Raider Nation
Devil's Advocate
Can't wait for this. 9pm EST. One of the most fun teams in NFL history to watch.
On Tuesday night, "Houston '93: A Football Life" airs on the NFL Network.
The episode chronicles the tumultuous 1993 season and features interviews with former Oilers coaches, players and front office staff.
For those Houston football fans who might not remember the 1993 season, it was filled with football, drama and more drama. It's a very-well done special on one of the most interesting seasons in NFL history.
The 1993 Oilers were a Super Bowl favorite but started the year in miserable fashion. They recovered but ultimately the season ended in heartbreak. In between, there was plenty of dysfunction, most of which swirled around new defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan.
Ryan eventually took a swing at offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride in the season finale, an event that gets its fair share of time during the show. Other events covered include the benching of Warren Moon and David Williams' decision to miss a game for the birth of his son.
Moon, Mike Munchak, Buddy Ryan, William Fuller and Gilbride are just a few of the people interviewed throughout the special.