Is that TO's gripe...he wants to use the teams facilities??
I think that's the union's angle for fighting the issue. It's the only thing they really have to stand on. They're saying that if he's on the team, he should have access to the facilities. I suspect the CBA, in a roundabout way, supports this.The reality is that the NFLPA has their agenda, which is to keep teams from using what is in effect a paid suspension as a disciplinary tool. TO has his agenda, which is to play football with somebody other than the Eagles. What he really wants is to be cut. He wants to win the grievance, not for the money or access to the facilities, but to make the Eagles cut him so he can move on.
The guy's an idiot, royal PITA, and a miserable teammate, but if there's a way the Eagles can cut him without incurring a financial penalty they should. If he's such a curse to the team, and they're better off with him not playing, then they should be happy to see him on some other team. To prolong this situation makes them look petty and controlling, and it can't be helping the lockerroom situation.
Sure, it'd be perceived by some as caving to this idiot, but the Eagles can't win at this point. The longer TO's in the news, the longer he's filing grievances, the more airtime he gets, the worse things are for the Eagles. They will not be able to stop talking about this until TO is off the team.