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Official Donald Trump for President thread (1 Viewer)

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Wasn't one of the Wikileaks shown to be madeup? If one is false then can you bet others will be to.
Yeah, the Blumenthal email was doctored by the Russians and the disinformation fed to Trump. Also proves Wikileaks is irresponsible or it truly has been weaponized by Russia.

Yeah, the Blumenthal email was doctored by the Russians and the disinformation fed to Trump. Also proves Wikileaks is irresponsible or it truly has been weaponized by Russia.
The email itself was not doctored. The false description of it by WL is what got picked up.

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Unless there is an unreleased email of Clinton herself saying something completely beyond the pale, Wikileaks is a non-factor for the rest of this election. And even then, it would have to be something at least an order of magnitude worse than what Trump is being accused of. I wouldn't bet money on that.

Unless there is an unreleased email of Clinton herself saying something completely beyond the pale, Wikileaks is a non-factor for the rest of this election. And even then, it would have to be something at least an order of magnitude worse than what Trump is being accused of. I wouldn't bet money on that.
"Donald you were the best frick I ever had.  You made me cream ten ways from Sunday and I can't stop thinking about you.  See you soon-Hills :wub: "


Trump is the one who has played people, guy. He is being rejected by the media, his own party, and the majority of the country because he is an clueless, bigoted, misogynistic idiot, and an utter piece of garbage as a human being. He's probably as surprised and distressed that he made it this far as is the rest of the world. For whatever the reason, you bought into his schtick -- but hey, at least you got a great hat out of it, amirite?
He's the much lesser of two evils is all.  I came in this thread a month ago to find out what kind of guys would actually proudly vote for HRC.  I did not know of any in my highly educated circle.  

Other than Tim, it's just Trump hate which proves my point.  I guess I am willing to look past some flaws and not others.  It's sad what this election has come to and how irreversibly divided we have become.  Zero chance Hillary can fix any of that.  She and the DNC have too much hate in their hearts.  She has been part of the problem and not part of the solution for a generation.  

He's the much lesser of two evils is all.  I came in this thread a month ago to find out what kind of guys would actually proudly vote for HRC.  I did not know of any in my highly educated circle.  

Other than Tim, it's just Trump hate which proves my point.  I guess I am willing to look past some flaws and not others.  It's sad what this election has come to and how irreversibly divided we have become.  Zero chance Hillary can fix any of that.  She and the DNC have too much hate in their hearts.  She has been part of the problem and not part of the solution for a generation.  
This is a parody account, right?

"Donald you were the best frick I ever had.  You made me cream ten ways from Sunday and I can't stop thinking about you.  See you soon-Hills :wub: "
"Donald, it's all worked beautifully. I'm so happy that we came up with idea of paying you to run for President- it was utter brilliance. The money has been deposited into your account." 

Exhibit A in my point.  Someone obsessed  over the TMZ side of politics.  
Trump has been bringing up Bill Clinton's conduct since well before the tape surfaced.  In fact, after not bringing it up in the first debate, he couldn't wait to get to the spin room to let everyone know EXACTLY what he hadn't brought up.  Then Trump threw a fit because he couldn't parade Bill Clinton's accusers in front of him at the second debate.  So who's responsible for the TMZ politics here? 

Or there is much worse stuff coming out in Wikileaks and these allegations about Trump are a perfect way to divert our Kardashian Culture that can't spend time thinking about such complicated issues?
Trump is the very embodiment of a Kardashian Candidate who doesn't spend time thinking about complicated issues.

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He's the much lesser of two evils is all.  I came in this thread a month ago to find out what kind of guys would actually proudly vote for HRC.  I did not know of any in my highly educated circle.  

Other than Tim, it's just Trump hate which proves my point.  I guess I am willing to look past some flaws and not others.  It's sad what this election has come to and how irreversibly divided we have become.  Zero chance Hillary can fix any of that.  She and the DNC have too much hate in their hearts.  She has been part of the problem and not part of the solution for a generation.  

"Look past some flaws?" One of them being the fact that Trump is a complete ####### moron with no clue on anything remotely resembling policy in any way. I'd love to hear a defense of his economic "policy," or his foreign "policy," or that stupid ####### wall, or any of the other nonsense that you rubes buy in to.

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He's the much lesser of two evils is all.  I came in this thread a month ago to find out what kind of guys would actually proudly vote for HRC.  I did not know of any in my highly educated circle.  

Other than Tim, it's just Trump hate which proves my point.  I guess I am willing to look past some flaws and not others.  It's sad what this election has come to and how irreversibly divided we have become.  Zero chance Hillary can fix any of that.  She and the DNC have too much hate in their hearts.  She has been part of the problem and not part of the solution for a generation.  
I am no fan of Hillary but I would rather deal with the devil we know than the one we don't.   Trump is an absolute joke.  He changes his position so many times I really don't know where he really stands on the issues.

And we've been divided for quite some time.   Electing Donald Trump isn't going to fix that.


"Look past some flaws?" One of them being the fact that Trump is a complete ####### moron with no clue on anything remotely resembling policy in any way. I'd love to hear a defense of his economic "policy," or his foreign "policy," or that stupid ####### wall, or any of the other nonsense that you rubes buy in to.
Hillary's corruption is a show stopper for me.  

He's the much lesser of two evils is all.  I came in this thread a month ago to find out what kind of guys would actually proudly vote for HRC.  I did not know of any in my highly educated circle.  

Other than Tim, it's just Trump hate which proves my point.  I guess I am willing to look past some flaws and not others.  It's sad what this election has come to and how irreversibly divided we have become.  Zero chance Hillary can fix any of that.  She and the DNC have too much hate in their hearts.  She has been part of the problem and not part of the solution for a generation.  

The reason the Democrats can't win a national election any more is because they have become the party of hate. Women, Latinos, African-Americans, Muslims, all attacked daily. Get those illegal immigrants out, stop letting those Muslims in, stop letting those poor people live off my hard-earned tax dollars. It's all negativity, division, and hate.

Oh wait, that's right. That was the GOP. The Democrats are the ones who are about to win their 3rd Presidential election in a row in a massive landslide.

He's the much lesser of two evils is all.  I came in this thread a month ago to find out what kind of guys would actually proudly vote for HRC.  I did not know of any in my highly educated circle.  

Other than Tim, it's just Trump hate which proves my point.  I guess I am willing to look past some flaws and not others.  It's sad what this election has come to and how irreversibly divided we have become.  Zero chance Hillary can fix any of that.  She and the DNC have too much hate in their hearts.  She has been part of the problem and not part of the solution for a generation.  
This whole thing :lol:

A Putin ally has warned that if America does not vote for Trump they face a nuclear war threat...
Vladmir Zhirinovsky, who said he met Trump in New York in 2002, revels in his similarities with the American businessman — they are the same age, favor coarse, sometimes misogynistic language and boast about putting their own country first. Zhirinovsky has even said he wants a DNA test to see if he is related to Trump.

More convinced than ever that Trump is doing the Clinton's a solid by running to insure Hillary's victory.  No other explanation for Trump's blatant stupid behavior.

Telling people to get out and vote on November 28th.  Come on.  He's going to get a major payday from his good friends the Clintons.

The bad thing for Trump is that all these revelations about him being a sex offender are going to ruin his name even after the election is over. Not sure a media company with him as the face is going to draw a lot of sponsors.
Trump businesses can be all the sponsors. "This program is brought to you by Trump Pork. It's the other white meat."

More convinced than ever that Trump is doing the Clinton's a solid by running to insure Hillary's victory.  No other explanation for Trump's blatant stupid behavior.
The only thing shocking is that it took this long for the wheels to come off.

Or there is much worse stuff coming out in Wikileaks and these allegations about Trump are a perfect way to divert our Kardashian Culture that can't spend time thinking about such complicated issues?
Yeah, Fox News didn't mind the short attention span when it was yelling things at America to make them scared, and bragging about ratings.  

Now the conservatives want everyone to forget about family values, forget about the flashy stories that have nothing to do with policy, and let's concentrate on a bunch of dry emails from this accused rapist in England.  

Sorry, you don't get to have it both ways, sir.  

Trump's campaign statement actually complained about decades-old allegations being brought up. I think the complete lack of self-awareness is what kills me most about him and his circle.

Yeah, Fox News didn't mind the short attention span when it was yelling things at America to make them scared, and bragging about ratings.  

Now the conservatives want everyone to forget about family values, forget about the flashy stories that have nothing to do with policy, and let's concentrate on a bunch of dry emails from this accused rapist in England.  

Sorry, you don't get to have it both ways, sir.  
Illegally obtained emails, don't forget. 

There's a decent argument to be made that the ethical thing to do is to ignore them so as not to encourage further illegal activity, as with the "fappening" photos.

The only thing shocking is that it took this long for the wheels to come off.

This.  Trump had to beat people over the head with about as disgusting a comment as one could hope for in order for some of them to get off board.  They will still have to answer for that.

Does your computer science teacher know you are posting on message boards instead of entering your lemonade stand stats from Exercise 5?

All you've got, huh? About the same as the other Trumpkins -- and of course Trump himself. Cry about the media focusing on the fact that Trump is a slimy scumbag instead of policy, then refusing to talk about anything resembling actual policy.

"but but but Wikileaks!!11!!11!" isn't an effective case for electing someone President. Well, except for people who respond to the obvious white nationalism at the core of the Trump campaign.

I know I'm probably the only one that cares about this issue here, but apparently Trump is out telling Serbia that he wants :

"a new policy with the Balkans if (he) won” the election.
Just a little background on the Balkans.  While we've generally had good relations with all the ex-Yugo countries, we're more liked in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia than Serbia with Serbia being more aligned with Russia.  Slovenia and Croatia are on the path to the EU and are generally very pro-US to this day for helping them get their independance.  For all the problems we've had with Russia in other parts of the world, the stability and pro-Western view of much of the Balkans is one of the success stories of US foreign policy.  

What Trump is really saying is that he'd be aligning with Russia in helping Serbia gain power throughout the region, potentially destabilizing places like Kosovo again.  Fun.


I know I'm probably the only one that cares about this issue here, but apparently Trump is out telling Serbia that he wants :

Just a little background on the Balkans.  While we've generally had good relations with all the ex-Yugo countries, we're more liked in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia than Serbia with Serbia being more aligned with Russia.  Slovenia and Croatia are on the path to the EU and are generally very pro-US to this day for helping them get their independance.  For all the problems we've had with Russia in other parts of the world, the stability and pro-Western view of much of the Balkans is one of the success stories of US foreign policy.  

What Trump is really saying is that he'd be aligning with Russia in helping Serbia gain power throughout the region, potentially destabilizing places like Kosovo again.  Fun.

He's just a complete moron. I absofreakinglutely guarantee that he couldn't even find Serbia on a map.

I know I'm probably the only one that cares about this issue here, but apparently Trump is out telling Serbia that he wants :

Just a little background on the Balkans.  While we've generally had good relations with all the ex-Yugo countries, we're more liked in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia than Serbia with Serbia being more aligned with Russia.  Slovenia and Croatia are on the path to the EU and are generally very pro-US to this day for helping them get their independance.  For all the problems we've had with Russia in other parts of the world, the stability and pro-Western view of much of the Balkans is one of the success stories of US foreign policy.  

What Trump is really saying is that he'd be aligning with Russia in helping Serbia gain power throughout the region, potentially destabilizing places like Kosovo again.  Fun.

He has no idea what he's saying.  

Also points to how terrible the other GOP candidates are at politics.
Ehhh, maybe. I'm obviously no fan of the Republican Party, but IMO the responsibility for Trump lies primarily with the voting base and not the other candidates. As sad as it is, there is obviously a huge chunk of them that buys into the white nativism that is the foundation of Trump's campaign. Trump's wall and Muslim ban resonates more with the angry / scared old white guys than does fiscal conservatism, neo-con foreign policy, religious social conservatism, and all of the rest of the stuff that the others were peddling.

Ehhh, maybe. I'm obviously no fan of the Republican Party, but IMO the responsibility for Trump lies primarily with the voting base and not the other candidates. As sad as it is, there is obviously a huge chunk of them that buys into the white nativism that is the foundation of Trump's campaign. Trump's wall and Muslim ban resonates more with the angry / scared old white guys than does fiscal conservatism, neo-con foreign policy, religious social conservatism, and all of the rest of the stuff that the others were peddling.

Or it's that they were told to cover the stuff up as long as they could because the ratings for the GOP debates were off the chain, and people were energized.  I mean 90% of this stuff was googlable all his stern clips were out there and circulated a year ago.  People WERE saying these things, people were calling him out for his misogyny.  His base of deplorables didn't care.  

The GOP also knew that his deplorables, like Sanders' deplorables were not likely to migrate to a different GOP candidate (and just might flip to Hillary, but they overestimated this by a large margin it's coming out), and without them they had zero, none, nada shot even with Hillary at 40% disapproval.  Demographics were just too bad.

The books that will be written about this will be amazing, super, the best books.

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