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Official Donald Trump for President thread (2 Viewers)

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HTF is this joker still getting away with not releasing his tax info?  If I was Hilldog, I'd be hammering the #### out of that.
She can hammer all day and it won't make a difference. Those who support him Do Not Care.

I have a feeling the DNC/Clinton campaign are saving up their best ammo for the late push. A lot of people really don't pay attention to this stuff in the summer.

Stefan Becket Verified account @becket 2m2 minutes ago
Trump source tells @CelesteKatzNYC former aide being sued by Trump for $10 million is Sam Nunberg
Nunberg had advised Donald Trump since early 2014. In February 2014, Nunberg arranged for Buzzfeed writer McCay Coppins to write a profile on Trump for the website. When it was published, the profile cast Trump in a negative light, calling him "a man startled by his suddenly fading relevance — and consumed by a desperate need to get it back."[10] When the article appeared, Nunberg was fired.[11] In April 2014, however, Nunberg was rehired to his same position.[12]

On June 16, 2015, Trump announced his bid for the presidency at Trump Tower in New York City.[13] Nunberg remained on the campaign team as an advisor.[1]

Nunberg was again fired from the campaign in August 2015. Business Insider reported on Nunberg's history of racially charged and provocative social media activities dating back to 2007. The report noted that Nunberg had a history of attacking African American leaders, like Al Sharpton, and President Barack Obama: "Among other things, Nunberg called Obama a 'Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser' and 'Farrakahn's Messiah.'"[2] According to NBC News, Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski called Nunberg a "short-time consultant with the campaign." Nunberg was terminated on August 2, 2015.[3

- Trump has absolutely no other things to do right now.
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Kind of like when Kerry didn't release some of his records.
Kerry fought to keep his military records private, which completely backfired because it made people think that he'd received poor reviews or had committed war crimes or something..

Then when Kerry finally agreed to release the records (AFTER the election), the records showed that Kerry had received numerous positive reviews.

If Kerry had just agreed to release the records in 2004, then the whole Swift Boat thing could have been neutralized.

How the #### does Trump actually get any business done with the amount of lawsuits he ends up in? Who in their right-mind would EVER do a business deal with him?

Sorry if this is a repost, but this is simply unbelievable:

Emerging Republican Platform Goes Far to the Right - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/13/us/politics/republican-convention-issues.html?_r=0

Some excerpts:

The platform demands that lawmakers use religion as a guide when legislating, stipulating “that man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights.”

It also encourages the teaching of the Bible in public schools because, the amendment said, a good understanding of its contents is “indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry.”

The pornography provision was not in an initial draft that theRepublican National Committee drew up and released on Sunday. But delegates added it on Monday at the same time they were inserting many of the amendments opposing gay and transgender rights. It calls pornography “a public menace” that is especially harmful to children.

“Has a dead horse been beaten enough yet?” asked Annie Dickerson, a committee member from New York, who chastised her colleagues for writing language offensive to gays into the platform “again and again and again.”

Additional provisions included those that promoted state laws to limit which restrooms transgender people could use, nodded to “conversion therapy” for gays by saying that parents should be free to make medical decisions about their children without interference and stated that “natural marriage” between a man and a woman is most likely to result in offspring who do not become drug-addicted or otherwise damaged."

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I keep reading stuff like this; it gets repeated over and over again. For the life of me I do not understand it. I'd like you to offer some specific reasons why the two party system, which has been in place throughout the entirety of this nation's history, is bad or ridiculous. List your critiques and how something else would serve us better. Very serious; I'd like to hear it. 
it would be a lot tougher for corporations to own four parties instead of two?

Only one will receive "the rose".
I honestly think he might rose ceremony this thing. Not with actual rose or whatever, but it really seems like he wants to turn it into some sort of reality show-like suspenseful reveal.  I hope we get an overweight old guy emerging from behind the curtains to much fanfare or something.

I think its significantly easier to use a video clip out of context and have it be damning than a transcript.  And since the information is public in another form, I think release of the video could only serve to harm Trump with no real public benefit to balance against.  
I don't buy your initial premise for sealing the video to be legitimate within the context of the court case.  If we favor open court proceedings accessible to the public, and there is no basis for maintaining the confidentiality of the testimony itself (trade secret information for example), your issue once again boils down to - "my client will look stupid, your honor." As for the public benefit, it's patently obvious to me how the public could benefit from the video, as live testimony offers a much greater ability to determine veracity than reading a transcript. That's one of the primary benefits of having people testify in court rather than submit written statements to the jury. 

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That NDA must have a pretty impressive scope.  Guy was fired in August 2015, and the suit reportedly relates to disclosing a shouting match on a public street corner in NYC in May 2016.

That NDA must have a pretty impressive scope.  Guy was fired in August 2015, and the suit reportedly relates to disclosing a shouting match on a public street corner in NYC in May 2016.
Assuming he was an employee of the campaign (thus, being "fired"), both the EEOC and NLRB may have something to say about the enforceability of this purported non-disclosure agreement. 


Pretty good day of polling for Trump in the swing states.

Looking at the RealClearPolitics averages of the swing states, they have Trump ahead in FL and GA. Hillary's lead is 3.5 or less in PA, OH, NC and NH.

Plugging that into an Electoral map, if Trump can "move the needle" 3.5 points in those states, he can get up to 277 EV right there. Won't need VA, NV, or anything else.

it would be a lot tougher for corporations to own four parties instead of two?
In a convoluted way, Tim is kinda right here; third parties don't necessarily foster better governance. Here. But the reason for that is that our system is clunky and outdated. Better functioning governments elsewhere seem to manage quite well with multiple parties on the ballot and actually participating in their nations' governance.

I think Trump is going to have to be doing a lot better soon,  because once the debates start, I think he gets crushed.   Hillary's biggest land mine will be resisting the urge to constantly roll her eyes.  

I think Trump is going to have to be doing a lot better soon,  because once the debates start, I think he gets crushed.   Hillary's biggest land mine will be resisting the urge to constantly roll her eyes.  

Don't shriek and interrupt him either...when he gets going, best to let him bury himself saying dumb things.  Then respond (especially when its BS in the first place).

He should do the same to her.

I doubt either of them will.

The day after fact checking of both of these liars will be interesting...those people are going to be working overtime.

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Debates always seem to be about expectations versus reality.  Media will probably give Trump credit if he just refrains from bringing up his **** size in a debate again.

But beyond whom I'm rooting for (obviously Hillary), the disparate nature of the polls fascinates me. Take Pennsylvania. Quinnipiac has Trump and Clinton tied, with a 3 point margin of error. NBC has Clinton up by 9 points with a 3 point margin of error. Both polls taken the same day.

I took statistics in college. I vaguely remember it now, but this should not be happening. Just how accurate is the science of sampling? 

If you want to get a takeaway from the Q'pac numbers for anything concerning for Hillary IMO look at the "trust" question - for instance in PA the 'who do you trust more' question went for Trump 49-34. That's a fundamental part of how people go about picking who to vote for.

If Donald has a dumb one liner and doesn't wet himself or completely freak the #### out he "wins" the debate. Will probably be the most watched debate ever with a lot of people who don't care about politics watching, a lot of those folks will just want to be entertained.

Palin was supposed to get smoked by Biden and she did ok and as bad as Donald is she makes him look like Lincoln.

An NBC News whip count of convention Rules Committee delegates finds that the Free the Delegates movement -- a grassroots group of delegates pushing a rules change to allow bound delegates to vote their "conscience" -- can count on at least 16 delegates open to the change based on delegates' public statements, backgrounds and social media profiles.

That's more than halfway to the 28 votes Trump detractors would need to produce a minority report on their proposal, which would give it a vote on the convention floor. At least four more delegates are undecided, while the positions of another 24 remain unknown and 68 have either gone on-record as opposed or their history of support for Trump suggests they would be.

The effort could get a boost from Utah Sen. Mike Lee and his wife, two delegates on the Rules Committee that both the Trump campaign and Free the Delegates operatives expect to vote in favor of the conscience clause. Lee was an early endorser and remains a good friend of Sen. Ted Cruz, and remains fiercely critical of the presumptive GOP nominee.

Lee's support could give cover to undecided delegates wary of backlash from GOP leaders and sway some undecideds.

If anti-Trump forces do get a minority report in hand, the movement would need majority support from the full convention on the floor — and they insist they have the votes. Dane Waters, the lead strategist for a supportive group called Delegates Unbound that's organizing the group's whip effort, confirmed an internal survey done by the group that found about 72 percent of the delegates they polled — a number he pegged around 1,400 — believe they're unbound, and want a candidate other than Trump.

"There's no doubt that there are enough delegates to deny Donald Trump the nomination if the vote were held today. These delegates want to choose somebody else, and even if they don't choose somebody else, I think one thing that's important is that they choose to abstain," he said.

"I mean, these delegates want the world to know, and this country to know, that not every Republican's in lockstep with Donald Trump."

And even some Trump staffers believe they'll see a minority report come out of the Rules Committee.

"This vocal minority is going to get their pound of flesh," a staffer involved in delegate operations lamented in an interview.


But the battle won't end there. Free the Delegates is also preparing for a floor fight, regardless of whether they get a minority report for the conscience clause, based on an esoteric reading of the RNC's rules that states that delegates aren't bound to begin with.

"No matter what happens at the Rules Committee, we'll push forward on the floor for the delegates to vote their conscience," Waters said.


But both sides of the fight are preparing for fireworks on the floor, no matter what comes out of the Rules Committee this week.

"Is this gonna be a pretty scenario? No, it's not," Waters said.

"But as I said, Donald Trump has created this environment. Donald Trump has created the atmosphere in which this divisiveness is happening.'

- There may actually be a throwdown. What happens if there's an actual convention... at the convention?

Is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to apologize to me for her misconduct? Big mistake by an incompetent judge!
And people call Obama vile and a POS?  Meanwhile this guy has this kind of respect for SC justices?

And people call Obama vile and a POS?  Meanwhile this guy has this kind of respect for SC justices?
Put it in context. He's playing Star Trek chess, here are his moves this week:

- No convention schedule (week+ late?)

- VP pick is a reality show. Also late.

- Appears to not know difference between Articles and Amendments in USC.

- No actual state campaign offices in key states, just like the primaries where he lost.

- Insults USSC Justice (really the USSC).

- Files lawsuit against former staffer.

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