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Manny speaks (1 Viewer)

the moops

Borrowed from another site.

"Every day I thank God I came here and had the chance to show people who I really am," he says. "The guy you see here -- that's who I am."
"The first time I stepped foot in Boston, I said to myself, 'Whoa.' I told Pedro Martinez, 'Damn, man, I just want to get traded and get out of here; this place is not me.' I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers."
"Baseball in Boston is like a Sunday football game, but played every day," he says. "We lose in L.A., I go to breakfast and people say, 'Well, you'll get them tomorrow.' In Boston, it's 'Hey, what's going on, the Yankees are coming.'
"It's just a different atmosphere. The fans in Boston got your back no matter what, but I'm talking about the people who write all this bull because it means so much to them. If your happiness depends on Boston winning or losing, you have to get a life."
"I would bring my kids to the park and I want my kids to be kids, but there'd be people trying to interview them. That's so stupid," Ramirez says. "I'd go to the parking lot after the game and 20 people I didn't know would be offering food, CDs and things -- then wanting something in return."Here the game ends, I go to the elevator, my car and no one bothers me."
Things went so sour in Boston, the team insisted on medical tests when he said he could not play. He didn't always run hard, and there was suspicion he struck out on purpose."I love to hit, to compete and would never do that; that's just people looking for stuff," he says, while admitting he now runs everything out in L.A., "and I don't even have to think about it."That suggests he wasn't running everything out in Boston, and while he tries to explain, he's interrupted. There's no explanation for such behavior after signing a contract and being paid $20 million a year to give his all."You're right," he says. "You're right."
He wants to leave Boston behind, but a few weeks back Curt Schilling felt it necessary to let everyone know Ramirez is no team player. Funny, some say the same about Schilling."I don't wish him anything bad, although it did make me madder and play harder to show everyone who I am," Ramirez says. "I don't disrespect or takes shots at anyone. I don't want someone going to one of my sons and saying your dad is a punk and talks bad about people behind their backs."
"In many ways I'm like my mom, who doesn't curse, is always laughing and having fun. I strike out three times, and while I'm upset in my mind, I don't show it. I just tell myself I will come back the next day and go three for four."
"People think I don't take this seriously, but then why am I up early every morning working with the strength coach? I'm just playing around to keep everyone loose. When I was in Cleveland I asked a sportswriter if I could borrow $50,000 to buy a motorcycle. He wrote it like I was serious."It's just great here; I don't feel like I'm in a cage. The fans in L.A. are unbelievable -- never in my 16 years have I received such a reception."
Well, he was honest. That is a hell of a lot more than you can say about most athletes. He had an incredible 7.5 years in Boston. I am happy that I got to see him play so much. My favorite Red Sox of all time.
How does he compare to your favorite Yankee, Twin, Royal, Angel, Met (your NL team) and Isotope?

the guy is ridiculous. wait till he starts with his normal crap again. i want him to go away. hes the T.O. of baseball.

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Manny speaks?

Manny LIES is more like it.

I hope L.A. gives him a 5 year 100 million dollar deal :goodposting:

Then we'll see how much he loves L.A.

Manny has hot hot streaks before and will have hot streaks again. But he's had long slumps in the past and will also do so again. If he stays in L.A. next year, wait til he has a month where he hits .200 and leaves 5 or 6 guys on base a night, doesn't run out plays, and jogs for doubles or singles he could have caught. Then get back to us.

Boston as a city was not a great fit for Manny, but professional players need to adjust. He did have people haggling him wherever he went, but most stars have to deal with that. that doesn't make it the team's problem. Both sides will continue to air their dirty laundry until no one cares to listen anymore.

Manny LIES is more like it.
Seems pretty truthful in these comments.What exactly is he lying about?
"The first time I stepped foot in Boston, I said to myself, 'Whoa.' I told Pedro Martinez, 'Damn, man, I just want to get traded and get out of here; this place is not me.' I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers."
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :rolleyes: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :excited: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :thumbup:

Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
As a former fan of the Red Sox growing up (not my favorite, but up there), I'll just say that the level to which they take it made me end up rooting against them almost as much as the Yankees. Almost.On a sidenote, Don Orsillo was in my class in high school; knew him well. Yet I still can't root for them. Yeah, I think it's the fans...

Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :lmao: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :rolleyes: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
I dont think anyone, Manny included, is saying that he was miserable every moment of every day.
Wrigley said:
this is going to be so friggen awesome when Manny goes to the Yanks.
There is no way he goes to the Yankees. I doubt you will see them paying loads of money for aging outfielders who really should be DHs.
Linus Scrimmage said:
the moops said:
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :rolleyes: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
Huh? Do you mean to imply that, because he was happy after they won it all, he must be lying about his opinion of Boston? You realize the two are very different, yes? He is talking about Boston, IN GENERAL, sucking. You are talking about a moment in time, when it didn't suck.
Wrigley said:
this is going to be so friggen awesome when Manny goes to the Yanks.
There is no way he goes to the Yankees. I doubt you will see them paying loads of money for aging outfielders who really should be DHs.
Highest paid players on the field are DH's. :fact:oh, wait, they don't play the field.
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Linus Scrimmage said:
the moops said:
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :confused: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
Huh? Do you mean to imply that, because he was happy after they won it all, he must be lying about his opinion of Boston? You realize the two are very different, yes? He is talking about Boston, IN GENERAL, sucking. You are talking about a moment in time, when it didn't suck.
' I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers."
Linus Scrimmage said:
the moops said:
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :blackdot: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
Huh? Do you mean to imply that, because he was happy after they won it all, he must be lying about his opinion of Boston? You realize the two are very different, yes? He is talking about Boston, IN GENERAL, sucking. You are talking about a moment in time, when it didn't suck.
' I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers."
And how do you know again?
Linus Scrimmage said:
the moops said:
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :mellow: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
Huh? Do you mean to imply that, because he was happy after they won it all, he must be lying about his opinion of Boston? You realize the two are very different, yes? He is talking about Boston, IN GENERAL, sucking. You are talking about a moment in time, when it didn't suck.
' I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers."
He did indeed put up great numbers. :P
Linus Scrimmage said:
the moops said:
Linus Scrimmage said:
Yeah, he was unhappy for 8 years. :mellow: Also, I have a bridge to sell you cheap.
There have been issues with Manny in Boston for nearly the entire time he was there. I don't find it unfathomable that he felt this way since the day he got to Boston. He certainly would not be the first player to not find happiness with all the insanity surrounding the Sox.
After the Red Sox won their playoff series and world series, was manny in the corner sulking?um, no. he was right in there, running around like an idiot, having a great time.believe your eyes, not what you read.
Huh? Do you mean to imply that, because he was happy after they won it all, he must be lying about his opinion of Boston? You realize the two are very different, yes? He is talking about Boston, IN GENERAL, sucking. You are talking about a moment in time, when it didn't suck.
' I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers."
And how do you know again?
must've been a magical plain ride from boston to LA... just sayin
BA .500OBP .600SLG 1.250Stud
I don't think anyone ever questioned his abilities. The bottom line is that Manny shot his way out of Boston because he didn't like his contract situation, and specifically the two extra option years. Funny thing is those two years were requested by Manny so he could be a $200 million player. Manny laid down on his team. Phantom injuries, questionable effort. Even the players didn't want around anymore. Most fans are pretty turned off too. It's all about Manny... He is just a greedy, spoiled superstar who is also a chameleon. I wouldn't put any stock in his comments.
Still root for Manny and I still root for LA, which is basically Red Sox West these days anyways. I don't disagree with any of his comments. Good to see he found a place where he can be a superstar baseball player but be a big fish in a much bigger pond of celebrities. Hope he stays happy out there.

Still root for Manny and I still root for LA, which is basically Red Sox West these days anyways. I don't disagree with any of his comments. Good to see he found a place where he can be a superstar baseball player but be a big fish in a much bigger pond of celebrities. Hope he stays happy out there.
Tough to root for a guy as privileged as Manny who can't show up for work and do his job.
For anyone that is saying he tried his best while he was in Boston for 2008 has some serious blinders on.

AB HR AVG RBI OBP OPS K Hits BB AB/K AB/BB AB/HRBOS 365 20 0.299 68 0.398 0.926 86 109 52 4.2 7.0 18.2LAD 187 17 0.396 53 0.489 1.232 38 74 35 4.9 5.3 11.0Now I realize the NL is a softer league then the AL, but there is no way park and pitcher adjustments are going to account for that dramatic a jump in production.He struck out more often in Boston in 2008, walked less frequently and hit much fewer dingers per AB (by 39%)

I think it is pretty obvious to anyone who was watching that Ramirez was tanking it in Boston. Ultimately, the trade seems to have worked out well for both teams. Jason Bay has played extremely well in Ramirez's stead, and the Dodgers have done very well since his arrival, so the trade was win-win.

Still root for Manny and I still root for LA, which is basically Red Sox West these days anyways. I don't disagree with any of his comments. Good to see he found a place where he can be a superstar baseball player but be a big fish in a much bigger pond of celebrities. Hope he stays happy out there.
Wow, somebody from Boston is okay with Manny saying Boston sucks. I'm impressed.
Sonny Lubick Blow Up Doll said:
Still root for Manny and I still root for LA, which is basically Red Sox West these days anyways. I don't disagree with any of his comments. Good to see he found a place where he can be a superstar baseball player but be a big fish in a much bigger pond of celebrities. Hope he stays happy out there.
Wow, somebody from Boston is okay with Manny saying Boston sucks. I'm impressed.
I didn't have a problem with what he said about Boston, as what he said was true (at least for him). We can debate whether he has always been a primadonna and whether those things should have bothered him or not, but in Manny's eyes he never liked it in Boston. That's his prerogative.I do think some of his hijinx went over the line and the end was really over the top. He certainly wasn't going 100% each night and his hammy issues were BS. Neither side is looking good slinging mud. IMO, Boston will end up better off next year not having to pay Manny and getting pretty similar production from Bay (at least Bay in Boston compared to a grumpy Manny in Boston). It really makes you wonder what type of numbers Manny would have put up over his career if he busted it every night.
Sonny Lubick Blow Up Doll said:
Still root for Manny and I still root for LA, which is basically Red Sox West these days anyways. I don't disagree with any of his comments. Good to see he found a place where he can be a superstar baseball player but be a big fish in a much bigger pond of celebrities. Hope he stays happy out there.
Wow, somebody from Boston is okay with Manny saying Boston sucks. I'm impressed.
I didn't have a problem with what he said about Boston, as what he said was true (at least for him). We can debate whether he has always been a primadonna and whether those things should have bothered him or not, but in Manny's eyes he never liked it in Boston. That's his prerogative.I do think some of his hijinx went over the line and the end was really over the top. He certainly wasn't going 100% each night and his hammy issues were BS. Neither side is looking good slinging mud. IMO, Boston will end up better off next year not having to pay Manny and getting pretty similar production from Bay (at least Bay in Boston compared to a grumpy Manny in Boston). It really makes you wonder what type of numbers Manny would have put up over his career if he busted it every night.
:goodposting: I think at some point Manny will get frustrated with the Dodgers and will begin to exhibit some of the same issues there as in Boston but prob not to the same degree given the intense scrutiny he faced in Boston will likely be dialed way back in LA. I've got problems with Manny not playing 100% during his final years, but I also think he's prob right about BOS not being a fit for him
:goodposting: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.

It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.

:football: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
Oh yeah, and one other thing - he's the best right-handed hitter you've seen in your lifetime, and probably will remain that way.
:banned: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
If the Sox play LA in the series, Manny will get a huge, huge ovation in Boston.Sox fans, in general, do not need to get over it. He will always be loved.
:lmao: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
If the Sox play LA in the series, Manny will get a huge, huge ovation in Boston.Sox fans, in general, do not need to get over it. He will always be loved.
Huge Ovation? ;)I hope it is Boston/L.A. world series.I am going to enjoy watching every Red Sox pitcher drill Manny in the ribs and if he chargers the mound, Youky will knock him out.
:lmao: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
If the Sox play LA in the series, Manny will get a huge, huge ovation in Boston.Sox fans, in general, do not need to get over it. He will always be loved.
Huge Ovation? :lmao:I hope it is Boston/L.A. world series.I am going to enjoy watching every Red Sox pitcher drill Manny in the ribs and if he chargers the mound, Youky will knock him out.
:pokey: He will get a standing O from some fans and boos from others, while the rest of the pahk will not know how to react, it is sad but true.
:pokey: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.

It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
If the Sox play LA in the series, Manny will get a huge, huge ovation in Boston.Sox fans, in general, do not need to get over it. He will always be loved.
Huge Ovation? :lmao: I hope it is Boston/L.A. world series.

I am going to enjoy watching every Red Sox pitcher drill Manny in the ribs and if he chargers the mound, Youky will knock him out.
Agreed, right or not it will be quite the opposite.
:shrug: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
Oh yeah, and one other thing - he's the best right-handed hitter you've seen in your lifetime, and probably will remain that way.
Albert Pujols down?
the moops said:
:pickle: he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
If the Sox play LA in the series, Manny will get a huge, huge ovation in Boston.Sox fans, in general, do not need to get over it. He will always be loved.
I personally think you are nuts.
the moops said:
;) he was a major, MAJOR part in helping Boston win two titles. I'm sure there's a little betrayal with him dogging it, but Sox fans as a whole need to get over it. You probably don't win those two titles without him.It sucks with what he did, but if you told any Sox honk eight years ago that he would help them win two titles, they'd probably let the guy #### their wife.
If the Sox play LA in the series, Manny will get a huge, huge ovation in Boston.Sox fans, in general, do not need to get over it. He will always be loved.
I personally think you are nuts.
:lmao:Every player that has come back that was part of either or both World Series has gotten huge ovations. Even as they played for the Yankees. And none of those other players were near the player Manny is/was.There will be a few idiots that boo him. The vast majority will cheer him. Rightfully so.
Seriously moops, what world are you living in? Huge ovation? :goodposting:
Johnny Damon, Pedro Martinez, Nomar Garciaparra, Trot Nixon, Derek Lowe, Keith Foulke...Should I name a few more, many who left on rocky terms, who received tremendous applause in their return to Boston?
Seriously moops, what world are you living in? Huge ovation? :lmao:
Johnny Damon, Pedro Martinez, Nomar Garciaparra, Trot Nixon, Derek Lowe, Keith Foulke...Should I name a few more, many who left on rocky terms, who received tremendous applause in their return to Boston?
For some reason I don't think any of these guys had their first post Red Sox appearance in Fenway Park during the World Series. And none of those guys left on as bad as terms as Manny did.He will be booed and unmercifully so.
I'd love an LA-Boston series. Lots of great storylines. I wouldn't mind Tampa that much, either, if Boston's not going to win it. This would probably be the only year I'd enjoy watching them, but this really has been an incredible run.


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