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Plaxico Burress (1 Viewer)


I think he will be cut this offseason, so where do you think he will end up?

Don't think he'll do any jail time and I don't think Roger G. will suspend him any more time......

so let me hear it....

I think he'll be suspended for a short time and The Giants will keep him with the caveat that one more screw up and he's gone.

If he doesn't spend time in the slammer, I'd like his prospects as a Raven. Assuming Lewis gets resigned, he and the other senior leadership could help Plaxico.

If he doesn't spend time in the slammer, I'd like his prospects as a Raven. Assuming Lewis gets resigned, he and the other senior leadership could help Plaxico.
Sure, we all know how well Lewis covers for his boys, so this would be ideal. Antonio Pierce clearly sucks at that.
I'll play..

He'll spend the offseason at Rikers, then catch on with Oakland, first serving a 1-2 game suspension.

Does everyone think he'll get a lighter sentence than the mandatory? Seemed pretty cut and dry to me that he could be taking a 2.5 yr sabbatical :goodposting:

Does everyone think he'll get a lighter sentence than the mandatory? Seemed pretty cut and dry to me that he could be taking a 2.5 yr sabbatical :goodposting:
NY Homer... our mayor has basically taken this case and put it on his shoulders. He personally doesn't want to see him walk for this. A direct quote from him on our local NY station was "If you get caught with a gun in my city, your going to jail... plain and simple. I don't care who you play for, or how much money you earn, your going to do time."I really think he's going to do the mandatory sentence. After the whole P. Diddy incident at the club they really came down on gun control. To be honest, I'd be surprised if he did anything BUT the mandatory.
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If he doesn't spend time in the slammer, I'd like his prospects as a Raven. Assuming Lewis gets resigned, he and the other senior leadership could help Plaxico.
Yes, those out-of-control Giants were a bad influence on Plax. Playing for the Ravens will be much better for him. Fail.
Devil's Island, French Giana. Tips to plax: Learn to keester a shiv. Find a guy with a butterfly tatto. Make a raft out of coconuts.

I think he'll be suspended for a short time and The Giants will keep him with the caveat that one more screw up and he's gone.
Agreed ... Goodell never suspended him ... the Giants were the ones who shelved him, so even if he manages to Gotti his charges he'll still end up missing time thanks to the Commish.
Mikey16x said:
blend said:
Does everyone think he'll get a lighter sentence than the mandatory? Seemed pretty cut and dry to me that he could be taking a 2.5 yr sabbatical :football:
NY Homer... our mayor has basically taken this case and put it on his shoulders. He personally doesn't want to see him walk for this. A direct quote from him on our local NY station was "If you get caught with a gun in my city, your going to jail... plain and simple. I don't care who you play for, or how much money you earn, your going to do time."I really think he's going to do the mandatory sentence. After the whole P. Diddy incident at the club they really came down on gun control. To be honest, I'd be surprised if he did anything BUT the mandatory.
Can his lawyer say he punished himself for not following gun laws? That'd be so entertaining I'd actually watch CourtTV-TruTV
It's hilarious how everytime one of these 'where does the criminal end up' threads come around, Oakland and Dallas are two of teh first teams mentioned. It's awlays clear-as-day which owners could care less about character.

Boy, this thread is just full of really clever people.

Could we just please delete this worthless piece of crap? (The thread, not Burress)

Mikey16x said:
blend said:
Does everyone think he'll get a lighter sentence than the mandatory? Seemed pretty cut and dry to me that he could be taking a 2.5 yr sabbatical :confused:
NY Homer... our mayor has basically taken this case and put it on his shoulders. He personally doesn't want to see him walk for this. A direct quote from him on our local NY station was "If you get caught with a gun in my city, your going to jail... plain and simple. I don't care who you play for, or how much money you earn, your going to do time."I really think he's going to do the mandatory sentence. After the whole P. Diddy incident at the club they really came down on gun control. To be honest, I'd be surprised if he did anything BUT the mandatory.
If he gets cut and doesn't get time, then he ends up going to a team that is desperate. That leaves Detroit and Oakland. I think both teams would take him if he was available.

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If he gets cut and doesn't get time, then he ends up going to a team that is desperate. That leaves Detroit and Oakland. I think both teams would take him if he was available.
DET already has the "big WR" in Calvin who is immensly more talented. They need some speed possession type WR help. OAK is a good place for him. What about STL/SEA/SF? Outside of Holt no other NFC West team besides ARI has good (in their case great) WRs.
If he gets cut and doesn't get time, then he ends up going to a team that is desperate. That leaves Detroit and Oakland. I think both teams would take him if he was available.
DET already has the "big WR" in Calvin who is immensly more talented. They need some speed possession type WR help. OAK is a good place for him. What about STL/SEA/SF? Outside of Holt no other NFC West team besides ARI has good (in their case great) WRs.
Detroit would not take him. Mayhew already says he wants character guys to build on, not guys with lack of character. Burris has been a problem since HS, at MSU he was late to everything, same with Pitt and NY. Burris has been coddled because he can catch a football. Burris is 32 going on 15.
I think we're fooling ourselves if we think this outcome is set in stone. If the Giants struggle against the Eagles and, effectively, their #1 seed was all for naught, an apologetic "give me one more chance" Burress is going to look mighty enticing for 2009. If, on the other hand, the Giants go deep again, I can see Jerry Reese releasing him without much debate.


You guys are all wrong!

According to ESPN, Matt Millen just called in and drafted him!

This post is edited for you guys that may think that I think Matt Millen is still with the lions. He is not, but he thinks he'll get another opportunity, and when he does, he'll bring a WR with him!

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