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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (5 Viewers)

Rest day from both running and pushups today, but did a good challenging yoga with lots of core work.  Ended up about a hundred calories under goal.  No alcohol... but that may change soon.  Weighed in earlier today and i was at an unexpectedly good number.. I might get to open my presents early this year.

54 days down, 11 to go, 1.2 lbs to goal. 
Unbelievable accomplishment!  You're such an inspiration.  You definitely earned that drink (early).

I also took an extra rest day from the pushups today.  Wife is in between jobs for 3 weeks and so I decided to take the day off from work today and spend the day with her.  We hiked about 5 miles in the morning and then had a nice outdoor lunch.  Then we came back home in the afternoon and had some fun adult time    :pickle:   until picking up the kids.  

Back at it tomorrow with the pushups and will also add in a short 30 minute body combat.    :boxing:
This sounds like a pretty awesome day.  And she's probably enjoying the results of all the work you've been putting in. Good on you. 

3.6 🐷

Two weeks to go. 

Running, yoga, and some good quality pooping, probably a little dehydration. I'm not sure if I was a little bloated at my last weigh ins, or if last night and today were just a fluke, but I'm not complaining.  Motivation is through the roof to cross this finish line early but i have 11 days left so I'm not going to go too crazy.

So we may have lost Otis as we do this time every year, but I'm requesting a roll call from all non Fred's. This is the time of year most regress. What are you going to do to fight off that regression? what are you going to do to sustain through the holidays? what are you going to do differently this year so you don't fail like years prior?

So we may have lost Otis as we do this time every year, but I'm requesting a roll call from all non Fred's. This is the time of year most regress. What are you going to do to fight off that regression? what are you going to do to sustain through the holidays? what are you going to do differently this year so you don't fail like years prior?
for whatever reason i do not like biking in the cold i would rather just go for a walk even though all other things being equal i like biking about a billion times more than walking that said i have been walking all over the place and have gotten some good all weather clothes and rain gear so i am going to keep that up and in addition i just have a better sense of what i need to to diet wise to maintain where i am at which is about a 23 bmi so i am just going to stay the course and get r dun take that to the bank bromigos 

for whatever reason i do not like biking in the cold i would rather just go for a walk even though all other things being equal i like biking about a billion times more than walking that said i have been walking all over the place and have gotten some good all weather clothes and rain gear so i am going to keep that up and in addition i just have a better sense of what i need to to diet wise to maintain where i am at which is about a 23 bmi so i am just going to stay the course and get r dun take that to the bank bromigos 
Find some decent hills and you'll burn some good calories in less time on foot  :thumbup:

also here is a swc lunch recipe and hey i say recipe ree sipe its more fun that way anyhow i take one of those low carb wraps it is 50 calories and put in a tablespoon of peanut butter and a tb of sugar free strawberry preserves which is like no calories and nothing bad for you and then i throw on some rasberries and i make a roll up wrap out of that baby and it is one fine lunch food that will fill you up but which is low in the bad stuff and high in the good stuff i normally have two for lunch and even an hour walk gets rid of that puppy and then some so take that to the bank bromigos 

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Week 6 day 2 middle column 

20 done easy

20 done easy

23 done not bad 

23 done more challenging than last one but still ok

20 slowed down to see if it made it more difficult. It does. Still ok but starting to sweat. 

20 arms are getting tired but not sore - I feel like I'm starting to run out of gas by the end but not much accumulated soreness. 

18 see above. It's adding up. My shoulders are the first muscle group to feel sore. Will probably work on them with dumbells a little when this is done. I don't have a huge home gym but I have some options. 

18 legitimately feeling it by the end of the 18th. That's the goal I suppose. But 53 will be tough. 

53 It was. I did 42 without stopping though. Stopped once, continued on to 53 and the last couple were gnarly. But that's better than last time. And while I took lots of rest between sets, I didn't take the extra rest day betweem Wednesday and now. I feel like i might be able to do the hard column soon. I'm still not sure about getting to 100 in the next 10 days, but I am no longer certain I can't. 

Did a 40 minute body combat this afternoon.  There were pushups in the middle of the workout but I decided to do them on my knees knowing that today is pushup day.  Burned a good 500 calories in that 40 minutes and heart was pounding in the 150-170 range for a good portion of the time.  Great workout!

Just completed Week 5, Day 2 of pushup challenge - 19, 19, 22, 22, 18, 18, 22, 45.  I mostly coasted through the first 7 sets taking 60 seconds in between.  I took about 130 seconds between set 7 and 8 and man was that a grind.  I got to around 20 and starting to feel it in the arms.  By around 30 I was just willing myself to the end.  Still was able to complete each one in good form without hitting the ground though but many pauses.  Sunday will complete Week 5 for me and then I'm following Fred and starting Week 6 in column 2.  

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Did a 40 minute body combat this afternoon.  There were pushups in the middle of the workout but I decided to do them on my knees knowing that today is pushup day.  Burned a good 500 calories in that 40 minutes and heart was pounding in the 150-170 range for a good portion of the time.  Great workout!

Just completed Week 5, Day 2 of pushup challenge - 19, 19, 22, 22, 18, 18, 22, 45.  I mostly coasted through the first 7 sets taking 60 seconds in between.  I took about 130 seconds between set 7 and 8 and man was that a grind.  I got to around 20 and starting to feel it in the arms.  By around 30 I was just willing myself to the end.  Still was able to complete each one in good form without hitting the ground though but many pauses.  Sunday will complete Week 5 for me and then I'm following Fred and starting Week 6 in column 2.  
I feel like we are neck and neck on this.  Finishing that program without stopping is pretty tough but especially after already putting in a workout earlier. I know you aren't working your arms hard but you're still burning through your fuel before you start these sets, and then doing a bunch more short sets designed to do the same thing. Even stopping to rest, those last 45 you must have been so depleted.  I think when you start week 6 you might want to do it first, and maybe even give yourself an extra day. It's tough with two sets of 50 but from what you described I think you will do it easily if you don't sabotage yourself.

Body combat actually works my arms quite a bit as half of the workout is power/speed jabs, upper cuts, hooks, etc.  The other half is focused on kicks, jumps, lunges etc. But man when you throw jab, cross for even 30-45 seconds straight you feel it in the arms.  Then they throw in pushups in the middle.

Ideally I don't like to do body combat on pushup day but I really felt like I needed a good, solid workout before the weekend.  

So we may have lost Otis as we do this time every year, but I'm requesting a roll call from all non Fred's. This is the time of year most regress. What are you going to do to fight off that regression? what are you going to do to sustain through the holidays? what are you going to do differently this year so you don't fail like years prior?
I'm hovering around 232-235 right now. Ordered a peloton which will be arriving early November and should help through the winter months. Going to keep eating mostly whatever I want unless I find myself back over 235 - in which case I'll pull it back. Ultimately 225 is the goal, but not feeling like doing what it takes on the diet front to make that happen - perhaps post pandemic.

So we may have lost Otis as we do this time every year, but I'm requesting a roll call from all non Fred's. This is the time of year most regress. What are you going to do to fight off that regression? what are you going to do to sustain through the holidays? what are you going to do differently this year so you don't fail like years prior?
Still going strong, not stopping soon. Within 2 lbs of being at my college fighting weight.  

Walked over 14k steps today, mostly with the wife. Even found time for some  :pickle:

Keep it up! 

Did my pushups, did some grocery shopping, put the kid to bed, ate some shrimp cocktail to catch up on my protein for the day, finished up some work and did a quick run while i watched some Netflix.  

Reweighed myself throughout the day and even after eating and drinking, those numbers appear to have been legit.  I guess I just busted through a plateau of some kind.  Bought my usual healthy stuff at the grocrry store but loaded up on snacks in case I get there early, because #### yeah. 

55 days down, 10 to go, 1.4 lbs to goal. 

Did my pushups, did some grocery shopping, put the kid to bed, ate some shrimp cocktail to catch up on my protein for the day, finished up some work and did a quick run while i watched some Netflix.  

Reweighed myself throughout the day and even after eating and drinking, those numbers appear to have been legit.  I guess I just busted through a plateau of some kind.  Bought my usual healthy stuff at the grocrry store but loaded up on snacks in case I get there early, because #### yeah. 

55 days down, 10 to go, 1.4 lbs to goal. 
Holy crap. This is what success looks like. 

My home gym is not really well setup for winter.  This will pose issues.  Space heaters can only do so much.  

The weather was supposed to be lovely today, like yesterday, but we can't have nice things. It was grey and windy, with patchy drizzle. And although it was only 63 degrees, my hands were freakin' freezing for the first 40 minutes. I wound up a minute and 13 seconds short of my exercise goal for the week, which is irritating, but I'm going to forgive myself. 

The scale says I lost 0.2 pounds this week. BF is probably right in that a couple few drinks on Friday nights is wrecking my Saturday morning weigh-ins. Let's change that and see what happens.

Week 5, Day 3 of pushup challenge - 20, 20, 24, 24, 20, 20, 22, 50.  I felt really, really good today.  I didn't do body combat and so I feel that my body was prepped.  Didn't really struggle with any of the sets and may even have been able to knock out a few more on that last set.  Definitely ready for week 6 on Tuesday but will start with column 2.  

Finished week 6 day 3 of the push up program. Form was....not great toward the end, but finished all the sets. Will probably take tomorrow & Tuesday off and then go for the hundo on Wednesday. I'd say maybe a 10% chance I can do it, but that's a lot higher than when I started this thing. 

Haven't been doing much cardio outside of 'living life' which is hopefully good enough for awhile - shall see how the weigh-in Wednesdays progress. 

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Finished week 6 day 3 of the push up program. Form was....not great toward the end, but finished all the sets. Will probably take tomorrow & Tuesday off and then go for the hundo on Wednesday. I'd say maybe a 10% chance I can do it, but that's a lot higher than when I started this thing. 

Haven't been doing much cardio outside of 'living life' which is hopefully good enough for awhile - shall see how the weigh-in Wednesdays progress. 
Awesome can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Week 6 day 1 hard column. This is an absurd amount of pushups. 

45 - complete, no stopping, form good.. Breathing could have been better. 

55 - yuck. Stopped for a couple seconds at 40 and for half a breath at 51. If I'm going to be able to do 100 consecutive, I can't get this tired after sets of 45 and 55.  I will definitely take an extra day of rest before trying the 100, but I think I will also practice the next sets today doing groups of ten and then pausing, because that's the only way I will be able to do 100 any time soon. 

35 -  hey cool fun fact pausing at the top of a pushup is also called a plank and it hurts. Did abs yesterday and seeing why I should not have if I were going to do this today, but finished 10 plank 10 plank 10 plank 5 without stopping. I actually think it helped a little in the sense that I know how to pause to catch my breath, which I will dedinitely need to do to get to 100, but more because I might be able to convince myself that the only way I'm allowed to rest is if I do a plank and I know how little I want to do planks. 

30 -10 plank 10 plank 10 no problem, with the obvious exception that I hated it so, so much.

55 -this is the fatigue set. If i can do 55 when I'm already tired, I should be able to do enough to make me tired, then just bang out 55 more, right?  Sounds simple enough. 30. Plank. 10. Plank. 5. Crash to floor. Two seconds. Final 10. Done. ####. 

Ok, so I am not able to do that, at least without the extra day rest. Good to know I guess. 

Finished week 6 day 3 of the push up program. Form was....not great toward the end, but finished all the sets. Will probably take tomorrow & Tuesday off and then go for the hundo on Wednesday. I'd say maybe a 10% chance I can do it, but that's a lot higher than when I started this thing. 

Haven't been doing much cardio outside of 'living life' which is hopefully good enough for awhile - shall see how the weigh-in Wednesdays progress. 
You're doing a different app, right? I remember it was similar but seemed to look different towards the end.. What was your final day like?  

You're doing a different app, right? I remember it was similar but seemed to look different towards the end.. What was your final day like?  
60 - 48 - 44 - 41 - 37

Completed after a full day of living life so I was fairly beat. Was relatively heartened at being able to finish the first set. I wonder if Amazon Prime has some NO XPLOD that could get here before Wednesday. Couple scoops of that before attempting the 100 would surely work in my favor. 

60 - 48 - 44 - 41 - 37

Completed after a full day of living life so I was fairly beat. Was relatively heartened at being able to finish the first set. I wonder if Amazon Prime has some NO XPLOD that could get here before Wednesday. Couple scoops of that before attempting the 100 would surely work in my favor. 
That first set of 60 sounds rough but also nice to get it out of the way knowing that's the biggest one. The one fred and I are doing leaves a big set at the end, and it's intimidating when you're struggling. Also a good point about being fatigued I did a long walk outside with my kid then a long session on the treadmill before my pushups. So maybe there's a chance. 

With pushups and body combat, I've really been getting a good mix of working out my whole body.  However, the one area I'm really, really lacking at is Abs.  I don't know what it is but I really struggle with it.  The hour long body combat sessions typically have a core workout at the end that includes Abs but I often just skip it.  I need to do a lot of work in that area.  

Week 6 day 1 hard column. This is an absurd amount of pushups. 

45 - complete, no stopping, form good.. Breathing could have been better. 

55 - yuck. Stopped for a couple seconds at 40 and for half a breath at 51. If I'm going to be able to do 100 consecutive, I can't get this tired after sets of 45 and 55.  I will definitely take an extra day of rest before trying the 100, but I think I will also practice the next sets today doing groups of ten and then pausing, because that's the only way I will be able to do 100 any time soon. 

35 -  hey cool fun fact pausing at the top of a pushup is also called a plank and it hurts. Did abs yesterday and seeing why I should not have if I were going to do this today, but finished 10 plank 10 plank 10 plank 5 without stopping. I actually think it helped a little in the sense that I know how to pause to catch my breath, which I will dedinitely need to do to get to 100, but more because I might be able to convince myself that the only way I'm allowed to rest is if I do a plank and I know how little I want to do planks. 

30 -10 plank 10 plank 10 no problem, with the obvious exception that I hated it so, so much.

55 -this is the fatigue set. If i can do 55 when I'm already tired, I should be able to do enough to make me tired, then just bang out 55 more, right?  Sounds simple enough. 30. Plank. 10. Plank. 5. Crash to floor. Two seconds. Final 10. Done. ####. 

Ok, so I am not able to do that, at least without the extra day rest. Good to know I guess. 
Wow that's a lot of pushups.  When we do finally get to 100, I hope they allow us to plank a few times    :lol:  

Woke up this morning feeling completely fine.  Then I was looking at some mail while sitting on the carpet and as I bent down, felt a sudden excruciating pain down left side of my body.  It didn't last long and I'm still feeling slight discomfort but might be my body's way of telling me that I'm 42 and need to still take it easy.  I might add an extra day of rest and start week 6 of pushups on Wednesday.  

I got a rowing machine. Just finished getting it set up. It has a few pre-programmed workouts on it and I can connect to a device via bluetooth. Is there an app or a service that you guys like that has a workout program? Any resources you'd point me toward for beginners? 

hey bromigos nothing much new under the sun here i am continuing to walk a ton and eat well and i am neither gaining nor losing weight and staying at a 23 bmi so that is healthy and i am happy and i feel like i have finally found a routine that works for me so thats all i got i wish you all well and lets keep after it now that its getting colder the fall is always a tough time for me diet wise so i feel it take that to the bank bromigos 

Week 6, Day 1 of pushup challenge (column 2) - 40, 50, 25, 25, 50.  This was the first time in the entire challenge that I had to go to my knees.  I had about 8 left in set 5 and I was done.  I did only take about a 3 second pause and then pushed through the rest.  

Like Fred, I'm starting to believe that in 2 weeks I'll be able to complete the challenge.  Not only do I think that I can do 100, I believe that I will do 100.  Anyways, finishing the night off with 30 minutes of body combat and then some homemade apple pie with ice cream.

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Week 6, Day 1 of pushup challenge (column 2) - 40, 50, 25, 25, 50.  This was the first time in the entire challenge that I had to go to my knees.  I had about 8 left in set 5 and I was done.  I did only take about a 3 second pause and then pushed through the rest.  

Like Fred, I'm starting to believe that in 2 weeks I'll be able to complete the challenge.  Not only do I think that I can do 100, I believe that I will do 100.  Anyways, finishing the night off with 30 minutes of body combat and then some homemade apple pie with ice cream.
I'm in the middle of day 2 column 3 right now, will post in a few minutes. 

Is it wrong that I'm happy you finally had to take a knee? Like I'm still rooting for you, but just for my ego, like a little bit, since I've been doing that since like week 4. 

Ok so I had enough time for a little exercise. Put my heart rate monitor on and ran a mile at 6mph and my heart rate went up to 142... just slightly over MAF heart rate. Will see what it looks like when I try to stay under 140 for a few miles, but not tonight. This was just a warm up for hundredpushups.com week 6 day 2 hard column. 

22 easy set

22 easy set

30 these are a little harder, but still not bad. Can't believe 30 seems like an easy warmup now. 

30 getting a little more difficult, but it's worth noting that I've just finished 104 pushups in about 7 minutes... not exactly 100 consecutive, but it's nowhere near as far out of reach as it seemed at the start. 

24 sticking with about 2 min rest between sets, maybe less, and I'm feeling it add up. Still, 128 in under 10 minutes. 

24 took an extra minute of rest to reply to other Fred. Worth it. Arms felt better, shoulders and triceps are getting a little sore, pecs not too bad yet. 

18 nice slow set, no problems although I'm definitely feeling it more. Still 2 min between sets. 

18 another slower set. I think I'm going slower 80 percent because I want to and 20 percent because I have to. Might be the other way around. Will take a couple extra minutes before starting the big set. 

58 man I got in my own head on this set. I did 45 without stopping then realized I was doing it and stopped. Started right back up and had to stop again at 53. I wasn't that tired, my heart rate is barely up, I just choked. Son of a b. I don't want that to happen when I go for 100. 

On the bright side, I just did 246 pushups in about 20 minutes. When I started week 1, middle column, my 5 sets added up to 25. Progress. 

Will do day 3 in a couple days and then try for my 100 consecutive on Monday. Considering I've never done 60 consecutive, and haven't completed most of these days on my first try, the outcome is very much in doubt. 

I'm in the middle of day 2 column 3 right now, will post in a few minutes. 

Is it wrong that I'm happy you finally had to take a knee? Like I'm still rooting for you, but just for my ego, like a little bit, since I've been doing that since like week 4. 
No offense taken.  It's completely natural to feel that way.  But just remember - there are plenty of things that you can do both physically and mentally that I can't touch.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses but the important thing is that everyone in this thread is trying to improve at something or another.  

No offense taken.  It's completely natural to feel that way.  But just remember - there are plenty of things that you can do both physically and mentally that I can't touch.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses but the important thing is that everyone in this thread is trying to improve at something or another.  
Right but literally the only person I'm supposed to try to be better than is Fred. It's a little confusing. 

I'm going to try to be better than me instead. Trying that final set of 58 again. 

Week 6, Day 1 of pushup challenge (column 2) - 40, 50, 25, 25, 50.  This was the first time in the entire challenge that I had to go to my knees.  I had about 8 left in set 5 and I was done.  I did only take about a 3 second pause and then pushed through the rest.  

Like Fred, I'm starting to believe that in 2 weeks I'll be able to complete the challenge.  Not only do I think that I can do 100, I believe that I will do 100.  Anyways, finishing the night off with 30 minutes of body combat and then some homemade apple pie with ice cream.
Ended up 20 minutes of body combat because I didn't want to push it.  Will try to do an hour long workout tomorrow and then decide on whether Day 2 of pushups will be Thursday or Friday.  But because I cheated out 10 minutes of my workout, I'm skipping the apple pie tonight.   :sadbanana:

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