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Official Donald Trump for President thread (3 Viewers)

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Look, LBJ beat Goldwater by a historic margin, and Nixon beat McGovern by a historic margin, and neither fact helped LBJ or Nixon in the eyes of history. 

No matter how much Hillary wind by she will be evaluated for how well she performs as President. 
well yeah.  The problem is the incoming president will consider a landslide victory to be a mandate, and will use that to implement some sort of distasteful reform (aka Obummercare).

That's why, I guess, it's good the R's will still have the house.

I don't know if it will happen during the debates, but CNN has started fact-checking Trump in real time as he speaks. He'll say something false, and the caption underneath will say: "Trump says so-and-so (which is FALSE)." I don't remember where I read that, but I remember the article kept using the word "chyron," which I had to look up.
I would in favor of requiring those checks to run during all Trump    political commercials


this place has become low rent copies of Squistion's schtick
First time you have been heard from since refusing to answer questions about Mark Foley sitting prominently behind Trump in the VIP section at Trump's rally after trashing Hillary for having the Orlando shooter's father behind her at her rally. Instead you talked to Tim about the Hamilton play as a deflection.

Once again, how do you feel about Trump having a predator of teenage boys behind him at his rally that he has refused to denounce?  If you can't answer perhaps we can hear from MOP, who also avoided the question.

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:lmao:  JFC!! Gasping over here...Yeah no, he doesn't want to win at all, I'm convinced of it.

I can't even believe that's a real ad. Holy crap. This is honestly better than the Onion because somehow it's ####### real.
What's wrong with that ad? It's all true, criminals come in from Mexico and are allowed to stay after committing crimes.

Poor Kate would still be alive if President Trump was around 4 years ago.

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Agreed Tim and this is what pisses me off most of all. We do have good solutions coming from both sides of the aisle. But we have two candidates that do nothing but make everyone hate/fear their respective parties. This should be a time of healthy debate and instead it feels like one long really bad SNL sketch. But who cares, those inner city blacks will still be there whenever we get around to actually doing something.
The Republican party cannot actively woo minorities because it will drive away their base.

I don't know if it will happen during the debates, but CNN has started fact-checking Trump in real time as he speaks. He'll say something false, and the caption underneath will say: "Trump says so-and-so (which is FALSE)." I don't remember where I read that, but I remember the article kept using the word "chyron," which I had to look up.
I think they're doing in to Clinton as well.

By looking at the Tweets, I don't know how to tell which ones were sent from an iPhone and which were sent from an Android device. Apparently Trump uses Android and his staff uses iPhones, so you can tell which Tweets are from Trump himself.

I'm guessing the one Righetti quoted was from an iPhone and the one badmojo1006 was from an Android device -- as was this more recent one.
#wheresHillary Sleeping!!!!!
Yeah, see if he really was pivoting, he would have gone with 3 exclamation points, not 5

The Republican party cannot actively woo minorities because it will drive away their base.
That's wrong.  Time is on the republican's side.  1st and 2nd generation Americans trend far to the left.  3rd generation Americans and beyond trend further and further to the right.  2nd generation immigrants are a pretty big group for the moment, but eventually they will give way to the 3rd generation.  The republican goal should be to just tie government's hands as much as they can for the next couple decades until they get through this.  

In the USA TODAY survey, Latino registered voters who immigrated say by almost 5-to-1 that the government should do more to solve our country's problems (a generally liberal view) rather than saying the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses (a generally conservative view).

Among registered Hispanic voters who are the U.S.-born children of immigrants, that ratio narrows to nearly 2-1.

And among those whose parents were born in the U.S., the split is about even.

yeah river but you assume that every older genertion will be like the current get off my lawn generation that grew up in an era of hate bigotry and fear and hey guess what the guy coming in that will be that older generation have not been raised on that bad medicine brohan take that to the bank brohan 

yeah river but you assume that every older genertion will be like the current get off my lawn generation that grew up in an era of hate bigotry and fear and hey guess what the guy coming in that will be that older generation have not been raised on that bad medicine brohan take that to the bank brohan 
I don't know about hate bigotry and fear but when it comes to the question the value of government intervention I think its a safe bet to assume the nation will move further right in the coming years.  Unless we completely open the floodgates and let 3x as many immigrants in then we currently do.

The awesomeness of that can not be understated
That made Mayberry, RFD look like a Google board meeting (Gooble?).

The woman was classic who thought another woman president would start a war in 10 seconds due to hormones/hot flashes - "But haven't men started pretty much all wars?"

"That's great, you don't even recognize the irony."

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I don't know about hate bigotry and fear but when it comes to the question the value of government intervention I think its a safe bet to assume the nation will move further right in the coming years. Unless we completely open the floodgates and let 3x as many immigrants in then we currently do.
Trump and Sanders are both for government intervention in a big way and spearheaded populist movements. I don't understand how you can say it's safe to assume that trend.

That's wrong.  Time is on the republican's side.  1st and 2nd generation Americans trend far to the left.  3rd generation Americans and beyond trend further and further to the right.  2nd generation immigrants are a pretty big group for the moment, but eventually they will give way to the 3rd generation.  The republican goal should be to just tie government's hands as much as they can for the next couple decades until they get through this.  
So you're saying most African Americans have been here less than three generations?


Charles Johnson@Green_Footballs 52m52 minutes ago

Trump adviser Jack Kingston: black voters would have liked "a backdrop with a burning car" http://lgf.bz/2bp67se pic.twitter.com/V8l3ygBzPm
This guy has lost his ####. He's been on Bill Maher's panel a bunch and usually comes off a sane. His last visit however was a complete debacle, he's an unapologetic Trump supporter.

Check out this interview with Joy Reid today. The dumb look on his face is ####### priceless.  :lmao:

By looking at the Tweets, I don't know how to tell which ones were sent from an iPhone and which were sent from an Android device. Apparently Trump uses Android and his staff uses iPhones, so you can tell which Tweets are from Trump himself.

I'm guessing the one Righetti quoted was from an iPhone and the one badmojo1006 was from an Android device -- as was this more recent one.

A friend of my who I work with is the one who noticed the iPhone vs. Android thing and posted it on twitter (or FaceBook or somewhere) and it got some legs in the media for a couple of days. Cool :)


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I don't think any of us could have predicted all this craziness. And it just keeps getting weirder. Truth really is stranger than fiction. 

Next AA-targeted ad based around the following famous theme song.


Who's the black private ****
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right
Who is the man
That would risk his neck for his brother man?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's danger all about
Right on
You see this cat Trump is a bad mother
(Shut your mouth)
But I'm talkin' about Trump
(Then we can dig it)
He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman

I agree with trying to make Trump lose by as much as humanly possible, and I'm considering voting for Hillary instead of Gary Johnson for that reason -- even though I'm predisposed to voting Libertarian in general, Johnson is the best candidate the Libertarian Party has ever nominated, IMO, and the two major-party candidates are the worst in my lifetime (maybe ever). Everything seems lined up to obligate me to vote for Johnson. Nonetheless, I'm giving serious thought to passing on a candidate I like (Johnson) in order to vote for a candidate I dislike (Clinton) just because I want Trump to get trounced by a truly historic margin, and I want to be a part of that trouncing.

The problem is that if Trump loses by a truly historic margin, that means Hillary must win by a truly historic margin, and I don't know how to prevent people from mistaking the first phenomenon for the second.
He needs to lose in historic fashion, people will understand it's more about him and not Hillary.

If she turns out as bad she'll be gone in four years. She will not be some radical in office. Everything her and Bill do is somewhat constructed by popular opinion - or so is often repeated by her critics.

So much of how people vote is based on image, body language, and character. Obama, the "Obama Cool" was a major part of what made him seem like a rock in the storm when the Financial System collapsed during the 07 campaign. While this election will go down in history as the most entertaining of all time, the collapse of the global financial system in the middle of a campaign will rarely be matched from an earth shaking perspective.

And this is why "new Trump" should be frightening.

Trump is already trending upwards, and is within 4 of Pew and 2 for USC/LA Times. The biggest knock on him is that he's a "crazy racist" and that's he negative and "dark". All he needs to do, is to hold it together for 80 days, while having moments of Trumpism to fire up the base, and he can hook many of those Johnson/Stein/Undecided voters who have no emotional attachment to Hillary.

His message about a Rigged System, Jobs, Border Protection, Political Correctness, and Terrorism are still strong, it's just the jury is out on him. All he needs to do is to keep it together for 80 days.

And that doesn't even count the debates. If I was a Hillary supporter, I would be horrified that Trump's basement low expectations will give him the BClinton/GWB/Obama push up as they all went in as the underdog, and that expectation leveler will make Trump look like a winner just for showing up. And Trump is a reality TB billionaire who made his wealth off branding and construction. This is a guy who ripped through 16 other candidates in some intense and rigged debates. I have people on my Facebook feed and on various message boards think thing Trump is going to rage off the handle and say racist things.

I think a lot of people are hurting Hillary with their expectations.

So much of how people vote is based on image, body language, and character. Obama, the "Obama Cool" was a major part of what made him seem like a rock in the storm when the Financial System collapsed during the 07 campaign. While this election will go down in history as the most entertaining of all time, the collapse of the global financial system in the middle of a campaign will rarely be matched from an earth shaking perspective.

And this is why "new Trump" should be frightening.

Trump is already trending upwards, and is within 4 of Pew and 2 for USC/LA Times. The biggest knock on him is that he's a "crazy racist" and that's he negative and "dark". All he needs to do, is to hold it together for 80 days, while having moments of Trumpism to fire up the base, and he can hook many of those Johnson/Stein/Undecided voters who have no emotional attachment to Hillary.

His message about a Rigged System, Jobs, Border Protection, Political Correctness, and Terrorism are still strong, it's just the jury is out on him. All he needs to do is to keep it together for 80 days.

And that doesn't even count the debates. If I was a Hillary supporter, I would be horrified that Trump's basement low expectations will give him the BClinton/GWB/Obama push up as they all went in as the underdog, and that expectation leveler will make Trump look like a winner just for showing up. And Trump is a reality TB billionaire who made his wealth off branding and construction. This is a guy who ripped through 16 other candidates in some intense and rigged debates. I have people on my Facebook feed and on various message boards think thing Trump is going to rage off the handle and say racist things.

I think a lot of people are hurting Hillary with their expectations.
Regarding polls he's behind in pretty much every battle state, pretty significantly in some. Can't believe it is even this close but odds are looking pretty long for him. 

Something could certainly occur that helps him gain momentum but he's crapped the bed now multiple times over the past month or so hopefully people have seen enough off his really awful act. 

A tiger doesn't change its spots. Trump being different for 80 days shouldn't take away what he has said to this point. It'll be a sham of a person if he does "change" and people believe it. I don't see the American public being that gullible/stupid. 

Trump and Sanders are both for government intervention in a big way and spearheaded populist movements. I don't understand how you can say it's safe to assume that trend.
I just posted a study that shows 3rd generation Americans and later are actually split between saying government is the problem or the solution. In 2016 California, there is a large population of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants and those groups largely agree that government is the solution.  As they age and die off they get replaced by 3rd generation americans that move to the right on that question.

In 2066, the latinos in California will be 3rd generation.  They will be split on the idea of government being the solution or the problem.  Meanwhile California whites will be overwhelmingly in the republican camp.  California will be a red state.  

Democrats want to believe that their ideas are winning and the future belongs to them.  What's really happening is they have a temporary bubble of voters thanks to the large number of the 1st and 2nd generation Americans, and that won't last.

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