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Packers re-sign Aaron Kampman (1 Viewer)

How good will the resigning be if the Pack draft Mario Williams??

This doesn't necessarily rule out the Packers drafting Williams. The idea some are throwing around would be Williams on one side and a rotation of Kampmann & KGB on the other. There's been speculation that KGB can be more effective as simply a pass rush specialist, rather than a 3-down guy.
How good will the resigning be if the Pack draft Mario Williams??

This doesn't necessarily rule out the Packers drafting Williams. The idea some are throwing around would be Williams on one side and a rotation of Kampmann & KGB on the other. There's been speculation that KGB can be more effective as simply a pass rush specialist, rather than a 3-down guy.
One of the reasons that I cringed when the Pack signed KGB to a long term big money contract. Heck of a pass rusher but not much for stopping the run. If the Pack drafts Mario, KGB will be cut or traded the following season.
One of the reasons that I cringed when the Pack signed KGB to a long term big money contract. Heck of a pass rusher but not much for stopping the run. If the Pack drafts Mario, KGB will be cut or traded the following season.
Or you could just play him on passing downs.

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