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***Official Thread for The Last Of Us for PS3 and now PS4*** (2 Viewers)

Got this as a Fathers Day gift yesterday and played after the Finals last night. 1.5 hours in and 15% done on normal difficulty (for my first play through).

Really gut wrenching start and the game is awesome. So in my wheelhouse of survival, stealth and action. But more importantly the voice acting, visuals and sound are top notch. Feels like an Epic movie unfolding. The game feels great. Griity, tense, down to earth.

Pure survival.

I am exploring everything, taking my time, evaluating the situation. And trying to go as stealth as I can. Confrontation is inevitable, but making sure I approach it in the best way possible is the beauty of this game. This is not the type of game you rambo through. This is a game you immerse yourself in the enviroments and tak in the sheer horror of the situation you find yourself in.

It has a 28 days later feel. But in the USA.

Great stuff.
I've never been tempted to skip a cutscene a single time in this game so far. It helps that there aren't a whole lot of them, but they're all mesmerizing. It's also cool how you get an opportunity to strike up conversations based on stuff Ellie and Joel are looking at.

On an unrelated note, did anybody else notice Uncharted: The Board Game in the toy store in Pittsburgh?

Probably a stupid question, but what is with the icon of your controller that pops up in the bottom left corner every now and then? Like you are supposed to shake it or something.
It took me forever to figure this one out. It's the batteries on your flashlight. After your light has been on for a while, it starts to go out and Joel flicks it back on again by shaking it a little.
It was in the manual that came on the disc.


Finished in 30 hours and 30 minutes. Great story, tough to finalize the whole thing though. The last couple of boards are tough. On normal you should have enough weapons unless you waste them. I imagine on the more difficult settings you need to use much more stealth because I rarely used it on normal.

The game says "continue plus" on normal mode for me. I'm going to Google what the plus means. Awesome game, frustrating at times, the ending... well, I won't say anything about it here.

I did collect 84 of the 141 (140 something) artifacts. I hit 60% of my bullets.

Finished in 30 hours and 30 minutes. Great story, tough to finalize the whole thing though. The last couple of boards are tough. On normal you should have enough weapons unless you waste them. I imagine on the more difficult settings you need to use much more stealth because I rarely used it on normal.
I try and use stealth for every kill I can. Besides saving on supplies, I find I get completely overwhelmed if I try and just go toe to toe with enemies. And I just only got to Bill's or whoever you meet after the capitol. Then again, I tend to suck at these types of games.
Finished in 30 hours and 30 minutes. Great story, tough to finalize the whole thing though. The last couple of boards are tough. On normal you should have enough weapons unless you waste them. I imagine on the more difficult settings you need to use much more stealth because I rarely used it on normal.
I try and use stealth for every kill I can. Besides saving on supplies, I find I get completely overwhelmed if I try and just go toe to toe with enemies. And I just only got to Bill's or whoever you meet after the capitol. Then again, I tend to suck at these types of games.
This is the first time I played a game like this. I enjoy sniping and firing from afar. However they pick up on the gunfire and I have to shoot and run. If you like the stealth stuff then you will love the cat and mouse game later. Me, I hated that part. The + after you beat it you keep your supplies so it should be easier the second time around. I'm going to take my time this go round. Practice on stealth and other stuff.

Finished in 30 hours and 30 minutes. Great story, tough to finalize the whole thing though. The last couple of boards are tough. On normal you should have enough weapons unless you waste them. I imagine on the more difficult settings you need to use much more stealth because I rarely used it on normal.
I try and use stealth for every kill I can. Besides saving on supplies, I find I get completely overwhelmed if I try and just go toe to toe with enemies. And I just only got to Bill's or whoever you meet after the capitol. Then again, I tend to suck at these types of games.
This is the first time I played a game like this. I enjoy sniping and firing from afar. However they pick up on the gunfire and I have to shoot and run. If you like the stealth stuff then you will love the cat and mouse game later. Me, I hated that part.The + after you beat it you keep your supplies so it should be easier the second time around. I'm going to take my time this go round. Practice on stealth and other stuff.
This is why the bow and arrow is money. I suck at quick aiming with a controller so if I have to fight a group I have to eliminate at least a few of them from a distance.

I really want to finish this game bad so I can go into forums and read up on tips/tricks. Right now I'm afraid to venture into GameFaqs or other sites because I don't want the ending spoiled. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be able to finish it tonight. I think I'm nearing the end of Winter (?) but I know there's a fair amount more to go.

One minor complaint. Do not read this one if you haven't played through the first few segments of Winter yet:

Having you play as Ellie for a while was a really good idea, and I love how it doesn't tell you whether Joel is dead or alive for a while. But I'm confused as to why they made the first set of "Ellie sequences" so combat-intensive. I found both of the "stand your ground and hold off the hordes" segments pretty challenging on Normal, and I am dreading them on Hard/Survivor.
I'm actually doing a ton of stealth kills because of the ammo factor and the fact I suck at aiming. I usually stealth kill any infected (especially clickers) while saving ammo for firefights against the military.

Finished in 30 hours and 30 minutes. Great story, tough to finalize the whole thing though. The last couple of boards are tough. On normal you should have enough weapons unless you waste them. I imagine on the more difficult settings you need to use much more stealth because I rarely used it on normal.
I try and use stealth for every kill I can. Besides saving on supplies, I find I get completely overwhelmed if I try and just go toe to toe with enemies. And I just only got to Bill's or whoever you meet after the capitol. Then again, I tend to suck at these types of games.
This is the first time I played a game like this. I enjoy sniping and firing from afar. However they pick up on the gunfire and I have to shoot and run. If you like the stealth stuff then you will love the cat and mouse game later. Me, I hated that part.The + after you beat it you keep your supplies so it should be easier the second time around. I'm going to take my time this go round. Practice on stealth and other stuff.
This is why the bow and arrow is money. I suck at quick aiming with a controller so if I have to fight a group I have to eliminate at least a few of them from a distance.
I did not utilize the bow and arrow for some time. It is money but I use it when I fight Bloaters (if I have arrows). I find the lack of arrows is my problem. Not sure if I missed a stash somewhere or now. Long range rifle is huge, for me. I love sniping and in the Winter, it was money for me. @Ivan - since you're almost at the end of Winter, get ready for the Cat and Mouse. I dread that on a harder level.

I enjoyed the game tremendously. Great story and challenging. Can't say enough about it right now. Although I may say some other things when it pisses me off.

I really want to finish this game bad so I can go into forums and read up on tips/tricks. Right now I'm afraid to venture into GameFaqs or other sites because I don't want the ending spoiled. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be able to finish it tonight. I think I'm nearing the end of Winter (?) but I know there's a fair amount more to go.

One minor complaint. Do not read this one if you haven't played through the first few segments of Winter yet:

Having you play as Ellie for a while was a really good idea, and I love how it doesn't tell you whether Joel is dead or alive for a while. But I'm confused as to why they made the first set of "Ellie sequences" so combat-intensive. I found both of the "stand your ground and hold off the hordes" segments pretty challenging on Normal, and I am dreading them on Hard/Survivor.
Don't look, Ivan. It will be worth it. I never looked and made it just fine. Take your time and paience.
The in-laws came to visit last night so I probably won't be able to play again until they leave in like a week. :-(

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Quick question. How do you NOT use your melee weapon? I upgrade the pipes or whatever to do one hit kills. Then I get attacked by runners and waste it since I'm not in stealth. I can't grab and choke. Is there a control I am missing that you can say "look, I'm not in stealth, but just want to use my fists, not my pipe"?

Quick question. How do you NOT use your melee weapon? I upgrade the pipes or whatever to do one hit kills. Then I get attacked by runners and waste it since I'm not in stealth. I can't grab and choke. Is there a control I am missing that you can say "look, I'm not in stealth, but just want to use my fists, not my pipe"?
You can unequip it by pressing left on the d-pad I think.

The in-laws came to visit last night so I probably won't be able to play again until they leave in like a week. :-(
Play when your FIL is in the room. He may enjoy watching you play a crazy game. You know him better than I do but be may get into it.
The in-laws came to visit last night so I probably won't be able to play again until they leave in like a week. :-(
Play when your FIL is in the room. He may enjoy watching you play a crazy game. You know him better than I do but be may get into it.
They are very out-doorsy, exercise types so not big on video games. Which is fine by me as I love to do that stuff too, but sometimes I like to curl up on my couch and play a good game. Differences in the generations I guess.

Too bad this game didn't come out a week sooner or later for me! Now I will have to suffer thinking about it for a week or so. Poor me.

Just made it to Bill's. He's a fun guy.

Taking my time with this, mostly because I can only play when my son's at school or asleep.

I think I died like 10 times in my first encounter with the clickers. I finally figured out how to chuck a bottle, then throw a moltov when they react. Burned 4 of them that way, then picked off the other three. It still took me 3 times after that.

I may suck at games like this.

Also - it's hella fun to play in a dark room at night. Real horrorshow.

Just made it to Bill's. He's a fun guy.

Taking my time with this, mostly because I can only play when my son's at school or asleep.

I think I died like 10 times in my first encounter with the clickers. I finally figured out how to chuck a bottle, then throw a moltov when they react. Burned 4 of them that way, then picked off the other three. It still took me 3 times after that.

I may suck at games like this.

Also - it's hella fun to play in a dark room at night. Real horrorshow.
Sounds like we are in the same spot. Took out four with a single molotov in a house on my way to school. Love the shotgun too. A definite Clicker shredder. I get sick of thinking I've pulled off the perfect creep maneuver only to have the grab fail or not take effect or whatever. Then the Clicker eats my face.
Just made it to Bill's. He's a fun guy.

Taking my time with this, mostly because I can only play when my son's at school or asleep.

I think I died like 10 times in my first encounter with the clickers. I finally figured out how to chuck a bottle, then throw a moltov when they react. Burned 4 of them that way, then picked off the other three. It still took me 3 times after that.

I may suck at games like this.

Also - it's hella fun to play in a dark room at night. Real horrorshow.
Sounds like we are in the same spot. Took out four with a single molotov in a house on my way to school. Love the shotgun too. A definite Clicker shredder. I get sick of thinking I've pulled off the perfect creep maneuver only to have the grab fail or not take effect or whatever. Then the Clicker eats my face.
You have to be behind him, like directly behind him and wait for the Green Triangle to appear before pressing any button. Also, to have a successful Clicker kill... power up the Shiv Clicker thing... the bottom one I believe.

You have to be behind him, like directly behind him and wait for the Green Triangle to appear before pressing any button. Also, to have a successful Clicker kill... power up the Shiv Clicker thing... the bottom one I believe.
I have been waiting to see the triangle. I guess it moves between when I see it and when I hit it. Because it just rarely works. I guess I'm trying to do it more from the side than behind. I tend to hide around the corner, like a doorway, and try to grab them when they come through. It just doesn't seem to work.
You have to be behind him, like directly behind him and wait for the Green Triangle to appear before pressing any button. Also, to have a successful Clicker kill... power up the Shiv Clicker thing... the bottom one I believe.
I have been waiting to see the triangle. I guess it moves between when I see it and when I hit it. Because it just rarely works. I guess I'm trying to do it more from the side than behind. I tend to hide around the corner, like a doorway, and try to grab them when they come through. It just doesn't seem to work.
That is not stealth. Your technique would work with a Runners but even then you would use your Melee weapon on them and not a Shiv. Clickers are going to hear you. However, on later levels, if you run from Clickers and Bloaters but are up high and in stealth mode, they can "lose" track of you.

One other thing about the ending. It opens up, unless they were opened before and I did not notice, all of the video scenes. There is an option to "play all" and they total 91 minutes. Not sure how connected they are but you can watch them.

Just made it to Bill's. He's a fun guy.

Taking my time with this, mostly because I can only play when my son's at school or asleep.

I think I died like 10 times in my first encounter with the clickers. I finally figured out how to chuck a bottle, then throw a moltov when they react. Burned 4 of them that way, then picked off the other three. It still took me 3 times after that.

I may suck at games like this.

Also - it's hella fun to play in a dark room at night. Real horrorshow.
Sounds like we are in the same spot. Took out four with a single molotov in a house on my way to school. Love the shotgun too. A definite Clicker shredder. I get sick of thinking I've pulled off the perfect creep maneuver only to have the grab fail or not take effect or whatever. Then the Clicker eats my face.
You have to be behind him, like directly behind him and wait for the Green Triangle to appear before pressing any button. Also, to have a successful Clicker kill... power up the Shiv Clicker thing... the bottom one I believe.
Same here. Thanks for the tip, Kev.

Just made it to Bill's. He's a fun guy.

Taking my time with this, mostly because I can only play when my son's at school or asleep.

I think I died like 10 times in my first encounter with the clickers. I finally figured out how to chuck a bottle, then throw a moltov when they react. Burned 4 of them that way, then picked off the other three. It still took me 3 times after that.

I may suck at games like this.

Also - it's hella fun to play in a dark room at night. Real horrorshow.
Sounds like we are in the same spot. Took out four with a single molotov in a house on my way to school. Love the shotgun too. A definite Clicker shredder. I get sick of thinking I've pulled off the perfect creep maneuver only to have the grab fail or not take effect or whatever. Then the Clicker eats my face.
You have to be behind him, like directly behind him and wait for the Green Triangle to appear before pressing any button. Also, to have a successful Clicker kill... power up the Shiv Clicker thing... the bottom one I believe.
Same here. Thanks for the tip, Kev.
Believe me, I have to work on this myself. I can see where this technique is a must on the two more difficult settings.

Finished it in just under 20 hours. Shockingly I only got 84 collectables, so I missed a ton of them despite looking all over the place. Oh well -- that's what second playthroughs are for.

Great game. I'm pretty confident that this is the best story of any game I've played, including Bioshock.

Finished it in just under 20 hours. Shockingly I only got 84 collectables, so I missed a ton of them despite looking all over the place. Oh well -- that's what second playthroughs are for.

Great game. I'm pretty confident that this is the best story of any game I've played, including Bioshock.
I'm pretty sure I also got 84. Might be the max for one time through. :shrug:

Finished it in just under 20 hours. Shockingly I only got 84 collectables, so I missed a ton of them despite looking all over the place. Oh well -- that's what second playthroughs are for.
So we have an over 30 hour play through and one under 20. Wonder if the difference is play style?p.s. I can't hit a damn thing with the bow.

Finished it in just under 20 hours. Shockingly I only got 84 collectables, so I missed a ton of them despite looking all over the place. Oh well -- that's what second playthroughs are for.
So we have an over 30 hour play through and one under 20. Wonder if the difference is play style?p.s. I can't hit a damn thing with the bow.
I was very cautious when playing. And, even though it took me 30 hours... I was first.

Just playing around. I am not playing tonight. It is difficult to not go turn it on and start over.

Had my first real "OH SHIT" moment in Pittsburgh -

It's near midnight, my house is completely silent and dark except for the game, and I'm five beers into a nice buzz. I'm in the hotel in Pittsburgh and I've fallen into the basement. I have to turn the generator on. There isn't an infected zombie anywhere in sight. I've searched. I've searched well. I've taken out every hunter in the building and then I searched again and again. Ok. Let's do this. I yank the cable and fire up the generator.


First I said it, then Joel echoed my exact words.

"Oh shit."

Then I saw the bloater running at me and crapped myself (not literally).
Moments like that make this game what it is. :yes:

Also the bow is a key weapon. If you sneak up on a guy you can one-shot kill him with an arrow...and you can retrieve some of the arrows.

I took out half the hunters in the hotel this way. That part was a lot of fun. It taught me the value of hit-and-run attacks. Shoot, kill one guy, run away, then come back slow and sneaky and set up another fool for early retirement.
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Some thing about the Bloaters:

I learned the bow and arrow is a great way to hurt/kill them. You need like six arrows or something to kill one but they are quiet and the Bloater will never charge you or anything. I need to utilize this in the future.
Also the bow is a key weapon. If you sneak up on a guy you can one-shot kill him with an arrow...and you can retrieve some of the arrows.

I took out half the hunters in the hotel this way. That part was a lot of fun. It taught me the value of hit-and-run attacks. Shoot, kill one guy, run away, then come back slow and sneaky and set up another fool for early retirement.
I noticed that human enemies are clairvoyant and somehow know when one of their own has been taken out -- they tend to change their patrol patterns to go near the body, at which point they say something like "Golly!" and run over to check out their fallen comrade. This used to tick me off because I felt like the game was cheating a little by making it easy for enemies to find bodies when I'm not able to hide them, but you can exploit this. I'll often kill somebody and then lurk nearby out of sight somewhere. Then I wait for the next guy to come along to investigate, and he gets to join his comrade in Hunter Heaven.

Holy crap. Just ran in to the first bloater. I've put 15 rounds in to it and it just keeps taking me down. Thing seems indestructible.

Finally beat the game at a total play time of 17:47:08 with only 62 artifacts found.

I'd love to discuss the end of the game but really want to avoid spoilers of any sort.

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Those of us that have finished or have gotten this far... how did you do at the end of winter? You know what I mean.

About the ending:

I thought it could have been "better", possibly more "closure." Not let down with it cause the ride getting there was spectacular but it was a little underwhelming, I guess.
Those of us that have finished or have gotten this far... how did you do at the end of winter? You know what I mean.

About the ending:

I thought it could have been "better", possibly more "closure." Not let down with it cause the ride getting there was spectacular but it was a little underwhelming, I guess.
I'm not sure why but I felt like Joel was going to have to sacrifice himself to save Ellie at some point to help to exorcise the demons of losing his daughter but I get that Joel's death would prevent sequels. I guess telling such a large lie to Ellie was a pretty big sacrifice as if she ever discovered that he lied that their relationship would likely be damaged irreparably. I have a feeling that a subsequent playthrough might yield more depth to the game as well.
Those of us that have finished or have gotten this far... how did you do at the end of winter? You know what I mean.

About the ending:

I thought it could have been "better", possibly more "closure." Not let down with it cause the ride getting there was spectacular but it was a little underwhelming, I guess.
I'm not sure why but I felt like Joel was going to have to sacrifice himself to save Ellie at some point to help to exorcise the demons of losing his daughter but I get that Joel's death would prevent sequels. I guess telling such a large lie to Ellie was a pretty big sacrifice as if she ever discovered that he lied that their relationship would likely be damaged irreparably. I have a feeling that a subsequent playthrough might yield more depth to the game as well.
The whole hospital thing was quite different from games I have played but she was kind of unconscious through that part. The story, to me, could have used more of an ending. However, and I'm not saying they will make a sequel, but furthering the story in any way would be good to me. Not sure if comics will be their medium or what though. I started going through again, only an hour or so, and I don't have my weapons but I have my abilities. I will say this though, the game does not feel the same if you skip the movie parts. But, maybe that is just me right now.
Those of us that have finished or have gotten this far... how did you do at the end of winter? You know what I mean.

About the ending:

I thought it could have been "better", possibly more "closure." Not let down with it cause the ride getting there was spectacular but it was a little underwhelming, I guess.
I'm not sure why but I felt like Joel was going to have to sacrifice himself to save Ellie at some point to help to exorcise the demons of losing his daughter but I get that Joel's death would prevent sequels. I guess telling such a large lie to Ellie was a pretty big sacrifice as if she ever discovered that he lied that their relationship would likely be damaged irreparably. I have a feeling that a subsequent playthrough might yield more depth to the game as well.
The whole hospital thing was quite different from games I have played but she was kind of unconscious through that part. The story, to me, could have used more of an ending. However, and I'm not saying they will make a sequel, but furthering the story in any way would be good to me. Not sure if comics will be their medium or what though. I started going through again, only an hour or so, and I don't have my weapons but I have my abilities. I will say this though, the game does not feel the same if you skip the movie parts. But, maybe that is just me right now.
I liked the ending a lot -- I thought it was perfect. Joel is not a good person. I started my second playthrough last night, and you can see this from the very beginning. For instance. he's the one who insists on not helping the family with the little kid during the prologue, and he comes just this far from telling Tommy to run people over in his truck when they're driving against pedestrian traffic. One thing that the story makes clear is that you take a guy like that, who's basically just a jerk in "ordinary" society, you let him spend 20 years trying to survive in a dog-eat-dog wasteland, and he degenerates into a monster who tortures people without a second thought, kills people for little or no reason, etc. In the end, Joel betrays Ellie, Tess, the Fireflies, and the rest of humanity because of his own selfishness. That was a fantastic ending that almost exactly mirrors the ending to The Godfather (Joel and Michael Corleone have similar character arcs in that they start off as okay guys with a minor flaw and by the end they're just evil).

It was refreshing to see ND upend some of the clichés that you expect to see in games like this. For example, when we were a few hours into the game, all of us thought that the Fireflies would end up being just as bad as the leaders of the QZ, right? That's what Fallout and other games have conditioned us to expect: the faction that declares itself the friend of the people turns out to be as bad or worse than the scumbags they're fighting against. Instead it turned out that they actually were "good guys" all along. Our character was the bad guy.

Naughty Dog has already said that if they make a sequel to this, it won't feature Joel and Ellie. Their story is over, and there's really nothing left to do with it.
For those thinking about reading this, the spoilers are about the very end of the game, which is really Spring, not Winter. Don't start reading these until you're done with the game.

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Those of us that have finished or have gotten this far... how did you do at the end of winter? You know what I mean.

About the ending:

I thought it could have been "better", possibly more "closure." Not let down with it cause the ride getting there was spectacular but it was a little underwhelming, I guess.
I'm not sure why but I felt like Joel was going to have to sacrifice himself to save Ellie at some point to help to exorcise the demons of losing his daughter but I get that Joel's death would prevent sequels. I guess telling such a large lie to Ellie was a pretty big sacrifice as if she ever discovered that he lied that their relationship would likely be damaged irreparably. I have a feeling that a subsequent playthrough might yield more depth to the game as well.
The whole hospital thing was quite different from games I have played but she was kind of unconscious through that part. The story, to me, could have used more of an ending. However, and I'm not saying they will make a sequel, but furthering the story in any way would be good to me. Not sure if comics will be their medium or what though. I started going through again, only an hour or so, and I don't have my weapons but I have my abilities. I will say this though, the game does not feel the same if you skip the movie parts. But, maybe that is just me right now.
I liked the ending a lot -- I thought it was perfect. Joel is not a good person. I started my second playthrough last night, and you can see this from the very beginning. For instance. he's the one who insists on not helping the family with the little kid during the prologue, and he comes just this far from telling Tommy to run people over in his truck when they're driving against pedestrian traffic. One thing that the story makes clear is that you take a guy like that, who's basically just a jerk in "ordinary" society, you let him spend 20 years trying to survive in a dog-eat-dog wasteland, and he degenerates into a monster who tortures people without a second thought, kills people for little or no reason, etc. In the end, Joel betrays Ellie, Tess, the Fireflies, and the rest of humanity because of his own selfishness. That was a fantastic ending that almost exactly mirrors the ending to The Godfather (Joel and Michael Corleone have similar character arcs in that they start off as okay guys with a minor flaw and by the end they're just evil).

It was refreshing to see ND upend some of the clichés that you expect to see in games like this. For example, when we were a few hours into the game, all of us thought that the Fireflies would end up being just as bad as the leaders of the QZ, right? That's what Fallout and other games have conditioned us to expect: the faction that declares itself the friend of the people turns out to be as bad or worse than the scumbags they're fighting against. Instead it turned out that they actually were "good guys" all along. Our character was the bad guy.

Naughty Dog has already said that if they make a sequel to this, it won't feature Joel and Ellie. Their story is over, and there's really nothing left to do with it.
For those thinking about reading this, the spoilers are about the very end of the game, which is really Spring, not Winter. Don't start reading these until you're done with the game.

Interesting take on the ending, Ivan. Joel is flawed, sure, but is he the baddest guy in this whole thing? I'm not so sure. Near the beginning, with Sarah, the military was about to kill both of them (Joel and Sarah) before Tommy helped out. Joel tried saving his daughter and help her. He was shot for doing so.

Tommy and by extension, the Fireflies, were "good." It seemed like the military wanted to take them out for whatever reason, resistance maybe. The military, not sure what type of role they were playing but it was not "good" or "bad." They were trying to run things like a dictator type entity. The military succeeded in getting the Fireflies out of the limelight as it was Joel vs. Clickers vs. the Military.

The final conversation between Joel and Ellie showed one thing to me... Joel was finally able to save his daughter. He did not rescue Ellie for mankind nor did he rescue her because he thought it was the right thing to do. He did it because she was his failure with Sarah.

I'm playing through again and maybe I come away with something different this time.
Holy crap. Just ran in to the first bloater. I've put 15 rounds in to it and it just keeps taking me down. Thing seems indestructible.
1 nail bomb and one molotov should typically do the trick.
I actually used one molotov and two shotgun rounds. Amazing how something that seems so impossible becomes incredibly easy once you figure it out. Am in Pittsburgh now. Have been working on getting a new job and it is sucking up all my time. Have hardly had any time to spend with the game. Been a bit of a downer from that aspect.
Holy crap. Just ran in to the first bloater. I've put 15 rounds in to it and it just keeps taking me down. Thing seems indestructible.
1 nail bomb and one molotov should typically do the trick.
I actually used one molotov and two shotgun rounds. Amazing how something that seems so impossible becomes incredibly easy once you figure it out. Am in Pittsburgh now. Have been working on getting a new job and it is sucking up all my time. Have hardly had any time to spend with the game. Been a bit of a downer from that aspect.
You have to get your priorities in order, bro. Ellie needs you.

Holy crap. Just ran in to the first bloater. I've put 15 rounds in to it and it just keeps taking me down. Thing seems indestructible.
1 nail bomb and one molotov should typically do the trick.
I actually used one molotov and two shotgun rounds. Amazing how something that seems so impossible becomes incredibly easy once you figure it out. Am in Pittsburgh now. Have been working on getting a new job and it is sucking up all my time. Have hardly had any time to spend with the game. Been a bit of a downer from that aspect.
I just entered Pittsburgh on my second playthrough. I'm lapping you.

(That very first encounter with hunters after you crash is a lot tougher on Hard than it was on Normal. I'm going to have to blow through some ammo on this one, which sucks because I'm down to like five handgun rounds combined between the 9mm and revolver).

Holy crap. Just ran in to the first bloater. I've put 15 rounds in to it and it just keeps taking me down. Thing seems indestructible.
1 nail bomb and one molotov should typically do the trick.
I actually used one molotov and two shotgun rounds. Amazing how something that seems so impossible becomes incredibly easy once you figure it out. Am in Pittsburgh now. Have been working on getting a new job and it is sucking up all my time. Have hardly had any time to spend with the game. Been a bit of a downer from that aspect.
I just entered Pittsburgh on my second playthrough. I'm lapping you.

(That very first encounter with hunters after you crash is a lot tougher on Hard than it was on Normal. I'm going to have to blow through some ammo on this one, which sucks because I'm down to like five handgun rounds combined between the 9mm and revolver).
Ivan, can you continue from your save and increase the difficulty while keeping all of your progress in upgrading Joel?

Some of the infected boards are just amazing hard. I died at least 15 times here -

when you get separated from Ellie and get paired with that guy's little brother. I finally got out of there by running through them, only to now die 5 times while waiting for the kids to open the door.

Had to shut the game off. I was swearing like a drunk sailor who suddenly realized the broad he'd picked up was a tranny.
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Holy crap. Just ran in to the first bloater. I've put 15 rounds in to it and it just keeps taking me down. Thing seems indestructible.
1 nail bomb and one molotov should typically do the trick.
I actually used one molotov and two shotgun rounds. Amazing how something that seems so impossible becomes incredibly easy once you figure it out. Am in Pittsburgh now. Have been working on getting a new job and it is sucking up all my time. Have hardly had any time to spend with the game. Been a bit of a downer from that aspect.
You have to get your priorities in order, bro. Ellie needs you.


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