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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (1 Viewer)

If this variant is anywhere as bad as they think we’re in deep trouble. The fatigue is real for everyone from the masks to the boosters to the medical professionals, we’re done with it. The elderly, high risk people aren’t going to go back to wearing masks all the time and many won’t line up for another booster.

And the people caring for people in the hospitals or giving endless shots are over it and a lot will quit before the next round starts.

If this variant is anywhere as bad as they think we’re in deep trouble. The fatigue is real for everyone from the masks to the boosters to the medical professionals, we’re done with it. The elderly, high risk people aren’t going to go back to wearing masks all the time and many won’t line up for another booster.

And the people caring for people in the hospitals or giving endless shots are over it and a lot will quit before the next round starts.
While fatigue is absolutely a thing, I think a lot of it is the perception that the pandemic is "over" and COVID "isn't that bad" anymore.  

IF we get hit with a significantly worse strain, where bodies start piling up... IMO that perception changes FAST and we see something akin to that "band together to get thru this" mentality like post 911.

Definitely wouldn't be to the same level of unity... but a LOT of the people showing fatigue right now are fairly rational centrists on this issue who can taste/see "normal" on the Horizon and just want to get there. IF this is a true monster... I think all those folks and even a nice chunk of the "muh freedom / anti-vax" crowd would jump in line. 

My biggest fear is healthcare / front lines. They're burnt out (fair perception) and I could see some real attrition there. 

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If this variant is anywhere as bad as they think we’re in deep trouble. The fatigue is real for everyone from the masks to the boosters to the medical professionals, we’re done with it. The elderly, high risk people aren’t going to go back to wearing masks all the time and many won’t line up for another booster.

And the people caring for people in the hospitals or giving endless shots are over it and a lot will quit before the next round starts.
I've spent the past several days in packed bars, packed stadiums, packed theaters, packed restaurants, and packed museums in New Orleans.  No masks required anywhere, except at the play we went to see last night, which was definitely an outlier.  It's been great.  

If a new variant turns up that evades vaccines, I'll go back to staying at home and masking when I go out.  No worries.  At this point I'm just happy I got a ton of travel in while it's safe.

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I've spent the past several days in packed bars, packed stadiums, packed theaters, packed restaurants, and packed museums in New Orleans.  No masks required anywhere, except at the play we went to see last night, which was definitely an outlier.  It's been great.  

If a new variant turns up that evades vaccines, I'll go back to staying at home and masking when I go out.  No worries.  At this point I'm just happy I got a ton of travel in while it's safe.
Did you go to Greece?

I'm headed to N.O. in about 3 weeks.  Hope it stays as you suggest.  Gonna get a booster before I go. 

Did you go to Greece?

I'm headed to N.O. in about 3 weeks.  Hope it stays as you suggest.  Gonna get a booster before I go. 
Yep.  In the past six weeks, I've been in Athens (vacation), New Mexico (visiting a kid in college), Portland (work related), and New Orleans (go Bills).  Looking forward to a quiet Midwestern winter tbh.

Big thumbs up for the WW2 museum in NO if that's something you're interested in.  I went in with no particular expectations at all and it was really well done.  We spent four hours there and could have stayed longer.

Where at in Ohio? Here in northeast Ohio it is probably a little higher percentage of folks wearing a mask than what you said, but not buy much. Here in Ohio the state congress passed legislation (enough to counter a veto) that prohibited what the governor could do via health mandate. DeWine basically stopped proposing anything after that passed. Been kind of the wild west since then.
Northwest OH, we were all kinda shocked at the laissez-faire attitude.  

IC FBGCav said:
Okay, you know Natural Immunity works against variants?  Our bodies figured this stuff out long ago.  We adjust.
Sometimes....sometimes it doesn't..see the flu.

I thought you said you watched the Vincent Racaniello video.  Was that someone else?

Dutch authorities revealed that 61 people arriving on two flights from South Africa—where the strain has been spreading—have tested positive. It’s not known whether the passengers were infected with Omicron or an earlier version of the coronavirus, but the discovery underscores the possibility that the new variant has already gone global.

Testing people right before or after international travel sure seems like a good idea right now.

And it's worth remembering that a lot of the seed research that led to the MRNA vaccines was conducted by the government via NIH.
This is true in damn near every single solution ever come up with in this country that was worth it's salt.  Until going to the PSF, I was unaware that people thought it was the big companies who were doing the innovating/research.  It's true that they do this through the monetization lens, but they aren't normally responsible for foundational discoveries that move us forward as a society.   

Big thumbs up for the WW2 museum in NO if that's something you're interested in.  I went in with no particular expectations at all and it was really well done.  We spent four hours there and could have stayed longer.
Yeah, that museum is crazy good and detailed. It's like the Holocaust Museum in DC or a great European art museum where I could just spend all day there easily.

The great thing about NO is that you can take any drinks to go and walk, so even during COVID spikes there is plenty to do. Most of the places on Frenchman street you can stand outside and hear the music. Although I enjoyed the Spotted Cat the most and that is only indoors.

Buddy of mine who I train shooting with has been a hardcore anti-vaxxer since this started. He and his wife both are bodybuilders and have taken every opportunity to blame COVID illness on obesity wnd lack of health. She is a nurse. He is county SWAT. Good folks but they just don't get it. 

She and their daughter caught COVID a couple weeks ago. Unsure of daughters status but this morning she posted that she has double COVID pneumonia with elevated heart enzymes. D-Dimer indicated clotting risk but MRI showed no clots yet. 

They released her from the ER with an inhaler and cough meds. 

BP bottomed out and she's battling fever. 

I hadn't heard from him in a few days, but I'd say it's 50/50 that they change their stance on vaccines. :(  

Buddy of mine who I train shooting with has been a hardcore anti-vaxxer since this started. He and his wife both are bodybuilders and have taken every opportunity to blame COVID illness on obesity wnd lack of health. She is a nurse. He is county SWAT. Good folks but they just don't get it. 

She and their daughter caught COVID a couple weeks ago. Unsure of daughters status but this morning she posted that she has double COVID pneumonia with elevated heart enzymes. D-Dimer indicated clotting risk but MRI showed no clots yet. 

They released her from the ER with an inhaler and cough meds. 

BP bottomed out and she's battling fever. 

I hadn't heard from him in a few days, but I'd say it's 50/50 that they change their stance on vaccines. :(  
This sounds similar to my anti-vaccine neighbors. He is a cop and I don’t know what she does, but on 12/1 she is losing her job for not complying with her company’s vaccine mandate. She was in the hospital for 3 weeks with double pneumonia and for about a week it was really looking like she wasn’t going to make it. Glad they all pulled through, but despite their entire family being hospitalized it didn’t move the needle regarding vaccines 

Yep.  In the past six weeks, I've been in Athens (vacation), New Mexico (visiting a kid in college), Portland (work related), and New Orleans (go Bills).  Looking forward to a quiet Midwestern winter tbh.

Big thumbs up for the WW2 museum in NO if that's something you're interested in.  I went in with no particular expectations at all and it was really well done.  We spent four hours there and could have stayed longer.
KC has the National WW1 museum. Tie it to a Chiefs/Bills game, BBQ tour, Negro League museum,  and you have a pretty good weekend. 

Vaccine mandate for my company is in less than 2 weeks. Not sure how hard we will get hit, but I imagine there will be some extra workload for the people who are going to stay.   

Let’s hope that the booster renders this not an issue and people go out and get the third shot. With likely a new formula specifically targeted towards unicron and others this spring.


Bottom Line: We still have more questions than answers. But we will get them soon. Do not take Omicron lightly, but don’t abandon hope either. Our immune systems are incredible.

None of this changes what you can to do right now: Ventilate spaces. Use masks. Test if you have symptoms. Isolate if positive. Get vaccinated. Get boosted. (Yes, get vaccinated. I’ll explain more about this tomorrow.)

No idea if this helps, but thought I could bring you along for the ride.

Love, YLE

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Buddy of mine who I train shooting with has been a hardcore anti-vaxxer since this started. He and his wife both are bodybuilders and have taken every opportunity to blame COVID illness on obesity wnd lack of health. She is a nurse. He is county SWAT. Good folks but they just don't get it. 

She and their daughter caught COVID a couple weeks ago. Unsure of daughters status but this morning she posted that she has double COVID pneumonia with elevated heart enzymes. D-Dimer indicated clotting risk but MRI showed no clots yet. 

They released her from the ER with an inhaler and cough meds. 

BP bottomed out and she's battling fever. 

I hadn't heard from him in a few days, but I'd say it's 50/50 that they change their stance on vaccines. :(  

Not surprised by the bolded. Seeing a lot of nurses with these takes is a little scary to me. The fact your buddy is a cop (I'll try to stop short of making this an anti police thread as well) and has these thoughts doesn't surprise me. I know a lot of cops in my area and most are the same way. I'd say 98% of the force in my town are anti vax, MAGA supporting guys and gals which is pretty scary. I think I know 1 cop who comes in my store regular who works the district your who is about Vaccinations, will wear a mask during work etc etc. 

I do love the whole GYM people who work out hardcore who blame this on lack of health and such. They are so unaware perfectly healthy people who never get sick have died from this who were just like them. It's just insane some of the defenses and comments I've heard from the Anti vaxx anti virus crowd. But they are all about science when it comes to telling women how to use their bodies and abortions. The hypocrisy in all of this is astounding 

This sounds similar to my anti-vaccine neighbors. He is a cop and I don’t know what she does, but on 12/1 she is losing her job for not complying with her company’s vaccine mandate. She was in the hospital for 3 weeks with double pneumonia and for about a week it was really looking like she wasn’t going to make it. Glad they all pulled through, but despite their entire family being hospitalized it didn’t move the needle regarding vaccines 

Yeah hate to see it. Unfortunately people like this I don't feel sorry for losing their jobs. I have a friend who is anti vcxx, hardcore gun rights, goes to the gym very opinionated. He worked at Whole Foods as a manger and I just found out he's working at a local family owned Meat market now and was out of work for 6 months. Not sure why but I could see it being something for this. He also made comments on FB recently he wouldn't force his daughter to get vaccinated because she was scared getting it. Really? 

Another friend of my ex marine basically made a post threating to shoot people if they tried to force vaccinations on his kids. I saw and just shook my head. I don't usually report stuff but apparently someone did because last time I checked post was no longer there and he had just returned from FB jail. 

So today I wore mask part of the shift and then had it off the last part. No one said a thing store director may have walked past me 4 times and didn't notice me not wearing it or just wasn't paying attention. None of the customers seemed to care either. Tomorrow I'm just going in maskless (Put it in my pocket) and see how long it takes someone to say something.

I'm not being anti mask per say but I want to do a little experiment and see if anything gets said to me since they completely ignore a few of my co workers who don't even wear one unless someone brings it up to someone in management  

Also was out Thanksgiving eve at a local popular bar. Later afternoon I've got a sore throat right now. Hoping it's more from the yelling and talking Ive done the last few days and not coming down with anything. Everything else is fine right now. Not tired, no cough, no running nose, lack of smell or taste etc. I'll keep you guys update on this. Have work tomorrow afternoon working a night shift so if I get worse I might call out to be safe the rest of the weekend. 

Today I was more congested but no stuffy noise. Tonight I feel like I have a full blown head cold but no coughing repeatedly. A lot of sneezing. I have work at 11 tomorrow so if I'm not feeling well when I get up if I get up at 7:30 I'll call out and stay home and see how I do. Noise was a bit runny early but I also had something to eat that had some kick that could've done it 

Tomorrow I'm just going in maskless (Put it in my pocket) and see how long it takes someone to say something. I'm not being anti mask per say but I want to do a little experiment and see if anything gets said to me since they completely ignore a few of my co workers who don't even wear one unless someone brings it up to someone in management  

Today I was more congested but no stuffy noise. Tonight I feel like I have a full blown head cold but no coughing repeatedly. A lot of sneezing. I have work at 11 tomorrow so if I'm not feeling well when I get up if I get up at 7:30 I'll call out and stay home and see how I do.
Stay home. I get the desire to 'prove something' but just stick to the basics of protecting other people. The more people that do that, the better.

Today I was more congested but no stuffy noise. Tonight I feel like I have a full blown head cold but no coughing repeatedly. A lot of sneezing. I have work at 11 tomorrow so if I'm not feeling well when I get up if I get up at 7:30 I'll call out and stay home and see how I do. Noise was a bit runny early but I also had something to eat that had some kick that could've done it 
Please stay home from work and get tested for Covid.

PS - hope you are ok and feel well soon!

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Israel to ban entry of foreigners from all countries over Omicron

Israelis entering the country, including those who are vaccinated, will be required to quarantine, Bennett said.
Article doesn't say they're banning Israelis from traveling to other countries, though. And it has this extra-special add-on:

The Shin Bet domestic security agency's phone-tracking technology will be used to locate carriers of the new variant in order to curb its transmission to others, the statement said.

As someone who got boosted back In August when Moderna was giving the  100mcg... I'm RRRRREEEEEAAALLY curious to see Moderna's results from that arm of their study v Omicron-like variants. 


Today I was more congested but no stuffy noise. Tonight I feel like I have a full blown head cold but no coughing repeatedly. A lot of sneezing. I have work at 11 tomorrow so if I'm not feeling well when I get up if I get up at 7:30 I'll call out and stay home and see how I do. Noise was a bit runny early but I also had something to eat that had some kick that could've done it 
BinaxNOW. They likely sell it at your store and definitely every pharmacy. Take one. If you're negative go take a rapid PCR to be safe. Hope ya feel better. 

As someone who got boosted back In August when Moderna was giving the  100mcg... I'm RRRRREEEEEAAALLY curious to see Moderna's results from that arm of their study v Omicron-like variants. 

Same.  I noticed that they're talking about testing against high dose boosters, presumably the 100 mcg dose that we got.  Not sure if they would go bigger than that -- I definitely felt that dose.

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So today I wore mask part of the shift and then had it off the last part. No one said a thing store director may have walked past me 4 times and didn't notice me not wearing it or just wasn't paying attention. None of the customers seemed to care either. Tomorrow I'm just going in maskless (Put it in my pocket) and see how long it takes someone to say something.

I'm not being anti mask per say but I want to do a little experiment and see if anything gets said to me since they completely ignore a few of my co workers who don't even wear one unless someone brings it up to someone in management  

Today I was more congested but no stuffy noise. Tonight I feel like I have a full blown head cold but no coughing repeatedly. A lot of sneezing. I have work at 11 tomorrow so if I'm not feeling well when I get up if I get up at 7:30 I'll call out and stay home and see how I do. Noise was a bit runny early but I also had something to eat that had some kick that could've done it 
So you decided to run this little experiment while being sick. And others are the selfish ones?

Same.  I noticed that they're talking about testing against high dose boosters, presumably the 100 mcg dose that we got.  Not sure if they would go bigger than that -- I definitely felt that dose.
Replying to edit. Until everyone is given sufficient amounts of sick pay that won't happen. Then other people will take advantage of sick time like they do now

So you decided to run this little experiment while being sick. And others are the selfish ones?
yeah. he said he doesn't want to wear a mask anymore due to his "autism sensitivity issues".

a stereotype is that those on the spectrum have an empathy deficit. (some dispute it)

it's kind of uncomfortable, like seeing a cop in a donut shop.

 They skipped Xi because they didn't want to stigmatized a specific region.
Oh, we know why they skipped this one.  But this isn't there politics forum, so I'll leave that there.


This article reports very mild symptoms from omicron.  Anyone else see anything there?

A very contagious, very mild form that displaces other variants may be a good thing for the world.

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There's some good information here about what we know so far about the omicron variant (not enough yet) and what we know about previous variants (a lot). https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1464357734766284802?refresh=1638115251

First, Omicron from the reports I've seen so far does not appear to cause more severe disease than alpha or delta, it's not the Andromeda strain.

Second, while the numerous mutations in the spike protein + RBD concerning, we do not know yet if this translates into immune escape.
Fourth, therefore our worst global COVID variants are those which are highly transmissible, alpha, later outcompeted by delta. So the big question is whether Omicron can outcompete Delta, and we'll know more in the coming week(s).
Finally, remember that Omicron like Alpha/Delta arose from an unvaccinated population. Had G7 leaders committed to vaccinating the African continent we would not be having this discussion.

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