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Official Donald Trump for President thread (1 Viewer)

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I absolutely question the efficacy of that approach, even It provides you with some momentary satisfaction.
It's really hard to have any productive dialogue with people so far removed from reality. They deny basic science, believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim, believe the Clintons murder for political gain, etc -- there's literally no common ground because they're off on Pluto.

I think you guys are confusing Trump supporters with hardcore Christians.

Trump supporters don't give a #### about the nonsense issues/distractions that the uniparty wants everyone to get horny over while they line their pockets and bankrupt the country.

And Trump supporters do not hate anybody. If you have been paying attention you would know that it is the left that has brought violence, intolerance, and censorship to this election cycle.

My recommendation would be to stop getting your news and ideas from sources like Vox and Huffpo. They are no better than the white supremacist websites.

It's really hard to have any productive dialogue with people so far removed from reality. They deny basic science, believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim, believe the Clintons murder for political gain, etc -- there's literally no common ground because they're off on Pluto.
I agree with this. It is really hard, if not impossible. You can attempt, but if you fail, are you entitled to sink to their level?

I agree with this. It is really hard, if not impossible. You can attempt, but if you fail, are you entitled to sink to their level?
Well, I fully believe that some things are so wrong that they must be confronted and actively fought against using all means necessary. Bigotry is one of those things. I call it out if I see it in the B & M world, so why wouldn't I do so on an internet forum?

Being hated for taking the high road, championing the underdog or downtrodden is a good thing.

Being hated because you are mean to someone (anyone), not so much
We are totally defining hatred differently.  if someone want to hate me because I will not acquiesce to their religion or discriminatory practices then the problem lies within them no I.

Maybe tonight after I read your posts I will have a different opinion. 

Respect is a to way street and I do not see much respect coming from the other side. I don't think we have to ask for a place at the table and when the invitation was very very late in coming we decided to make our on table - now it seems you want to place at our table.

Trump should continue the "Pay for play" angle with the Clinton Foundation / Secretary of State shenanigans.  It's an easy soundbite for people to pick up on, so the low information types won't lose interest quickly.  It's an attack that has teeth, and may actually get the media to report on the existence of "special prosecutors" (they've conveniently forgotten about them during the Obama regime).

Also, both Clinton and Trump have nutjobs that support them.  I don't base all of Clinton's supporters on her lunatics, and I think it's unfair to base all Trump supporters on his.  

Most of the Trump supporters I run into are just anti-Obama types (and see Clinton as a third Obama term) that have no one else to vote for so they'll vote for Trump.  Would have voted for Walker, Cruz, or any of the other candidates had they won the nomination.

It kills me that some intelligent people actually LIKE Clinton...if you don't like Trump and Clinton is your only viable alternative, I get that.  But to actually think she's a quality candidate?  Ugh.

Most of the Trump supporters I run into are just anti-Obama types (and see Clinton as a third Obama term) that have no one else to vote for so they'll vote for Trump.  Would have voted for Walker, Cruz, or any of the other candidates had they won the nomination.
And this is what is just freaking moronic. Voting for a guy who doesn't believe in free trade, wants to spread nukes around, break up NATO, and default on our national debt just because he has a (R) after his name on the ballot? Yeah -- moronic. Sorry.

Trump should continue the "Pay for play" angle with the Clinton Foundation / Secretary of State shenanigans.  It's an easy soundbite for people to pick up on, so the low information types won't lose interest quickly.  It's an attack that has teeth, and may actually get the media to report on the existence of "special prosecutors" (they've conveniently forgotten about them during the Obama regime).

Also, both Clinton and Trump have nutjobs that support them.  I don't base all of Clinton's supporters on her lunatics, and I think it's unfair to base all Trump supporters on his.  

Most of the Trump supporters I run into are just anti-Obama types (and see Clinton as a third Obama term) that have no one else to vote for so they'll vote for Trump.  Would have voted for Walker, Cruz, or any of the other candidates had they won the nomination.

It kills me that some intelligent people actually LIKE Clinton...if you don't like Trump and Clinton is your only viable alternative, I get that.  But to actually think she's a quality candidate?  Ugh.
Trump seems to have his own skeleton with this. Look at his tax break he got from his buddy in New Jersey after helping him get elected.  $20 million dollars to $5 million in back taxes and only for a small campaign contribution. 

Well, I fully believe that some things are so wrong that they must be confronted and actively fought against using all means necessary. Bigotry is one of those things. I call it out if I see it in the B & M world, so why wouldn't I do so on an internet forum?
Again I agree. And if someone makes a bigoted comment I call them out. But if they support someone who I perceive as bigoted, I am much less inclined to do so, especially if they have not directly said something bigoted. I do not want them to think I give bigotry a free pass, but neither do I want to cement them to the other side. 

Its complicated.

I have no idea if I have answers.

I've pretty much be dialoguing about internal conflicts I think many of us share.

Again I agree. And if someone makes a bigoted comment I call them out. But if they support someone who I perceive as bigoted, I am much less inclined to do so, especially if they have not directly said something bigoted. I do not want them to think I give bigotry a free pass, but neither do I want to cement them to the other side. 

Its complicated.

I have no idea if I have answers.

I've pretty much be dialoguing about internal conflicts I think many of us share.
Well, many of us actually have tried to engage the Trumpkins in calm rational debate in here. It doesn't go well. When confronted on his open bigotry, they deny it. When confronted with any of the horrible things he does or says, they deflect. They obviously aren't real big on policy and discussion or issues, or they wouldn't be supporting Trump in the first place. SO where to go with them?

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The path to victory is not necessarily rewarding or fulfilling in the short term.

And if you cannot bear the conversation, exit without the scorn and shame,

Kids learn most of what they know through you. If there is a litmus test whereby you can judge someone incapable of humanity, your child will learn such a mechanism for exclusion exists.
My usual reaction is this followed by this.

And this is what is just freaking moronic. Voting for a guy who doesn't believe in free trade, wants to spread nukes around, break up NATO, and default on our national debt just because he has a (R) after his name on the ballot? Yeah -- moronic. Sorry.
Not because of the R, because he's #notClinton

Not voting for Clinton is the smartest play out there.

Trump seems to have his own skeleton with this. Look at his tax break he got from his buddy in New Jersey after helping him get elected.  $20 million dollars to $5 million in back taxes and only for a small campaign contribution. 
Attacking Trump presents an orgy of options for Clinton.  He's not a good candidate.

Not because of the R, because he's #notClinton

Not voting for Clinton is the smartest play out there.
Yeah, not so much. And I don't like Hillary at all, nor did I like Bill. The country can survive one more in a long line of slimy politicians in the White House. Since you evidently haven't been paying attention, Trump wants to do things that genuinely might start WWIII or cause a global economic meltdown.

I think you guys are confusing Trump supporters with hardcore Christians.

Trump supporters don't give a #### about the nonsense issues/distractions that the uniparty wants everyone to get horny over while they line their pockets and bankrupt the country.

And Trump supporters do not hate anybody. If you have been paying attention you would know that it is the left that has brought violence, intolerance, and censorship to this election cycle.

My recommendation would be to stop getting your news and ideas from sources like Vox and Huffpo. They are no better than the white supremacist websites.
I'm not going to say all Trumpettes hate but a whole bunch do. 

Attacking Trump presents an orgy of options for Clinton.  He's not a good candidate.
We haven't even seen the big it yet.  About a month out from the election a scandal will hit Trump. Maybe his wife being a high priced call girl and trump being one of her customers before marriage. Maybe Trump involved with organized crime at one of his NJ casinos. Maybe Trump suddenly shown to have million sin offshore accounts that have never been taxed.  Something like this is going to hit Trump it is the Clinton MO - they have something huge that they are holding back,

Most of the Trump supporters I run into are just anti-Obama types (and see Clinton as a third Obama term) that have no one else to vote for so they'll vote for Trump.  Would have voted for Walker, Cruz, or any of the other candidates had they won the nomination.
Of course, this doesn't excuse the guys who supported Trump during the primaries, when there were a dozen other non-Clinton candidates to vote for.

Yeah, not so much. And I don't like Hillary at all, nor did I like Bill. The country can survive one more in a long line of slimy politicians in the White House. Since you evidently haven't been paying attention, Trump wants to do things that genuinely might start WWIII or cause a global economic meltdown.
Some of his rhetoric is problematic, but seems designed to rev up the mud-flap six-pack crowd rather than reflect actual policy positions.

Don't be duped by the yee-ha crowd.  Dig a little deeper and Trump talks about things that need to be talked about, including how Democrats have created a cycle of poverty in urban cities.  I think it's refreshing to hear a candidate bring a spotlight to that issue.

Of course, this doesn't excuse the guys who supported Trump during the primaries, when there were a dozen other non-Clinton candidates to vote for.
How Trump managed to gain the nomination is a thread in itself.  Too many candidates ankle-biting each other split all the anti-Trump votes.  You can make a case that John Kasich handed this nomination to Trump on a silver platter.

I absolutely question the efficacy of that approach, even It provides you with some momentary satisfaction.
I actually do believe shaming has helped people change their views. For example, the shaming of people who are anti-gay has shifted people towards being more accepting.  There will always be those who refuse to change but you don't need to convince everyone to make progress.

This is ultimately what the anti-PC movement is all about - people are tired of being shamed for their ignorant views.  To quote the movie "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men. "

We haven't even seen the big it yet.  About a month out from the election a scandal will hit Trump. Maybe his wife being a high priced call girl and trump being one of her customers before marriage. Maybe Trump involved with organized crime at one of his NJ casinos. Maybe Trump suddenly shown to have million sin offshore accounts that have never been taxed.  Something like this is going to hit Trump it is the Clinton MO - they have something huge that they are holding back,
Unfortunately I think there's a whopper out there for Clinton as well.  Something tells me those "deleted" emails will show up a couple of weeks before the election and it will not be a good time for her.

Have you read or seen the news reports out of these rallies? They hate everybody not like them.
You are confusing libocrites with Trump supporters. 

And rather than relying on manipulated news reports, I actually watch the rallies in their entirety, either in person or online. Haven't seen any hatred by the pro-Trump crowd.

The modern left is as hateful and intolerant as Nazis, the KKK, and the hardcore Christians of the past.

Some of his rhetoric is problematic, but seems designed to rev up the mud-flap six-pack crowd rather than reflect actual policy positions.
Understatement of the year, followed by a massive assumption.

We should elect a guy hoping he didn't mean what he said?

Some of his rhetoric is problematic, but seems designed to rev up the mud-flap six-pack crowd rather than reflect actual policy positions.

Don't be duped by the yee-ha crowd.  Dig a little deeper and Trump talks about things that need to be talked about, including how Democrats have created a cycle of poverty in urban cities.  I think it's refreshing to hear a candidate bring a spotlight to that issue.
Yes, Democrats are to blame for a lot of it, but that's not what the average Trump voter is concerned about.

Trump has offered absolutely no concrete way to MAGA yet his sycophants do not even care. As long as he fuels their anger they are happy to vote for him.

Democrats have created a cycle of poverty in urban cities. 

Democrats created this cycle?  White flight ring a bell.

It's widely documented that banks in this era refused loans to redlined blacks, that real estate agents steered them away from white neighborhoods, that legal agreements ensured all-white neighborhoods stayed that way. With no way to move out of bad neighborhoods and we would still have very segregated cities, because a certain number whites were unwilling to live with blacks. 

How Trump managed to gain the nomination is a thread in itself.  Too many candidates ankle-biting each other split all the anti-Trump votes.  You can make a case that John Kasich handed this nomination to Trump on a silver platter.
I think it was Jeb running the worst campaign of my lifetime. 

including how Democrats have created a cycle of poverty in urban cities.  I think it's refreshing to hear a candidate bring a spotlight to that issue.
Can you unpack and this and list some specific policies over the years?  I'm pretty sure that segregation, forced/public housing and Jim Crow created the cycle of poverty in urban areas which still exist today. 

Some of his rhetoric is problematic, but seems designed to rev up the mud-flap six-pack crowd rather than reflect actual policy positions.

Don't be duped by the yee-ha crowd.  Dig a little deeper and Trump talks about things that need to be talked about, including how Democrats have created a cycle of poverty in urban cities.  I think it's refreshing to hear a candidate bring a spotlight to that issue.
No doubt that there are problems on both sides of the isle. But come on now, what do you really think would happen if Trump gets his way and slaps up some Industrial Revolution era style tariffs while trying to "negotiate better terms" on our national debt?

And his foreign policy ideas? GTFO. Really, just GTFO.

His ideas have been blasted in the strongest terms possible by both liberal and conservative experts in foreign policy and economics.

He is a genuine threat to the country, without even going into the moral implications of electing an open bigot to the highest office in the land.

We should elect a guy hoping he didn't mean what he said?
We've elected many politicians knowing that they didn't mean what they said (but those were on the positive side).

Trump is a first for me in that he goes against every political move in the "elect me" playbook.  It's stunning he's gotten as far as he has bucking the traditional norms.

And this is what is just freaking moronic. Voting for a guy who doesn't believe in free trade, wants to spread nukes around, break up NATO, and default on our national debt just because he has a (R) after his name on the ballot? Yeah -- moronic. Sorry.
Do you any links or are you just making #### up?

I hope you are smart enough to know the difference between fair trade and free trade, and the difference between holding NATO members accountable and dissolving NATO.

I honestly expected more rational discussion based on facts from a college educated crowd like the FFA. All you find in this thread is fear mongering and bigotry based on lies you are spoon-fed by CNN and Vox.


Can you unpack and this and list some specific policies over the years?  I'm pretty sure that segregation, forced/public housing and Jim Crow created the cycle of poverty in urban areas which still exist today. 
All true, but I'm referring to what Democrats have done since then.  Many of the welfare policies, while well-intentioned, had the unfortunate side effect of damaging families by creating disincentives for being married with children.  Link

No doubt that there are problems on both sides of the isle. But come on now, what do you really think would happen if Trump gets his way and slaps up some Industrial Revolution era style tariffs while trying to "negotiate better terms" on our national debt?

And his foreign policy ideas? GTFO. Really, just GTFO.

His ideas have been blasted in the strongest terms possible by both liberal and conservative experts in foreign policy and economics.

He is a genuine threat to the country, without even going into the moral implications of electing an open bigot to the highest office in the land.
We can certainly argue this thing like it's an actual election, but it's just a huge ego and money grab by both candidates.

A case can be made that Clinton, with her "pay for play" attitude, could do more long term damage than Trump could even conceive of.

Hillary is a horrific candidate, that cannot be denied.

Do you any links or are you just making #### up?

I hope you are smart enough to know the difference between fair trade and free trade, and the difference between holding NATO members accountable and dissolving NATO.

I honestly expected more rational discussion based on facts from a college educated crowd like the FFA. All you find in this thread is fear mongering and bigotry based on lies you are spoon-fed by CNN and Vox.

It's been discussed ad nauseum in here. Also, you're not worth having a discussion with. Carry on with your trolling, _mx.

We can certainly argue this thing like it's an actual election, but it's just a huge ego and money grab by both candidates.

A case can be made that Clinton, with her "pay for play" attitude, could do more long term damage than Trump could even conceive of.

Hillary is a horrific candidate, that cannot be denied.
Yeah, she sucks. No argument here. But nothing she has done falls outside the range of what has gone on before, and will continue to go on in the future. She's on the slimy end of the normal "politician scale." Trump is a dangerous moron that falls waaaaaaaaaaaay outside of that range, and you are smart enough to know the difference. I mean, he actually said that he thinks that we should give nuclear weapons to the Saudis (and to Japan).

I honestly expected more rational discussion based on facts from a college educated crowd like the FFA. All you find in this thread is fear mongering and bigotry based on lies you are spoon-fed by CNN and Vox.
I love that this call for rational discussion and rejection of fear mongering, bigotry and lies was posted less than ten minutes after this by the same poster:

The modern left is as hateful and intolerant as Nazis, the KKK, and the hardcore Christians of the past.

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