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Player regardless of play this year (1 Viewer)

Reggie Williams: god please let this be his last year in Jax. They have wasted his talent with for 5 years with their crappy QB play and the coaching of Suck Rio.
Wasted his talent??... the guy had all the chances in the world, he blew his own starting gig. If I recall lost his job to a WR on the Dolphins that doesn't even dress in Wilford.With that being said...

Regardless of play this year I still draft..

Brian Westbrook (wasn't terrible, but riddled with injuries)

T.O (Lackluster season because of QB injuries)

Chad Johnson (new coach possibly, new team... i know it's a stretch but the guy does have talent)
I respectfully disagree. RW comes off a nice ending of 2007 only to come into 2008 and the poor play of the offensive line and Garrard. Have you watched their games. The play calling is horrendous. When Garrard did drop back to pass he would lock on to Jones apparently because he is the tallest on the field and the only one Garrard could see. Williams plays hard, blocks great, doesn't ##### and moan and makes plays when given the opprotunity. I think if he was to play for a decent offense and QB you would see him produce. I just hope he moves on and is given that opprotunity.
IIRC, Williams had a good year in 2007 largely due to a ridiculously outside the norm TD to catch ratio, not due to strong overall and consistent production.
Beat me to it. I was just about to say how he'd have 1 catch a game and it would be for a 7 yard fade route TD. Williams=bust, cut him loose on your dynasty squad or whatever you were hoping for. Northcutt is what, 5'10?... In the beginning of the season Williams couldn't even see the field with a hurt Matt Jones, it was Northcutt and Walker for a bit. His hands are suspect without great route running or speed. I personally think Matt Jones is the only receiving threat on that team. Mercedes Lewis can be decent, and Mike Walker if he was ever healthy.
Reggie Williams isn't even going to be a Jaguar next year. He'll be a FA and someone else will sign him to be their 4th WR. To blame the staff or the QB for Reggie's shortcoming is just wrong. The guy almost never gets open, period.


I was hoping I could snag McFadden late next year, but it looks like a lot of people are keeping him on the radar.

Ced Benson is a guy I'll be looking at, even though he's already burned me once. He is running much harder for the Bengals than he did for the Bears last year. Maybe he got a wake-up call. Hopefully a new contract won't make him soft again.

Carnell "Caddilac" Williams is another guy I'll be keeping an eye out for late if he doesn't have a set back. I don't think there's any chance he'll be a RB1, but RB2 potential is still there.

Mark Bradley sure looked good for a while with KC before getting hurt. If I need a WR late I'll definitely keep him in mind.

I rode Thigpen to a title, so I'm certainly not forgetting him next year. I don't think he'll fall that late though.

Reggie Williams isn't even going to be a Jaguar next year. He'll be a FA and someone else will sign him to be their 4th WR. To blame the staff or the QB for Reggie's shortcoming is just wrong. The guy almost never gets open, period.


I was hoping I could snag McFadden late next year, but it looks like a lot of people are keeping him on the radar.

Ced Benson is a guy I'll be looking at, even though he's already burned me once. He is running much harder for the Bengals than he did for the Bears last year. Maybe he got a wake-up call. Hopefully a new contract won't make him soft again.

Carnell "Caddilac" Williams is another guy I'll be keeping an eye out for late if he doesn't have a set back. I don't think there's any chance he'll be a RB1, but RB2 potential is still there.

Mark Bradley sure looked good for a while with KC before getting hurt. If I need a WR late I'll definitely keep him in mind.

I rode Thigpen to a title, so I'm certainly not forgetting him next year. I don't think he'll fall that late though.
If true thank sweet jesus! That was the point of my original post. Dependent on where he goes I believe he still has potential to produce and isn't that what this thread was about, players you will draft no matter what this years numbers were?

He was a top 5 back in my ppr league. Feddy T will be a year older, if he doesnt retire. And the Oline will get back most/all the guys who missed essentially the whole year from injury.

MJDHe was a top 5 back in my ppr league. Feddy T will be a year older, if he doesnt retire. And the Oline will get back most/all the guys who missed essentially the whole year from injury.
How does this guy fit this thread, exactly?MJD will be a first round pick in most any format next year.
One more for now:Carson Palmer.
Excellent choice. I traded for him early in the season. He never played one game for me. But I think I've got myself lined up for next season. He's a very talented guy.
I wouldn't count on Palmer next season. If he had the surgery early in the season he would be fine for next year but his elbow will be screwed as soon as he starts throwing again.
I totally agree. People keep talking up Carson but he was shelved this year for what was termed a partially "frayed" ligament and tendon in his throwing elbow. I'm no surgeon, but "frayed" sure as heck sounds like a synonym for "permanent" to me. And those thoughts gain validation when you consider Palmer and his team of interested parties kicked around the idea of him having the same "Tommy John" surgery Jake Delhomme had last offseason. Yet he elected not to. Color me sceptical at two monthes R&R being the prescription for ligament damage. Palmer has just now started throwing again and the early returns are favorable. But it'll take an entire offseason of favorable reports of Palmer's progress before I'm convinced. Luckily we have a long offseason to get it all sorted out.
I'm just dropping the name and will watch the news on him, much like what went on with Drew Brees two years ago. All news had him at or above pace to be 100% for TC and he was - which meant he was a huge steal that year.If Palmer follows a similar path he will also be a steal. Not saying it's a :IBTL: but if he's healthy he's a buy low candidate for sure.
Rashard Mendenhall will be a steal.
I hope you are right...I am thinking about stashing him as a DP in a 3-player keeper league...but I was also considering Tashard Choice, but Felix Jones should be back season...and not sure of his overall opportunities.
Braylon Edwards - too talented for another season this poor....I don't expect 2007, but he'll be better than he was this yearMatt Jones - clear #1 in Jax and my have finally gotten his wake up callJonathan Stewart - too talented not to shine with another year under his beltRonnie Brown - Ricky will be another year older and they will be even better as a team next year....plus he'll be 2 years removed from his knee surgeryCarson Palmer - next year will be different and he has the right attitude/mindset to turn it around no matter who he is throwing to
:confused: all the way around. J-Stew could even be a great value given the RBBC, yet good production.Add: Santonio Holmes - his last handful of games has shown his potential and he seems to be out of his earlier funk.
If true thank sweet jesus! That was the point of my original post. Dependent on where he goes I believe he still has potential to produce and isn't that what this thread was about, players you will draft no matter what this years numbers were?
Right on. Are you a Washington Huskies fan by any chance?
Guys I like next year, a couple i dont:


QB: Schaub (should put up decent number next year with guys like Slaton, Daniels, and Johnson)

WR: Marc Bradley (if he stays healthy puts up great #2-#3 WR numbers, late round flier)

TE: Zach Miller (Qb gets better , he gets better - playing excellent with sub-par Qb performance)


DB: Brandon Meriweather (putting up excellent DB numbers since taking over for Harrison)

LB's Aaron Curry and Rey Muaulago (spelling) for rookies LB's should put up monster numbers comparable to Willis (provided the right system)

Don't Like:

DeAngelo Williams (Carolina faces free agent O-line issues in the offseason, teams will figure him out + durability + John Stewart)

Whiplash Inc. said:
Rashard Mendenhall will be a steal.
Really? Do you think he'll be the Steelers' main guy already?Pierre Thomas, Reggie Wayne, Antonio Bryant, Johnnie Lee Higgins, Derrick Ward.
Parker shows flashes, but he's inconsistent and has too many 2-3.5 ypc games. I think the job will be a lot more open next year than it was this year, and if Mendenhall has any sort of success, 2010 should be a gimme.
Reothlisberger, Mendenhall and Holmes. The Steelers play the NFC North and the AFC West next year after playing the hardest schedule in the league this year. I still want them to try and fix thier OLine via the Draft.

MJD - OLine healthy again, plays the NFC West, no Fred Taylor.

Tom Brady and Randy Moss if people forget about them and they drop into the second round.

Aaron Rodgers, Jennings, Crosby, Grant/Jackson GB plays NFC north 6 times, the NFC West 4 times, and Cincinatti and the Browns.

Ray Rice, LaRon McLain.

The Running Back for the New England Patriots, unless it is Maroney. Then I want the backup.

Peyton Manning, Joseph Addai, Anthony Gonzalez.

Vincent Jackson

I'll take a flyer on the RB for the Broncos again. Their Offensive line was good this year, they just had so many bizarre injuries.

QB: McNabb, maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but he always puts up solid numbers when healthy and always falls because some people just hate him.

RB: McFadden, I think he's going to be a stud, I think he'll get as high as an early third rounder in many drafts next year.

WR: Matt Jones, I was pretty impressed with him and he sems to have turned a corner, missing the last several games should help him fall further than he should.

TE: Scheffler, one of these years he's going to have a monster season, I'll sign up again next year.

Whiplash Inc. said:
Rashard Mendenhall will be a steal.
Really? Do you think he'll be the Steelers' main guy already?Pierre Thomas, Reggie Wayne, Antonio Bryant, Johnnie Lee Higgins, Derrick Ward.
I think Mendenhall will be a value - FWP has broken down before and is a likely candidate to do it again. Plus look what MMoore did in his absence.If you can get Mendenhall, who should be the RB2 at worst, on the cheap - by all mean, grab him.
Whiplash Inc. said:
Rashard Mendenhall will be a steal.
Really? Do you think he'll be the Steelers' main guy already?Pierre Thomas, Reggie Wayne, Antonio Bryant, Johnnie Lee Higgins, Derrick Ward.
I think Mendenhall will be a value - FWP has broken down before and is a likely candidate to do it again. Plus look what MMoore did in his absence.If you can get Mendenhall, who should be the RB2 at worst, on the cheap - by all mean, grab him.
I like Mendy's value for next year. I thought he was pegged for a big year without the injury, you can say that about others I know. I just think with FWPinjuries Mendy would have been great. I think FWP being hurt most of the season and the Steelers showing that they will give the bulk of carries to the starter Mendy could grab that job in TC next year and be the man.Mendy could be next year's Calvin. The high rookie pick who was injured that came back the next season to do quite well. Calvin played quite a few games last year but his back was hurt and he did not really show what he was about. The same could be said for Mendy. I used Calvin as a reference because he was a rookie who got hurt last year. I am not saying Mendy will have Calvin type impact but..........U never know.
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Ronnie Brown moves up

Any of these guys after the 5th Round


Pierre Thomas

Darren Mcfadden

Cedric Benson - Moves up, but I won't target

Torry Holt - moves up, but I won't target unless STL fixes the O-Line

Kevin Walter

Lance Moore

Desaun Jackson

Domenik Hixon if Buress doesn't come back

John Carlson

Aaron Rodgers is #2 in my league.

Thigpen is #9 after basically half a season.

Shaun Hill (I hope that Martz sticks around)

Jamarcus Russell (has delivered double digits in about half his games this year. Worth a low round shot next year)

Derrick Ward (stud buried behind an injury prone stud)

I don't know if Jennings has the name to be in the top top tier of WRs, but he should be...

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Zach Miller, assuming the Raiders' WR situation remains abominable and Russell continues to improve.
Not a bad one.Brandon Jackson is definitely someone I'm keeping my eye on.
Got both of them in my dynasty. Unfortunately, I have to decide what to do about Ryan Grant. Right now, I'm tempted to hold him as well. I think an offseason of rest can only help him next year. But I just don't know how much of his workload shifts to Jackson next year.
HMH said:
Don't Like:DeAngelo Williams (Carolina faces free agent O-line issues in the offseason, teams will figure him out + durability + John Stewart)
Losing good blocking is a problem for any back save Barry Sanders. Valid point. But that isn't something peculiar to Carolina next year, is it?Teams aren't going to figure Williams out, there really isn't anything to figure out anymore than there was anything to figure out about Emmitt Smith or any RB running behind a dominating offensive line. Good blocking is good blocking. There's no mystery or secret technique other than to not give up your backside contain when playing Barry Sanders. If teams figure out how to neutralize the Panthers' blocking schemes, they can stop their running game...no matter who the back is. Williams actually runs like a power back through the line if you watch him. There's no trick to it. Most any NFL RB up to speed and isolated one on one with a stationary defender in space is going to have a shot at making the guy miss or at least getting some positve yards after contact. That isolation usually results from good blocking rather than anything the RB is doing (other than seeing the hole).Durability? I thought we were talking about Williams, not Stewart. Not sure where the durability issue is coming from. Williams has been relatively free of any major injury for the past three years, hasn't he?John Stewart can get a bigger share of the pie with good play and it wouldn't surprise me to see a more 50-50 split in 2009 and 2010. But I don't see people reaching for Williams next year. I think anyone who knows about him recognizes the vulture potential of Stewart and that will temper expectations...at least insofar as draft position is concerned. All the Williams fans I know of are very cognizant of the Stewart threat.
Braylon Edwards - too talented for another season this poor....I don't expect 2007, but he'll be better than he was this yearMatt Jones - clear #1 in Jax and my have finally gotten his wake up callJonathan Stewart - too talented not to shine with another year under his beltRonnie Brown - Ricky will be another year older and they will be even better as a team next year....plus he'll be 2 years removed from his knee surgeryCarson Palmer - next year will be different and he has the right attitude/mindset to turn it around no matter who he is throwing to
This is an exceptionally good list. I'm also going to be watching the Raiders for a potential breakout WR, as I liked what I saw from Russell towards the end of the year. One other is MJD. They will get a healthier line and will run the ball like they normally do. I think he's the perfect RB2 next year.
Reothlisberger, Mendenhall and Holmes. The Steelers play the NFC North and the AFC West next year after playing the hardest schedule in the league this year. I still want them to try and fix thier OLine via the Draft.MJD - OLine healthy again, plays the NFC West, no Fred Taylor.Tom Brady and Randy Moss if people forget about them and they drop into the second round. Aaron Rodgers, Jennings, Crosby, Grant/Jackson GB plays NFC north 6 times, the NFC West 4 times, and Cincinatti and the Browns.Ray Rice, LaRon McLain. The Running Back for the New England Patriots, unless it is Maroney. Then I want the backup.Peyton Manning, Joseph Addai, Anthony Gonzalez. Vincent JacksonI'll take a flyer on the RB for the Broncos again. Their Offensive line was good this year, they just had so many bizarre injuries.
Fatkid gets it - it's all about the schedule
Josh Morgan showed some potential before the hammy. Chris Henry can replace Stinko. Someone no ones talks about is Micael Jenkins in ATL... he very quietly has put up 50 yds a week in the second half. Should be a 1000 yd receiver on the super-cheap. Camarillo was more consistent than Ginn. Shiancoe should be underrated ala Owen Daniels.

Braylon Edwards - too talented for another season this poor....I don't expect 2007, but he'll be better than he was this year

Matt Jones - clear #1 in Jax and my have finally gotten his wake up call

Jonathan Stewart - too talented not to shine with another year under his belt

Ronnie Brown - Ricky will be another year older and they will be even better as a team next year....plus he'll be 2 years removed from his knee surgery

Carson Palmer - next year will be different and he has the right attitude/mindset to turn it around no matter who he is throwing to
This is an exceptionally good list. I'm also going to be watching the Raiders for a potential breakout WR, as I liked what I saw from Russell towards the end of the year. One other is MJD. They will get a healthier line and will run the ball like they normally do. I think he's the perfect RB2 next year.
Could you expound on this for I (thankfully) watched little of the Raiders.Was he making multiple reads?

Were his throws accurate?

Did he looked composed in the pocket?

When flushed out, did he keep his head up looking to pass or just tuck and run?

All in all from what you saw, does he have a chance of making the Raider offense respectable going forward?

Avery said:
Judge Smails said:
Jayrod said:
Braylon Edwards - too talented for another season this poor....I don't expect 2007, but he'll be better than he was this year

Matt Jones - clear #1 in Jax and my have finally gotten his wake up call

Jonathan Stewart - too talented not to shine with another year under his belt

Ronnie Brown - Ricky will be another year older and they will be even better as a team next year....plus he'll be 2 years removed from his knee surgery

Carson Palmer - next year will be different and he has the right attitude/mindset to turn it around no matter who he is throwing to
This is an exceptionally good list. I'm also going to be watching the Raiders for a potential breakout WR, as I liked what I saw from Russell towards the end of the year. One other is MJD. They will get a healthier line and will run the ball like they normally do. I think he's the perfect RB2 next year.
Could you expound on this for I (thankfully) watched little of the Raiders.Was he making multiple reads?

Were his throws accurate?

Did he looked composed in the pocket?

When flushed out, did he keep his head up looking to pass or just tuck and run?

All in all from what you saw, does he have a chance of making the Raider offense respectable going forward?
I'm convinced he can be a very good QB in this league. Went through his progressions, made accurate strong throws downfield. It just looks like the game is slowing down a bit, which is the key for young QB's. Didn't really see him throw on the run much or how he did while flushed out of the pocket - but in the pocket he looked very good to me. Just needs some decent receivers and protection. They have a running game, and could be very good with McFadden healthy next year. Here are his game logs from the last 2 - not bad.15 12/14 NE L 26-49 17 32 53% 242 2 TD's 1 INT

16 12/21 HOU W 27-16 18 25 72% 236 2 TD's 0 INT


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