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Post-Truth Nation (1 Viewer)

FBI identifies man arrested over seizure-inducing tweet to Dallas journalist Kurt Eichenwald

The FBI has arrested a man accused of sending Dallas reporter Kurt Eichenwald a tweet that triggered an epileptic seizure. The agency announced that John Rayne Rivello, 29, of Salisbury, Md., was arrested Friday morning in Maryland on a cyberstalking charge.
Eichenwald, a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and a senior writer at Newsweek, first said in December that a Twitter troll sent him a flashing video with the message, "you deserve a seizure," which triggered an epileptic episode.  

He received the tweet after appearing on Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight, where he and the host argued about each other's biases and Eichenwald's coverage of Donald Trump during the presidential campaign. 

According to a criminal complaint, messages sent from Rivello's Twitter account mentioned Eichenwald, saying "I know he has epilepsy," "I hope this sends him into a seizure" and "let's see if he dies."

Authorities also found an screenshot of Eichenwald's Wikipedia page on Rivello's iCloud account, the criminal complaint said, altered to list his date of death as Dec. 16, 2016. Other files on the iCloud account include a list of things that trigger epileptic seizures and a screenshot of a Dallas Observer article about Eichenwald's attempts to find the person who tweeted at him.


Let's assume that the MSM is heavily slanted towards the left.  My point is that relying on outlets that slant heavily to the right is just as bad.  

If someone out there thinks that Breitbart or Fox is more "truthful" than the so-called MSM then they are no better than the lefties.
I don't see how people trust tv news.  Every outlet is owned by giant squid-tentacled transnational corporations.  Best believe you won't hear an opinion that runs counter to Comcast's preferred narrative slip from Chris Hayes or Maddow's mouth.  Or Bill Orly/Murdoch respectively.  


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