"One Bite! Everyone Knows the Rules"
I just got hip to these I'll say in recent months and it helps when Dave reviews places you can actually drive to and sample yourself.
He has done quite a few in Florida and I've openly talked about the Violet Stone in St Pete, I've had better pizza but their Philly Cheesesteaks are out of this world.
Florida has mostly terrible food outside of fresh fish which absolutely we have about the best IMHO and quite a large variety. You don't come to Florida for steaks
Florida has the best citrus though
I find it incredible how Dave made a thing out of this, wish I had done it prior to him. He took about the most popular food in America but one that has a lot of average to below average in it and found the best in just about every city, every State he can in America, beautiful business he carved out
I don't think you could do anything and scale it up that big on other foods. Burgers? Hot dogs? Don't think those would work
There is also the one bite app which he must be raking in the dough from, easy to find good pizza spots on there.
-Dave swears by the Newhaven style pies in the Northeast, we tried one for the first time this past weekend.
Almost $30 for a large 1 topping pizza but it was pretty righteous and will have me waiting to get pizza now until i can go back there. 45 minute drive from Jupiter to the North Stuart area this is in but worth it
Had short rib rigatoni bolognese that was even better than the pie, that was $29 but I told the owner it was worth every penny, one of the most delicious Italian meals I have eaten out at in a long long time.
They moved to a new location since Dave did the review, same plaza but much more like a true restaurant, I'm sure the review helped them plenty
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If you have never watched one, they can be addictive and I would especially pull up ones for cities you might be visiting soon