That’s just it. I dont think of myself as a Fbg subscriber. I dont think I’ve ever thought of myself as a subscriber to anything other than a magazine when those were a thing. I simply think of myself as a Fbg. Maybe change the mindset from selling subscriptions to selling a product that has a sense of community.The desire for a new name. To me as a 24 year? member, it’s footballguys. Footballguys is the name. There’s no no need, imho, for a catchy name like swifties. I don’t think a new nick name is going to bring the group closer. What is your social media presence? Because I assume that new members are a slightlyNot going to lie. I'm completely baffled by this request
That's interesting and thanks for the feedback. What is baffling @belljr @shuke @DA RAIDERS @Runkle ?
Building up and connecting a big group of customers seems like a pretty normal business thing. We've done great with that over the years on the forum and I've been thinking about how we do that with the larger group of Footballguys subscribers. Since this forum is so close and knowledgeable with Footballguys, I thought there could be good ideas here.younger demographic. I’d think that using the name footballguys and expanding the social media presence, including gambling, that appeals to younger people would be the way to go.
Thanks. I asked my question because we don't have a specific name that I call our subscribers. And I asked the question if folk thought there was value in creating one.
And for sure, "No, not having a specific name is fine. Just call them Footballguys Subscribers the same way other companies call their customers or subscribers "(Insert Company Name) Customers".
I can see folks that just want to call it "company name subscribers". That's great feedback.
I was surprised people thought the question was baffling though. But not really. I think we've all learned over the years to not be surprised.
I’ll use my ski pass as an example. I’m an ikon member. While technically I’m a subscriber, they dont use that verbiage and neither do I. I have ikon. Or I’m a member of ikon. Not, I’m an ikon subscriber. I might get an epic pass. Then I’d have both. “I have(or am a member of) ikon and epic” Not a subscription to both. Just my .02