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Official Donald Trump for President thread (2 Viewers)

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Right?  Should have known right then...well, that and the whole creepy middle-of-the-night call.
Krista, thanks for sharing your experience.  :( . I was in no way trying to diminish what you and other women have to go through and what these women in these stories may have gone through. 

Rereading my response I posted yesterday to Cap this morning, my post  was poorly worded and insensitive. I apologize for that. 

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We are a few months away from Hillary Rodham Clinton being inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. 

Much of the credit for that will go to every single person that went out and voted for Donald Trump in their Republican primaries. I'm glad so many don't have the capacity to understand their role in this because I don't think they'd get a good night's sleep ever again.

Krista, thanks for sharing your experience.  :( . I was in no way trying to diminish what you and other women have to go through and what these women in these stories may have gone through. 

Rereading my response I posted yesterday to Cap this morning, my post  was poorly worded and insensitive. I apologize for that. 
You are very kind.  I suspect we have some enormous political differences but would get along great.  Your apology is wholly unnecessary but absolutely appreciated.  I should have clarified that my post, while kind of directed at you - after all, I responded to your post and made reference to your family - was in many ways meant to be more general.  And I should have made it clear that it wasn't meant to criticize or, as I thought of only after posting, to patronize.  So I apologize too for not being clear about that.

I sincerely could picture your struggle with this as a dad - really any dad, since the education that has to happen has to involve sons as well as daughters - and for whatever reason, in the worst case scenario I'd say ego, thought that maybe I could offer something.

The mere fact of your sensitivity to this, as evidenced by the post you just made, tells a lot, including that your daughters have a great role model in you.  Glad to "meet" you.

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[SIZE=14pt]Texas televangelist the Rev. Kenneth Copeland, who sits on Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, urged viewers of his television program to vote, saying that would be held accountable if they don’t. “You’re going to be guilty of murder,” the charismatic preacher said on the program. “You’re going to be guilty of an abomination of God. You’re going to be guilty for every baby that’s aborted from this election forward.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edwCVThqqXQ "...in the name of Jesus! Amen!"

This guy is on Trumps advisory board.  :wall:

:)   Thanks for indulging me.
Thanks for sharing, Krista.

I have a slightly related anecdote.

Around the WC in soccer I got to spend some time in Rio on a project, the office being downtown I had to take the metro to work. 

Generally I made up my own hours working a lot from home and when I did go to the office I avoided the rush hour. On occasion I had to go during that time though. As I arrived at the platform the train was about to leave so I hurried into the nearest carriage and the doors closed just behind me - only to find myself being stared at in a hostile way all the commuters, the carriage was filled with only women.

It turns out that the subway in Rio had had so many complaints about unwanted and inappropriate behavior, including physical, that they had instituted women only carriages during rush hours (I apparently missed the pink bows by the doors denoting it as such - simply because I did not even know such existed) 

Needless to say at the next station I moved out and got into another carriage, filled to the brim with men.

My first thought was that it was atrocious that the level of civilized behavior among men in Rio was so low that segregation of sexes was the only practical way of avoiding the issue.

My second thought was a lament that Saudi Arabia should be a role model for anyone on how to deal with sexual harrassment.

I'm still not sure, after living a total of eleven years in Brazil (and two in Peru) that in this part of the woods, such behavior is actually condemned by society in general, let alone by the men in these countries and I am sure that there are a lot of throwbacks still kicking in more civilized parts of the world

Thanks for sharing, Krista.

I have a slightly related anecdote.

Around the WC in soccer I got to spend some time in Rio on a project, the office being downtown I had to take the metro to work. 

Generally I made up my own hours working a lot from home and when I did go to the office I avoided the rush hour. On occasion I had to go during that time though. As I arrived at the platform the train was about to leave so I hurried into the nearest carriage and the doors closed just behind me - only to find myself being stared at in a hostile way all the commuters, the carriage was filled with only women.

It turns out that the subway in Rio had had so many complaints about unwanted and inappropriate behavior, including physical, that they had instituted women only carriages during rush hours (I apparently missed the pink bows by the doors denoting it as such - simply because I did not even know such existed) 

Needless to say at the next station I moved out and got into another carriage, filled to the brim with men.

My first thought was that it was atrocious that the level of civilized behavior among men in Rio was so low that segregation of sexes was the only practical way of avoiding the issue.

My second thought was a lament that Saudi Arabia should be a role model for anyone on how to deal with sexual harrassment.

I'm still not sure, after living a total of eleven years in Brazil (and two in Peru) that in this part of the woods, such behavior is actually condemned by society in general, let alone by the men in these countries and I am sure that there are a lot of throwbacks still kicking in more civilized parts of the world
Great post.  I agree with your thoughts except the Saudi Arabia part, though I understand the impulse.

Yeah, don't get me started on subways, trains, buses, which can just be gropefests, which depending upon the country or area might vary in intensity.  For that matter, walking down the street can be a gropefest, too.  I've done some bobbing and weaving there.

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That was never going to work. This country loves Stand by your Man. And attacking her over Bill has always raised her numbers. So those allegations are old and the press is bored with them. Plus they are more than a little in the tank for Hillary. Especially CNN. But there is new news. And it's all bad and it's all about Trump.
There is a reason it is called news and not olds.

I would be all "No, I don't know what you mean if you mean something other than 'Nice boots' when you say 'Nice boots'.  But kudos for figuring out that you can creepily sexualize just about any statement by adding 'if you know what I mean' on the end."

"I'll have the chili, if you know what I mean."
"The Jiffy Lube guys forgot to change the oil filter, if you know what I mean"
I've never trusted people who keep lizards as pets, if you know what I mean"

More like ALL of her humanzee, if you know what i mean?

:lmao:  at trump threatening to to sue the Times for libel. That editorial board would LOVE for that to happen. Surely Trump doesn't understand that but his lawyer must? 

Was out yesterday, and I saw an idiot... I mean a person wearing the following...

A Trump MAGA hat, and a raccoon tail and a confederate flag cigarette lighter clipped to his keychain. The rest of his dress looked like a 90's frat boy outfit. Guy looked to be 25-30 years old. Looked completely ridiculous.

Was out yesterday, and I saw an idiot... I mean a person wearing the following...

A Trump MAGA hat, and a raccoon tail and a confederate flag cigarette lighter clipped to his keychain. The rest of his dress looked like a 90's frat boy outfit. Guy looked to be 25-30 years old. Looked completely ridiculous.
Do you think he was irish?

Was out yesterday, and I saw an idiot... I mean a person wearing the following...

A Trump MAGA hat, and a raccoon tail and a confederate flag cigarette lighter clipped to his keychain. The rest of his dress looked like a 90's frat boy outfit. Guy looked to be 25-30 years old. Looked completely ridiculous.
Probably deplorable too, enjoy your pantsuit!

We are a few months away from Hillary Rodham Clinton being inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. 

Much of the credit for that will go to every single person that went out and voted for Donald Trump in their Republican primaries. I'm glad so many don't have the capacity to understand their role in this because I don't think they'd get a good night's sleep ever again.
I wouldnt be so quick to blame GOP Trump voters.  Look at their alternatives during the primary.

Apparently the Trump strategy is going to be to go scorched earth on the accusers and blame the media. Such a winner this guy is.
Of course...after he and supporters go after Hillary's actions with Bill's accusers....he predictably will do exactly what he nashes his opponent for.

If you can't see how the fourth estate is playing everyone during this election, then don't say I am blind.  Read a paper or watch the evening news.  The primary issue is parading out bimbos. Nothing substantive.  
You support Trump.  The very definition of nothing substantive.

But hey, Hillary may have known debate question in advance...so thats better than creeping on 1 year olds and 15 year olds...right?

If you can't see how the fourth estate is playing everyone during this election, then don't say I am blind.  Read a paper or watch the evening news.  The primary issue is parading out bimbos. Nothing substantive.  
Your word choice to describe sexual assault victims is very telling.

And of course the media is responsible for the situation we're in now. The media created Trump and convinced a lot of gullable people that he is worthy of their attention.

my grandfather died like a dozen years ago. I think he was the last person I have ever heard use the term  bimbo. oh, and he was a sexist, racist, angry drunk. 

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If you can't see how the fourth estate is playing everyone during this election, then don't say I am blind.  Read a paper or watch the evening news.  The primary issue is parading out bimbos. Nothing substantive.  
Substantive?  What substance would you like them to discuss? Trump's given us far more detail on how he'd sexually assault a woman than he has on how he'd fight ISIS or fix Obamacare.

Substantive?  What substance would you like them to discuss? Trump's given us far more detail on how he'd sexually assault a woman than he has on how he'd fight ISIS or fix Obamacare.
And the FIRST 25 minutes of the second debate focused on the Billy Bush interview from 11 years ago.  

The network has had them forever.  Why didn't it come up when NBC was paying Trump to host Apprentice?

The complaint that the media is focusing on these women rather than substantive issues was also made by Clinton defenders during the late 90s- I recall it very well. 

Its not due to a liberal bias. It's because stories about groping get higher ratings than stories about economics. It's no more complicated than that. 

And the FIRST 25 minutes of the second debate focused on the Billy Bush interview from 11 years ago.  

The network has had them forever.  Why didn't it come up when NBC was paying Trump to host Apprentice?
Because the standard for presidential candidates is a lot higher than the standard for reality show stars? Because Access Hollywood had no motivation to do due diligence on behalf of another network/production company?

Look, I get it.  You're in a tough spot here. Who could have ever guessed that Donald Trump would turn out to be an inhuman monster?  Why didn't anyone warn you about massive character flaws like his obnoxious sense of entitlement or the fact that he degrades and objectifies women?  You just got blindsided with this stuff totally out of nowhere well after you'd decided  to support the man for president. And that's difficult, I know. 

Really it's on us, and the media, for not alerting you to Trump's character flaws until just now. Please accept my apologies for having kept you in the dark for so long.

Wasn't one of the Wikileaks shown to be madeup? If one is false then can you bet others will be to.
Actually that's something to be on the lookout for, but so far, no, apparently there has been no altering reported. What has happened at least twice that I'm aware of is that WL's analysis portion essentially misrepresented what was in an email, in another instance it was a Russian site which sort of twisted the description of the contents. 

Because the standard for presidential candidates is a lot higher than the standard for reality show stars? Because Access Hollywood had no motivation to do due diligence on behalf of another network/production company?

Look, I get it.  You're in a tough spot here. Who could have ever guessed that Donald Trump would turn out to be an inhuman monster?  Why didn't anyone warn you about massive character flaws like his obnoxious sense of entitlement or the fact that he degrades and objectifies women?  You just got blindsided with this stuff totally out of nowhere well after you'd decided  to support the man for president. And that's difficult, I know. 

Really it's on us, and the media, for not alerting you to Trump's character flaws until just now. Please accept my apologies for having kept you in the dark for so long.
Not my point.  I did not support him in primary, but he's better than Hillary.  I wish Johnson had built a better case.  

Whats scary, is this isnt even the worst of it. You know there will be much more damning stuff released soon on Trump, thats why Wiki is leaking emails as if political strategy compares to doing what Trump does.

Whats scary, is this isnt even the worst of it. You know there will be much more damning stuff released soon on Trump, thats why Wiki is leaking emails as if political strategy compares to doing what Trump does.
Or there is much worse stuff coming out in Wikileaks and these allegations about Trump are a perfect way to divert our Kardashian Culture that can't spend time thinking about such complicated issues?

Rs should probably start praying Dems don't take the House.  "Overreach" or not -- you can get a lot done in two years when you've got all three branches, and it's awfully hard to undo major programs once they're in place.
This assumes that the Rs don't want those major changes as well.  Outside of a few visionaries there's not much difference between the two sides.  Sure, the Rs will pound their chests to get the rubes to keep donating money, but in the end they don't really care what happens to us.  Don't wait for the Rs to save you from what's coming.  Don't confuse the grassroots with the politicians that purport to represent them.

A radical left wing Supreme Court is inevitable, so every 5-4 decision over the past two decades will be revisited and reversed (except Obamacare lol).  Think about the damage that Obama could have done with a radical left wing SC.  Think about the changes that will come as a result of all of those rulings changing and prepare accordingly.  Arm yourself as best as you can and keep your assets as far from institutional reach as possible.

The sheep don't want to be saved from slaughter.  Quit worrying about saving them.  With the darkness looming on the horizon, it's time for you and others like you to become wolves.  Be strong my friend.

If you can't see how the fourth estate is playing everyone during this election, then don't say I am blind.  Read a paper or watch the evening news.  The primary issue is parading out bimbos. Nothing substantive.  

Trump is the one who has played people, guy. He is being rejected by the media, his own party, and the majority of the country because he is an clueless, bigoted, misogynistic idiot, and an utter piece of garbage as a human being. He's probably as surprised and distressed that he made it this far as is the rest of the world. For whatever the reason, you bought into his schtick -- but hey, at least you got a great hat out of it, amirite?

knowledge dropper... JFC so much irony...

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If the electorate can't focus on complicated issues, it's at least in part because the GOP candidate started firing from the hip about raping, unfair Mexicans, dangerous Mooslims and overweight beauty pageant winners. It's not the media which has made all this up. 

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