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NFL Sunday Ticket (1 Viewer)


I was hoping to get the NFL Sunday Ticket this year, but admittedly don't know much about the nuances associated with getting it.

It is my understanding that you have access to every single game (except if Fox or CBS are showing the local game).

I wanted to know about the specific details associated with getting it.

I don't have DirecTV - which I believe you need, right?

So what are the costs associated with getting DirecTV?

Is there any way to get the Ticket without having DirecTV (I have Time Warner Cable)?

If anyone could walk me through what I need in order to make it work - and the particulars of setting it up - I would really appreciate it.


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I was hoping to get the NFL Sunday Ticket this year, but admittedly don't know much about the nuances associated with getting it.

It is my understanding that you have access to every single game (except if Fox or CBS are showing the local game). Local NFL blackout rules apply as well.

I wanted to know about the specific details associated with getting it.

I don't have DirecTV - which I believe you need, right? yes

So what are the costs associated with getting DirecTV? you can get four room hook up for free, the ticket is $249 a season, regular programming is approx $50 a month.

Is there any way to get the Ticket without having DirecTV (I have Time Warner Cable)? no

If anyone could walk me through what I need in order to make it work - and the particulars of setting it up - I would really appreciate it.

The only issues is if it's storming very hard or snow gets on the dish, you can have interrupted service .


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