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***OFFICIAL*** Steelers 2012 Thread (1 Viewer)

As the poster mentioned above, I for one have severely under-estimated the loss of Hines. Spoke volumes to me to see Brown sitting by himself after fumbling the punt, head down to the ground. Need one of the vets over there to keep his head up...might have prevented some of his other costly mistakes.

Bring back Arians??? :mellow:
I don't think the play calling has been the issue at all. I get what Haley/Tomlin are trying to do here.Injuries, fumbles, mental errors are what is killing this team. Poor tackling, carrying the ball away from the body, etc. That ultimately falls on the coaches (excepting injuries.) Tomlin needs to whip this bunch into shape or he has to clean house a little this offseason.
Bring back Arians??? :mellow:
I don't think the play calling has been the issue at all. I get what Haley/Tomlin are trying to do here.Injuries, fumbles, mental errors are what is killing this team. Poor tackling, carrying the ball away from the body, etc. That ultimately falls on the coaches (excepting injuries.) Tomlin needs to whip this bunch into shape or he has to clean house a little this offseason.
The play calling sucks. The offense only moves the ball when they go no huddle and Ben calls the plays. In this case, all of the plays aren't even in Haleys playbook. However, the real problem with the team is injuries. The injuries to CB's as of late have been huge. They are down to playing guys like Robert Golden (an undrafted rookie Safety) at CB and Josh Victorian most recently with the New Orleans VooDoo_One of the things that has made the Steelers successful is that they normally weather injuries well as they have lots of good backups. However, you can't survive injuries to the backups. Nobody is that deep.
So basically the only purpose to watch the bengals game next is to figure out if there is a reason to watch the NFL on December 30th. Just ####### great.

If we have learned anything from this year it is how important Hines Ward was. I thought maybe Cotchery could provide some of that leadership to the young studs at receivers. But this year Wallace has became a selfish diva and Antonio Brown has had way too many brain farts to count.
While Brown did not have his nicest game yesterday, I give him an incomplete for this year as he was hurt for too much of it.
i don't understand giving Brown a free pass on yesterday due to past injuries. this is about what's going on between his ears. i recall a media piece on bill belicheck where he insisted that his players know what to do on the field in various circumstances. he reiterated that they need to be ready for anything, to anticipate, and to think like a coach themselves. i feel like the steelers players are coached to play freely, do their one job and (hopefully) do it well, but it doesn't look like they are encouraged to think for themselves. brown, to me, seems like the poster child for this line of reasoning. obvously, it's not working this year.
What I said was giving him a free pass for this year - something I wouldnt give Wallace - because he's been injured much of the year.
Ike already declared out for the Bengals game, Van Dyke on injured reserve. Former Penn State cornerback and Pittsburgh native Justin King to take Van Dyke's place on the roster. King was a fourth-round selection by the St. Louis Rams in 2008 and played five games this season in Indianapolis before being released.

Ike already declared out for the Bengals game, Van Dyke on injured reserve. Former Penn State cornerback and Pittsburgh native Justin King to take Van Dyke's place on the roster. King was a fourth-round selection by the St. Louis Rams in 2008 and played five games this season in Indianapolis before being released.
This is a good signing. I won't be excited to see him starting, but if he had to play some nickle, they could do worse and have been.
Bring back Arians??? :mellow:
I don't think the play calling has been the issue at all. I get what Haley/Tomlin are trying to do here.Injuries, fumbles, mental errors are what is killing this team. Poor tackling, carrying the ball away from the body, etc. That ultimately falls on the coaches (excepting injuries.) Tomlin needs to whip this bunch into shape or he has to clean house a little this offseason.
the question is, does the team and/or does Ben?
Bring back Arians??? :mellow:
I don't think the play calling has been the issue at all. I get what Haley/Tomlin are trying to do here.Injuries, fumbles, mental errors are what is killing this team. Poor tackling, carrying the ball away from the body, etc. That ultimately falls on the coaches (excepting injuries.) Tomlin needs to whip this bunch into shape or he has to clean house a little this offseason.
the question is, does the team and/or does Ben?
You can't tell if Ben does or not. He says publicly that he does, but I think he wants to be a Brett Favre/Peyton Manning hybrid who calls all his own plays and has carte blanche to run around and make any throw he feels will make a splash play. The coaches are trying to rein him in a touch, limit his exposure to big hits, and keep him around a long time because they know as long as they have him, they can put pieces around him and keep the franchise in contention every year. If Roethlisberger sees the forest for the trees (he likely will, he's only 30 years old and probably still feels invincible) he'll realize that what they're doing may sacrifice some downfield looks, but will keep him and the franchise healthy for a much longer period of time.Whether the team is buying in, I'm really not sure. I'm of the opinion that results breed content - if they're winning, everyone will magically be on the same page. I really don't think the play calling has been bad this year at all, I think what they're doing is smart. This team could easily be 10-4 or 11-3 right now, they've been killing themselves with untimely penalties, bad turnovers, and dumb plays. That's on the players, although (especially with turnovers) the coaches will ultimately take the rap for the team being "unprepared" if it persists.

Bring back Arians??? :mellow:
I don't think the play calling has been the issue at all. I get what Haley/Tomlin are trying to do here.Injuries, fumbles, mental errors are what is killing this team. Poor tackling, carrying the ball away from the body, etc. That ultimately falls on the coaches (excepting injuries.) Tomlin needs to whip this bunch into shape or he has to clean house a little this offseason.
the question is, does the team and/or does Ben?
You can't tell if Ben does or not. He says publicly that he does, but I think he wants to be a Brett Favre/Peyton Manning hybrid who calls all his own plays and has carte blanche to run around and make any throw he feels will make a splash play. The coaches are trying to rein him in a touch, limit his exposure to big hits, and keep him around a long time because they know as long as they have him, they can put pieces around him and keep the franchise in contention every year. If Roethlisberger sees the forest for the trees (he likely will, he's only 30 years old and probably still feels invincible) he'll realize that what they're doing may sacrifice some downfield looks, but will keep him and the franchise healthy for a much longer period of time.Whether the team is buying in, I'm really not sure. I'm of the opinion that results breed content - if they're winning, everyone will magically be on the same page. I really don't think the play calling has been bad this year at all, I think what they're doing is smart. This team could easily be 10-4 or 11-3 right now, they've been killing themselves with untimely penalties, bad turnovers, and dumb plays. That's on the players, although (especially with turnovers) the coaches will ultimately take the rap for the team being "unprepared" if it persists.
I don;t think Ben is on board, i think he never got over Arians leaving. He says the right things, for the most part, but he lets the little comments slide in to show his displeasureI wouldn't be surprised if the success of the Colts kind of makes Ben even more pissed, because his good friend is proving he is a heck of a coach, and Ben thinks the steelers should not have let him go

all speculation though, Ben's smart enough not to go public if this were the case, so as you say we cannot really know

but if there were a lot of internal strife it could explain some of the very unsteeler like things we are seeing with this team


The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Awesome. So when do we get thumped by NE, Denver or Houston?

The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Awesome. So when do we get thumped by NE, Denver or Houston?
Been playing with the scenario builder http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/playoffscenarioI like the Balt first round matchup :)

'fred_1_15301 said:
'Copeman said:

The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Awesome. So when do we get thumped by NE, Denver or Houston?
I played this all out on paper yesterday, right before I discovered ESPN's "playoff machine" :wall: Basically, it's simple:

If the Steelers lose Sunday, they're done. Out of the playoffs, season over. So we won't explore that any further.

If they win Sunday, then they either need to beat Cleveland in week 17 or have Baltimore beat Cincinnati the same week to make the playoffs, provided Miami doesn't win out. If PIT, CIN, and MIA all finish at 8-8, the Dolphins are in and the Steelers and Bengals are out. If Baltimore wins in either of the final two weeks, they win the division. If Baltimore loses to the Giants this week and Bengals next week, the Steelers win the division by winning out.

To your question : if that happens, they'd play Indy at home in the wildcard round, so it would be the divisional round in which they would get thumped at Denver, Houston, or New England (most likely Houston at this juncture.)

'fred_1_15301 said:
'Copeman said:

The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Awesome. So when do we get thumped by NE, Denver or Houston?
I played this all out on paper yesterday, right before I discovered ESPN's "playoff machine" :wall: Basically, it's simple:

If the Steelers lose Sunday, they're done. Out of the playoffs, season over. So we won't explore that any further.

If they win Sunday, then they either need to beat Cleveland in week 17 or have Baltimore beat Cincinnati the same week to make the playoffs, provided Miami doesn't win out. If PIT, CIN, and MIA all finish at 8-8, the Dolphins are in and the Steelers and Bengals are out. If Baltimore wins in either of the final two weeks, they win the division. If Baltimore loses to the Giants this week and Bengals next week, the Steelers win the division by winning out.

To your question : if that happens, they'd play Indy at home in the wildcard round, so it would be the divisional round in which they would get thumped at Denver, Houston, or New England (most likely Houston at this juncture.)
I don't see how Pittsburgh could ever win a tie breaker vs Baltimore. Conference record should be their doom.
'fred_1_15301 said:
'Copeman said:

The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Awesome. So when do we get thumped by NE, Denver or Houston?
I played this all out on paper yesterday, right before I discovered ESPN's "playoff machine" :wall: Basically, it's simple:

If the Steelers lose Sunday, they're done. Out of the playoffs, season over. So we won't explore that any further.

If they win Sunday, then they either need to beat Cleveland in week 17 or have Baltimore beat Cincinnati the same week to make the playoffs, provided Miami doesn't win out. If PIT, CIN, and MIA all finish at 8-8, the Dolphins are in and the Steelers and Bengals are out. If Baltimore wins in either of the final two weeks, they win the division. If Baltimore loses to the Giants this week and Bengals next week, the Steelers win the division by winning out.

To your question : if that happens, they'd play Indy at home in the wildcard round, so it would be the divisional round in which they would get thumped at Denver, Houston, or New England (most likely Houston at this juncture.)
I don't see how Pittsburgh could ever win a tie breaker vs Baltimore. Conference record should be their doom.
For this to play out.Pitt - 9-7 H2H - 3-1

Balt 9-7 H2H - 2-2

Cincy 9-7 H2H -1-3

So Pittsburgh wins divison.

Balt then Beats Cincy in 2 team Division tie breaker because of divison record.


'fred_1_15301 said:
'Copeman said:

The Steelers are limping badly to the NFL finish line with four losses in the past five games and a 7-7 record. The defense has lost its snarl, the offense specializes in turnovers. By normal standards, it would appear that a season once thick with promise is drawing to a crushingly disappointing close.

Not so fast!

This is 2012 and the NFL’s favorite word -- parity -- is in full roar. As bad as the Steelers have been -- two of those past four losses have come to 5-9 teams whose coaches probaby will be fired -- they are not just alive in a quest for a postseason berth, they have a reasonable path to a division title and a home playoff game.

Crazy? Yes! Doable? Also, yes.

Fans wishing for a sloppy finish to enhance the team’s draft position need to refocus.

At first glance, the scenario that would present the Steelers with a home playoff game appears daunting. But it's also doable.

It would requires not only the Steelers to win their two remaining games but for the Baltimore Ravens to lose their two remaining games.

First, the Steelers: They play Cincinnati Sunday and Cleveland seven days later. Both games are at Heinz Field. Based on their recent play, the Steelers are eminently capable of losing both. But also capable of winning both and will be favored to do so.

The Ravens already have lost three in a row and the thought of this proud franchise finishing a season with five straight defeats would seem slim. But the Ravens appear in full chaos mode -- they were thwacked at home Sunday by Denver -- and their schedule is formidable.

They play the New York Giants at home Sunday. The Giants, defending Super Bowl champs, need to win to stay in the playoff hunt. They will be highly motivated toward defending their title and appear to be the stronger team. If the Ravens go to Cincinnati for the season finale with four straight defeats and face a Bengals team hungering for the playoffs, it could be a fifth straight loss.

If that happens, the Steelers, Ravens and Bengals will finish 9-7. According to NFL.com, the first tie-breaker among three or more teams is ``best won-lost-tied percentage among the clubs.’’ If the above scenario takes place, the Steelers would be 3-1 (one win over Baltimore, two over Cincinnati), the Ravens 2-2 and the Bengals 1-3.

The Steelers would be in the playoffs, not as a wild-card, but as the division champ. Which means, instead of being seeded sixth and likely playing at New England in the first-round of the playoffs, they will be at home against Indianapolis. Instead of a near-certain loss at Foxboro, they would be favored at home against the upstart Colts in a game that would mark the return to Heinz Field of Bruce Arians.

After the darkness of the Dallas defeat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Awesome. So when do we get thumped by NE, Denver or Houston?
I played this all out on paper yesterday, right before I discovered ESPN's "playoff machine" :wall: Basically, it's simple:

If the Steelers lose Sunday, they're done. Out of the playoffs, season over. So we won't explore that any further.

If they win Sunday, then they either need to beat Cleveland in week 17 or have Baltimore beat Cincinnati the same week to make the playoffs, provided Miami doesn't win out. If PIT, CIN, and MIA all finish at 8-8, the Dolphins are in and the Steelers and Bengals are out. If Baltimore wins in either of the final two weeks, they win the division. If Baltimore loses to the Giants this week and Bengals next week, the Steelers win the division by winning out.

To your question : if that happens, they'd play Indy at home in the wildcard round, so it would be the divisional round in which they would get thumped at Denver, Houston, or New England (most likely Houston at this juncture.)
I don't see how Pittsburgh could ever win a tie breaker vs Baltimore. Conference record should be their doom.
The only way the Steelers and Ravens both end up 9-7 is if the Bengals also end up 9-7. If that happens, the division champ is determined by record head-to-head among the three tied teams. With a sweep over Concy and a split with Baltimore, the Steelers win that 3-way tiebreak.
Ben apologizing for the comments about play calling...I think Haley may get sent packing
Possible, but I'd call it unlikely. If they were interested in placating Roethlisberger above all else, they'd never have fired Arians in the first place. Although if it becomes so acrimonious that it comes down to one or the other needing to go, I doubt it's Ben that gets the heave-ho, so you never know...
Ben apologizing for the comments about play calling...I think Haley may get sent packing
Nahhh. Every little minor item concerning the Steelers gets blown way out of proportion by the local sports media. It is even worse now that there isn't a hockey season to diffuse some of the nonsense. I think Ben and Haley are fine...
Ben apologizing for the comments about play calling...I think Haley may get sent packing
Nahhh. Every little minor item concerning the Steelers gets blown way out of proportion by the local sports media. It is even worse now that there isn't a hockey season to diffuse some of the nonsense. I think Ben and Haley are fine...
I think Ben hates him. Of course he is such a huge ****, that I am pretty sure his own mother would hate him.
I don't even know what to say. The defense steps up big and the offense lays a complete egg. I'm not sure what is going on behind the scenes with Mendenhall, but how didn't he get 20 carries today. And what's with the long FG attempt? Is Tomlin delusional?

There was a time wnen I wouldn't trade Ben for anyone in the two-minute drill. He's lost his mojo.

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Ben should worry more about his crappy play rather than the playcalling. I think he is injured. Anyway, they didn't deserve the playoffs. While it sucks to have them eliminated, at least now I get my Sundays back. Maybe next year. Time to watch hockey...oh, wait...

This is the most frustrating season I can remember as a Steeler fan. This team continually shot themselves in the foot all year with their stupid penalties, turnovers, and bad decisions.

Very disappointing season. About the only highlight today was that Troy looked like himself for the first time this year.

In the end, this team had too many injuries and not nearly enough discipline to take advantage of what seems like (IMO) a prime year for an upstart team to do some real damage in the playoffs. The only thing left now is to seal a win over Cleveland next week to avoid taking on our first losing record since 2003.

But think about that for a minute, because it's good perspective. It seems to me that we're a pretty lucky group of fans to be in this team's corner. There just haven't been that many bad years in the last decade -- or in the last 40 years, to be truthful - but there has been an unprecedented level of success.

Disappointment builds character. Now's the time for the faithful to ante up. Here we go. :towelwave:

no excuses--not injuries, not a new OC. the steelers played dumb football for most of the year. UGLY, UGLY, UGLY. this team has been in a downward spiral ever since the Ravens game of 2011. i shudder to think what they will do in 2013.

If yesterdays game doesnt get tomlin & haley fired nothing will. How on earth are you throwing the ball in your own end with less than 25 seconds left instead of getting it to overtime???? The way overtime rules are now, the luck factor in OT is less of a factor. This is the most undisciplined steeler team i have ever seen. This all falls on the head coach and he has no intensity or even seems interested half of the time.

If yesterdays game doesnt get tomlin & haley fired nothing will. How on earth are you throwing the ball in your own end with less than 25 seconds left instead of getting it to overtime???? The way overtime rules are now, the luck factor in OT is less of a factor. This is the most undisciplined steeler team i have ever seen. This all falls on the head coach and he has no intensity or even seems interested half of the time.
i agree with everything up to the last phrases--coach tomlin's intensity should not be questioned, imo. if anything, i think he loses his rationality as he gets caught up in the heat of the moment. he is just a bad game-day coach. and, no, they will not be fired despite the debacle that was 2012. the rooney's will give them both a lot more time.as for coach haley, i had been very happy with his hiring so i am a bit surprised to see the offense lay an egg down the stretch. there is a disconnect somewhere--not sure where. also note that the special teams is abyssmal which is another strike against Tomlin because he ran Al Everest out of town just before the season started.
If yesterdays game doesnt get tomlin & haley fired nothing will. How on earth are you throwing the ball in your own end with less than 25 seconds left instead of getting it to overtime???? The way overtime rules are now, the luck factor in OT is less of a factor. This is the most undisciplined steeler team i have ever seen. This all falls on the head coach and he has no intensity or even seems interested half of the time.
i agree with everything up to the last phrases--coach tomlin's intensity should not be questioned, imo. if anything, i think he loses his rationality as he gets caught up in the heat of the moment. he is just a bad game-day coach. and, no, they will not be fired despite the debacle that was 2012. the rooney's will give them both a lot more time.as for coach haley, i had been very happy with his hiring so i am a bit surprised to see the offense lay an egg down the stretch. there is a disconnect somewhere--not sure where. also note that the special teams is abyssmal which is another strike against Tomlin because he ran Al Everest out of town just before the season started.
the disconnect yesterday was with Ben. He played awful.
I'm sorry but Ben is overrated. Sure he makes some outstanding plays at times but he counters that with mind blowing stupidity. Both him and Tomlin have little understanding of clock management. No excuse whatsoever for that last interception. Simply hard to even fathom that they lost in such a manner. Yet the talking heads will still consider Ben and Tomlin elite.

Let's not over-react here. Ben hasn't been playing well lately, but he is still very good and very capable of leading this team to another Superbowl.

The good news is that I think they've put together a young o-line that should be together for while. The secondary seems to be in decent shape. They've invested in the d-line, its time for them to make plays.

Biggest need is linebacker, nose tackle, and play makers on offense (runningback/wide receiver).

IMO, they can not go into next season with Dwyer as the starter.

To use a Cowherism, there's a fine line in the NFL. This team just couldn't get the momentum together to be on the right side of it.

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Not overreacting. If he has the right pieces around him, he can lead the team to a superbowl. He's still a good qb but just not elite IMO. He has loads of talent but way too many brain farts at key moments. With that said, the only guys I'd consider elite are Brady, Brees, Rodgers and Peyton.

Well I think it was almost a good season. But.....

The instability on both the OL and DL are exposing all of the skill players including Ben and the defensive secondary. They are forced to make too many hero plays which imo leads to more mistakes and injuries. They are ALWAYS under pressure. How often did our OL make a fat hole to run through or give Ben a decent pocket to throw through. Not enough. And how often did we pressure the QB or stuff the run w/out blitzing. (The D was overall good - but more due to scheme and a shutdown secondary prior to all the injuries. We get to play pretty pedestrian offenses all year as well btw. We were no tas good as our stats on D.

Watch other good teams. Foster and Peterson are elite backs yes - but they also have a fair share of big holes to run through and they only get dragged down by one smaller player. Brady and Brees and Rogers is able to make a good amount of throws from a nice pocket.

Our skill players are good enough to win a SB if healthy but not w/ the OL/DL we have.

And I thought Haley was far better than Arians. Mid season when we were sort of healthy I think I saw some good play calling. The D was frequently guessing wrong and we were getting our share of good looks.

I think the OL just needs a year to gel - and some depth and maybe a tackle.

The DL - wll if we can't get another OL like Harrison of 3 years ago (unblockable) it's time to redo something. You must generate pressure on D from 4 rushers to beat a Brady.

On O - ditch Wallace and sign Percy Harvin

Find next years A Morris and let Mendy go. Keep Dwyer, Redman and Rainey for spot/3rd down/backup duty.

Get another good TE.

Not sure who to root for this playoffs but Seattle is fun.

IMO, they can not go into next season with Dwyer as the starter.
100% agreed.It's not the only weak point, but the lack of talent in this stable of RB's really limited the Steeler play action game. No reason for LB's to bite on the fake if they know they can outrun the back to the hole and can absolutely beat them to the edge.A lot of my thoughts going into this season were way off base in retrospect.I believed in Redman. I believed in Haley. I thought Woodley would bounce back. I thought Clark was a liability. I though Pouncey would improve if healthy.Wrong on all counts.
We never recovered from the Ben injury (and he obviously isn't fully recovered, as many of his passes started being way off target and short post shoulder/rib injury), simple as that.

When he went down we had won 4 in a row vs Cincy, Washington, the Giants and Kansas City. And were standing at 6-3.

We have >5< losses by 3 or less on the season. And have lost 5 of 6 after he got hurt.

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'irish eyes said:
If yesterdays game doesnt get tomlin & haley fired nothing will. How on earth are you throwing the ball in your own end with less than 25 seconds left instead of getting it to overtime???? The way overtime rules are now, the luck factor in OT is less of a factor. This is the most undisciplined steeler team i have ever seen. This all falls on the head coach and he has no intensity or even seems interested half of the time.
I am as disappointed as anyone but some of the comments here make me laugh. Tomlin and Haley aren't going anywhere. Ben is not overrated -- he played a great game against Dallas but made one bad throw in OT. There were lots of blame to go around for that loss.

Ben had a bad game against the Bengals - no denying that - he was forcing the ball and just didn't look sharp. But the line also sucked and he was under crazy pressure. I realize that was only DeCastro's second start but my God he was awful.

I do agree some of the decisions made by Tomlin were beyond goofy. He definitely deserves some criticism and he needs to learn from his mistakes but the Rooney's don't make knee-jerk reactions. They aren't going to fire Tomlin after one 7-9 or 8-8 injury plagued season.

Thought this was interesting... when I saw the play live I was pretty close to sure that Nelson lined up Miller's knee to send a message to James Harrison about dirty play cutting both ways. But Nelson says it isn't so...

According to Joe Reedy of the Cincinnati Enquirer, Nelson talked to Ben Roethlisberger on the field after Sunday’s game and they weren’t talking about the safety’s interception that set up the Bengals’ winning field goal with four seconds left.Writes Reedy: Nelson hoped to get a message to Steelers tight end Heath Miller about a play in the first quarter. Miller limped off the field after Nelson tackled him around the knees on a 16-yard catch.“It was just purely business about Miller, and that’s it,” Nelson said of his discussion with Roethlisberger. “You don’t want to be labeled as a dirty player. I went low and that’s how the league teaches us. So I was just letting him know to let Miller know I wasn’t trying to end his career.”
Thought this was interesting... when I saw the play live I was pretty close to sure that Nelson lined up Miller's knee to send a message to James Harrison about dirty play cutting both ways. But Nelson says it isn't so...

According to Joe Reedy of the Cincinnati Enquirer, Nelson talked to Ben Roethlisberger on the field after Sunday’s game and they weren’t talking about the safety’s interception that set up the Bengals’ winning field goal with four seconds left.Writes Reedy: Nelson hoped to get a message to Steelers tight end Heath Miller about a play in the first quarter. Miller limped off the field after Nelson tackled him around the knees on a 16-yard catch.“It was just purely business about Miller, and that’s it,” Nelson said of his discussion with Roethlisberger. “You don’t want to be labeled as a dirty player. I went low and that’s how the league teaches us. So I was just letting him know to let Miller know I wasn’t trying to end his career.”
:bs: The Bengals were targeting Miller's from the get go last week. The result was multiple torn ligaments in Miller's right knee. It is a bit late to be worried about being labeled a dirty player...
I am not going to say that Ben is overrated because I think a lot of his problems was because of the shoulder/rib injury against the Chiefs. But there is one thing that Ben really needs to be and that is a leader. Right now he is the captain of the ship but not really a leader of the men. And unfortunately the offense is severely lacking on offensive leadership. We had guys like Bettis and Ward and we have at least 4 or 5 guys that can be defensive leaders but I can't think of an offensive one. Heath Miller should be but he is more of an "action speaks louder than words" guy and unfortunately with this team that isn't helping.

Even though it looks like most of the Browns starting offense is hurt this week, I have little confidence in the last game. Why should we believe that a team that has no complete apathy when it matters the most against the Browns and Chargers and Bengals will play their butts off when it means nothing

They did, but I guess because of his pending legal problems nobody wanted the headache. He cleared waivers and was signed back to Pgh practice squad.

and why is big ben starting in a meaningless game? the local media declare that the steelers want to win the game. OK, fine, but if "the standard is the standard" is mike tomlin's motto when backups fill in for starters, why not start someone else at QB and still try to win the game? i think it is short-sighted to throw ben in there today.


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