I'm not privy to the software development aspect of this, but you fail to consider that there are 50 states here which means the potential for 50 different sets of criteria. We have apps that have double/triple that in our world today. We just garnered another 50,000 lines of code in a project that to the end user is a simple link to their 401K account. Describe what you mean by "process flow". I have only been able to register an ID and passwd and when I log in I get a blank white page with two tabs at the top that don't work, so I haven't even been able to get into the app. What makes it "look" like it wasn't planned properly?
See my other post describing one bad design decision.
From what I understand when someone signs up there is no two-way communication on behalf of the insurance companies to accept the applicant. If the plan is available to the candidate in their county they are eligible to sign up.
So when you say they need to comply with the 50 different standards (1 per state) I think you are off base. They (healthcare.gov) should have been able to dictate the standards to submitting applicants to the insurance companies. If another process needs to be designed/developed for insurance companies to request other information then that should get handled separately. Without knowing the exact details as to if they tried to satisfy each insurance company (which you are hinting at) instead of dictating the standard then that would have been a costly mistake. I'm pretty sure in the healthcare industry they probably already have standard file formats for applicants and if part of this project was establishing a standard that should have been a priority.
I've made it through the entire site and was able to sign up, there really is not that many sections to the process.
(not exact page by page):
(1) You register,
(2) you supply your security questions,
(3) you fill out the identity forms,
(4) you are given a list of plans
....(a) sortable
....(b) filterable
....© you could compare plans
....(d) you could "save" plans for review later
(5) you are allowed to apply for a plan
(6) there was a profile page showing the plan you applied to
Problems I encountered:
- There was error handling but it was poorly implemented (often taking you to the very beginning requiring you to enter everything in from scratch each time),
- there was a password reset at one point (!) requiring everyone to create a new ID (I ended up making 3 separate ID's until I could finally get all the way through),
- after choosing a plan I had to wait a week before the system had my name attached to the plan I chose (prior to that my profile screen was blank),
- there was all kinds of unacceptable fail in the design for something that on the surface did not look like it should have been that complicated.
There are other static pages to the site, but none of that should have been a technological challenge.