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***official Monday Night Football thread*** (1 Viewer)

Almost every single play is either to Julius, or a fake to Julius. Clearly he's the main focus of this offense. Adjust your draft accordingly.

Dallas screens and swing passes ain't working' well.
Yeah but it's important to note that Jones is the guy getting those passes thrown to him. He's staying on the field for all three downs so far.
Good point...he had a nice little chip block on the TD play as well.Glad to see the offense get it together this drive.

Almost every single play is either to Julius, or a fake to Julius. Clearly he's the main focus of this offense.
That's really been obvious dating back to last season. There was never any reason to question Jones' importance to this offense. Everything we've been hearing so far -- and I've posted some reports about this as well -- indicates the Cowboys have big plans for Jones this season.
It's blacked out here in Seattle. :furious:I wanted to see how Jerramy Stevens is coming along and whether Anthony Thomas has surpassed Ron Dayne as the fastest back in the NFL.

It's blacked out here in Seattle. :furious:

I wanted to see how Jerramy Stevens is coming along and whether Anthony Thomas has surpassed Ron Dayne as the fastest back in the NFL.
Thomas hasn't done squat.............Jerramy Stevens probably has about 4 catches for about 40 yards.......something like that. He's been looked at for sure. I think Alexander, Hasselbeck, Engram and Stevens have looked solid.

Crap, wanted to see who got the goaline carries.
What makes you think it would be someone other than Julius Jones?
Been hearing all kinds of nonsense about ATrain and the rook they drafted possibly handling the goalline and short yardage reponsibilties.
Well Hass has looked Jeremy Stevens' way ALOT tonight. I don't think DJ had one catch tonight.
It's blacked out here in Seattle. :furious:

I wanted to see how Jerramy Stevens is coming along and whether Anthony Thomas has surpassed Ron Dayne as the fastest back in the NFL.
Did I say fastest? I meant fattest.
1-10-DAL 24 (3:12) A.Thomas right guard to DAL 25 for 1 yard 1-10-DAL 39 (2:15) A.Thomas right tackle to DAL 39 for no gain THE A-TRAIN BANDWAGON IS BEGINNING TO ROLL, KIDS!!!

I'm going to tell you something I've noticed this first half. I thought it with Bledsoe and I can see it with Henson now.They're got getting the snaps/football out from under center quickly and which results in the QB getting back slowly.I haven't decided yet if it's the center or the QB. I think it's the QB, but the center has to get that ball snapped quickly and the Qb has to get his butt out of there ASAP. When I'm watching, the QB is to late in getting back, the pass rush is to far up field. The Qb should be farther back.

Been hearing all kinds of nonsense about ATrain and the rook they drafted possibly handling the goalline and short yardage reponsibilties.
A Thomas will be their short yardage back... as in a very short amount of yardage on each rush.
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yeah, but your othjer options are worse.... :unsure:
No they aren't. Drew Henson would be the equal of the current Bledsoe with a year of seasoning. ALso, lifetime 60% passer Tim COuch is a free agent.Colin
INT Henson. I told you last year this guy was a bum and Dallas waisted a 3rd rounder on him. Luckily that 3rd rounder was this year and it's behind them now but this dude's horrible, I mean horrible. I am a Michigan Wolverine diehard and I've always said that about this guy. He should have stayed a yankee.
yeah, but your othjer options are worse.... :unsure:
No they aren't. Drew Henson would be the equal of the current Bledsoe with a year of seasoning. ALso, lifetime 60% passer Tim COuch is a free agent.Colin
INT Henson. I told you last year this guy was a bum and Dallas waisted a 3rd rounder on him. Luckily that 3rd rounder was this year and it's behind them now but this dude's horrible, I mean horrible. I am a Michigan Wolverine diehard and I've always said that about this guy. He should have stayed a yankee.
He needs the snaps. With a younger coach and that much young talent, I'd take my chances with Henson. I said the same thing last year. COlin

With 46 seconds left in the half, Dallas has the ball at their own 26. They decide to run it out and Al Michaels mentions it like it's some sort of strange thing to do.Didn't he just see the pick Henson threw. :crazy:

Crap, wanted to see who got the goaline carries.
Heh, my thoughts exactly I was hoping they would rule that guy out at the 1.As for those acting surprised about it possibly being someone other than JJ, wasn't it posted here both times when Parcells very specifically said in interviews that Atrain was going to be the short yardage back?

With 46 seconds left in the half, Dallas has the ball at their own 26. They decide to run it out and Al Michaels mentions it like it's some sort of strange thing to do.

Didn't he just see the pick Henson threw. :crazy:
Is this game gonna cost them a playoff spot? Let the kid play. Maybe they needed to practice the kneeldown? :wall:
yeah, but your othjer options are worse.... :unsure:
No they aren't. Drew Henson would be the equal of the current Bledsoe with a year of seasoning. ALso, lifetime 60% passer Tim COuch is a free agent.Colin
INT Henson. I told you last year this guy was a bum and Dallas waisted a 3rd rounder on him. Luckily that 3rd rounder was this year and it's behind them now but this dude's horrible, I mean horrible. I am a Michigan Wolverine diehard and I've always said that about this guy. He should have stayed a yankee.
He needs the snaps. With a younger coach and that much young talent, I'd take my chances with Henson. I said the same thing last year. COlin
He doesn't even deserve to be the NO.2 tonight. If I were Romo I'd be pissed. He's outplayed him all preseason and gets into his first series and he throws a pick. I don't get "he needs the snaps." What's he do all year long?? I go to work and find time to play recreational sports and things like that. I've improved my golf game a bit while holding down a job and even frequenting on here.

All he's had time to do since last year is take snaps.


Blackouts on preseason games suck.
Yes. But not nearly as much as the regular season ones.
Then you need to get into a smaller stadium so you can sell out.I'm glad that's what the Lions did. The Silverdome used to hold 88,000.........and would maybe sell out once a year.

Now, Ford Field holds.........shoot can't remember if it's 62,000 or 56,000 but it's significantly smaller and obviously much easier to sell out.

Crap, wanted to see who got the goaline carries.
Heh, my thoughts exactly I was hoping they would rule that guy out at the 1.As for those acting surprised about it possibly being someone other than JJ, wasn't it posted here both times when Parcells very specifically said in interviews that Atrain was going to be the short yardage back?
Yea, thanks for the backup. Maybe we pay too much attention?! :football:
I'm picking 9th in my league and figured there was no way Jones would be on the board coming back in the second round. But if enough of the guys in my league are watching his rather underwhelming performance so far maybe he'll slide.[
Yeah i think alot of guys expecially here in geneal make more out of preseason then what they should. Its one thing when i guy tares it up and there is certain things you can take from that, but when guys in this forum or in general see runningbacks or qbs not playing well, it dosnt meen squat alot of the times. I always like to look at that year ricky williams was having a horrible preseason a few years back and everyone was dogging him, he went on to have a monster season. Preseason helps dont get me wrong but alot of guys over anaylize things.
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Henson doesn't move back immdiately once the ball is snapped to him under center. For a brief moment, both feet are under center while he's still got the ball and the defense is already pushing up field. He's got to be out of there faster.He looks better on shotgun plays because he has more time to throw (because he doesn't have to move back).

Someone please watch Henson take the snap and see if he just hesitates just a bit before pulling out of center. Watch the D, isn't the push coming way before he's getting out of there.Someone please confirm or tell me I'm off on this.

They just said, very nicely, that Seneca Wallace has ADD.
Yea that's what I just said to my wife.I'm so pissed, I thouht the game was on at 9 (EST). I come in after sanding my deck and I missed the entire F'N 1st Qtr.

A-Train just broke free for about 5. Man alive is he slow.

Someone please watch Henson take the snap and see if he just hesitates just a bit before pulling out of center. Watch the D, isn't the push coming way before he's getting out of there.

Someone please confirm or tell me I'm off on this.
I was thinking this as well. He kinda just pauses behind the center.

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