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Peterson, Lynch and Calvin Dynasty Owners (1 Viewer)

In "most" leagues, those of you who drafted Calvin #1 overall hurt your team by not getting maximum value. You could have traded down to #2 and gained value and still had your guy in the vast majority of rookie drafts. For example, I was ambivalent about who among McFadden, Stewart or Mendenhall I drafted in a league this year so I traded down to the #3 and picked up a 2nd rounder. (That 2nd rounder turned out to be DeSean Jackson.)

Those who talk about existing roster affecting the decision, you still hurt yourself as in "most" leagues RB's command much more trade value than WR's. You could have selected Peterson and traded away one of your existing RB's for likely an already established top WR.

I had the #1 pick in one league that year and never thought twice about taking Peterson. Still don't question it and I was fully aware of his injury possibilities back then as I am now.

*"most" meaning standard scoring/roster requirements.

Would you do anything different with your top 3 pick of '06 as things stand today?

I had the 3rd overall and got Calvin. I remember hoping Marshawn would fall to me, but honestly I can't say I'd want it to fall differently as things stand today.
Lots of silliness in here. Peterson and Lynch are far more valuable than Johnson. Where then, are now. RBs are much harder to find. Supply and demand.
This is flawed logic. It's like saying Mendenhall is worth more than Desean Jackson.
No, it's not.
Nice defense there counselor. :lmao:
Nice comparison. :lmao:
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Would you do anything different with your top 3 pick of '06 as things stand today?

I had the 3rd overall and got Calvin. I remember hoping Marshawn would fall to me, but honestly I can't say I'd want it to fall differently as things stand today.
Lots of silliness in here. Peterson and Lynch are far more valuable than Johnson. Where then, are now. RBs are much harder to find. Supply and demand.
This is flawed logic. It's like saying Mendenhall is worth more than Desean Jackson.
No, it's not.
Nice defense there counselor. :lmao:
Nice comparison. :thumbup:
Ummmm.............yeah, I know. Now go back and think about the comparison again and you actually might get what has been conveyed here.
My fault. I was looking at the wrong line and wrote down LT's stats for this year instead of his 1st year.

Either way, ADP's numbers were much more impressive.

And I'm talking about putting a move on a guy that is so friggen AWESOME that your jaw drops to the ground. ADP has that ability. LT had it, but never to the level ADP does.

Either way, we're going off the point. You were wrong for taking Calvin over ADP and you know it. You're a liar if you say you will do it again. ADP will help people win Championships.

After thier first year you probably could have traded ADP for Calvin and Lynch combined.
I can't speak for anyone else's team, though you seem to think you can speak for me and mine - going so far as to call me a 'liar'?!?This may be difficult for you to believe, but given MY team I would gladly draft CJ2 over ADP EVERY time. That's not only because I believe Calvin to be an etremely rare talent, but I also incorporate roster and league scoring system into my dynasty rankings, but perhaps we differ there...

Certainly you make a good point about trade value, but unfortunately the team that held the #2 pick had a need at WR himself, and wouldn't part with the pick (after drafting ADP he turned around and traded ADP for Randy Moss in-season). The only way I could hope to get my hands on Calvin was to trade for the #1 pick. So I did, just so I could get him, and I was up front with everyone that I was going to be selecting CJ2 with the first pick. Just like you, some of my leaguemates thought I was crazy for passing on ADP at the time, but this year I've been hearing those same owners say things like, "maybe that wasn't such a crazy move after all".

Now I'll grant you that IF I believed ADP would equal or exceed LT2's career path, then yes I would absolutely agree with those of you who say Peterson is hands down the #1 fantasy player for several years to come and acknowledge that not taking him would be a mistake. However, as I've already made very clear, I don't view ADP this way, and more importantly Calvin Johnson is more valuable to MY roster than ADP.

The difference between ADP and my 2nd RB is negligible, while the advantage I gain in rolling CJ2 out as my 3rd WR is going to give me a significant edge over my competition, and will help my team to win Championships for years to come.

With the #1 overall in our dynasty draft, I took the obvious choice of Calvin Johnson. I should get 10-15 years of productivity out of Calvin vs 8-10 out of Peterson or Lynch.
I would argue that CJ was far from the obvious #1 pick. I'll bet you regret taking him over AP now.
Not in the least. Remember 'Dynasty'. When Peterson is long gone, I will still be putting up Calvin points. Name the RB's still putting up numbers for the 1996 draft. They disappeared long ago.
You're correct, but that's sort of apples and oranges. When valuating AP I think we need to put him up against all other RB's and Calvin vs. all other WR's.
No. You had the choice between the two, remember?

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