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MFL Commish Needs serious help (1 Viewer)


This is my 2nd year commisioning a keeper league through MFL and its been a pain in the ### (Im sure other sites are too)

Latest two issues I cant get figured out.

1) We had a team lose last night 150-130 (not close, never led) be awarded a win in the standings this morning, even though the scoreboard clearly shows he lost. This is obviously affecting playoff projections, etc. Will MFL auto correct this, do I need too? Or who do I contact?

2) For some reason, this weeks lineups are only showing projections for K, QB, and D. A league member said that he can't even see his rb/wrs on his lineup? How the F does this happen? I went back into starting lineup set-up and made sure it was correct & it is 2-3 rbs, 3-4 wrs, 11 starters total- but the site hasnt fixed this yet? WHat can I do?


Been using MFL.com since 2005 and have never experienced either one of these issues.

May want to pick over your league settings just to be sure it wasn't something tweaked by accident.

Are you the only one with commissioner access to the settings?

Both of these sound bizarre to me and nothing I ever had experienced before. Doubt its a commish setting.

1) We had a team lose last night 150-130 (not close, never led) be awarded a win in the standings this morning, even though the scoreboard clearly shows he lost. This is obviously affecting playoff projections, etc. Will MFL auto correct this, do I need too? Or who do I contact?

2) For some reason, this weeks lineups are only showing projections for K, QB, and D. A league member said that he can't even see his rb/wrs on his lineup? How the F does this happen? I went back into starting lineup set-up and made sure it was correct & it is 2-3 rbs, 3-4 wrs, 11 starters total- but the site hasnt fixed this yet? WHat can I do?

For #1, did the team who scored 150 have an illegal lineup because I think there is a setting that can be toggled on or off where illegal lineups are automatic losses.

For #2, how did this work all year and not work now. I agree with the other poster, did someone else change a setting?

This is my 2nd year commisioning a keeper league through MFL and its been a pain in the ### (Im sure other sites are too)

Latest two issues I cant get figured out.

1) We had a team lose last night 150-130 (not close, never led) be awarded a win in the standings this morning, even though the scoreboard clearly shows he lost. This is obviously affecting playoff projections, etc. Will MFL auto correct this, do I need too? Or who do I contact?
This happened to me this morning in a Yahoo league. I won, but in the standings it gave me the loss. I sent an email to Yahoo Sports. They didn't answer back, but it has been fixed.

This happened to me this morning in a Yahoo league. I won, but in the standings it gave me the loss. I sent an email to Yahoo Sports. They didn't answer back, but it has been fixed.
This happened to two guys in our league in Yahoo today. They auto-corrected it.  

The LOC league?
I'm not sure what you mean by LOC league. I'm a little dense right now, I guess. The music one? If so, no, my other main one. Gave guys the loss when they should have gotten the win and vice-versa. 

eta* Ohhh. Land Of Confusion. See, told you I was being dense. 

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I'm not sure what you mean by LOC league. I'm a little dense right now, I guess. The music one? If so, no, my other main one. Gave guys the loss when they should have gotten the win and vice-versa. 
It is short for the name of our music league. I play you this week. I'm not gonna have Goff, but I still hope to beat the living daylights outta ya.    me -----> :deadhorse:    <----- you

It is short for the name of our music league. I play you this week. I'm not gonna have Goff, but I still hope to beat the living daylights outta ya.    me -----> :deadhorse:    <----- you

Yup. Indeed. I know we play. I'm hanging onto a playoff spot by the skin of my teeth, so I'm hoping for the big W.  Somehow when one puts that much time into creating something like that, one wants to see it through. 

Good luck. 

Oh, who am I kidding? I hope your starters miss their charters.  

Awesome update:

my tight end position for the entire league has now gone awol. Like every TE rostered is projected for zero AND you can’t even see the free agent TEs to put bids on.

Awesome update:

my tight end position for the entire league has now gone awol. Like every TE rostered is projected for zero AND you can’t even see the free agent TEs to put bids on.
One of your league mates has Commissioner access and is messing with your set up.  Go insure that YOU are the only one with Commissioner access, then go back through all of your settings and make sure that it is set up how you intended.

Lots of folks on this board have used MFL--I don't know that anyone has experienced the issues that you are having.  Sounds fishy to me.


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