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MJD (1 Viewer)


This guy gets very little respect. 35 td's in the last 2 1/2 years and counting. Many here stated they would pass on him because TD's are fickle but he's been exactly what most guys drafted him to be.....a good #2 rb with the ability to put up #1 numbers. And he's become one of the few RB's that break the mold in the inconsistent TD category. Now teams that have MJD as their #2 are reaping the rewards.

If Taylor becomes the #2 next year and MJD gets the bulk of the carries like he did against Tennessee, where do you put him in your rankings? I know it's early, but just for the heck of it.

This guy gets very little respect. 35 td's in the last 2 1/2 years and counting. Many here stated they would pass on him because TD's are fickle but he's been exactly what most guys drafted him to be.....a good #2 rb with the ability to put up #1 numbers. And he's become one of the few RB's that break the mold in the inconsistent TD category. Now teams that have MJD as their #2 are reaping the rewards.If Taylor becomes the #2 next year and MJD gets the bulk of the carries like he did against Tennessee, where do you put him in your rankings? I know it's early, but just for the heck of it.
I posted earlier this season if MJD gets 20 touches or more a game the guy would be a top 3 RB in the NFL..Drew is a TD machine.Drew is capable of breaking a run or taking a screen 50 yards at any time, plus he is a great goal line RB.
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This guy gets very little respect. 35 td's in the last 2 1/2 years and counting. Many here stated they would pass on him because TD's are fickle but he's been exactly what most guys drafted him to be.....a good #2 rb with the ability to put up #1 numbers. And he's become one of the few RB's that break the mold in the inconsistent TD category. Now teams that have MJD as their #2 are reaping the rewards.If Taylor becomes the #2 next year and MJD gets the bulk of the carries like he did against Tennessee, where do you put him in your rankings? I know it's early, but just for the heck of it.
I posted earlier this season if MJD gets 20 touches or more a game the guy would be a top 3 RB in the NFL..Drew is a TD machine.Drew is capable of breaking a run or taking a screen 50 yards at any time, plus he is a great goal line RB.
I gutted through the first 6 weeks (Jon Stewart's early success helped my team) and now I'm glad I did. I tried to shop him day and night with no success.
But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.

Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year

But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year
A couple of weeks ago Brandon Jacobs had a chance to get into the end zone from the 2 (against Pittsburgh) and couldn't do it. Sometimes the blocking just isn't good enough.
But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year
That's some serious hair-splitting. Remember, he's still running behind JV guards every week.
But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year
That's some serious hair-splitting. Remember, he's still running behind JV guards every week.
JAXs o-line is arguably the worst in the NFL right now. No holes and Garrard is running for his life.
But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.

Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year
Following that logic, any back who has ever failed on consecutive downs to get 2 yards for a 1st down should be replaced by a bigger back the following year. Wow, I'm not sure what to say.
I really think he's the 2nd best RB in the NFL behind Peterson. I'm constantly baffled that he isn't used more often.

I'm glad that no one wanted him when I tried to trade him, but he's the #8 RB in my league right now & even the teams w/crap @ RB won't take him

WAY too inconsistent for my taste, although he does seem to do better in the 2nd half of seasons.
Yup, he has more variance than any other top 15 RB.In that sense he is the Chad Johnson of Rbs (discounting this year). Kills you for 8-10 weeks a year, then carries your FF team 2-4 weeks when he dominates. I'm using 12 week examples because those 8-10 weeks you have to wait for him might have knocked you out of the playoffs.
NoCheese said:
biggamer3 said:
But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.

Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year
Following that logic, any back who has ever failed on consecutive downs to get 2 yards for a 1st down should be replaced by a bigger back the following year. Wow, I'm not sure what to say.
Listen, I own him in dynasty leagues just saying, whats weird about MJD is that he is an unreal GL back with a nack for the endzone, but i have seen him fail on third and short too many times.Weird

WAY too inconsistent for my taste, although he does seem to do better in the 2nd half of seasons.
Yup, he has more variance than any other top 15 RB.In that sense he is the Chad Johnson of Rbs (discounting this year). Kills you for 8-10 weeks a year, then carries your FF team 2-4 weeks when he dominates. I'm using 12 week examples because those 8-10 weeks you have to wait for him might have knocked you out of the playoffs.
not NEARLY as iconsistant as CJ is. especially when he gets so many td's....yes he has games where he doesnt get much yardage , but td's have been pretty consistant. Its nice having a guy on my team who hardly ever lays an egg FF wise.
I'm on board. Earlier at the start of this season, I traded Gore, Felix Jones, and 3rd in 2009 for MJD, CJ3, and 2nd in 2009. Keep in mind this was before CJ3 or Felix played a down. But I'm obviously thrilled with the trade. And if Taylor would retire this year (please do it Fred) I think MJD will be a lock for a top 3-5 pick next year, maybe higher.

WAY too inconsistent for my taste, although he does seem to do better in the 2nd half of seasons.
Yup, he has more variance than any other top 15 RB.In that sense he is the Chad Johnson of Rbs (discounting this year). Kills you for 8-10 weeks a year, then carries your FF team 2-4 weeks when he dominates. I'm using 12 week examples because those 8-10 weeks you have to wait for him might have knocked you out of the playoffs.
Maybe it depends on how wacky your scoring is but MJD has thrown up only 3 major turds this year by my count. LT, SJax, Addai, Barber, and Westbrook have all put up as many bad weeks or more than MJD this year. Killing you for 8-10 weeks per year is hyperbole. :no:
Totally agree. He is a stud, but I still shy away from him even though he was my 2nd round pick. I sat him this week for Chris Johnson. :no: Thank goodness it didn't cost me the game.

Can't figure out why Del Rio doesn't give him the ball more.

because Del Rio probably doesn't have MJD on his fantasy team. It's probably in the best interest of the Jags to not run MJD into the ground when they have other capable RBs on the roster.

biggamer3 said:
But MJD had two cracks from 2nd and 2 to get first down late in game and came up short both tries.Not saying anything, but just saying they might want to get themselves a "bigger" back next year
You mean like Greg Jones? They already have one, and they obviously think MJD is better on short distance.
Because of their likely situations next season, MJD & Ronnie Brown have the most upside in '09 in relation to their '08 performance (which is still very good), IMO. I kinda thought it might happen this year, but MJD will surely be the Jags' feature back in '09. Imagine this guy with 20+ touches a game. :WOW: Same thing with Brown & Ricky Williams. Miami had no reason to give Brown 20+ touches a game this season, but they will next year. I'm not bashing Williams, but Brown is clearly the better RB. Plus, Williams might not even be in Miami next season.

In short, I look for Brown & MJD to be top-5 RBs in '09 (maybe higher).

I was a little surprised in the MJD value thread last week where lots were calling him a #3 running back. (ok maybe the first month of the year he always is)

week 15 - packers

week 16 - indy


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I think he's a much more valuable fantasy back for owners who have a clear cut #3 RB behind him (such as Graham, Ced. Benson, etc).

I own Gore, MJD and Ronnie Brown in a dynasty league and Jones-Drew can be maddening at times. I know a lot of it probably has to do with the myriad o-line injuries but it just seems like the guy can come up small against some REALLY bad defenses.

I know a lot of it probably has to do with the myriad o-line injuries but it just seems like the guy can come up small against some REALLY bad defenses.
In case you were not aware, the forum does not like the word 'small' being used in any way related to MJD. We prefer comes up 'short.'
After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.

After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
:goodposting: He sorta reminds me of "Westbrook: The Early Years" in terms of how streaky he can be. Of course, limit any RB to 12-15 touches a game and it'll be streaky. I don't care how explosive they are.
After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
:goodposting: He sorta reminds me of "Westbrook: The Early Years" in terms of how streaky he can be. Of course, limit any RB to 12-15 touches a game and it'll be streaky. I don't care how explosive they are.
You have to remember his o-line was GUTTED. Who loses their center, and BOTH guards? And the backup LT got shot. They lost 4 of their top 6 linemen. Taylor has had no success running either. Now that the center is back, they are running a lot better. Imagine if they would have had both guards all season. If MJD was struggling and Taylor was running fine, then I'd be worried. But the entire rush offense has been horrible, mostly due to the o-line.MJD is a stud. Start him. LT has stinkers. AP has had a few down games. Barber blew chunks for 2-3 weeks. It happens. The guy is RB9, top 10 again, and he's always taken past that. Even Taylor said it's time to pass the torch to MJD, so once his line gets back, next year should be golden. I'm not sure I can post paid content, but since it's from week 11 it's already out-dated right? =) "Maurice Jones-Drew, RB, Jacksonville - Congrats on the three TD game to MJD owners who rode out the storm for that big game. Now get your umbrella back out, because MJD won't be of much use in three of the next four weeks again the Titans, Vikes, and Bears. Even better, try to deal him to someone who still has stars in their eyes when they watch MJD. He's never going to be the all-world stud he looked like in 2006 again. In fact, MJD has been very weak except in the cupcake matchups and an early game when the Jags pushed the Colts around. He hasn't shown the ability to produce when the chips are down like a true fantasy stud. MJD's year end numbers will look good, but his week-to-week performance is a rollercoaster ride, and that's not what you want out of your cornerstone RB."That was the "sell high dynasty". He peaked, in his rookie year? You gotta be joking. MJD has been a great buy low his entire career. And cornerstone? You probably got him at 1.10 in a rookie draft, and for most he's their RB2. And yet he still puts up top 10 numbers. I have no idea why people dog this kid, but it's hilarious. Keep truckin' MJD!
MJD is definitely a stud. Imagine how studly he could be if he were on a team with a real passing game and with a coach who actually knew how to use him properly.

After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
:) He sorta reminds me of "Westbrook: The Early Years" in terms of how streaky he can be. Of course, limit any RB to 12-15 touches a game and it'll be streaky. I don't care how explosive they are.
You have to remember his o-line was GUTTED. Who loses their center, and BOTH guards? And the backup LT got shot. They lost 4 of their top 6 linemen. Taylor has had no success running either. Now that the center is back, they are running a lot better. Imagine if they would have had both guards all season. If MJD was struggling and Taylor was running fine, then I'd be worried. But the entire rush offense has been horrible, mostly due to the o-line.

MJD is a stud. Start him. LT has stinkers. AP has had a few down games. Barber blew chunks for 2-3 weeks. It happens. The guy is RB9, top 10 again, and he's always taken past that. Even Taylor said it's time to pass the torch to MJD, so once his line gets back, next year should be golden.

I'm not sure I can post paid content, but since it's from week 11 it's already out-dated right? =)

"Maurice Jones-Drew, RB, Jacksonville - Congrats on the three TD game to MJD owners who rode out the storm for that big game. Now get your umbrella back out, because MJD won't be of much use in three of the next four weeks again the Titans, Vikes, and Bears. Even better, try to deal him to someone who still has stars in their eyes when they watch MJD. He's never going to be the all-world stud he looked like in 2006 again. In fact, MJD has been very weak except in the cupcake matchups and an early game when the Jags pushed the Colts around. He hasn't shown the ability to produce when the chips are down like a true fantasy stud. MJD's year end numbers will look good, but his week-to-week performance is a rollercoaster ride, and that's not what you want out of your cornerstone RB."

That was the "sell high dynasty". He peaked, in his rookie year? You gotta be joking. MJD has been a great buy low his entire career. And cornerstone? You probably got him at 1.10 in a rookie draft, and for most he's their RB2. And yet he still puts up top 10 numbers. I have no idea why people dog this kid, but it's hilarious. Keep truckin' MJD!
Wow. That's an absolutely horrid misdiagnosis of MJD's dynasty value. At no point in his career has MJD ever been a sell-high yet. He hasn't even sniffed what he's capable of becoming.
After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
:goodposting: He sorta reminds me of "Westbrook: The Early Years" in terms of how streaky he can be. Of course, limit any RB to 12-15 touches a game and it'll be streaky. I don't care how explosive they are.
I hear this a lot and I don't see it as an apt comparison. MJD and Westbrook really aren't that alike at all. I think MJD is nowhere near the pass catcher and a much better inside runner than Westbrook.I think a good example of who MJD reminds me of is Tiki Barber.

MJD is definitely a stud. Imagine how studly he could be if he were on a team with a real passing game and with a coach who actually knew how to use him properly.
Exactly. I don't know how many times I have seen him get a free release into the flat and he is not even targeted. He has 11TDs on the season so far, and got a few of them on a bum ankle he played through. He can pass block, catch, run up the gut or stretch it to the outside, or pretty much anything else you need a RB to do. Remember when he put Merriman on his ###? He actually enjoys being a complete back.
You have to remember his o-line was GUTTED. Who loses their center, and BOTH guards? And the backup LT got shot. They lost 4 of their top 6 linemen. Taylor has had no success running either.

Now that the center is back, they are running a lot better. Imagine if they would have had both guards all season. If MJD was struggling and Taylor was running fine, then I'd be worried. But the entire rush offense has been horrible, mostly due to the o-line.

MJD is a stud. Start him. LT has stinkers. AP has had a few down games. Barber blew chunks for 2-3 weeks. It happens. The guy is RB9, top 10 again, and he's always taken past that. Even Taylor said it's time to pass the torch to MJD, so once his line gets back, next year should be golden.

I'm not sure I can post paid content, but since it's from week 11 it's already out-dated right? =)

"Maurice Jones-Drew, RB, Jacksonville - Congrats on the three TD game to MJD owners who rode out the storm for that big game. Now get your umbrella back out, because MJD won't be of much use in three of the next four weeks again the Titans, Vikes, and Bears. Even better, try to deal him to someone who still has stars in their eyes when they watch MJD. He's never going to be the all-world stud he looked like in 2006 again. In fact, MJD has been very weak except in the cupcake matchups and an early game when the Jags pushed the Colts around. He hasn't shown the ability to produce when the chips are down like a true fantasy stud. MJD's year end numbers will look good, but his week-to-week performance is a rollercoaster ride, and that's not what you want out of your cornerstone RB."

That was the "sell high dynasty". He peaked, in his rookie year? You gotta be joking. MJD has been a great buy low his entire career. And cornerstone? You probably got him at 1.10 in a rookie draft, and for most he's their RB2. And yet he still puts up top 10 numbers. I have no idea why people dog this kid, but it's hilarious. Keep truckin' MJD!
This stood out to me as well, and if it hadn't been from the paid subscriber area, then I was considering starting a thread on the "Dynasty Buy Low/Sell High" feature last week to see what others felt about Sig's advice. Time will tell, but I'm with you in attributing the o-line to holding MJD back this season (and he's still a low end #1 or high end #2 with a great playoff schedule in weeks 15 & 16).

I :thumbup: me some Bloom dynasty analysis, but he may end up regretting this advice.

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Wow. That's an absolutely horrid misdiagnosis of MJD's dynasty value. At no point in his career has MJD ever been a sell-high yet. He hasn't even sniffed what he's capable of becoming.
Yeah the guy is stuck behind a HOF-ish RB, and has been a top 10-12 RB every year. So he didn't replace the face of the franchise. He's in a RBBC, like a lot of RBs. Even if he NEVER STARTS, he's still a stud. He'll get his, regardless of who he's with. The guy is the biggest play maker on JAX, and that isn't changing.Garrard is awful. Their best WR is white. And the o-line was devestated. And he's RB9 so far. Give the guy some credit. Oh and he's 23 years old. Sell high. *lol*

I didn't mean to call out Bloom. People like him, he works hard. But his dynasty stuff is very iffy. He had Vince Young ranked the 3rd best dynasty QB after 6 games. I don't care how good your first 6 games are, you aren't top 3 in anything. I like him for spotting deep sleepers, big upside guys, late fliers. But being a scout, he falls in love with upside and talent. And that's okay, you just have to take it with a grain of salt.

After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
Yup. I made the same decision two seasons ago when he first started getting carries. Each week he'd get a TD and I'd be kicking myself. I finally just decided he's an every week start, and he pretty much never disappointed. Then again, I also get return yardage, so he was pretty much matchup proof his first two seasons.
After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
:thumbup: He sorta reminds me of "Westbrook: The Early Years" in terms of how streaky he can be. Of course, limit any RB to 12-15 touches a game and it'll be streaky. I don't care how explosive they are.
I hear this a lot and I don't see it as an apt comparison. MJD and Westbrook really aren't that alike at all. I think MJD is nowhere near the pass catcher and a much better inside runner than Westbrook.I think a good example of who MJD reminds me of is Tiki Barber.

Wasn't Tiki Barber a good receiver?
After owning MJD for the 2nd straight year, I've learned how to use him. Play him every week. Sure, you have to live with the stinkers that he will undoubtedly put up, but I've never missed one of his monster 3 td games.
:lol: He sorta reminds me of "Westbrook: The Early Years" in terms of how streaky he can be. Of course, limit any RB to 12-15 touches a game and it'll be streaky. I don't care how explosive they are.
I hear this a lot and I don't see it as an apt comparison. MJD and Westbrook really aren't that alike at all. I think MJD is nowhere near the pass catcher and a much better inside runner than Westbrook.I think a good example of who MJD reminds me of is Tiki Barber.
I knew someone would respond to that thinking I believe MJD is a similar RB to Westy. You bolded the wrong part. I did not say he's like him in pass catching ability, pass protection, route-running, film study or workout habits. I'm just comparing the similarities of streaking fantasy production early in their careers.By the by, since you brought it up - MJD has caught 90.6% of the passes he's been targeted this year. That's 2nd only to Steve Slaton (91.4%) out of the top 120 players targeted. So I don't know how much better of a receiver you want MJD to be.

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FantasyTrader said:
By the by, since you brought it up - MJD has caught 90.6% of the passes he's been targeted this year. That's 2nd only to Steve Slaton (91.4%) out of the top 120 players targeted. So I don't know how much better of a receiver you want MJD to be.
Agreed. MJD is a great receiver.I don't know that he would be in Westbrook's category, but if he was used in the same manner I believe he'd be damn productive.
I think a good example of who MJD reminds me of is Tiki Barber.
Wasn't Tiki Barber a good receiver?
I meant that more as I don't see MJD as a guy who will put up 80+ catches a year. That's not the offense works and I think he's more equipped to handle the ball more on power runs than a guy like Westbrook. I see MJD settling into a solid 50 catches a year area, like Tiki.

Yeah, being so small is actually such an advantage for him on the Goal line and in open space. The fact that he's built like a bowling ball enables him to be a work horse as well. People like Westbrook aren't that short... I mean they're short for the NFL position but MJD is really short. When he "makes himself small" to get through a hole, he probably gets about 2 1/2-3 feet from the floor. You know how hard it is for a linebacker/linemen to get underneath that and attack his center of gravity. Not to mention he can carry you if he needs to. If and when Fred Taylor retires or is released, Jones-Drew will be a real monster to deal with. I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up being better then Westy as a full-time starter. Watched him at LSU and I remember calling my friend like I just found the next LT. He's not LT but he sure is something special.

AP and MJD are the 2 best backs in the NFL , most people on this forum are clueless about how good MJD is. MJD might go on a roll from here on out, talent always wins out.

I will take MJD and his high variance rate over many RBs selected/ranked before him in dynasty. So long as you have consistency elsewhere, there are only a select few backs I'd rather have as my dynasty centerpiece.

Yeah, being so small is actually such an advantage for him on the Goal line and in open space. The fact that he's built like a bowling ball enables him to be a work horse as well. People like Westbrook aren't that short... I mean they're short for the NFL position but MJD is really short. When he "makes himself small" to get through a hole, he probably gets about 2 1/2-3 feet from the floor. You know how hard it is for a linebacker/linemen to get underneath that and attack his center of gravity. Not to mention he can carry you if he needs to. If and when Fred Taylor retires or is released, Jones-Drew will be a real monster to deal with. I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up being better then Westy as a full-time starter. Watched him at LSU and I remember calling my friend like I just found the next LT. He's not LT but he sure is something special.
You watched him at LSU? Was UCLA playing in Baton Rouge that day?MJD is 5'9" but weighs 210 pounds and is built like a brick ####house. He has good hands, is an excellent blocker, and has breakaway speed. He will be a fantastic RB for years in the NFL.....and he's just barely getting started since his mileage is so low and he hasn't had any serious injuries (knock on wood).
Love MJDs talent .... top 5 IMO @ RB

Dont love his horrible Offensive line and sharing time.... if he gets those two obsticles fixed -- LOOK OUT ..!!!!

FYI -- I own him on 2 teams.... benched him in both leagues last week :rant: ..!!!!

I was scared off the Titans matchup and had what I thought were good opions in Hightower and LBJ .!!!

I don't understand the Rodney Dangerfield comment. MJD finished 9th in our RB scoring system last year, and all of the owners in our league had him pegged as a top 10 RB stud this year as well. Currently in our TD heavy scoring system he's ranked in the studly #4 RB spot.

The real Rodney Dangerfield's of RB's are Lendale White (#6 RB) and Brandon Jacobs (#1 RB).

Thomas Jones (#2 RB) is a complete surprise out of nowhere. An overhyped 1st round draft pick who turned into a career bum RB journeyman, who suddenly is studly in mid-career. No one saw this coming did they?

Good thing you started this thread now rather than 2 weeks ago when he was RB #19 using FBG scoring.

Like the previous poster said, I don't understand the "no respect" angle. His preseason ranking was RB12 which is about where he's finished the last 2 years and where he's probably going to finish this year. :moneybag:

I don't understand the Rodney Dangerfield comment. MJD finished 9th in our RB scoring system last year, and all of the owners in our league had him pegged as a top 10 RB stud this year as well. Currently in our TD heavy scoring system he's ranked in the studly #4 RB spot.The real Rodney Dangerfield's of RB's are Lendale White (#6 RB) and Brandon Jacobs (#1 RB). Thomas Jones (#2 RB) is a complete surprise out of nowhere. An overhyped 1st round draft pick who turned into a career bum RB journeyman, who suddenly is studly in mid-career. No one saw this coming did they?
Original post pointed out how he was being passed in drafts because td's are considered inconsistent and how he shares carries, yet for the 3rd year in a row he's got 9 or more td's. Hence the Rodney comparison.Also, was asking about thoughts on where he'd be in drafts if he's named the starter next year in Jax. Many have named him in the top 5 for next year potentially. I doubt you'll hear White, Jacobs, or Jones in anyone's top 5 next year. If you'd like to make a different thread about one of those other 3 outplaying their adp's in a TD heavy league, please feel free. This one's about MJD.
Good thing you started this thread now rather than 2 weeks ago when he was RB #19 using FBG scoring.
Why would I start a thread about his TD count and his solid output for 2.5 years before now? It wouldn't make sense to talk about how he's broken the mold on TD consistency for 3 years now if he only had 6 for the remainder of the year. :thumbup:
Good thing you started this thread now rather than 2 weeks ago when he was RB #19 using FBG scoring.Like the previous poster said, I don't understand the "no respect" angle. His preseason ranking was RB12 which is about where he's finished the last 2 years and where he's probably going to finish this year. :heart:
I think he's referring to the sheer amount of pub (threads) going for the likes of Larry Johnson, Slaton, Hightower, Addai, Ronnie Brown, et al in relation to Jones-Drew.
Good thing you started this thread now rather than 2 weeks ago when he was RB #19 using FBG scoring.Like the previous poster said, I don't understand the "no respect" angle. His preseason ranking was RB12 which is about where he's finished the last 2 years and where he's probably going to finish this year. :wub:
I think he's referring to the sheer amount of pub (threads) going for the likes of Larry Johnson, Slaton, Hightower, Addai, Ronnie Brown, et al in relation to Jones-Drew.
Good thing you started this thread now rather than 2 weeks ago when he was RB #19 using FBG scoring.
Why would I start a thread about his TD count and his solid output for 2.5 years before now? It wouldn't make sense to talk about how he's broken the mold on TD consistency for 3 years now if he only had 6 for the remainder of the year. :confused:
Is it because he had failed to reach 10 fantasy points in 15 out of his last 25 games?

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