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I hate when players think they are above the system before they have proven anything AT ALL . . . just another reason for me not to like this kid.

I hate when players think they are above the system before they have proven anything AT ALL . . . just another reason for me not to like this kid.
Hopefully they still draft him.
Just reinforces my feelings about QB's named Manning. I hated Archie, I loathe Peyton and now this....... Not a surprise to me

I think you have to be careful about saying the Manning "family". The story on ESPN.com said his father said it. If that's true, my opinion of Archie Manning just drove off of a cliff.

Can you blame them? Would you want to play for that organization?If I'm LeBron James coming out high school and the Golden State Warriors win the lottery I'm going to have to think about whether or not I want to go to a team with a legacy of failure. The Chargers have had their moments, but they're a big mess right now.

Can you blame them? Would you want to play for that organization?If I'm LeBron James coming out high school and the Golden State Warriors win the lottery I'm going to have to think about whether or not I want to go to a team with a legacy of failure. The Chargers have had their moments, but they're a big mess right now.
Vick had gone on record saying he would have preferred to play one more college season, but didn't because he knew he'd be the #1 pick in 2002. That, as everyone knew ahead of time, was going to the expansion Houston Texans.
Can you blame them? Would you want to play for that organization?If I'm LeBron James coming out high school and the Golden State Warriors win the lottery I'm going to have to think about whether or not I want to go to a team with a legacy of failure. The Chargers have had their moments, but they're a big mess right now.
Nothing like taking pride in helping to turn things around. Maybe he should just cut his arm off and have it re-attached after the draft, then he can go wherever he wants.
It wouldn't seem all that strange if Vick had been a Texan. That would have been a great start for the franchise in fact! Not this David Carr bum who's their current QB.

Nothing like taking pride in helping to turn things around. Maybe he should just cut his arm off and have it re-attached after the draft, then he can go wherever he wants.
:thumbup: It's the insinuation that Eli is somehow, at his current level, better, or above than the entire SD organization that is so galling. These prima donnas need to understand that playing in the NFL is a privelege, not a right, and screw who they "want" to play for. You should play for the team you are drafted by. You should play your hardest. You should conduct yourself with integrity. These qualities are sadly lacking in many of today's players.

Here's the story:


The Chargers have the top pick in the draft. Ole Miss quarterback Eli Manning is projected, by most accounts, as the top player available.

One problem -- Manning evidently does not want to go to San Diego.

Manning's agent, Tom Condon, informed the Chargers that Archie Manning does not want his son to be drafted by the team. Chargers general manager A.J. Smith confirmed the news Wednesday night, a day after the elder Manning visited team officials at the Chargers training complex.

Will the stance affect the Chargers' thinking going into the draft?

According to ESPN's Chris Mortensen, Smith told Condon that he understands Eli Manning's desire to play in New York but will do what's best for the Chargers organization.

Earlier this month, Giants general manager Ernie Accorsi called the Chargers to express an interest in trading up from the No. 4 pick to the top spot and take the younger Manning.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Archie Manning has been doing background checks on the Chargers this month. The newspaper reports that Manning's actions aren't unusual -- he looked into various colleges before both Eli and Colts quarterback Peyton Manning went to school.

The elder Manning then met with team officials this week.

"It was an opportunity to just sit down and just visit," Chargers coach Marty Schottenheimer told the paper about the visit with Archie Manning. "He came in around the late afternoon and left first thing this morning. I don't know that there was any quizzing going on. He wanted to visit with us, and we wanted to visit with him."

Archie Manning may be fearing that Eli will fall into the same situation that Archie suffered while quarterback of the downtrodden Saints in the 1970s.

The Chargers have not had a winning season since 1995 and have just four winning seasons in the past 20 years.

While quarterback and a tackle are high on the Chargers' list, they have several other desperate needs. Trading down would allow them to stockpile picks and possibly players as well as avoid paying a hefty signing bonus that a top pick would command.

"I know (the Chargers) have a lot of different options," Condon recently said.

Condon also represents Peyton Manning, who was taken by the Colts with the first pick in the 1998 draft. Condon said the Colts didn't decide until the night before that draft that they would take Manning, leaving the Chargers to take Ryan Leaf.

Leaf cost the Chargers an $11.25 million signing bonus and turned out to be one of the biggest busts in NFL history.

Four years ago, the Chargers traded the draft's top pick to Atlanta for the fifth pick, receiver-returner Tim Dwight and additional picks. The Falcons took Michael Vick and the Chargers got LaDainian Tomlinson. San Diego is 17-31 since that trade.

"I could care less about the Ryan Leaf decision," Smith told ESPN's John Clayton. "I've heard it so many times that we can't take a quarterback because of what happened in the past. Whether we decide to take a quarterback or not has nothing to do with Ryan Leaf. I didn't take this job with the idea that we can't do something that might help the team."

Despite the feelings expressed by the Manning family, the Chargers may see Eli as the only hope to resurrect the franchise. Manning's stature entering the NFL is very high.

"I think you're probably pretty safe picking Eli Manning," Seattle coach Mike Holmgren told the Indianapolis Star.


It's the insinuation that Eli is somehow, at his current level, better, or above than the entire SD organization that is so galling. These prima donnas need to understand that playing in the NFL is a privelege, not a right, and screw who they "want" to play for. You should play for the team you are drafted by. You should play your hardest. You should conduct yourself with integrity. These qualities are sadly lacking in many of today's players.

Todays??? Not to say this is agreeable, but it seemed to work out well some years ago for Elway. 2 SBs.

Edited to say that NwSaintsHmr is not Archie.

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Todays??? Not to say this is agreeable, but it seemed to work out well some years ago for Elway. 2 SBs.Edited to say that NwSaintsHmr is not Archie.
Yea, but Elway didnt win those until he finally realized he couldnt do it on his own. That being said I didnt/dont like Elway either and the same goes for Kobe who said he would only play for the Lakers forcing the Hornets trade for Vlade.Eli is not going to be his brother - SD should take Gallery and let us watch Eli fold under the NYG pressure.
Make sure you also realize that John Elways is a P.O.S. (he is) and that Steve Francis is a baby (yup) and that JD Drew is a bum (affirmative) and that countless others are just as big a whiners. I think that before we make some proclimation that Eli is a loser - his dad is the offender here - we need to see what happens on the contract front. THere are MUCH easier ways to not get picked by a team (i.e. outrageous contract demands) then coming out and saying something stupid. At least Eli sent his dad to do his dirty work, unlike Elway who stood there and said, "I know what ya'll've were offered for the pick. I told you I wasn't playing here....you should have made the trade...." with that smug horse-grin of his in full affect. :football: Colin

Can you blame them? Would you want to play for that organization?If I'm LeBron James coming out high school and the Golden State Warriors win the lottery I'm going to have to think about whether or not I want to go to a team with a legacy of failure. The Chargers have had their moments, but they're a big mess right now.
I'm a Warriors fan and I wouldn't want to play for them. He could be setting them up for more money.
I'm a Warriors fan and I wouldn't want to play for them. He could be setting them up for more money.
I feel your pain. The plus side is that they've made a few respectable draft picks lately. Pietrus was a solid pick, though I have no idea what they were thinking taking Derek Zimmerman.
It is unbelieveable that his dad would state that publicly or event at all. As others have stated, it is a privilege to play in the NFL and you should be estatic about being selected by any NFL team.If the story is true then the Chargers must get on the horn and work a deal to move a few spots and then draft Rothlisberger or Rivers if they so wish. Either of those two would work as well if not better for the Chargers.Let Eli head to the Giants and see him get rocked like his dad did with the Saints back in his day. I remember the Elway issue and that was unheard of back then. It just seems more players these days are being given more leverage and some teams are taking it.

Make sure you also realize that John Elways is a P.O.S. (he is) and that Steve Francis is a baby (yup) and that JD Drew is a bum (affirmative) and that countless others are just as big a whiners.
Wow, that hurts. (I'm a Braves and Rockets fan.)
Maybe this deserves its own thread, but this begs a question. Assuming S.D. goes with Gallery now, will the #2 pick become the hot potato so to speak? I am a Raider fan so maybe this is a pipe dream, but the possibilty of a couple of teams fighting for that pick could pay big dividends for Oakland. I am sure that any team that has a 1st round qb in mind would at least make a call to see what the going price is. Manning not going #1 would mean a smaller contract, no?

So Archie is basically asking for SD to trade the #1 to NYG...does he realize that by saying he doesnt want his son to play for SD he just killed all hopes of a trade? How can SD get good value for the #1 now?Archie is an idiot
Well, by leaking this "demand", the Mannings have ensured that the Giants may not have to give up as much to the Chargers. So if Manning now ends up in NY, the Giants will be stronger than they would of if they had given the Chargers a lot of players/picks. I.e For example, maybe the chargers were holding out for the 1.04, 2nd, 4th and Ike Hilliard....Maybe now they accept just 1.04, 2nd, and the 4th...this would mean that Manning would still have Hilliard as part of his team.I've also seen rumors tonight that SD and the Giants have agreed to a trade (this was before the Archie story broke) but that they are waiting till Friday to announce it. I'm looking for a link.
Maybe this deserves its own thread, but this begs a question. Assuming S.D. goes with Gallery now, will the #2 pick become the hot potato so to speak? I am a Raider fan so maybe this is a pipe dream, but the possibilty of a couple of teams fighting for that pick could pay big dividends for Oakland. I am sure that any team that has a 1st round qb in mind would at least make a call to see what the going price is. Manning not going #1 would mean a smaller contract, no?
Oakland is having lots of talks with other teams (NY, Wash, Cleveland) that want to move up and get Gallery. I wouldn't be suprised if there is more demand for Gallery than Manning. Another rumor has Jax interested in the 1.02 so they can grab Fitz.
Daddy wants to see son vs. son in a Super Bowl.He'd never see it if both brothers were in the AFC.Media and $$$ belong in New York, as San Diego is too laid back and could lose their team. The NY Giants have been in the post-season and the Super Bowl plenty compared to the Chargers. Why send your son into a bad situation if you can alter the course? Any father would if they could.Plenty of reasons why Eli should go to NY, except 1... SD has the first pick.

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I feel your pain. The plus side is that they've made a few respectable draft picks lately. Pietrus was a solid pick, though I have no idea what they were thinking taking Derek Zimmerman.
There is hope for the GSW! Go Mully! :JoeT: The Chargers will trade down and pick up Rivers. Trust me, I have no seriuos inside sources, just trust me.Did i mention, Go GSW! :JoeT:
I dont understand the bitterness towards the Mannings. They have every right to make their opinions known and to share their opinions. Who says this has anything to do with arrogance or being a primadonna. As an athlete you want to go to the situation that is BEST for YOU! If making his opinions known somehow helps his cause, then so be it.It is utterly ridiculous to say that he should just shut up and feel fortunate to be drafted? Why...because he has worked his ### off and earned top billing? Players are not slaves and teams arent their masters.

So Archie is basically asking for SD to trade the #1 to NYG...does he realize that by saying he doesnt want his son to play for SD he just killed all hopes of a trade? How can SD get good value for the #1 now?Archie is an idiot
San Diego will do what is in their best interests. If New York really wants Manning, they will trade up and get him.You guys are kidding yourselves if you think there is any real impact on the negotionations between these two teams based on some comments by Manning.
After witnessing how well Marty has brought along Drew Brees...I can't imagine why Archie wouldn't want the same tutelage and attention for his boy Eli. :rolleyes:

Seriously...would you want to be stuck as the QB in Marty's world? We all saw how well he treated his QB last season, you know...by supplying him with terrific targets like Boston, Parker and Dwight, and then benching him after he'd lost confidence in all but one of his receiving options...oh yeah that's right...the one option that actually caught the ball.

Try assembling a REAL O-line Marty...maybe a couple NFL quality WRs. Then maybe Archie wouldn't be so against Eli becoming a Charger.

That said...ol man Archie is a major shmuck for making all this public. Why? Because he has really put San Diego in an awkward situation. If Eli has worked his ### off and earned first billing...then by all means, he should be drafted 1st...by the team that holds the 1st pick.

Now if San Diego had wanted to trade down and let someone else draft Eli 1st...that would be their decision...one that has now been compromised by Archie. Way to go buddy... :thumbdown:

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I don't understand all the fuss? WTH difference does it make? If the Giants want Eli and don't want to trade up to the 1st pick, then F'em and pick Eli anyways and screw with everyone. That's how I'd do it :boxing:

I don't understand all the fuss? WTH difference does it make? If the Giants want Eli and don't want to trade up to the 1st pick, then F'em and pick Eli anyways and screw with everyone. That's how I'd do it :boxing:
If they wanted to screw someone, they could just take Gallery and let Manning fall out of the first pick. Then they could screw Manning and get the player that will help their only good player be even better.
What I dont understand is why good old dad is only saying he doesnt want Eli to go to SD. Does that mean he is ok with him going to Oak, Ari, Was, etc, etc, etc? Why doesnt he just say where he wants him to go?A couple of points, some have been mentioned1. This hurts SD position regarding the trading of the pick. If I was the SD FO and coach Shottie, I would be pissed as all hell. I would have told Archie that if he said this publically, we will pick Eli and let him sit if need be.2. I would be willing to bet SD has told Eli they want him. This is a last ditch effort by dear old dad.3. Archie must have really had a bad experience in NO. To think his son does not have the ability to help the organization. To publically say what he has said is so everything against what is good about the NFL, parity, the draft getting good players, etc.4. I wonder if Ind used Arhies desire the opposite when they were drafting, i.e. said "We cant afford Peyton at this price, we will have to pass on him". Then Peyton came down in price so he wouldnt go to SD.

I have been a defender of the Mainnings' before, so it is time for me to speak up. Archie certainly has the right to wish something for Eli, however, it is classless for him to express it to anyone publicly. It is within normal limits for him to express it to Condon's, Eli's agent, but to no one else. Playing in the NFL is an honor, not a right bestowed on you for your bloodlines. The story has been reported previously that Archie was trying to influence the Giants to trade up to get Eli. I tried to offer an explanation that we are not sure what was said, and it could be misinterpreted. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that Archie is trying to actively influence Eli's team in the NFL, and he is way out of line. I have to disagree with the comparisons to Elway. Elway was a major league baseball prospect and his leverage was that he was going to just play baseball. I think Elway's position is much more reasonable than the Manning's position here.

i think this is all caused by the ryan leaf deal. if eli goes to sd, brees will be gone or back up and all eyes are on eli and let the comparisons to leaf begin. that is archie's biggest concern. imho

I am listening to Mort on ESPN and I believe he said that AJ Smith (SD GM) is the one that released this information. If this is true, the GM is an idiot. This is the same guy that tells the press everytime a team has called in the last two weeks (Washington, etc) even when the move would make no sense. Smith is driving his own teams bargaining power down. :wall:

These prima donnas need to understand that playing in the NFL is a privelege, not a right
True.It's equally true, though, that for the Chargers, having Eli Manning on their team is a priviledge, not a right.
Manning would look good throwing to Toomer, Hilliard, Shockey and Barber, though. Who would San Diego take at #4 if they trade down with the Giants?

How is that any worse than Elway refusing to play for the Baltimore Colts? How many of you hold him in such high esteem? Hypocrites !

It is unbelieveable that his dad would state that publicly or event at all. As others have stated, it is a privilege to play in the NFL and you should be estatic about being selected by any NFL team.

If the story is true then the Chargers must get on the horn and work a deal to move a few spots and then draft Rothlisberger or Rivers if they so wish. Either of those two would work as well if not better for the Chargers.

Let Eli head to the Giants and see him get rocked like his dad did with the Saints back in his day.

I remember the Elway issue and that was unheard of back then. It just seems more players these days are being given more leverage and some teams are taking it.
I hear many people saying that it's a privilege to play in the NFL. Yeah, to us. Not to the Mannings. If there is any family were it's considered a right to play, it's the Mannings. Now I wouldn't come out saying something like this if it were my son, but my family doesn't have two generations of star NFL QBs either. Remember that all men are NOT created equal; some familes have more "JUICE" than others. It's our reponsiblity to try to establish our familes as such.

First of all, everyone except Ksquared is rambling on about how stupid Archie is for saying this publicly. A little advice, read the article before you express an oppinion on it. It clearly states that Archie didn't want this to go public, but he was aware that the CHARGERS had made it public.Obviously, Archie has his reasons and more importantly, he has Eli's interests in mind. It was only a bargaining tool until it was made public. Either way it goes they force someone to take Eli 1st overall and get the most money and prestige out of the deal. It is entirely within the rights of the player, his agent, his dad, or his friggin' third grade gym teacher to say where they want him to play.It was never stated that if San Diego drafted Eli that he would refuse to play. The Manning camp is simply trying to influence the final decision onl where he goes before the draft. This happens every year and most GM's don't blab the info to the media. The Elway situation happened post draft which makes it a completely different scenario.And as for bargaining power, there is a formula that all NFL teams follow virtually to the bitter end on draft picks. Jay Glazer was on the Best Damn Sports Show last night and more or less said the Giants just don't have enough to offer for the top pick based on that formula. It is my guess that the Giants will still have to up the offer before the draft regardless of what Archie has said. In fact, the pressure in that city to make such a move now falls plainly on the shoulders of that organization, not the Chargers.

If you were supposed to be such a superstar, wouldnt you want the great challenge of turning around an organization in flux. And the prospects of pairing with LaDanian Tomlinson isnt too shabby either. What a joke this chump is. Him and his dad are gutless. :thumbdown:

I hate to see players pull this type of move, no matter who they are, and what their character supposedly is otherwise. Manning SHOULD be happy to be the top overall pick and be looking forward to reinvigorating a franchise alongside arguably the best young RB in the league. Not to mention, San Diego is a gorgeous city where he would not only have a great quality of life, but it's small enough that he would be embraced by everyone were he successful.That said, I don't blame Manning's dad for doing what he's doing. It's fairly transparent in my opinion. Manning wants to be a Giant, and the Giants want him, but this is secret. Meanwhile, the Chargers are ALLEGEDLY asking for a king's ransom to give up the top pick. Therefore, Manning is going public with this to try to equalize the sides, he's now putting it out there that a) Manning wants to be in NY, so Accorsi "get it done." and b) Manning doesn't want to play for the Chargers so A.J. Smith "bring your offer down to a more reasonable level."

It's equally true, though, that for the Chargers, having Eli Manning on their team is a priviledge, not a right.
See, I guess we just have to agree to disagree a bit. To me, if Manning throws his hat in the draft ring, and SD drafts him, it is their right to expect him to perform for them the same as he would for any other NFL team.I'm starting to wonder if future drafts are going to consist of this:

NFL draft rep: So, you're probably going to go in the first or second round of the draft. Please don't be upset, but may I please ask which teams would you consider playing for, and which teams are off-limits?

Prospect: Well, I am not about to try to use my (supposedly superior) talent to help a team that's struggling! Can you imagine what something like that would do to my career?

Tell them I will only play for a team that was in last year's playoffs. Oh, and only an AFC team. And only if it's within 500 miles of where I grew up. And I want 15% more of a signing bonus than anyone at my draft position has ever gotten.

NFL draft rep: You've got it.

A couple thoughts: With the debate over the Chargers possibly passing on Manning coming back to haunt them, maybe the front office leaked this to deflect any public criticism if they do trade down.Besides, if they trade down to four, they'll still have a shot at the best QB in the draft, Ben Roethlesberger.

True.It's equally true, though, that for the Chargers, having Eli Manning on their team is a priviledge, not a right.
Thank God someone finally chimed up with some sense.Listen, if Eli doesn't want to play for the Chargers, he has that perogative. The decision may cost him money, so it's not as if it isn't a gamble, but what's wrong with wanting to go to a place where you feel you have the best chance to succeed?The Chargers have the RIGHT to draft Eli. That's all. They don't have the right to make him want to be there, or to force him to play if he doesn't like the situation, nor do the Chargers have to acede to his demands to trade him. It's business. Get over it.
I think that if AJ Smith is smart, he'll step take the Chargers out of this mess, take Robert Gallery - who is the best choice for their team, and let the Mannings deal with Oakland or Arizona, hoping New York can get a deal done with one of them.Colin


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