Hey Guys,
Saw this today and thought it was spot on. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/02/opinion/sunday/political-polarization.html . Thanks to @TobiasFunkefor sharing.
I don't want to sound too much like the old man, but I think it's pretty clear the tone for how things are discussed has changed over the last few years.
This article hits on what feels to me like the big difference. Contempt.
It used to be we'd disagree on something and that was that. Disagreement didn't make the other person a "bad person". They just had a different way of looking at something.
Now it seems like we have contempt for the other person if they don't think like we do. Like we think the other person is worthless at best. Or at worst, evil. We seem to have gone from disagreeing with to contempt for the other person. And that's a bad spot to be in.
The good news is you're in charge of how you feel about people who disagree with you. If you find yourself feeling contempt or hatred for "the other side", check yourself. I believe by and large most people have a pretty good reason for feeling like they do.
I met a woman last year and it was pretty clear she had negative feelings about church. I asked her a bit more why she felt that way. She said, "When I was twelve my parents got divorced and they kicked us out of church. At the time of my life when I needed the most support, I got kicked to the curb.". Now I'm sure there is more to the story. But it doesn't matter because that's how she saw it as a twelve year old. Accept that's the reality of her experience and work from there. You'll get nowhere telling her she's just wrong. It's not wrong to her.
In the same way, lots of people feel what they feel for legit reasons. Have empathy and try to understand where they're coming from.
Now it also doesn't mean you have to throw away all your convictions and stand for nothing. This doesn't mean you drop everything and go to a "it's all groovy". It means you can disagree with people and not have contempt for them. Remember, you get to decide how you feel there.
Be the change you want to see.
Saw this today and thought it was spot on. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/02/opinion/sunday/political-polarization.html . Thanks to @TobiasFunkefor sharing.
I don't want to sound too much like the old man, but I think it's pretty clear the tone for how things are discussed has changed over the last few years.
This article hits on what feels to me like the big difference. Contempt.
It used to be we'd disagree on something and that was that. Disagreement didn't make the other person a "bad person". They just had a different way of looking at something.
Now it seems like we have contempt for the other person if they don't think like we do. Like we think the other person is worthless at best. Or at worst, evil. We seem to have gone from disagreeing with to contempt for the other person. And that's a bad spot to be in.
The good news is you're in charge of how you feel about people who disagree with you. If you find yourself feeling contempt or hatred for "the other side", check yourself. I believe by and large most people have a pretty good reason for feeling like they do.
I met a woman last year and it was pretty clear she had negative feelings about church. I asked her a bit more why she felt that way. She said, "When I was twelve my parents got divorced and they kicked us out of church. At the time of my life when I needed the most support, I got kicked to the curb.". Now I'm sure there is more to the story. But it doesn't matter because that's how she saw it as a twelve year old. Accept that's the reality of her experience and work from there. You'll get nowhere telling her she's just wrong. It's not wrong to her.
In the same way, lots of people feel what they feel for legit reasons. Have empathy and try to understand where they're coming from.
Now it also doesn't mean you have to throw away all your convictions and stand for nothing. This doesn't mean you drop everything and go to a "it's all groovy". It means you can disagree with people and not have contempt for them. Remember, you get to decide how you feel there.
Be the change you want to see.