I've never been tempted to skip a cutscene a single time in this game so far. It helps that there aren't a whole lot of them, but they're all mesmerizing. It's also cool how you get an opportunity to strike up conversations based on stuff Ellie and Joel are looking at.Got this as a Fathers Day gift yesterday and played after the Finals last night. 1.5 hours in and 15% done on normal difficulty (for my first play through).
Really gut wrenching start and the game is awesome. So in my wheelhouse of survival, stealth and action. But more importantly the voice acting, visuals and sound are top notch. Feels like an Epic movie unfolding. The game feels great. Griity, tense, down to earth.
Pure survival.
I am exploring everything, taking my time, evaluating the situation. And trying to go as stealth as I can. Confrontation is inevitable, but making sure I approach it in the best way possible is the beauty of this game. This is not the type of game you rambo through. This is a game you immerse yourself in the enviroments and tak in the sheer horror of the situation you find yourself in.
It has a 28 days later feel. But in the USA.
Great stuff.
On an unrelated note, did anybody else notice Uncharted: The Board Game in the toy store in Pittsburgh?