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Official Donald Trump for President thread (3 Viewers)

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The republicans impeached her husband. Then the clintons turned public opinion against them and rubbed their noses in it. I highly doubt the republicans in congress will ever work with her. Too much bad blood. 
Yeah she's gonna a tough time working with Dennis Hastert, Bob Livingston, Henry Hyde and the rest of the impeachment gang.

I know I say this all the time, but your low-key nonsense really is the best. Plays so much better than angry nonsense.  The rest of the Facebook crew should be taking notes :thumbup:

The democrat party overreached when it went for gun control, healthcare and gay marriage all at once. Those issues play well among democrats but democrats are packed like sardines in the cities. That means they win the white house but republicans have a record majority in the house. They need a party plaform that better represents all of america and not just urban voters. The tent is just too small. It might get smaller if hillary pushes the supreme court left and the new court starts overeaching on even more issues. 

sorry, I'll use smaller words and spell it out for the Trumpies.

If Trump was just a typical poor candidate, I would be voting 3rd party becasue I really don't think Hillary is fit to be president and I don't want to vote for her, but the country would be fine either way.  We have survived bad presidents before, we will survive bad presidents again.  However, I believe that Trump would do massive damage to our country in terms of foreign relations, economics, race relations, pretty much any dimension you would measure a president by.  Therefore, I have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary - just to do everything I can to prevent a Trump presidency.
Exactly. Hillary may very well be a bad president but at the end of the day (or four years) we can survive that. This country has survived bad presidents before. I'm not sure this country can survive what Trump would do. I'm voting Hillary not because I believe in her but because it's the primary way to avoid Trump getting into the White House. Four years from now hopefully there's a stronger candidate who can defeat her and push this country into a more forward thinking position. But for now, this is where we're at so this is what we need to do in my opinion.  

The democrat party overreached when it went for gun control, healthcare and gay marriage all at once. Those issues play well among democrats but democrats are packed like sardines in the cities. That means they win the white house but republicans have a record majority in the house. They need a party plaform that better represents all of america and not just urban voters. The tent is just too small. It might get smaller if hillary pushes the supreme court left and the new court starts overeaching on even more issues. 
What major gun control was pushed?

Healthcare i agree...though, they underreached after obstruction. 

Overreach on gay marriage? How so?  Again,that is the country shifting left, not the party.

What will probably happen is hillary gives us a democrat supreme court, they make a couple rulings and the republicans run to the rural areas and complain about it all and the republicans win big in 2018.

Republicans are much better at getting the vote out in non-presidential elections. It's a serious weakness for the Democrats.
Also the timing went perfectly for them. In 2010 they had a wave of support thanks to the angry Tea Party folks and the fact that the economy was still in recession.  So they swept into majorities just in time to receive the 2010 Census information for redistricting, which then allowed them to shape state districts to their advantage (same as they did with the federal ones at the same time). It was really a perfect storm for them.

BTW I'm a little concerned the same thing might happen in four years. Dems will likely make some gains at the state level this year, but if Clinton wins she will likely be an unpopular president that will galvanize opposition in 2018 and more importantly in 2020, right before the next census is completed and delivered.  If the GOP can pull its head out of its posterior, stop kowtowing to nationalists, conspiracy theorists and nutjobs and nominate a candidate that embraces immigration reform in 2020, the whole thing could repeat itself.  It will help that the modern Dems always do better in presidential election years though.

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Republicans are much better at getting the vote out in non-presidential elections. It's a serious weakness for the Democrats.
I also believe that the Republican economic mantras of lower taxes and lower spending are more attractive on a state level- and unlike in Washington, GOP governors actually DO cut spending. 

As a Trump supporter what I find humerous are articles like this from CNN

CNN Poll

it is almost like CNN decided wow we have been running Trump hit pieces non-stop and we are worried that people will actually believe all of them, think Clinton has this in the bag and not turn out in numbers we need.  We better manufacture drama and fear for ratings sake.
Yeah I was watching John King on CNN last night with his little map and I was laughing thinking about how they were oooh'ing and ahhh'ing over key counties in key states when we're being told that it's a blowout. CNN was the same network that had Cohen being raked for the 'Who says?' comment just a day before and now it's, 'gosh which way will Fairfield County fall?' They want a horse race, they all want a horse race.

Republicans are much better at getting the vote out in non-presidential elections. It's a serious weakness for the Democrats.
Old folks.  They vote, it's what they do.  

This is true all the way down the line, to the smallest town vote.  

Quick story:  My mother worked at a public elementary school in a small town, it was an assistant teaching gig, like a volunteer helping with kids.  The town is lower middle class, lot of poor white trash, lot of bad tattoos, lot of former Oxy, now heroin addicts.  Point is, it's not the kind of place where parents with young kids are attending every council meeting.  No youth lacrosse in this town.  

The state of Massachusetts had a deal with the town, I am fuzzy on the details, but the gist is that the state would match funds for a new school.  The school was desperately needed, the old one had been built in the 50's, classes were crowded, it was a mess.  It was a home run, ad was as good a deal as the town could ever imagine getting for a new school.  There was a vote before the town, and it involved some money being earmarked for the school.  

The vote lost.  Every old ####er in that town voted, because as my mom put it, what else they have to do with their day?  They stroll down there, vote against anything that doesn't personally make their own life better, stroll back home, take 27 pills to stay alive another day, turn on FoxNews, and make plans for the next vote.  

It's no excuse for young voter apathy, #### young people that don't vote, and don't get involved, but for realz:  #### old people.  

Yeah I was watching John King on CNN last night with his little map and I was laughing thinking about how they were oooh'ing and ahhh'ing over key counties in key states when we're being told that it's a blowout. CNN was the same network that had Cohen being raked for the 'Who says?' comment just a day before and now it's, 'gosh which way will Fairfield County fall?' They want a horse race, they all want a horse race.
That hunger for ratings will help the turnout, hopefully, so that's a good thing.  

I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole last night, watching various FoxNews greatest hits from the 2012 election.  I never saw a lot of it.  **** Cheney meltdown was so great.  

The reason those things make Trump win is that we're at the point in the political cycle where voters are increasingly suspicious that the left has no ideas and will try to call the GOP nominee crazy, regardless of who it is.  Modern voters saw the left use these tactics with Bush and Palin.  It worked, but now voters do NOT want to see democrats go to that well again.  if they try, they will actually start voting for Trump. 

I do not think they understand that at all.  Trump is baiting them right into it, too.  Hillary is a getting a bump from becoming the nominee but it will fade if they keep this up.
Hey, man, I think Riversco said this already.  

I didn't really believe him either.  What are we talking about, sympathy votes because people are too meant o Trump?  I dunno.

At some point, it's just calling a spade a spade.  Palin was/is a joke, and she is freaking Thomas Jefferson compared to this joker.  

This is how Trump wins:  

1.  the left go into hysterics and say Trump will start WW3 if elected.

2.  the left call Trump a bigot.

3.  the left attack him every single time as having no credibility on every issue.

If they do those things, Trump wins.  I'm floored that the left cannot understand that.

The reason those things make Trump win is that we're at the point in the political cycle where voters are increasingly suspicious that the left has no ideas and will try to call the GOP nominee crazy, regardless of who it is.  Modern voters saw the left use these tactics with Bush and Palin.  It worked, but now voters do NOT want to see democrats go to that well again.  if they try, they will actually start voting for Trump. 

I do not think they understand that at all.  Trump is baiting them right into it, too.  Hillary is a getting a bump from becoming the nominee but it will fade if they keep this up.
It's starting to feel like a tv show again. Is it a tv show?

I guess it would be pretty funny if Trump all of a sudden became Mr. Responsible Policy Man with no miscues and just read from the script. I think from the beginning people have acknowledged there's some kernel of several legitimate social issues at the base of Trump (and Sanders btw) but with Trump as we all know he does not have the capacity to elucidate or understand those forces himself and he may even be contemptuous of them internally. So like it has been all along while this may all be true about legitimate societal forces being at play it doesn't matter because it's the wrong guy at the tip of the spear: Trump.

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I think Trump can win if he changes his tune and acts like a decent human being for three months. Im not sure he is capable, but the chance exists IMO.

Not this democrat party.  The democrat party has shifted far to the left since 2008.  There are now large sections of the nation that will never vote for the democrats and their current platform.  The democrats are going to have to shift to the right quite a bit to take the House. 

Before Obama won in 2008, people who loved guns and hated the idea of public health care really didn't feel threatened by the democrat party.  They do now.  Those voters are lost and because of that, the House is permanently in the hands of the GOP.  To win the house in the next 4 years, the democrats would need to reverse course on some major issue like guns, or health care, or abortion, etc.  That won't happen.
People were worried Obama would take their guns from the start. ..he campaigned in health care reform.

Saying before he was elected people didnt fear.....BS, the whole negative campaign against him was largely the fear of those 2 things.

Major shift left since then? It still makes me laugh that people think this.  The country has shifted left socially...i dont think the democratic party has shifted left at all.
Agree.  Comparatively speaking, the Democratic party in 2016 seems less left of the people than in 2009 D.

There are liberals in the Democratic party but the party itself certainly is not super liberal compared to what you'd see in other countries.  @Northern Voice explained this pretty well in his post about Canadian political parties.

Palin makes more sense now in retrospect because of Trump. It's 2008 hey let's wrap this demo into the race via the VP pick and her rallies where she throws scraps of red meat all over the place. But the politicos could not control her mouth or shallowness. So, problem for the bigger audience they were really trying to reach. Turns out you can't compartmentalize it. You can't appeal to this group and that group at the same time. But now I get it. The professional consultants saw this demographic out there back then and thought they could control them. Well surprise, they woke a beast and now the dog they were whistling to is off the chain and in the front yard.

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I watched Steve Bannon's excellent movie about Palin, called Undefeated. Highly recommended. Palin is the most transcendent female in political life since Eleanor Roosevelt. Maybe even since Betsy Ross or Sacajawea or Harriett Tubman. Palin's face should be on currency. 
I might be losing track of what is real and what shtick. If this is straight up, ok sounds interesting but if Palin was going to be transcendent for the GOP they should have left her in the AK statehouse to marinate and improve. Instead they threw her into the arena, she went bonkers from the pressure and then quickly became a media hound with a personal agenda - just like Trump. In the end she abandoned making AK a better place, so fundamentally she was screwed up and the whole image was false. If the GOP wants to be better they need to pick good people.

I think Trump can win if he changes his tune and acts like a decent human being for three months. Im not sure he is capable, but the chance exists IMO.
Maybe, or it could be too late.  Everybody already knows who/what he really is.  It's not like he's some unknown climbing onto the big stage.  If he manages to put on an act for three months, he might get a lot of praise from establishment GOPers and media, but I'm not sure the voters will be fooled.

Maybe, or it could be too late.  Everybody already knows who/what he really is.  It's not like he's some unknown climbing onto the big stage.  If he manages to put on an act for three months, he might get a lot of praise from establishment GOPers and media, but I'm not sure the voters will be fooled.
Combined with this barrage of anti-Hillary advertisements and Trump has got a pulse.


Maybe, or it could be too late.  Everybody already knows who/what he really is.  It's not like he's some unknown climbing onto the big stage.  If he manages to put on an act for three months, he might get a lot of praise from establishment GOPers and media, but I'm not sure the voters will be fooled.
It's too late, I agree. He's said too much crazy stuff that he can't take back.

And it's probably a bigger problem that he's completely incapable of discussing policy in any meaningful way.

It's too late, I agree. He's said too much crazy stuff that he can't take back.

And it's probably a bigger problem that he's completely incapable of discussing policy in any meaningful way.
Says who? I see narrowing polls. Trump can debate policy with the best of them.

The media just chooses to focus on his rhetoric and not his substance.

Combined with this barrage of anti-Hillary advertisements and Trump has got a pulse.

He's facing someone that a majority of the population think is abhorrent and she will come across like fingernails on a chalkboard in debates.  If he tones it down he will be fine. 

In terms of Congress, I think Hillary has much better persuasion skills than Obama does. 
I absolutely agree.  Obama never learned to play hardball - he tried to romance the Republicans from the beginning, but they had already decided to stonewall everything he tried.  Hillary won't make the same mistake of thinking she can just persuade - she knows how to play hardball and will.

Combined with this barrage of anti-Hillary advertisements and Trump has got a pulse.

I hate to say this but Em is right here.  That Pew poll should be a jolt for the good guys, as is the fact that Trump has now lowered the bar for himself so much that simply acting like a semi-decent human being could give him a bump.  Also there's so much abnormal stuff in play in this election that I'm not sure information about polling for past elections at various points is all that instructive. This isn't over yet.  There are two factors working in Clinton's favor- ground game and the fact that she should be able to crush and expose him in the debates- but pretty much everything else from here on it will work in Trump's favor since he's lowered the bar so much.

First thing to watch IMO will be if the media starts reporting positively on his "pivot" instead of calling him out on all the contradictions between his statements of tolerance yesterday and his past statements of intolerance (eg expressing support for the gay community after saying he'd nominate justices who would overturn Obergefell).

He's facing someone that a majority of the population think is abhorrent and she will come across like fingernails on a chalkboard in debates.  If he tones it down he will be fine. 
How many times can we read the same statement in a calender year?

Everything people have learned from him since his little escalator ride is that everything we thought we knew was much worse.  Much, much worse.  

He is going to embarrass himself at the debates.  He's going to say some terrible thing that would get cheers at his rally, and look around waiting for cheers.  It's going to be painful.  Three of these?  Oh my lord.  

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Funny thing is, Manafort was a fixer, a pragmatic political operative.  He had a pretty good idea what Trump is supposed to be doing.  

Now, the Breitbart loons are running things.  

If people are waiting for Trump to 'tone it down', I think you better hold on tight.  

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How many times can we read the same statement in a calender year?

Everything people have learned from him since his little escalator ride is that everything we thought we knew was much worse.  Much, much worse.  

He is going to embarrass himself at the debates.  He's going to say some terrible thing that would get cheers at his rally, and look around waiting for cheers.  It's going to be painful.  Three of these?  Oh my lord.  
The desperate clinging to the debates is the best schtick yet from the Trumpkins IMO. Then again, they might not actually know that name calling and rambling incoherence isn't an effective strategy to win independent voters.

I think there is a LOT more to the Manafort/Russia/Ukraine story. Trump is trying to get rid of his stink as soon and as fast as he can.

The Trump campaign has been nothing but steadfast and stable, with personnel working in unison with Trump to develop and implement an unwavering winning strategy.  This should build confidence among supporters that a Trump presidency will be equally stable and goal oriented.  

Oh, wait.  It's the exact opposite of that.  

Funny thing is, Manafort was a fixer, a pragmatic political operative.  He had a pretty good idea what Trump is supposed to be doing.  

Now, the Breitbart loons are running things.  

If people are waiting for Trump to 'tone it down', I think you better hold on tight.  
Then I think there is going to be a big clash between Bannon and Conway soon. She is the one who got him to do the "regret" speech. I imagine Bannon was  :angry:  and  :rolleyes:  when Trump was giving that speech.

I think there is a LOT more to the Manafort/Russia/Ukraine story. Trump is trying to get rid of his stink as soon and as fast as he can.
It is for the best that Manafort resigned, but isn't the damage done?  

I mean, unles Trump comes out with some brutal disavowing statement, saying he had no idea of the ties, and he's angry he didn't know, and he completely kills Manafort publicly, which I think he'll NEVER do, it's just damage control.  

I think Trump is pissed he had to lose Manafort, and doesn't see anything wrong with what Manafort was doing at all.  

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