye week players, but figured it wouldn't be that much of a deterrent for the limited amount of money we're talking. Instead, I've been pushing for something that hits people where it really hurts: future draft picks.
Not starting a thread - would you fell different regarding unsolicited advice telling an owner who to start or pick up?
I texted my son's best friend. Mixon manager "dude, why didn't you go get Perine?" a few weeks ago. He was still on the wire and I had been hoping he'd get picked up by somebody other than the other 7 teams I was jockeying for a playoff spot. Did I do this because he's the last place team and I wasn't facing him that week? Probably. But a lot of it was that I just like the kid and want him to do well. Guess I'm the ahole lol. It's not for money but bragging rights when half the league is family are a big deal. Love my son, brother, nephews etc but

If this was for a bunch of money, I think it changes things a little. I would imagine people would start to get a little prickly when there's a sense of lack of consistency.
We've thought about fining people for starting inactive/bye week players, but figured it wouldn't be that much of a deterrent for the limited amount of money we're talking. Instead, I've been pushing for something that hits people where it really hurts: future draft picks.
Our fine is $15 in a $200 buy in league. We also charge for free agents. A waiver wire free agent is $10 and a FCFS after waviers on Wednesday is $5. I pushed to make the fine really hurt and have it be $50 or more but quite a few people balked at that idea. I was able to get it to be more than our free agent cost so that if you did get stuck for some reason it costs less to pick up a player so you have a complete lineup that the fine if you started a guy not playing.

We discussed the losing of draft picks but that didn't pan out. People didn't want future years affected by something that could happen innocently (being on vacation for 2 weeks and not checking the lineup kind of thing).

I have no problem with making it hurt because we are trying to stop obvious infractions of not paying attention. I don't want to punish someone for missing a guy being declared out right before game time as that is just unfortunate luck. But playing a guy on bye....come on. There is no excuse for that. It's why we have the deadlines for the fine as to when the designation occurred.
In the league I commish, I am thorough in communicating with the owners about their line-ups, especially with injuries, bye weeks, etc., with the goal being to ensure each team plays competitively each week.
Not starting a thread - would you fell different regarding unsolicited advice telling an owner who to start or pick up?
I texted my son's best friend. Mixon manager "dude, why didn't you go get Perine?" a few weeks ago. He was still on the wire and I had been hoping he'd get picked up by somebody other than the other 7 teams I was jockeying for a playoff spot. Did I do this because he's the last place team and I wasn't facing him that week? Probably. But a lot of it was that I just like the kid and want him to do well. Guess I'm the ahole lol. It's not for money but bragging rights when half the league is family are a big deal. Love my son, brother, nephews etc but

If this was for a bunch of money, I think it changes things a little. I would imagine people would start to get a little prickly when there's a sense of lack of consistency.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that regardless of whether it’s for money or not.

The recipient of said advice still needs to act on it, which is 100% optional.

It’s just one FF head making a suggestion to another. It violates no rules or ethical conduct morays.

It’s also a very, very smart thing to do strategically. You’re not colluding with the other owner, you’re scheming to help yourself.

Is it a little bit underhanded? Sure - you bet. Is it ethically wrong? Absolutely not. It’s called gamesmanship, and folks need to understand the difference.
We discussed the losing of draft picks but that didn't pan out. People didn't want future years affected by something that could happen innocently (being on vacation for 2 weeks and not checking the lineup kind of thing).
Of course - there has to be some sort of reasonableness associated when there are extenuating circumstances. But when you've been playing with the same guys for years and years, you can typically figure out if it's innocent or not.
Of course - there has to be some sort of reasonableness associated when there are extenuating circumstances. But when you've been playing with the same guys for years and years, you can typically figure out if it's innocent or not.
it can also be apathy which is almost as bad as purposely doing it but yet not really innocent.
MoP Story time...

-12 Man Doubles on 3 Tennis Courts like clockwork every Sat at 7:30am
-By 9:30am and occasionally even earlier you find many guys from our group sweaty, thirsty and popping beers up at the clubhouse, public courts so we're not technically suppose to bring outside beer on to the courts or up inside the clubhouse...(you bet your *** we do)

Because we have 12, sometimes we run short and so we have a Sub list with lots of names of guys that simply cannot commit every week but like to come sub for us when we are short 1 or 2 players. These regular spots do not come open often and I had to work hard to get into this group and am now right under the guy who organizes this, help him put the list together and make sure we have courts reserved, etc...

One of our newer members that kept bugging us to play until we let him start coming on Saturdays, he's a terrible line call judge, misses a lot of bad calls and basically the ball is in and he calls it out, gets old after a while and one night on a Tuesday Night League Match, I called him on it and requested for one of the staff to come out and officiate the rest of the match since it was getting very chippy and I didn't like the way this person was acting. Tennis is a gentleman's game and should be played as such.

After the match and being overturned on a couple of calls, he decides to tell the front office where we play that the Sat 7:30am crew is smuggling beer into the club and that we should all be reprimanded if not worse. I would never have known except I'm friends with almost all the staff, they know who I am and I stopped bringing beer on to the tennis courts quite a while ago. I was caught red handed after a league match on a Tuesday Night, I just wanted to pop one on the court for S&Gs and to feel alive.

The reason the staff told me is because this turkey has threatened them on other matters, this is their livelihood, they work for the city "Parks and Rec" and this kind of person is a nightmare. We didn't know he was such a bleeping bleep bleep until it was brought to our attention that he was working against us.

We are inviting 13 to the Tennis Courts this week, Rat doesn't know he is the 13th, one too many. We plan on putting him in the middle of the group as we surround him for a second and let him know he won't be playing tennis with us any more and he won't be invited back out on Saturday morning any time soon. Have a nice day, *****!

Your move Magnum
careful there man..... dude might open a can of pop top tuna then whatcha gonna do?????
Of course - there has to be some sort of reasonableness associated when there are extenuating circumstances. But when you've been playing with the same guys for years and years, you can typically figure out if it's innocent or not.
it can also be apathy which is almost as bad as purposely doing it but yet not really innocent.
Apathy is a league killer.

I have a great example of why:
I just won 200.4 to 199.8 - about as close as it gets, thanks to Stevenson’s 3 & Higgins’ 0.

My opponent started Derwin James, who was deemed “doubtful” on Saturday (maybe earlier).

I noticed it on Saturday, and texted my opponent who is eliminated from contention) saying “hey, Derwin James is likely out. You need to replace him.”

For one, I’m commish, so I never want to be accused of getting a cheap win, but more importantly, I’m the current 1-seed by 1 game. And the 2-seed has the tiebreaker (points, by 23).

Ergo, if I lost, I’d be the 2-seed headed to the final regular season game this week, and would need either the 1-seed to lose, or to outscore them by 23.1

I texted my opponent *again* on Sunday AM saying “hey, James is doubtful, and it’s a SNF game, so if he doesn’t play you won’t be able to add someone because the rest of your roster will be locked from the early games”.

I went to work, and when I checked at game time, James was still in his lineup. Guaranteed 0. I asked him WTF since we have league rules about fielding a lineup, and he basically said he was out so he didn’t care/want to spend $4 for an add/drop. :doh: And he still had the late games to take action, which he didn’t do.

I texted the Co-commish & sent him screenshots of my time-stamped texts so he knew I was on the level going above & beyond.

I was down 2.8 with Stevenson YTP on MNF. Which looked like the James thing wouldn’t have mattered. But then Stevenson got hurt, came back, scored just enough to put me up by .6, and left for good.

If I survive the Thursday AM stat changes, I will still be the 1-seed headed into the last week with a 1-game advantage over the 2-seed.

Not a lock for anything, but since the 1-seed *picks their playoff opponent* for the week 16 4-team playoffs, it is actually hugely relevant.

And if I lose and we end up tied, but i outscore him by 23.1+, he’ll have been 100% screwed by an irrelevant team’s apathy.

The rest of the league is pretty pissed off at that owner right now, and I’ve received several requests to make rules about removing/replacing owners for doing this.

And tbh, I’m on board with it. Yes, it worked to my advantage this time, but I hate getting a cheap W, and I never want to be thought of as not earning an achievement.

TL/DR - apathy is a league killer, and can have massive ramifications.
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Of course - there has to be some sort of reasonableness associated when there are extenuating circumstances. But when you've been playing with the same guys for years and years, you can typically figure out if it's innocent or not.
it can also be apathy which is almost as bad as purposely doing it but yet not really innocent.
Apathy is a league killer.
Agree 100%. Problem is, not many other owners are losers sharks that actively spend an inordinate amount of time in the Shark Pool.
Of course - there has to be some sort of reasonableness associated when there are extenuating circumstances. But when you've been playing with the same guys for years and years, you can typically figure out if it's innocent or not.
it can also be apathy which is almost as bad as purposely doing it but yet not really innocent.
Apathy is a league killer.
Agree 100%. Problem is, not many other owners are losers sharks that actively spend an inordinate amount of time in the Shark Pool.
You seem to have misspelled devilishly good looking absolute geniuses whose blood flows thick with competitive spirit.
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
Take your loss like a man and stop whining
Seems like most people are saying this is totally OK but, I still disagree. Calling someone to tell them to set their lineup is basically managing their team by proxy. I don't like the inequity of certain people getting a tougher or easier game based on whether a third party wanted them to lose or not.

I much prefer something more unilateral - like, if a team hasn't fielded a full lineup, the commish is obliged to set their lineup based on (yahoo/cbs/espn) projections. Self-interested players playing commish doesn't sit right
This is where I stand. We had a similar situation in my league too where the guy ONLY complained when it directly affected him, otherwise he was as silent as a church mouse. However, in my league he went one step further and also emailed the Commish talking about "the integrity of the league" despite not saying a word when it didn't affect him. We have rules in place to handle such scenarios and the rules were put in place so the Commish DID NOT have to police everyone's roster 24/7. The commish is not allowed to change rosters for any team but the owner's league membership will be put under review instead.

So I call BS on this guy. If he cared then he would be complaining ALL of the time, not just when it affected him. IMO, he's wrong for doing it but didn't really break any rules. But it's a **** move.
right..... let me ask you this. Why should the guy sit silent and watch a team that he played earlier in the schedule while he WAS setting a lineup in a fair game have to potentially miss out on a bye week just because he played the guy earlier instead of now when he isnt starting a lineup? His job is to protect his own interest....it is the essence of FF....12 guys doing what they can within the rules to try to win a championship. Is it his job to police the league and watch to make sure everybody is setting a lineup every week? If anything that is the commishs job not his. (I get the commish not setting lineups because that is one serious slippery slope no commish wants to be in when things backfire. ( for example if a commish were to put in Kelce for a team this past week and took out Engram.... just an example) Im assuming the commish CAN change a teams lineup by rule when they dont have computer access but call the commish to make changes correct????
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
Take your loss like a man and stop whining
need2know Corleone
Is there an official term for dumping a roster after not making the playoffs? Got a guy in the league (not dynasty) who flips his good players for scrubs once he's in the loser bracket. Has a full roster but obviously one that won't compete.
Yes....its called being an ex league member.
We had a guy go apeshit one time and drop his whole team to the wire over this. He was fighting for a playoff spot and was facing the league doormat who hadn't swapped out two bye week guys. 15 minutes before kickoff the commish manually set the guy's lineup with two highest bench projections. Commish claimed that he'd tried to contact doormat for several hours about it and got no response, so he used executive power. Dude fighting for playoff spot lost the match, lost out on the playoffs, went ballistic in chat about how the league conspired to keep him out, cited three other instances where someone started a bye or injuried player without commish interference, dropped all his players and peaced out.

And this is why in the league that I commish, I don't set anyone else's lineup unless they ask me to specifically. If youre the perfect on-time commish who dutifully checks every lineup on Thursday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday for compliance, then sure go for it but all it takes is one miss and then it looks like you're playing favorites.
This was going to be nearly my exact response. No issue with what the other manager did. However, the Commish should not be doing anything to anyone's roster unless they are specifically asked to to some unforeseen situation.
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
You wanted to win that way?
Who cares? A win is a win.

Part of my strategy every year is banking on other owners making foolish moves during the draft. Is it now my responsibility to consult other owner's pre-draft to make sure they have winning strategies just so I can avoid the "Do you really want to win that way" question?
wait....you went from "So I call BS on this guy. If he cared then he would be complaining ALL of the time, not just when it affected him. IMO, he's wrong for doing it but didn't really break any rules. But it's a **** move." to "Who cares a win is a win" ? Seems pretty hypocritical to on the one hand say it was a **** move for the other guy to try to get a fair shake by notifying the other owner but for the guy getting the free win.... "who cares a win is a win" How about this for an idea..... If ethics DO mean something to you to avoid the **** move as you called it how about the OP let the dead beat team he would like him to set a lineup so that he WOULDNT get a free win..... Cant have it both ways imo......
I was playing the last place team this week for a bye. Guy hasn’t set his lineup in weeks. He’s playing two men down. Come 7pm I’m up 10. Got hurt by Higgins. Etc.

Going into Sunday night game opponent has Mike Williams on bench. Look up during game and guy starts him. 3rd place team admits he texted him to remind him to set lineup.

I lose game and bye. I am pissed. We have talked it out but damn. How would y’all respond?
Take your loss like a man and stop whining
To be fair to the OP....he has stopped whining and isnt defending his initial reaction and post. I give him credit for taking the criticism and not deleting the thread. It is an interesting topic and FF dilema....Many of which arise in this sport.

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