People can be fans of whatever teams they want whenever they want---its their decision. Who gives two flips what anyone else thinks about it.
To the OP-Root for whoever you want, and dont let some schmo named Bill Simmons enact his "rules" on you. He doesnt control you.
Obviously more people than you think give " two flips about it".You can call yourself a fan of a team but that dosent make you a fan. Perhaps you need to look up what the word means.
It is their decision to go with whatever team they want just make sure to call yourself a "fair weather fan"
And if I dont? Who are you or anyone else to tell me, or another person if they are or are not a fan?
Well by definition you would not be a fanFan come from the word Fanatic. Here is the def
adj : marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist" [syn: fanatical, overzealous, rabid] n : a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"--Winston Churchill [syn: fiend]
note the
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"
So I think you can call youself a Fan and jump teams but I think I will call you a Poser
Edit to add Poser def
n 1: a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not [syn: poseur] 2: a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos" [syn: model] 3: a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem [syn: stumper, toughie, sticker]