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Pool drain hose from neighbor (1 Viewer)

If you're free this Friday, I can head out there with my neighbor and we can all work together. Will check your trees too.

Let me know.
Probably too long of a drive for you. I appreciate the thought though.

I will be home though. Got the garage door people coming out.

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Not my property, but if its just a filter clean out hose that has minimal water discharge and it was being done onto a portion of my property that was unused and out of sight, I wouldn't care.   I have a similar situation with a neighbor that dumps leaves on the edge of my 1.5 acre lot that's out of sight.   I could care less.   Not worth the aggravation even if I did care.  
Aside from the property line disagreement.

A while back I told him I was ok with him dumping his leaves back there. I've never cared about his kids leaving their toys, bikes, etc. in my yard. I just saw the hose for the 1st time the other day. Seems presumptuous on his part and I don't know if it's possibly harmful to the property.

Then again maybe it turns out it's really his property anyway. In which case I'm going to be doing some apologizing. 

The fence was put up over 10 years ago by the previous owner of that property. I have no issue with fence. It's inside the property line indicated by the GIS map from the city site.

I'm looking to get a survey done to verify the property line in case the GIS map is wrong. I've been trusting the combination of the location of the fence and how it's shown on the GIS map. If that's wrong then I'm gonna look stupid. I want to minimize the amount of stupid if that's the case. If I'm correct then I want him to stop claiming ownership of part of my property and be accountable for the drainage from the pool.

Bro, there is no ####### way it's code to discharge that water onto a neighbor. Period. Property line or not.  This is practically a death penalty offense in my city.  

Bro, there is no ####### way it's code to discharge that water onto a neighbor. Period. Property line or not.  This is practically a death penalty offense in my city.  
@brun Take my advice up thread.  It will be dealt with correctly, efficiently and effectively.  Hopefully costly to him as well.

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idk where the filter is in relation to the pool and your prop line, cant see that from the overhead, but5 the simple answer is to ask him to move it to the unclaimed lot behind your houses. It seems his back/right prop line has more than enough space to do it and its not that much further away from the pool. The fact that the unclaimed lot is even there should be enough grounds for accommodating you, many of us wouldn't even have that option. 

I have a similar issue, my neighbor has a laundry machine wash overflow drain that empties onto my property. My property use to be his back in the day, it was a wooded lot that he had for 30 years before having to sell it to my contractor b/c of his divorce. After we built the house he told me about it and asked if it was ok to be there, and if so, to just not cover it with anything while we landscaped. Its in an area I have no plans on using and at most is a gallon or 2 of dirty water every few months. So I dont have an issue with it. We are friendly with him overall so no need to make enemies over a pipe thats been there that long and not bothering me. You cant even see it, its in a small rock wall near the front of my yard.. 


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