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***Official 1/6 Select Committee thread*** (3 Viewers)

Perhaps she was more disgusted with those around and enabling Trump vs Trump himself --Rudy, Eastmen, Meadows etc...
Could be any number of things. And IMO, if she came out and said, "I was 25 and about to be unemployed, so I needed a job," that would be understandable, too. It's a little like when a woman who has accused her boss of sexual misconduct is asked why she continued working for him, exchanged friendly emails, followed him to another job, etc. It's not ideal in terms of maintaining her credibility, and could suggest that she's lying, but it doesn't automatically mean so.

Don't blame the abuser.  Blame the people who didn't stop the abuser.  Classic.

Except when they shoot black man or a liberal, then the left want to defund them.  They are not victims.   Theses congressional cops and FBI are paid dam  well to defend us.  And they failed and it was a negligent failure

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Maurile Tremblay said:
The investigation is to figure out what happened.
We already know what happened.
You say this, but then all of your factual descriptions of what happened seem kind of fringe, not shared by a wide consensus at all.

That seems like an excellent argument for conducting an investigation to find out what happened.

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I've provided the links multiple times and clearly they are being rejected, but to be clear, the staffing at the Capitol was in line with the intelligence they received up stream.  There IS still an issue for why the NG was not deployed once the #### hit the fan, but that doesn't seem to be a concern...it's all about what allegedly (didn't) happen days before.

Yes.  The police were completely negligent in preparing for such a protest that everyone knew was coming.  The police crowd confrontation was not out of the ordinary from hundreds of protests we have seen in recent times.  What was unusual is we had choke points which confronted the oncoming mob which consisted of two bicycle racks and two guards.  That is absurd. 

NorvilleBarnes said:
I kinda agree. The point of these hearings is to convince the public Trump committed sedition and treason, so there is enough support for DoJ to charge him.

From what we've seen already, there is plenty of cause to charge him formally already. The only reason they haven't is because they're trying to influence opinions prior to doing so.

jon_mx said:
Yes, if Trump said to "get rid of the effing mags," that (by itself) isn't good evidence that Trump wanted an armed mob to attack the Capitol. He may have simply wanted a bigger crowd in the photos.

By the way, did they get rid of the effing mags? If they did, and Trump knew about it, that would be relevant context to Trump's refusal to call off the riot for the first few hours that people were asking him to. But if they didn't get rid of the effing mags, and Trump knew that, that'd also be relevant (as a mitigating circumstance).

Some people have asked what questions they'd have liked to see asked of Hutchinson if only some pro-Trump people were on the committee. Here's one: if Trump was so terrible, why did Hutchinson want to work for him at Mar-a-Lago after January 6? I suspect she has a good answer, but I'd like to hear it.
Is there any official record where she did ask to work at Mar o lago? Some fact checkers say that claim is false


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dozer said:
No, he doesn’t drive.

But if he did he’d be the type of person to use the passing lane as a travel lane because that’s the kind of selfish person he is.

Pretty sure Trump would use the emergency lane.

Is there any official record where she did ask to work at Mar o lago? Some fact checkers say that claim is false


No idea. I wish she'd been asked about it. (But if Trump's "truth" didn't come until after her testimony, that would explain why she wasn't.)

On a side note, that article is another example of the media getting the SUV story wrong: "Hutchinson, who was an aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, alleged to the House Select committee hearing that former President Donald Trump lunged at Secret Service personnel and tried to take the wheel of the presidential limousine in the lead-up to the Capitol riots, among other allegations."

For one thing, it says limousine rather than SUV. But more importantly, it says that she alleged that Trump lunged for the wheel. Her testimony was that Ornato said that he lunged for the wheel.

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No idea. I wish she'd been asked about it. (But if Trump's "truth" didn't come until after her testimony, that would explain why she wasn't.)

On a side note, that article is another example of the media getting the SUV story wrong: "Hutchinson, who was an aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, alleged to the House Select committee hearing that former President Donald Trump lunged at Secret Service personnel and tried to take the wheel of the presidential limousine in the lead-up to the Capitol riots, among other allegations."
Whether intentional or unintentional, this keeps happening.

ZADO said:
Have the republicans on the committee asked the witnesses any hard questions ? Like they normally do in these types of hearings? 
Yeah, they've asked all the Republican witnesses questions hard enough to risk their futures in the party. When you're questioning someone who has been a Republican their entire life, who campaigned for Trump, who wanted Trump to win, and who voted for Trump (twice for most of them), asking them to say bad things about Trump ARE the hard questions. They have not asked any Democrats hard questions, though. Of course that could be because there have been no Democrat witnesses.

By extension then, if one were lucky enough to not get any resistance at a bank, no harm no foul walking out with some $$$....?
The shooting at the parade in Highland Park yesterday where there were plenty of red flags they should have known it was going to happen. Let me know when Crimo walks and is found innocent JM.

You say this, but then all of your factual descriptions of what happened seem kind of fringe, not shared by a wide consensus at all.

That seems like an excellent argument for conducting an investigation to find out what happened.

Consensus is good when there is diverse opinions and the theory or narrative has to stand up to scrutiny.  Today's consensus consists of offering the liberal narrative and restricting any and all scrutiny. Modern academia and media has really gone in the toilet in recent decades.  It has lead to a bunch of asinine conclusions.

Consensus is good when there is diverse opinions and the theory or narrative has to stand up to scrutiny.  Today's consensus consists of offering the liberal narrative and restricting any and all scrutiny. Modern academia and media has really gone in the toilet in recent decades.  It has lead to a bunch of asinine conclusions.
Certainly has led to some asinine defense of the former President. 

Consensus is good when there is diverse opinions and the theory or narrative has to stand up to scrutiny.  Today's consensus consists of offering the liberal narrative and restricting any and all scrutiny. Modern academia and media has really gone in the toilet in recent decades.  It has lead to a bunch of asinine conclusions.
I don’t even want to engage but …..

the commission is trying to determine if 1.6 warrants criminal charges.  The scenario you are setting up is for the commission to justify doj charges but then have that case fall apart in a court of law when the defense calls their witnesses.

not going to happen

Sarah Matthews is gonna testify now.

The damn has official broken IMO. Won't be long until some of these key seditionists start looking for life vests. I hope no deals get cut. Lock em up.

I don’t even want to engage but …..

the commission is trying to determine if 1.6 warrants criminal charges.  The scenario you are setting up is for the commission to justify doj charges but then have that case fall apart in a court of law when the defense calls their witnesses.

not going to happen

If information is suppressed and not discovered, the case is tainted.   Modern leftists are trashing our justice system, are trashing scientific methods,  are trashing our free media and free speech.  This investigation is not seeking justice and truth, it is seeking to justify their predetermined conclusions to craft a case against Trump.  No matter what you think of Trump, that is not justice. 

If information is suppressed and not discovered, the case is tainted.   Modern leftists are trashing our justice system, are trashing scientific methods,  are trashing our free media and free speech.  This investigation is not seeking justice and truth, it is seeking to justify their predetermined conclusions to craft a case against Trump.  No matter what you think of Trump, that is not justice. 
It is when it’s all true. 

NorvilleBarnes said:
No. There would simply need to be enough people who have their own contempt for congress imo.

You guys have been crying insurrection, treason, and sedition for two years. When the curtain closes on this pointless act of political theater, charge him with that or gtfo
I'm, reminded of a quote about Dan Quayle:  "Just because everyone calls him stupid, doesn't mean he's not."

A bunch of people sick of hearing about January 6th doesn't make any of this less important. 

Sarah Matthews is gonna testify now.

The damn has official broken IMO. Won't be long until some of these key seditionists start looking for life vests. I hope no deals get cut. Lock em up.
CNN Article:

Sarah Matthews, who served as deputy press secretary in the Trump White House until resigning shortly after the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, has been subpoenaed by the House select committee investigating the insurrection and has agreed to testify at an upcoming hearing

Matthews resigned the night of January 6, 2021, saying in a statement that she was honored to serve in then-President Donald Trump's administration but "was deeply disturbed by what I saw." She added: "Our nation needs a peaceful transfer of power."

After another former Trump White house aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, publicly testified before the committee last week, Matthews tweeted: "Anyone downplaying Cassidy Hutchinson's role or her access in the West Wing either doesn't understand how the Trump (White House) worked or is attempting to discredit her because they're scared of how damning this testimony is."

It is when it’s all true. 

But it is not.  A lot of stuff accepted as consensus has been shown to be false.  The consensus told us there was a gay gene, but none has ever been found.  The consensus told us solar and wind were the clean energy solution, but nuclear is still the cleanest and only real solution.  The consensus told us masks were effective, but they were not at least nkt the chrap masks most people wore .  We are now being told that young girls who have been convinced they are male, are getting testosterone, having their breast removed, and having their vaginas replaced, but this is just an absurd experiment which is permanently damaging thousands of our children with no known benefit.   There was consensus at going to war with Iraq.   There is endless BS in consensus views, but we are now OK with suppressing opposing opinions as dangerous misinformation or hate speech.   Truth is never best served by suppressing views critical of the consensus.  

If information is suppressed and not discovered, the case is tainted.   Modern leftists are trashing our justice system, are trashing scientific methods,  are trashing our free media and free speech.  This investigation is not seeking justice and truth, it is seeking to justify their predetermined conclusions to craft a case against Trump.  No matter what you think of Trump, that is not justice. 
When a side refuses to participate it makes it tough. 

We’ll see what occurs when they are done.

But it is not.  A lot of stuff accepted as consensus has been shown to be false.  The consensus told us there was a gay gene, but none has ever been found.  The consensus told us solar and wind were the clean energy solution, but nuclear is still the cleanest and only real solution.  The consensus told us masks were effective, but they were not at least nkt the chrap masks most people wore .  We are now being told that young girls who have been convinced they are male, are getting testosterone, having their breast removed, and having their vaginas replaced, but this is just an absurd experiment which is permanently damaging thousands of our children with no known benefit.   There was consensus at going to war with Iraq.   There is endless BS in consensus views, but we are now OK with suppressing opposing opinions as dangerous misinformation or hate speech.   Truth is never best served by suppressing views critical of the consensus.  
I hope you get well and find the peace you need brother.

But it is not.  A lot of stuff accepted as consensus has been shown to be false.  The consensus told us there was a gay gene, but none has ever been found.  The consensus told us solar and wind were the clean energy solution, but nuclear is still the cleanest and only real solution.  The consensus told us masks were effective, but they were not at least nkt the chrap masks most people wore .  We are now being told that young girls who have been convinced they are male, are getting testosterone, having their breast removed, and having their vaginas replaced, but this is just an absurd experiment which is permanently damaging thousands of our children with no known benefit.   There was consensus at going to war with Iraq.   There is endless BS in consensus views, but we are now OK with suppressing opposing opinions as dangerous misinformation or hate speech.   Truth is never best served by suppressing views critical of the consensus.  
Because consensus is wrong on occasion doesn't make it wrong the majority of the time. Your examples and analysis are completely irrational and look extremely desperate.

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Because consensus is wrong on occasion doesn't make it wrong the majority of the time. Your examples and analysis are completely irrational and look extremely desperate.
He's said the same thing repeatedly throughout this entire thread.   Honestly, what do you hope to accomplish by continuing to engage?   Really screws up ignore for the rest of us.

No idea. I wish she'd been asked about it. (But if Trump's "truth" didn't come until after her testimony, that would explain why she wasn't.)

On a side note, that article is another example of the media getting the SUV story wrong: "Hutchinson, who was an aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, alleged to the House Select committee hearing that former President Donald Trump lunged at Secret Service personnel and tried to take the wheel of the presidential limousine in the lead-up to the Capitol riots, among other allegations."

For one thing, it says limousine rather than SUV. But more importantly, it says that she alleged that Trump lunged for the wheel. Her testimony was that Ornato said that he lunged for the wheel.

Our media outlets continue to be absurd....stuff like this in damn near every single story.  I don't know why people find it acceptable.

Because consensus is wrong on occasion doesn't make it wrong the majority of the time. Your examples and analysis are completely irrational and look extremely desperate.
It's easy to point to 1000 incidents of being "wrong" but when put into perspective that billions of times it was correct, it's rather insignificant.  Though, with our media and how the algos work, it's really easy to lose site of it.  You click on enough of the "wrongs" and you'll quickly believe that's all that exists completely losing the perspective of the entire body of work.

When a side refuses to participate it makes it tough. 

We’ll see what occurs when they are done.
But to this point, that isn't even true....ALL the witnesses have been from the GOP "side" in this.  And I will continue to ask who these folks would like to see testify that would make their perception begin to shift.  So far, I have the two SS agents.  Who else?

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But to this point, that isn't even true....ALL the witnesses have been from the GOP "side" in this.  And I will continue to ask who these folks would like to see testify that would make their perception begin to shift.  So far, I have the two SS agents.  Who else?
Very true. Was speaking more to the people running this. 


Our media outlets continue to be absurd....stuff like this in damn near every single story.  I don't know why people find it acceptable.
I mean, I don't find it acceptable.

However, it is certainly 10,000 times more tolerable than a sitting President attempting to subvert the will of the people and democracy. That's where the outage belongs, not on some media sites reporting slant.

I mean, I don't find it acceptable.

However, it is certainly 10,000 times more tolerable than a sitting President attempting to subvert the will of the people and democracy. That's where the outage belongs, not on some media sites reporting slant.
I don't think it's slant (cue the media bias whine), I think it's sloppy and lazy reporters.

It's easy to point to 1000 incidents of being "wrong" but when put into perspective that billions of times it was correct, it's rather insignificant.  Though, with our media and how the algos work, it's really easy to lose site of it.  You click on enough of the "wrongs" and you'll quickly believe that's all that exists completely losing the perspective of the entire body of work.
I don't care what consensus is.  Jon's right - consensus is often wrong, and a terrible reason to believe something.

Weigh the facts and trust the truth.  Don't trust group speak.

I don't think it's slant (cue the media bias whine), I think it's sloppy and lazy reporters.
Could be that too.

I wish this is something I could care about right now, but it's impossible with to do so without the seditionist-in-chief facing actual consequences in a real court.

But to this point, that isn't even true....ALL the witnesses have been from the GOP "side" in this.  And I will continue to ask who these folks would like to see testify that would make their perception begin to shift.  So far, I have the two SS agents.  Who else?
And has anyone kept those people from defending Trump?

I don't care what consensus is.  Jon's right - consensus is often wrong, and a terrible reason to believe something.

No, jon's not right about this. His reason for wanting to disregard the consensus is not so that we can forge ahead with an investigation to find out the truth. It's so that we can eschew the investigation because it's producing an emerging consensus that contradicts a fringe theory popular on the right that "we already know" is true.

No, jon's not right about this. His reason for wanting to disregard the consensus is not so that we can forge ahead with an investigation to find out the truth. It's so that we can eschew the investigation because it's producing an emerging consensus that contradicts a fringe theory popular on the right that "we already know" is true.
Well sure, but we don't believe Trump led the insurrection because that's consensus, we believe it because that's where the facts lead us.


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