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Official Donald Trump for President thread (1 Viewer)

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Not this democrat party.  The democrat party has shifted far to the left since 2008.  There are now large sections of the nation that will never vote for the democrats and their current platform.  The democrats are going to have to shift to the right quite a bit to take the House. 

Before Obama won in 2008, people who loved guns and hated the idea of public health care really didn't feel threatened by the democrat party.  They do now.  Those voters are lost and because of that, the House is permanently in the hands of the GOP.  To win the house in the next 4 years, the democrats would need to reverse course on some major issue like guns, or health care, or abortion, etc.  That won't happen.

I lot of voters in this country would prefer to see health care burn before giving their vote to a democrat to make a bigger public health care program.  You have lost that before you started.
You're delusional if you think the rural areas, where guns are good and immigrants are bad, are ever again going to take the day at the ballot at the national level. This answers the state office holders question above too. "Well then how come MS, AL, LA, AR etc. all have Republican state office holders?"  :lmao:

The desperate clinging to the debates is the best schtick yet from the Trumpkins IMO. Then again, they might not actually know that name calling and rambling incoherence isn't an effective strategy to win independent voters.
Or a debate. This is going to be shockingly bad, like can't turn away but cringing bad, for my boy the Don.

Or a debate. This is going to be shockingly bad, like can't turn away but cringing bad, for my boy the Don.
Was referring to the debates -- which are much more strictly moderated than the circuses The Republicans put on in the primary. No audience response is allowed; Trump is going to babble out some gibberish that ends with a "crooked Hillary" punchline, wait for the cheers, and just get get :crickets: -- Hillary is going to tie him in knots on every policy point. It's going to be abject humiliation.

OK someone decode this for me. Trump is now turning softer on his tone, shown by his most recent speech inwhich he said he regrets some of the things he has said. BUT the two new guys hired just recently are known for their bad right rhetoric. Manafort resigns and he was the one supposedly trying to soften Trump.  Very weird.   

Isn't this the second "resignation" of the head of The Donald's campaign in like 3 or 4 months?  And people out still think he has any semblance of good judgement?  With all his talk of the "best" people, the "brightest" people, all he's done is fire the very people he's chosen to run his campaign.

Yet he'll still get at least 40% of the popular vote.   :doh:

Major shift left since then? It still makes me laugh that people think this.  The country has shifted left socially...i dont think the democratic party has shifted left at all.
Correct - The political parties have stayed in the same place and only reluctantly followed what the people of the country have done.  The lack of leadership from the Democrats on social issues has been shameful

Was referring to the debates -- which are much more strictly moderated than the circuses The Republicans put on in the primary. No audience response is allowed; Trump is going to babble out some gibberish that ends with a "crooked Hillary" punchline, wait for the cheers, and just get get :crickets: -- Hillary is going to tie him in knots on every policy point. It's going to be abject humiliation.
I think the biggest thing Hillary needs to avoid is coming across like a smug condescending #####. Because she's clearly far more intelligent and she's going to dropkick him across the stage like the lifeless dummy he is. But how she comes across to those watching at home will be critical. Right or wrong, women in power are often seen as cold, cruel #####es. That's just the way it is. If she comes across as too cold and cruel when she's dominating him it could hurt her. So while she needs to destroy him I think she needs to be careful how she does it. Just stick to the facts and don't get too smug. That may not be easy to do to because the easy impulse will be to smash him to a pulp once he starts in with all the lies and BS which he's almost certainly going to do because you know he won't be able to help or stop himself.  

Putin can't be happy with this news. I wonder who he will get to do his lifting in the campaign now - I guess Rick Gates is next in line unless he is resigning also.

Actually Gov. Edwards told Trump to stay away unless he was going to volunteer. That is why Obama stayed away until it calms down a bit

The office of Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signaled that Donald Trump is welcome to visit Louisiana in the wake of destructive flooding, but only if he does not use it for political gain.

"Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit," a spokesman for Edwards' office said in a statement Thursday evening. "We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm."


Edwards, a Democrat, also said Thursday night that he would prefer that Obama wait at least a week to visit.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Friday called the visit of the Republican nominee and running mate Gov. Mike Pence "presidential" and "a decidedly nonpolitical event, no press allowed, going to help people on the ground who are in need."

I think the biggest thing Hillary needs to avoid is coming across like a smug condescending #####. Because she's clearly far more intelligent and she's going to dropkick him across the stage like the lifeless dummy he is. But how she comes across to those watching at home will be critical. Right or wrong, women in power are often seen as cold, cruel #####es. That's just the way it is. If she comes across as too cold and cruel when she's dominating him it could hurt her. So while she needs to destroy him I think she needs to be careful how she does it. Just stick to the facts and don't get too smug. That may not be easy to do to because the easy impulse will be to smash him to a pulp once he starts in with all the lies and BS which he's almost certainly going to do because you know he won't be able to help or stop himself.  
Agree -- although provoking him into saying something truly awful (like, say, calling her a c___ or something, which is probably well within the realm of possibility) might be pretty legit too. At the end of the day, she's so far ahead that she really just needs to hold par, so playing it safe and just calmly showing how much smarter she is the right play.

Isn't this the second "resignation" of the head of The Donald's campaign in like 3 or 4 months?  And people out still think he has any semblance of good judgement?  With all his talk of the "best" people, the "brightest" people, all he's done is fire the very people he's chosen to run his campaign.

Yet he'll still get at least 40% of the popular vote.   :doh:
True, but to be fair a lot of people hate Hillary, and rightfully so, and will vote for Trump just based on this fact. I can't blame that POV, especially if they aren't that familiar with Trump. On the surface, he's an outsider, a businessman, and a well known figure. 

This is how Trump wins:  

1.  the left go into hysterics and say Trump will start WW3 if elected.

2.  the left call Trump a bigot.

3.  the left attack him every single time as having no credibility on every issue.

If they do those things, Trump wins.  I'm floored that the left cannot understand that.
I believe this was Riversco's theory a month or more ago.

It doesn't make any more sense with the passage of time

Putin can't be happy with this news. I wonder who he will get to do his lifting in the campaign now - I guess Rick Gates is next in line unless he is resigning also.
It'll be tough for him to find someone with some influence on Trump.  He may have to roll all the way over in his bed to find someone.  

A really good move would have been to very publicly donate a nice chunk of personal $$$ to the relief effort.
Yeah, according to the financial records from "The Apprentice", Donald doesn't actually donate money out of his own pocket. He *says* he will but he makes someone else do it.

It's the position that in my opinion that defies all logic and common sense. No amount of hatred for Hillary should lead one to vote for Trump. Just suck it up for four years.  
I don't fault anyone for voting for Gary Johnson -- that's what the vast majority of my conservative-leaning family and friends are doing.

True, but to be fair a lot of people hate Hillary, and rightfully so, and will vote for Trump just based on this fact. I can't blame that POV, especially if they aren't that familiar with Trump. On the surface, he's an outsider, a businessman, and a well known figure. 

Hate her enough to elect a buffoon?  I guess.
Well it does seem to be a bit more than hatred for just Hillary. It's also hatred for Obama, immigrants, Muslims, other races, those that want some restrictions on arms sales (they're coming for the guns!). A popular refrain at the Trump rallies is "I love me this hate", or something to that effect. Sad, really.

Yeah, according to the financial records from "The Apprentice", Donald doesn't actually donate money out of his own pocket. He *says* he will but he makes someone else do it.
Yeah, no way he'd do it IMO, but that would generate a ton of goodwill for him. "The best thing I can do is stay out of the way, but here is a million dollars to help the families that need it most." Even the most virulent of the haters would have to give him some credit for something like that; I would.

Well it does seem to be a bit more than hatred for just Hillary. It's also hatred for Obama, immigrants, Muslims, other races, those that want some restrictions on arms sales (they're coming for the guns!). A popular refrain at the Trump rallies is "I love me this hate", or something to that effect. Sad, really.
They are gonna hate no matter what.  Hillary is a great target, but Obama was not, and they found plenty of hate for him.  

Yeah, no way he'd do it IMO, but that would generate a ton of goodwill for him. "The best thing I can do is stay out of the way, but here is a million dollars to help the families that need it most." Even the most virulent of the haters would have to give him some credit for something like that; I would.

He had that kind of opportunity with the veterans groups before, right? He had to be dragged and publicly shamed to follow through with that irrc.

Yeah, no way he'd do it IMO, but that would generate a ton of goodwill for him. "The best thing I can do is stay out of the way, but here is a million dollars to help the families that need it most." Even the most virulent of the haters would have to give him some credit for something like that; I would.
Are we sure he can afford it?

Well it does seem to be a bit more than hatred for just Hillary. It's also hatred for Obama, immigrants, Muslims, other races, those that want some restrictions on arms sales (they're coming for the guns!). A popular refrain at the Trump rallies is "I love me this hate", or something to that effect. Sad, really.
Hatred of non-whites / Christians has been the glue that holds the Trumpkins together since day one. It's really been the only consistent theme of his campaign.

I don't fault anyone for voting for Gary Johnson -- that's what the vast majority of my conservative-leaning family and friends are doing.
Yeah but he has no realistic chance of winning so wouldn't that be a wasted vote? Realistically, the next President is going to be either Clinton or Trump. So I'm voting for one of them and I'm absolutely under no circumstances voting for Trump. So that leaves one other option.

Yeah but he has no realistic chance of winning so wouldn't that be a wasted vote? Realistically, the next President is going to be either Clinton or Trump. So I'm voting for one of them and I'm absolutely under no circumstances voting for Trump. So that leaves one other option.
I don't think it's a wasted vote, but others certainly do. I can see both sides, but IMO a much higher than usual number of 3rd party votes has the potential to send a message even if there's no chance of winning.

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