You know, I really don't mind if these players do their little gyrations after a TD. I kinda wish the sports shows wouldn't feel the need to show it on the highlights, but whatever.
My main problem is that these gyrations are no longer limited to TD's. Now, some 4th string WR that I've never heard of (well, I have, and you too probably, you fantasy nerd) goes into disco spasm afeter making a catch on 3rd and 2. THAT is annoying, and I don't care if it's your team, or the opposing team, that's just embarrassing.
So, if this rule cuts down on post hum-drum play histrionics, sign me up.
BTW, players can still dance, spike the ball, dunk it over the crossbar, they just can't do choreographed dance routines. Does it really take away from the game by forcing the players to get their celebration over with in under 2 minutes?